Fights In SCs

avatar for farmerart
A story I told yesterday in another thread prompts this topic. One night in an Alberta club I sucker-punched an asshole for disgusting, gross behaviour he directed towards a dancer. I was willing to pursue matters but bouncers rushed forward and ejected me from the club even though the dancer spoke up for me. I waited outside the club for a few minutes but the chickenshit turtled. I will admit to having a bunch of 'beer courage' that night but I was a bit of a scrapper in my younger days and I live in the belief that I can still take care of myself. Probably just as well that I was not tested that night.

Any of you other older guys ever do something this silly?


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avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
The only fights that I have seen in a strip club were cat fights. They usually do not last long and both participants were sent home.

As for me, I am a lover. Not a fighter.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
i haven't seen any actual fights in a strip club. now, there have been two instances where i've seen two guys (that were both drunk) push each other and a fight ALMOST broke out. but in both instances, the bouncers always got there in a hurry and broke it up before it turned into anything bad.

avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I can only recall one time I was involved in a bar (not SC) scuffle. The other party refused to take it outside. He stated, "You'll shoot me in the back on the way out." My response, "If I ever shoot you, you'll see the bullet coming." Having others know you carry can often times prevent altercations and such. In my local travels, when I help break up a fight or confrontation (infrequently), most all parties know I am armed and tend to listen, even through beer saturated ear drums.
avatar for overnights
13 years ago
Farmerart, I had a similar situation just this past Friday night in a club that normally has fairly quiet and well-behaved patrons. A couple of young bucks from out of town (I'm guessing) were at the bar trying to start a pissing match with some of us older guys plus being rude to the dancers we were talking to. I ignored them for the most part and so did the dancers and other customers, even though they were trying to make a move on several of the ladies. After about 1/2 hour of this, I went to use the restroom and both of them followed me in there calling me "grandpa" and let's just say making reference to the fact I have a few extra pounds on me :|. I can still handle myself pretty well for an old guy, but knew that if I did anything to them we would all get kicked out of the club and possibly thrown into jail. I have a pretty good relationship with the bouncers, so I made my way back onto the main floor and discretely told the head bouncer what I had experienced in the restroom. He said that they had already been keeping their eyes on those guys and were looking for a reason to get rid of them. The head bouncer walked over to them and before he could politely give them notice to cool it, one guy took a swing at him. Bad mistake on the customers part...this bouncer is the type that lives at the gym and is built like an NFL linebacker. The #2 bouncer was over there in about 2 seconds and he is even bigger than his boss :). Those boys didn't go down quietly and were escorted outside by literally being picked up by their shirt collars and belts. Apparently the fight continued in the parking lot and the cops ended up being called. Afterwards I spoke with the head bouncer again and he had a grin on his face. He was none the worse for wear and said the his co-worker and he enjoyed the "workout" since it is normally so quiet in that club. Moral of the story I guess is even though you might be tempted to take a swing at guys who are acting like jackasses, let them dig their own hole and leave the fighting to the professionals.
avatar for Prim0
13 years ago
I'm a big guy and I can handle myself if needed. What always holds me back is the thought of the possible repercussions. I don't want to go to jail for having kicked the shit out of someone who deserved it. I don't want to get cut or shot by some pinhead with no sense of honor. And at this point in my life, I don't want my wife to find out I was at a have no idea the beating I'd have to take from her! LOL

When I was a bouncer we were always instructed to get the belligerents outside as a first priority. Management didn't want any trouble in the club. In my year of bouncing, we never had a fight in the club and only one episode of chest pounding outside of it.
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
art, what you did was commendable for the circumstances, but may have not been wise. The approach of overnights is probably the better way to go.

In a bar one night I watched as an overbearing young guy muscled into a spot at the bar and then continued to try and provoke the guy on his left. Kept mouthing off and getting under his skin. The other guy was far less drunk and trying to play it cool and ignore the jerk. But the young guy kept at it and got the older guy to agree to go outside. I thought to myself: Good, the mouthy guy is going to get his ass kicked and then he will stop doing that type of crap. And the older, quiet guys are usually the ones to look out for since they can clean your clock only when they have to. A couple minutes later the young guy came back in, hair mussed up and shirt ripped, and sat down proudly at the bar. The older guy never reappeared. So it didn't go according to script. And sometimes the assholes win.

I rarely think getting involved in a bar fight is a good idea, and even when I do think I'd probably be victorious, I think about all of the bad things that might happen: the guy pulls out a knife or gun, the guy returns with his three buddies, I get followed home or run off the road. Not worth it. Cue the bouncers.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Never have personally witnessed two other individuals fighting. And my last & only fight occurred in the 3rd Grade.

"Having others know you carry can often times prevent altercations and such"

I personally believe that carrying a weapon like you do WILL one day result in you or someone else DEAD. I DON'T wish either event to occur to me.

avatar for SharkyRick
13 years ago
@Overnights - With age comes wisdom.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
In general, I prefer no alcohol, nude clubs. But one New Year's Eve I made the mistake of going to a hole-in-the wall strip club. I clearly saw how the altercation started. Two females (not dancers) started arguing and then their boyfriends jumped in. Sorry to say, race may have been an issue bacause things got scary when other customers in the club stated to choose up sides and get involved. I made a quick exit for the door when I saw one guy pick up a chair and started swinging it around. I don't need that shit.
avatar for GSWx4
13 years ago
“I don't have to speak, she defends me, a drunkard's dream if I ever did see” - GD

When leaving the club with my sweetheart one night another stripper insulted me as we walked by. My sweetheart turned around, walked up to her and cold-cocked her knocking her off her stripper shoes. I asked why she hit her. She said the other dancer had never been in a fight before and now she had. Never saw the loser again.
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
I've never seen one, but I nearly got into it once with a bouncer (he wisely thought otherwise), and on two other occasions, I've had staring contests with gorilla sized enforcers that some pain in the ass, mouse sized, drug dealer had brought with them.

I just don't think that a stripper is worth fighting over, but on the three situations above, I knowed I could've wiped the floor with those assholes.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
I saw a DJ fight with a customer once. And a stripper fight with a customer who turned out to be her husband for getting "dances" (probably more?) from another girl.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
For whatever reason strip clubs are usually pretty calm places. One exception was a rail experience I had one time. The guy next to me took his tongue up the dancer's bod when she came close to give him two boobies in the face. Fortunately I saw it, and saw the saliva slick glisten in the stage lighting as she backed away. Then she came to deliver me two boobies and I waved her off. She knew then I had seen what had happened and that the other guy was costing her tips. Had I in fact received the other guy's residue I might well have been tempted to register my displeasure with him. Hope the dancer noted for the future she should go off on a guy that does that.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Full moons seem to encourage fights. I've never been close to one and usually preoccupied and miss seeing the good part only to catch the bouncers escorting them.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Haven't yet been involved I a fight in a strip club. Short of dire circumstances in which my life, safety or property is in danger, there's very little worth fighting for, and much to lose, in a strip club.
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
Hi Farmerart: Never had a fight in any sort of bar - have elsewhere. I figure it would work like the NFL where it's the guy who shoves BACK who gets caught. Plus if things get really ugly and someone gets hurt - then there are cops and lawyers and a whole bunch of bills that make for an expensive knuckle dance with no mileage.I don't pack as the chances are good I'd blow my foot off. Have had young bucks try to push my buttons and this is why I talk to the bouncers for a while as I come in the place and I also tip them at the end of the conversation. Afterall, A-H customers are really their problem - not mine.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
Exactly what gmd said. In my younger years I had my share of bar fights, but never in a SC. I came close once about 5 years ago, but thoughts of losing my career and marriage were enough to punch through the haze and send me walking out the door.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
when i worked in sc's in Atlanta. I've had to break up some fights between patrons. But mostly cat fights between the strippers. You want to talk about carnage. Some fights between srtippers get very bloody
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
I been in zero fights my entire life. I just find name calling to dancer and customers tasteless and rude. My ATF told me a story that she choked a customer for calling her names. Granted the club I love really doesn't get roudy and she's a calm girl. So something really bad the person said pissed her off. I'm 22 years old, I'm the only few that wont act like a douche bag. A dancer told me that I was the nicest guy she seen in the club. I took that I face valu, only draw back of being young in a new club is. Getting over looked at, wanna dance and dancer trying to take advantage of me it even happeneds to the new girls working at my favorite club
avatar for Shamrock211
13 years ago
Damn, I've seen a lot of fights over the years, and unfortunately been forced to get involved in most of them as I usually am only at a club if I'm working there.

Fights in SC's are pretty rare thankfully. Its usually a saturday night, and its usually a bachelor party. At the old club I worked at we went full tilt with a dozen or so guys in a bachelor party. 7 on 12 aren't great odds but we managed to hold our own until the cops arrived. I was doind pretty well just containing things until this little asshole popped around a van and punched me in the head. I have no idea what he was thinking and it didn't turn out well for him.

The most aggravating thing is it inevitably ruins my shirt, and that really makes me mad. Damn things ain't cheap...

Luckily I'm a big boy with a very thick Celtic skull and it takes a lot to really make me snap, otherwise I'd be dead or in jail right now.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
No fights for me at the SC. I've had arguments in other situations and a shove once. I have never been to jail and don't want to start now. I'm pretty sure I would be in good shape if I had to throw down, but what good would it do?

Clubber, I'm with Alucard, nowadays, packing heat doesn't guarantee to calm down a bad situation. There are too many whack jobs who think their manhood has been dissed and feel the need to rectify the situation by popping a cap in someones ass and have no problem being in a gun fight. Just be careful, we would hate to not have your witty repartee grace future posts :-)
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Carrying concealed does not guarantee anything other than in a self defense situation, I have an option. I also said others knowing I carry. I have never even thought of having my gun out other than in my own home. With "carry" comes a very heavy dose of responsibility.

To each there own, but what others think, believe, wish, whatever, does not affect my rights, and rarely influence my beliefs.
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
Clubber - just to make sure I was clear - I really do think that were I to pack at the bar/ SC, I could blow my foot off. I am not taking a swioe at you. If you can handle it (sounds like you can) more power to you. I leave mine at home.
avatar for dudeanonymous
13 years ago
Haven't been in a fight since grade school, and most of those were more wrestling match than "fight". Did see a bouncer lay out a mouthy, obnoxious patron waving a pool cue. One punch and the guy was on the floor with a broken nose in a pool of blood.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

In Florida, I have heard conflicting reports about carry in a bar. I have been told that if food is sold and you do not sit at the bar, no problem, but sitting at the bar is a no-no. Not sure why the distinction, and one reason I think that this assessment is incorrect. I have also been told you can not carry into a bar at all.

I wrote the Agriculture Commissioner (why they regulated carry permits, no idea) and was referred to the AG. From him, no response. Guess I just have to do as I do and hope for the best if I get found out in the wrong place.
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
Since I carry brass knucks and a 9 mm a lot of the time I try to avoid fights bc I don't want to shoot or punch out some guy for sport and end up with jail time.

In Houston there are a lot of illegals who carry knives, they will gut you like a fish. Better stay from them.

SC fights not for me. But try to follow me outside and mess with me then your dead.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I have no issues with you carrying clubber, just don't want anyone taking potshots at ya. lol. You are right about a heavy does of responsibility coming with carrying a weapon. Unfortunately, most people don't have your sense of responsibility.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Actually, to the contrary, most people DO have the sense of responsibility as bared out by statistics. That said, we are talking LEGAL carry, not the thugs, criminals, etc.

Also, I have been shot and it wasn't fun. Many many years ago, a couple of days after I graduated HS. Friends and I horsing around with guns. Not wise! But as a plus, I am quite sure that kept me out of Viet Nam, being pre-shot and all. :)
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
@Clubber, one is braver when getting shot is an ideal, not a reality!
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Perhaps, but not as bad as other injuries I've collected in my years.
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