
Comments by Stiletto25 (page 28)

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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Mileage in Alcohol vs. Non-Alcohol Clubs
    I agree with you club_goer
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    13 years ago
    Woman accused of slaying with stiletto heel
    Well... he pissed me off :)
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    13 years ago
    Friends with benefits?
    @vincemichaels- I have a typical female issue. I'm afraid if you see me naked, my words won't mean anything anymore. That's one of the reasons I haven't put up the boob pics. Although as time goes on I'm reevaluating my position.
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    13 years ago
    Friends with benefits?
    @club_goer- Thanks! @clubber- Thanks to you also. I've worked hard to stay level headed. The pull to the other side, though, is strong.
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    13 years ago
    Friends with benefits?
    If you have ever paid this girl for any services, assume she wants money OTC. While this isn't always the case, its the safe bet. For the record, once you've paid a dancer for anything, its going to be hard for her to let the money go. I had a customer who really had a crush on me about two years ago. He bought dances once a week. He let me know he wanted to see me OTC and for free. Not for sex, but he wanted to take me on a real date. He wanted me to be his girlfriend. Even though I could see myself liking this guy, and always did, I liked his money more. He had already established himself as a paying customer and I couldn't dissociate him from that.
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    13 years ago
    More Stripper Confusion (Or "Does She Really Like Me?," Part MCMX!!)
    What exactly are you asking? Do you like her? Do you want a relationship with her? Do you just want to have sex for free? Do you want her to leave you alone? Do you think she's going to cut off your skin and wear it to her birthday? What do you want from her?
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    13 years ago
    @ shadowcat- Lol
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    13 years ago
    I agree with georgmicrodong on the pain comment. Also if you are working at a club that doesn't allow large tattoos, they're easy to cover up with a whole lot of practice. There's a few brands you can order online and just airbrush them away. You'd never know someone had them.
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    13 years ago
    New York
    Stripper Shoes in Public
    Yes 60 pairs. Remember these are stripper shoes. They aren't put together great. The straps break, you gotta buy new ones. They start to stink (it doesn't take long), you gotta buy new ones. The tacky stuff on the bottoms that keep you from falling on stage starts to peel off, you gotta buy new ones. Most clubs require the girls to wear stripper shoes. Dont even think of auditioning for a club like the Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas with less than a 6.5 inch heel. It's not that bad. When they are broken in, they can be quite comfortable. Pleasers and Elle have cushion material so its not that bad. Also remember, they are a tax write off since they're used for work. A little story- A couple years ago I worked at a club where a girl had a bad spill on stage. The stage was a good 4 ft above the floor. I swear this girl was drunk. She was doing some kind of weird chicken dance on stage (i swear this happened). Customers were leaving the front row. She was moving way too fast on stage. She took a bad step, put her arms out to catch her balance but, of course, didn't grab anything. This girl fell off stage and out the emergency exit door that was on the side of the stage. She was laying flat on her face on the pavement.
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    13 years ago
    New York
    Stripper Shoes in Public
    They are expensive. Cheap ones run about 39.99-49.99. Bedazzled 8-inchers can run 89.99. Not that this is a fascinating fact but the higher the platform, the more comfortable. I've been through at least 60 pairs and that's my finding.
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    13 years ago
    BAD Asses!?
    Thanks again to people who responded to my post. Thanks to Alucard for creating a great thread.
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    13 years ago
    BAD Asses!?
    I'm glad everyone liked my post. I appreciate the response. @Steve229- Only a hug? I'm kidding
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    13 years ago
    BAD Asses!?
    I just got a nice pm from someone on this subject. I answered his question and I told him that my answer was too complex for this discussion board but I feel like I should say it anyway. Dancing is a lonely profession. You sleep when everyone's awake and work when everyone's asleep. People are judgemental and harsh in the outside world so you lie about what you do. You are isolated.You meet awesome, successful guys but guess what? You don't want relationships with them. You don't want to, as a dancer, be accountable to someone. An accomplished guy doesn't want to take a stripper home to mom and dad. He will eventually want you out of that lifestyle before you're ready. So guess what you do, being a lonely dancer who doesn't want to change? You go for a loser. A warm body. You know he'll be home waiting for you after work. You know he'll answer that cell phone you bought him if he's not. why? Cuz his pathetic ass wants your money. I don't condone this but I see it all the time. And the #1 reason...Loneliness Why wouldn't a dancer want to quit? She found an awesome guy who wants to take care of her? Answer..addiction I don't smoke or do drugs. I don't drink. But I can't stay out of a stripclub for very long. I'm addicted. There was a club in Seattle, Ricks, that was shut down. I used to work there. I, to this day, can still smell what Ricks smelled like walking in the front door. It elevates my blood pressure. I have a physical reaction when I think of this smell, even four years later. It's addicting. I am good at my job. I mean, really good. The money is addicting. I remember the first time I took home $2000 on a shift in Seattle. I remember driving home on the 405 screaming "Holy shit" and laughing. I remember getting my first place and my car. After my housewarming party, most of my friends never spoke to me again. They couldn't fathom what I was acquiring from stripping. It was literally too close for comfort. So here I am: pretty, smart, talented, and on Tuscl at 2am, curing the loneliness and keeping all potential loser boyfriends away.
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    13 years ago
    BAD Asses!?
    I would think women, in general, that find themselves with losers,have self esteem issues. When I was in high school I dated jerks. When I was in college, I had my fair share of men that probably weren't headed anywhere in life. Strangely, since I've become a dancer, I've dated nothing but nice young men with good jobs. If you're a happy attractive women with high self esteem, dancer or not, you can usually attract winners. A lot of dancers just don't set high enough standards.....or they're fu**ing crazy and no normal guy will touch them.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    I find this annoying ... Do you?
    I've got to be honest, I had no idea that this kind of stuff happened.
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    13 years ago
    Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
    @tcvegas- thanks! @hesiod- I know a little of kemmore but my home base is farther south. You feel bad not responding because you're a good guy and in "the real world" it would be rude not to respond. If you are a guy and there is a pretty girl texting you and you enjoy her company, it would be rude. It would put her off to not get a response from you. But luckily, depending on how you want this to go, youre dealing with a dancer/customer relationship. You're not going to hurt her feelings.
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    13 years ago
    Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
    Hesiod, we're in the same neck of the woods. Dancers are primarily interested in your money, yes, even if we may seem impressed by your dick (and maybe we really are). It's just our job and some of us enjoy it. If I'm reading your post correctly, it seems like you're overthinking. When you see her next, there is no need to explain yourself unless it would make you feel better. One dance is better than none. If she asks why you're not spending more, just say "i can't afford any more but ill be back when I have more money". She's a dancer. She gets this all the time, trust me. As for texting and calling, I will dissect this for you. If you give her your number , she figures you gave it to her so she can get In touch with you when she would like to see you. You come in on your schedule, then when she's having a slow night or week, she calls you for back up. You are not required to respond to her calls, she's not your wife. If you want to, then fine, if not, blow her off. It's not like she's going to hold it against you. She knows you have a life outside of her AND she figures you know the game. You could ignore this girl for a year and the next time you come in telling her you want a bunch of dances, she'll smile and give you what you want because you have money. That's what she wanted all along. This isn't as bad as it sounds. It's just the nature of the business. If you enjoy her services then keep buying as you can afford it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Money guide to strip club going
    Eye contact is the number one way to get attention. It's above money IMO. At some of the clubs I work at, money is flying on every girl. Eye contact, though, says "uh hello,please come over"
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    otc with a waitress
    For f's sake, player11, is there anyone you haven't screwed? :)
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Disabled vet and service dog denied entry to strip club,
    Boy this is going to sound strange on this website but here goes... Being a professional dog trainer on my off time from the club scene, I teach at an area agility and obedience center. I have won numerous titles in North America believe it or not. I have worked with service dogs for the blind also. Service dogs are trained to withstand high levels of noise and commotion. They are trained to be in any situation with their person. While dogs have a keen sense I'd hearing, commotion and bass from speakers are not going to do any damage for a couple of hours. If they were in a room with a nonstop high pitched sound similar to a whistle but much much higher for an extended period of time, I would think that might start to bother them. As for PETA, don't let them fool you. They dish out some of the worst animal abuse around. They are notorious for killing dogs and cats that are handed over to their care. A simple Google search will give documented incidents. It was a big fiasco not that long ago.
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    13 years ago
    Mileage from mileage
    I think it sounds like a good deal runrdude. I was recruited to college for track and field and I love runners. For the record, to comment on clubber, I wouldnt like enhancements for myself but they can look good on some women if done well. I don't think a lot of girls realize that they require upkeep. You have to get them redone every five years or so because they change, for the worse usually.
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    13 years ago
    Business meetings at stripclubs, traveling HELP!
    You should try Hunkmania. :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many kids do they have?
    I know a lot who have 4-6 kids and no signs of it on their bodies at all.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Trophy Collecting
    I have a few customers that ask for my g string after I'm done dancing. I give it to them, they give me a 20 for the g string and I go put on a clean one from my bag.