Mileage Trends

avatar for jerikson40
New York

I keep reading where guys here seem to think mileage at clubs nowadays is much higher than it used to be.

I don't get it...

Now, yeah, I'd agree that in the last 5 years, say, mileage has been pretty high in many areas. But I think that's mainly because of local issues, like insufficient funds for enforcement. But generally, IMO, in the last 20 or so years I've seen an intentional effort, almost nationwide, to enact restrictions.

Some examples:

  1. Tampa: Tampa was a mileage capital, and then in the 90's (?) the city enacted a 6 foot law. Which Joe Redner then scoffed at. But the fact remains that the city enacted tough restrictions, which still exist as far as I know, and some clubs seem to ignore to some extent.

  2. NY: I believe that way back when, NY had some super high mileage centers. But now it's pretty much a wasteland. Not being an east coast guy, I don't have specifics, but recall reading about some clubs that were off the hook.

  3. Phoenix: Phoenix also enacted tough legislation, with a 6 foot rule as I recall, sometime in the 90's? And it still exists, but again some clubs seem to be turning a blind eye.

  4. Seattle: As I recall, Seattle was a mileage capital, but tough legislation effectively shut down any mileage there.

  5. Memphis: Sounds like Memphis has recently been going thru a tough crackdown and mileage drought.

  6. Toronto: Same thing for Toronto. I recall it was a high mileage capital, but now it's pretty much dead.

  7. San Francisco: We all probably know of San Francisco's reputation back in the day, but now it sounds like it's pretty dead.

And I'm sure there are others. Now maybe I'm off base on some of this, but it sure seems like there's been at least a concerted effort to curtail all of this mileage around the country. Now whether it's being enforced is a different issue, but at least the intent seems to be there.


last comment
avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago
  1. My Dick: mileage is virtually unlimited with the right stripper. Legislation can't shut this region down. No drought here. I consider this to be the mileage capitol excuse me mileage monument.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Coincidence w.r.t. the OP's comment on “restrictions”.

I moved from the Dallas, TX area ~3 years ago. I have gone back on 3 or 4 occasions and will be there in mid-January for a couple of days.

Due to my upcoming visit, I was reading some of the more recent reviews of some of the clubs I used to visit while I lived in the Dallas area.

Arlington, TX, which is about 30 mins. west of Dallas, was a place I enjoyed visiting and had some decent SCs. Upon looking at some of the recent reviews of Dallas area SCs, I was surprised to see that TUSCL only listed 2 SCs in Arlington, TX; when I know there were way more than that when I lived in the area.

Doing some web researching, I now know why there are only 2 clubs in Arlington, TX. The article below is w.r.t. to a black dive in Arlington named Peep n Tom’s which I used to love visiting – the place used to be wall-to-wall ass (for those that are into that, I sure am) – I don’t think I’ve ever seen more ass per sq ft than I’ve seen there :)

The article mentions the opening of the new Cowboy’s stadium in Arlington, TX in 2010 as a probable reason for the SC closings. I moved from the Dallas area shortly before the opening of the Cowboy’s stadium and had already noticed the changes in the city’s (Arlington) SCs such as forcing the dancers to wear pasties and certain clubs, like the awesome “Fantasy Ranch”, being forced to close.

I think the article is an interesting read:


ARLINGTON -- Peep-N-Toms, one of Arlington's two remaining strip clubs, was set to close permanently at midnight Friday after reaching an agreement with the city.

The Police Department declined to renew the longtime topless club's sexually oriented business permit in April 2011 after the owners provided incomplete and inaccurate information, said Tiffany Bull, the city's police legal adviser.

The club at 2925 E. Abram St. east of Texas 360 was allowed to remain open while its owners, Tazzman Inc., appealed the city's decision in federal court. Before the trial could begin, Tazzman reached an agreement with the city in May to shut down for good, records show.

"It is clear that the city does not want these businesses by their ordinance and the way they enforced it," said Steven Swander, an attorney for Peep-N-Toms and other sexually oriented businesses that have been forced to shut down in Arlington.

The city had 14 strip clubs in 1992, the year it started requiring annual permits and banned the businesses from operating within 1,000 feet of a home, church, school or another sexually oriented business.

More to the article at:

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

Do you need to get it jerikson40?

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Mileage is making a come back here in Seattle.

I also found that extras come looking for you Phoenix. Well at least for me. Apparently txtittyfan has some trouble finding it.

avatar for sclvr5005
12 yrs ago

Intent is worthless without follow up enforcement. Mileage is off the charts in many areas and going strong. A sign of the times, the economy, and weak/nonexistent no-contact enforcement.

avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 yrs ago

The modern lapdance was pretty much invented in San Francisco. As was the topless club, in the 1960s. Today the city is overpriced and not very good.

Seattle was apparently pretty good in the 1960s but has gone downhill.

The city of Detroit was excellent in the 1980s but the clubs have mostly been chased out. The good news is that some of the suburbs like Inkster and Romulus have taken up the slack.

Overall you may be right, but I live in the suburbs of Detroit, and clubbing has never been better for me.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

In general, mileage in areas where it is allowed seems to have gone way up in the last 15 yrs IME.

Although SCs have evolved to where there is more mileage available; it seems that this evolvement/proliferation has led to certain areas being locked down and it seems it can take a while for those areas to come back, if they do at all.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

"Mileage is off the charts in many areas and going strong."

Easy to say, but, like, where? I gave some examples where, I think, it's been curtailed a lot.

Now I agree in LA there's some clubs with crazy mileage. VIP's have been introduced, which can mean some huge mileage.

But to add to my list, looks like Arlington Texas has been shut down, and I know San Diego is pretty much zero mileage, and unless you're a REALLY big spender the high mileage clubs in Vegas are no longer high mileage.

Yeah, Phoenix has some high mileage exceptions.

Oh, and I almost forgot Tucson. Hell, that place used to be excellent mileage, now it's pretty much dead.

I don't know, I'm trying to see where, in general, the mileage has improved, but all I see is examples where it's been shut down.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

I think mileage can be very localized. While the Detroit Metro area has the reputation of having almost-guaranteed off the charts mileage, one doesn't have to travel very far to see that mileage virtually evaporate.

Places such Lansing, Kalamazoo, and Battle Creek are less than 2 hours away. Conventional wisdom might make one believe that higher mileage might eventually bleed into these outlying towns, but hasn't happened. The better girls (along with many customers) have abandoned these towns. With rare exceptions, UHM is only available if you want to dumpster dive.

My point is, there are still plenty of clubs with very limited mileage - even if they are somewhat close to UHM cities.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

From my personal experience, Miami and Houston have significant mileage.

And although I’ve never been, form the many posts it seems like Detroit (or its suburbs) have significant mileage.

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago

Mileage increases or decreases with the economy imo. Also it depends on the local enforcement of stripclub laws and the attitude of the community.

All things being equal, I would say overall, mileage is higher than 10 years ago.

avatar for sclvr5005
12 yrs ago

I have lived in Henderson NV for the last 3 years and generally shun Vegas clubs and instead head to COI or LA for my clubbing. Its worth the drive for the mileage which seems to increase more each year. Vegas mileage is decent at divey clubs if your a regular, but that's not my thing. I've occasionally compared notes with other LA customers both here & on zbone, and they also don't seem to have any problems scoring extras.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

I think it probably comes down to a handful of cities which, even though they have tough laws restricting mileage, turn the other way, and you can find some very high mileage in a FEW clubs in those cities.

Cities like LA/Industry, Detroit, Miami, Houston, Phoenix, and maybe a few others. But if you actually counted the high mileage clubs in those cities, the grand total in the US would be pretty pathetic. Probably less than a half dozen in the LA area, maybe few in Phoenix, and maybe a few in each of the others.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

I'm seeing less mileage than 10 years ago in strip clubs.

I remember one club made an example of any guy's business card that he gave to a dancer. You would end up peeing on his card in the men's room urinal. They had strict rules in that club. Other clubs were not quite as bad.

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

I strongly disagree with your assertion that Toronto is a 'dead' SC town. I know eight different clubs in the suburb cluster around Pearson Int'l where mileage is off any chart devised by the horniest SC hound. Even in central Toronto I know at least two clubs where an aggressive hobbyist will find the ultimate that his horny heart could desire.

I have some experience with Detroit area SCs, a city generally agreed to be a SC high mileage capital. Toronto easily equals Detroit, IME.

About Toronto, you sir, are talking out of your ass.

avatar for steve_ny
12 yrs ago

It really depends on the individual girl. Local laws can have an impact short term but the economic landscape plays a bigger role. I hear NY is low mileage but people seem to find it easy with the daytime girls. Right girl, month behind on her rent, boyfriend late with child support and local restrictions mean nothing.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

"About Toronto, you sir, are talking out of your ass."

Yes, I am.

I could have sworn I read some stuff saying that Toronto was a shadow of its former self mileage-wise. Ten or 20 years ago I recall some super mileage spots, and then I could have sworn that all changed in the last 10 or so years. But I could be all screwed up on that. Or maybe I was thinking Vancouver? But I'm pretty sure it was Toronto.

Am I totally screwed up on that, or did things change drastically in Toronto in the last 10 years?

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

I'm thinking names like Brass Rail, Sundowner, Landing Strip, and clubs in the Niagara Falls area. Maybe that's not Toronto, but I was sure that years ago they were mileage capitals, but there was some sort of crackdown or something???

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

Sundowner is in Niagara Falls and I have no experience of the SC scene in that town.

The suburb cluster around Toronto - Vaughan, Brampton, Mississauga, Rexdale, Pickering - no more high mileage clubs exist anywhere on this continent.

Landing Strip in Rexdale?....only my most spectacular (and expensive) CR episode. Brass Rail downtown?......not a club for intense ITC experiences but very easy to arrange OTC with the club's bevies of beauties. Even so, you can have memorable two-way contact lap dances in the miserably tiny booths at the Brass.

Club Pro, New Locomotion, Cafe Atlantis, Midway Invader, Million Dollar, the late unlamented Cannonball Cabaret...the list goes on and on in Toronto's suburbs.

If a hobbyist were to make the trip up to Toronto on the 401 never forget Nikki's Roadhouse near Woodstock for a sweet foretaste of what you would be soon experiencing in Toronto.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

Okay, Art, you're going to have to speak more clearly. From the sound of it you're saying Toronto isn't dead mileage wise, but then you tell me about all the dead clubs.

Where are all the high mileage clubs in or around Toronto???

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

How much clearer do I have to be? What definition of 'high mileage' are we using in this discussion? Apart from Brass Rail, the clubs that I mentioned could, in another discussion, be called bordellos.

Is that clear enough for you?

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago


When you said "no more high mileage clubs" I thought you meant "no longer any high mileage clubs".

Okay, so basically you're saying the Toronto area is a mileage capital, and there were no crackdowns in recent memory?

Okay, it's erased from my list.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

Okay, to clarify a bit...

I did a quick search, and it appears that the areas around Toronto have very tough restrictions on contact between strippers and customers. Here's an article from October:

But apparently, according to Art, nobody is paying much attention?

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

Maybe, just read the tuscl reviews of Toronto area clubs?

And, remember that prostitution is not illegal in Canada.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

"Maybe, just read the tuscl reviews of Toronto area clubs?

Yeah, right, I'll read every fucking review of every fucking club in the US and Canada to provide input to a fucking thread on TUSCL.

Geezus, dude, are you always such an a-hole??

avatar for SuperDude
12 yrs ago

Detroit went through a long political battle to pass restrictive laws--which are generally not enforced. Smoking and mileage is available in many clubs, because the cops have more important crimes to worry about.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 yrs ago

Seattle went through a dry spell when Rick's, Honey's and other clubs own by the same guys got busted for tax evasion, promoting prostitution, dope dealing, etc. That left Hustler clubs which are almost all low mileage nation wide with few exceptions. There are now some local clubs pushing the limits. Bottom line is that mileage in any area varies. When a club goes to far and gets busted it causes the rest to lay low for a while. NYC got out of hand and were rubbing the cities nose in it and the city pushed back. The city wanted the clubs out of the theater district to bring back the big spending families for Broadway shows. Filling a theater (seating several thousand) full of people at $75 to $150 per seat seven times per week plus satelite spending brings in more money than a dozen strip clubs that seat 100 guys spending $250 each. It was a matter of economics. Many cities simply limit where clubs may locate. Minot ND had two club downtown and the city passed an ordinance forcing them to move since Minot is an oil boom town. When I visited the club during the week both were very busy but closed a few weeks later and have not reopened even though they are allowed to be in industrial areas. Why, I think the owners just cashed out and retired.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

@traveler: Think you meant "Deja Vu" clubs, not "Hustler".

Also you are right that the old Rick's owners were in trouble for tax evasion and prostitution, but I don't think they were mixed up in drugs. Sure some girls in their clubs were into drugs, but that is true of strippers everywhere, in in Deja Vu clubs. What they did do, was get some of the girls who were facing drug charges to work as informants to get their charges lessend or dropped in exchange for good information to use against the owners.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

I know where to find what I want and don't care about the underlying reasons. With your attitude jerikson40 I'll bet you get LOTS of help. Geez!!!

avatar for jack0505
12 yrs ago

Most mileage I've ever seen is Providence, Rhode Island.

avatar for jestrite50
12 yrs ago

Mileage is up where the economy is down. We are seeing a lot of $20 BBBJCIM girls walking the streets here and and more girls are giving extras in clubs to get the guys to spend the money. Attendance is down at many clubs so a girl has gotta do what she has to do. Just make sure you dont overpay these sluts and raise the bar for all of us.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

"Most mileage I've ever seen is Providence, Rhode Island."

I suspect that may say more about you than it does about Providence, Rhode Island.

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