

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 12:37 AM
what things will cause you to leave club after just a short visit? 1--to damn cold 2--music to damn loud 3--to much damn smoke 4--over crowding/ no place to sit 5--fat/ugly dancers


  • HottieHeidi
    13 years ago
    it's too no to
  • HottieHeidi
    13 years ago
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    6- out of money 7- shot your load 8- last call
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    5--fat/ugly dancers
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    9-not enough dancers 10-no one dancing on stage
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    11-the girl is meeting me around the corner
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Of your choices, #5. From others, #6 and #9.
  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago
    12-Family member or friend of my SO in the club
  • rell
    13 years ago
    ROBs in the club bartender is hassling you for another drink halfway through your 1st one spare change dancers (5's and below)
  • marhenhuh
    13 years ago
    13. Spotting one of my present or former students across the room. Which isn't as bad as ... 14. Spotting one of my present or former students on stage.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    15 Members of your congregation in the crowd.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Geez, Doc. I'd like to see the pastor of my congregation in the crowd getting table dances. LOL Other than that, #5, 6, 7 and/or 9
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    #5 fat/ugly dancers is my top reason. I can put up with the rest long enough to give the club a chance.
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    2--music too damn loud 5--fat/ugly dancers (especially if they are slapping their asses)
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    primarily #5 ulgy dancers, and #9 not enough dancers. #2 loud music can also do me in. marhenhuh, as for #14, that's happend to me once. Once we go over the didn't expect to see you here moment, everything was cool. (Too bad she didn't last long at the club.) However, I'm sure the varies on a case by case basis.
    13 years ago
    One of the club's dancers acknowledges it's bad and recommends a better club a short ride away.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    # 16 Crowd type changes towards overt, nasty druggie side
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I haven't seen overbearing/thuggish bouncers here yet. Until he got fired, I used to purposely avoid one of my favorite clubs on certain weekend nights because the dang bouncer made entering the club (rude greeting/frisking) and otherwise enjoying myself with the dancers (roughly telling the dancer to cut such-and-such behaviors out) so difficult. And I'm quite the regular who is discrete, generous, and very tame looking. I understand a zero-tolerance policy, but bouncers don't need the intimidation factor unless specifically called upon by negative customers/circumstances.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    I HATE HATE HATE smoke, but unless it was really bad, it wouldn't make me leave the club. Honestly, the only thing that has made me leave the club early, is very few dancers or one's that just weren't attractive to me at all. I can tolerate everything else.
  • nj_pete
    13 years ago
    When a fight breaks out. or Uncle LEO shows up.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Would I be accused of being shallow if I said "no dick sucking going on?"
  • scatterbrain
    13 years ago
    * Can't shake the fugly dancer that won't leave you alone * Need to catch a flight * Reached my budgetary limit Just a few of mine...
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    yes, smoking is also a big negative
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    This list is pretty comprehensive. However I have one to add: When celebrities are hogging all the dancers! - Football players, musicians, and TV personalities have made me have 5-6 boring nights. Just sitting there waiting for the dancers with a wad of cash in my pocket, sucks. Especially when the celebs are not spending money! This has happened to me in Atlanta (former Gold Club), in Las Vegas (that one next door to the Hard Rock Hotel), some club in Orlando whose name I forgot, and locally at The Excalibur/X Bar.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    not enough dancers, or not getting approached will have me out the door to find better hunting grounds ASAP.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    georgemicrodong - yes you would be considered shallow; but then again, most of us are.
  • bhunter5252
    13 years ago
    #2, #3, #4, #5, and of course a bar full of thugs
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    Funny, a bar full of thugs makes me take off early, too. Small world!
  • PantyClub
    13 years ago
    #17 and my favorite - quick hookup!!!
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    #5, #6 and #7. Not a fan of smoke either, but fortunately in my area, smoking is not allowed.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    #19 Got to take a dump, but the bathroom has no stall...or toilet paper.
  • Trevor32
    13 years ago
    I once left because of a large group of "woo woo boys" who wouldn't shut the hell up. Normally I would probably stay, but there was another club just up the street.
  • Chanel
    13 years ago
    What about #20: Your wife or SO comes into the club? This happened while I was sitting with a customer once. He was using the sympathy route in attempting to persude me to date him and had told me his wife had passed away. He was so heartbroken about it. She then comes into the club and stood about ten feet away from us just looking at him. He says "My best friend is here and you should probably get up". She was actually pretty civilized about it-they talked for awile and then got up and left together. He had been a club regular until that day and we never saw him again.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Your wife comes into the club? " A have a recurring nightmare concerning just that, lol.
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