
Addicted to TUSCL

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Thursday, February 9, 2012 2:24 PM
I have been a TUSCL member for a little less than a month and have been SC(ing) consistently for about 12 years. Ever since I joined TUSCL about a month ago, I can't put the darn thing down (you might be thinking – dude you gotta get a life – but hey let me tell you something before you judge me dam it – yeah I do!). Part of it is that I love SCs so much so it's a real treat to discuss with other likeminded folks. But I think my favorite part of discussing on TUSCL is the very well written, insightful, very funny (often just outright hilarious – some of the comments just make me LOL like I haven't in years) discussion threads that are posted. I was kind of surprised of how thoughtful and insightful many of the discussion threads are. It feels like I have learned more about SCs in the last month than in the last 12 years of clubbing! Keep up the good work fellas (and the few ladies)!!!


  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Papi I concur 18,000,000 times ! I may be the biggest addict of them all ! Lol
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    I usually check TUSCL 2 to 3 times a day, not unless if I'm busy on my shift. TUSCL has helped me out a shit load. If it wasn't for TUSCL I would of really been a pathetic loser. I tend to check out the pink site for laugh and the girls thinking process of customers.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Tabb ya I pink it ujp 2 and I thank a lot of other tuscl members do to lol but its still nothin comparied to this site ! I spend not joking prob 12 hours a day on this site reading and posting
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I joined for the reviews. Then started on the discussion board. Used to only check it once or twice a day. Now I have a damn iPhone and can't keep from checking it. Booze, gambling, food, TUSCL, strip clubs.....damn I seem to be developing an addictive personality.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @motorhead "Booze, gambling, food, TUSCL, strip clubs.....damn I seem to be developing an addictive personality" Isn't that the life of a rocker?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    "We admitted we were powerless over our addiction [strip clubbing] - that our lives had become unmanageable". TUSCL is Step 1.
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    The only reason I go to pink site is to get some laughs, a bit of knowledge and WTF. I just finish reading a review where a dancer posted that her regular is willing to pay her per month not to work stripping. Some girls are reasonable saying nothing less the 3000 dollars a month or what ever she makes on a good month. The other girls are saying try 10 to 15 grand a month on said 20 grand. I was like really!?!?! I remember one girl quit dancing and went over to web can because she didn't make her 7500$ monthly income the past 4 months and she wanted to giver her son and boyfriend a good Christmas.
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    The only reason I go to pink site is to get some laughs, a bit of knowledge and WTF. I just finish reading a review where a dancer posted that her regular is willing to pay her per month not to work stripping. Some girls are reasonable saying nothing less the 3000 dollars a month or what ever she makes on a good month. The other girls are saying try 10 to 15 grand a month on said 20 grand. I was like really!?!?! I remember one girl quit dancing and went over to web can because she didn't make her 7500$ monthly income the past 4 months and she wanted to giver her son and boyfriend a good Christmas.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    The attraction for me is that there is nowhere else that I can talk openly about what I do.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I don't really have any other place to talk openly either. All other sites I visit are heavily moderated.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    I'm with shadow on this one
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    I check TUSCL like three to four times a day.
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I love it! The reviews alone have saved me the membership cost many times over. And my hobby is not something I can really discuss much with my normal friends. Not that you guys aren't normal. Well, you know what I mean. But I'm not to the point where I'll go on tuscl instead of going to the club.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Consider life without TUSCL. Ugh!
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I was lucky before I found tuscl. I didn't visit any club I didn't feel safe in. After asking a bouncer in one club if that was a strip club around the corner from the one I was in, he said you don't want to go there. He said it was a gay club. Then I started to look online for a strip club list to make sure I didn't end up where I don't want to be. However I did visit Godiva's one time when it was pretty empty. I probably would not have done so if I only read tuscl. Fortunately, I did not get lucky there. I wasn't impressed and didn't stay long. I've heard about some clubs where fights routinely break out. Another reason to skip undesirable clubs especially if they aren't strip clubs.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    On the other hand there seem to be temporary strip clubs popping up from time to time that are not listed on here so I often don't know about these clubs. I'm so used to continuos stage dancing now that visiting such a club with sporadic dancing would seem strange.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I usually check in at least once a day to see what everyone is commenting on. A couple times a day on the weekend. This site has changed my whole approach to this hobby.
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    What is this, doc_hollidays next account? Zero reviews yet chatty.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    It's a fun site with some surprisingly well-written thoughts....and some amazingly poor displays of communication, as well. I was in an unfamiliar city over the holidays, and pulled up TUSCL on my cell phone to see what club options were available just in case my wife got into a "have you ever been in one of those places?" mode. My answer would have been "No, but I've been curious about it...". I drove by one of the clubs listed on TUSCL. and her comment was, "oh god, they've got one of those places here." Yes dear, the doorway to hell, I'm sure....
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Tuscl is my science lab !
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    What georgmicrodong said. I like being able to talk about my adventures in this hobby, probably I talk too much. Can't help it. I like to learn from the more experienced guys on tuscl. The entertainment and reviews compensate for the dreck on this site. By nature I am garrulous and gregarious, but common sense demands that I do not babble on about SCs in my work life.
  • Ghosty
    12 years ago
    First came here for the reviews through Google when I first re-discovered the "hobby" not too too long ago. That's how I discovered what is now my regular club. I've enjoyed reading and gotten a lot out of the discussions though I mostly lurk. I'd love to tell a few stories but since I've told some around the club a few times I'm afraid I'd out my identity. Not a huge deal probably, but still...
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    I can thank TUSCL for leading me to The Inner Room in Cocoa Beach, Tootsie's in North Miami, Mons Venus in Tampa, the Hip Hugger in Kokomo, and perhaps best of all, Bogart's in Inkster. I actually modified an international flight I was on to ensure I spent a day in Detroit on my return leg just to visit Bogart's, and it was worth it. Future destinations include Tropical Lei in COI, Brass Flamingo in Pasco County FL, and Adelita's/Hong Kong in Tijuana. I've been batting 1000 with club recommendations from TUSCL, not to mention all the great in-club advice. This site's the best and may it prosper for many years to come.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    I hope Founder is reading this thread! @ Rod8432: The Tropical Lei is well worth visiting, but it's in Upland, about 23 miles from the Spearmint Rhino in Industry. Other clubs in COI are with in two miles further west of the Rhino.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @art: "I like being able to talk about my adventures in this hobby, probably I talk too much." Uh, no. Plus, you're comprehensible, and don't make my eyes bleed.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I discovered TUSCL through the internet, and found the club reviews useful. I was a member for a couple years before I looked at the discussion section. The discussions surprised me by being interesting and entertaining, and I soon began to put my 2 cents in.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    "Make my eyes bleed" lol ! Good one george !
  • Maz
    12 years ago
    pink site?
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @thesamurai "What is this, doc_hollidays next account? Zero reviews yet chatty" From you comment it sounds like not posting reviews may be bad TUSCL etiquette. Like I said in my original message, I joined TUSCL less than a month ago. Also I have been clubbing more sporadically lately (trying to save $$$) and I also cycle b/w about 10 diffferent clubs in the area (don't have a favorite club per say). So I did not want to write reviews based on my recollection of weeks or couple of months past. But, I will go ahead and post my reviews!
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    Papi, you always seem to have something intelligent to say. Please do post your reviews.
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