
Comments by Ghosty (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Worst Stripper Name
    "My name is Roxy. Like Roxy Music." Me: Cool. You like that group? Very retro of you. Her: It's a group? I thought it was a type of music. I wasn't really sure what type, though... Me: Yeah...it was a group, not a type of music. You know, Bryan Ferry...Love is the Drug...More Than This... Her: [Blank stare.] Me: You should google it. You might like it. Her: I'll do that! ...so...you wanna dance...?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    are we more addicted to our cell phones then the girls in the strip clubs?
    I ignore hot girls so I can text other hot girls, "WTF? I thought you said you were working this shift!"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Putting TUSCL Knowledge To Use
    Heh. I know it's not her "real" name, but in some cases girls can get in trouble for OTC activities and you wouldn't want to cause her any problems. That's a pretty unusual dancer name.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Putting TUSCL Knowledge To Use
    Come on over to Providence baby! (And you probably shouldn't use the dancer's name in your post, assuming it was real.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    "You're Wasting Too Much Money in the Club"
    No, not at all. I got this from a dancer who was friendly to me in the club, knew I spent money but didn't have a lot and we've remained friends now that she's not dancing. She'd get pissed watching some of the girls getting drinks from me and told me she hates to watch some of "those bitches" taking advantage of you [me]. She'd insist on paying for her own drinks when we sat together until I insisted back that for HER it was fine and, for instance, I might tell her, "Look, I'm not getting any dances tonight so if I all I end up doing is buying a couple drinks it'll be a cheap night for me relatively speaking." Not EVERYTHING in the club is a manipulation game, not any more than real life anyway, it's just that it so often is you're best off assuming so until proven otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Addicted to TUSCL
    First came here for the reviews through Google when I first re-discovered the "hobby" not too too long ago. That's how I discovered what is now my regular club. I've enjoyed reading and gotten a lot out of the discussions though I mostly lurk. I'd love to tell a few stories but since I've told some around the club a few times I'm afraid I'd out my identity. Not a huge deal probably, but still...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Seriously Outspent
    I am routinely outspent in the club I go to. I do spend money, though I tend to shepherd it to spread it out over multiple visits as I show up fairly often -- at least once or twice a week on average. It doesn't bother me since my stays are an average about about 6 hours a pop (I drive a long way and this club is set up to cater to those who wish to hang out and relax for long visits), and I know at some point I'll usually have a chance to have at least a few minutes chat or maybe a drink with one of my ITC "friends." I spend (drinks, fairly regular CR visits), but no way am I going to drop four or five hundred+ to have one of the more popular girls stay exclusively with me for a couple hours. If they do, it's during those "between times" or during the slower hours, or when they're trying to avoid someone, or not into being there that night or whatever... There's something to be said for being pleasant company in certain clubs. I was hopping into a CR for fifteen minutes one night with one of the more popular girls before she went off with her usual whale and while we were at the bar getting a couple drinks to take with us, the whale bought us both the booze. Awkward...but I thanked him for it and got his girl warmed up for him. She spent the fifteen minutes telling me how she'd rather spend the evening with me..SS, but OK. So I do fairly well nipping around the edges, and it kinda works out cause I can spend a few minutes with a number of girls until I settle on the one I want to go farther with without any refusal drama.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    so why the ignore button ?
    That's the trouble with the world today, people don't recognize each other. The Christians don't recognize the Jews cause the Jews don't recognize Jesus, the Muslims don't recognize the Christians cause the Christians don't recognize Muhammad...and the evangelicals don't recognize each other inside the strip club. Badoomboom (sorry, lit at the club now!)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What is your zone of expertise?
    Providence, mostly.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tell your S/O that you have to go buy lottery tickets.
    Aw c'mon Maddog, there have been some cuties working at Fantasies. And if you've got enough money you can pretty much have them all to yourself these days...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Never ask an important question you don't already know the answer to.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Taking a strip club virgin to a club for the first time
    If I were taking a friend to a club for the first time, or for the first time in a long time for them, I would feel fully responsible as a host and want to make sure they had as good a time as possible. That means availing them if all the hard-earned knowledge that has come to me -- expectations, prices, things to look out for, ROB tactics...the works. Think of all the time and MONEY you have spent earning your stripes and finding your...rhythm...for lack of a better term. Only fair to act the mentor to maximize what may be a friend's only trip. Of course they have to have their own experiences to learn, and let's face it, even those of us with our strip club black belts still fuck up from time to time, but I'd do what I could to maximize the experience for someone. Give them the briefing, set em loose, then dit back and let them know you're there for advice as needed. Oh, and I'd probably opt for a lower-key "gentlemans club" experience. Remember that the atmosphere in a club can be quite jarring the first few times for someone not used to it. A couple of the more "aggressive" places in Providence (where I party) could leave a guy scarred for life.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    So why the change?
    Love the site. Longtime lurker, several time reviewer (till I decided to just pony up for a membership). Suggestion if I may: RSS feed for comments and club reviews. You can put ads in the feeds so no lost revenue for lost page views. I think that would be a very useful feature. If you had that and individual club comment boards (one thing SCL has that this place doesn't) you'd be blowing the hated SCL away. The new format works very well on my iPhone. Thank you and congrats.
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    Desire is a relatively small club...
    This review hits it well, though nude dance in private booth was always $45 it may have changed since the last time I did one of those.
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    The number one thing that distinguishes...
    [continued]...through it, then for every $100 you add on to your account, you are credit $125 (basically a free steak), just like the drink cards. An excellent value.
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    The number one thing that distinguishes...
    Good, accurate review. I would mention the first time you join Lust, only something like $260 of the $300 is credited back to you for food and drink, but after the first quarter and going forward, the entire $300 is yours to spend again, and if you go thr
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    My first venture down to an...
    Guy gives good description and info for proper pricing.