Mileage from mileage
As you can probably figure, I am an avid runner. Somewhat immodestly, I am pretty good. I am competitive on a regional level (in my age group), not so much nationally. Of course in the small talk at the club, my running usually comes up. Most of the time, this is somewhat of a foreign concept to the dancers, but not always. Recently, one girl was quite excited and wanted to talk running and racing the whole time (well, not quite the whole time ;). The second time I saw her, she proposed that I help her with advice to train for a destination race I had mentioned that I was going to. Her plan is to compensate me for my expertise with companionship at the resort town where the race will be. I will be there for four days, three of them after the race. Her proposal is that she travel separately at her own expense, but stay with me during this trip. This seems like a win-win for me, or perhaps a win-win-win-win depending on how the race goes. This may or may not work out as it is several months in the future and I was not expecting any of this. Have any of you guys gotten unexpected dividends from your work or hobbies (well, hobbies other than visiting strip clubs)?
A dancer, "N", that vm and I know runs marathons and other distance races in South Florida. The last she told me about, a 5K I think, she said she was like 18th. THAT impressed me!
To me, her enhancements are a deal breaker. Not very good work, IMHO. The rest of her is very nice. vm, your thoughts?
I was recruited to college for track and field and I love runners.
For the record, to comment on clubber, I wouldnt like enhancements for myself but they can look good on some women if done well. I don't think a lot of girls realize that they require upkeep. You have to get them redone every five years or so because they change, for the worse usually.
Turns out we belonged to the same gym
It has a heavy bag and speed bag, but no ring.I taught her how to use both as well as shadow box
It was fun and she "paid" me in LD's.All the pain and exhaustion I endured over the years finally paid off. :)