
Putting TUSCL Knowledge To Use

Avatar for SnakePlissken

Last night 5 other guys from base and I go drinking downtown to celebrate one guy's engagement (let's call him XXXX). I wouldn't quite call it a full fledged bachelor party. So we're downtown drinking and last call is fast approaching. XXXX says "let's go to Gold Club" (the local strip club). I have no objection and we go in and start enjoying ourselves.

One of our friends goes up to the DJ and asks what it will take for XXXX to go onstage for his bachelor party humiliation. I'm astonished when he relays to us that it would be $150 for 3 songs with each of the girls there giving him about 30 seconds of lap dance.

Recalling all the little tidbits I hear on this fine site, I say "that's ridiculous, we could get a stripper to come back to his room for less than that"

The two guys I was talking to immediately tell me that's stupid and we will get in trouble if we even ask, or that it will run into the hundreds of dollars.

Having been on TUSCL long enough, I know how stupid that is. About an hour later I find this cute stripper named Clementine and ask if she ever does private shows outside of the work, and she says "oh of course I do. You mean like birthdays and stuff?" I tell her what the situation is and she eventually tells us she would accept $125 to come back to the base hotel with us and give XXXX a private session for an hour. I tell her to wait there and I run the idea by my friends as a present to XXXX, but they all say no.

Later that night I tell XXXX the story and his reaction is "what!? she would have done that? I wish I had known. I would have paid for it myself"

Again using some TUSCL knowledge I tell him that if she's willing to come back to his hotel room and be alone with him for an hour she'll probably be willing to do some more stuff too.

He then tells me that even though he's engaged he still wants to bang random chicks really bad, which reminds me of some of the stories I hear on this site. The ones with messy endings

Now I'm actually thinking of going back at some point and hiring out Clementine or maybe one of the other girls for a $125 private lap dance hour in my room. It's only $90 more than a one song LD with no contact.

Think I should do it? If she agrees would you all say the opportunity for extras is pretty much guaranteed?


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Avatar for Alucard

"He then tells me that even though he's engaged he still wants to bang random chicks really bad, which reminds me of some of the stories I hear on this site"

If he has a such a big NEED to FUCK random chicks that MUCH, why is he getting married? If he marries this woman, I would feel REALLY sorry for her because she is getting the SHIT covered end of a VERY short stick right in the Heart!

"Now I'm actually thinking of going back at some point and hiring out Clementine or maybe one of the other girls for a $125 private lap dance hour in my room. It's only $90 more than a one song LD with no contact.

Think I should do it? If she agrees would you all say the opportunity for extras is pretty much guaranteed"

I'd go for it! ;) :) Extras guaranteed? Maybe IMHO, but I think you stand a pretty decent chance based on reading your info about her.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

You'd better make sure that $125 covers sex, and that she's not just talking about a party appearance, that is, just some stripping and dancing. If more is on the table, she may up the price.

And tell your wussie brethren to stop being such fraidy cats. What's the Navy coming to, anyway? :)

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

It's best to negotiate ahead of time exactly what you want. Otherwise you can end up with the girl in your room, refusing to do anything beyond LD unless you give her another $300. At that point, you're already out $125 and have no leverage. She'll be negotiating from the superior position (and I don't mean cowgirl), and that's not what you want.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Ermita: I think Snake's been around these parts long enough to have learned the "don't pay anything until everything is done" mantra, but I suppose a reminder isn't completely uncalled for. :)

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Extras hell ya ! But I would bring extra cash just in case

Avatar for jackslash

"He then tells me that even though he's engaged he still wants to bang random chicks really bad,"

This is what it means to be a guy!

Avatar for SnakePlissken

@jackslash. Yeah, I don't know XXXX as well as I know a lot of my friends, but he's a decent guy. I don't think he'll cheat on his wife because he really does love her, but I do get the sense he still has some wild oats to sow.

If it were up to me I'd put him on a plane to Amsterdam or Adelitas and tell him to fuck 25 different girls and get it out of his system.

Avatar for farmerart

Jeez, snake, I wouldn't think that guys like you have to pay for the old in-and-out. It is a given that old guys like me have to pay but a fit submariner in his dress whites? For what it is worth, in my part of the world $125 is nowhere near enough dough for an hour of sex in a hotel; try $250-$300. If you get the full meal deal for $125, strike like a snake!

Avatar for Alucard

"This is what it means to be a guy"

I love Sex as much as any male, but I'm NOT that kind of guy to go around Fucking any willing woman if I'm engaged to be married. DON'T include me in that generalization!

"It is a given that old guys like me have to pay"

That's right Art, we oldsters have to fork over our cash to get Sex! LOL But some of us have MORE to fork over! LMAO

Avatar for shadowcat

To a sailor there is no difference between a marine and a submarine. They will go down on either. Sorry Snake. I couldn't pass it up :))

Avatar for SnakePlissken

"Jeez, snake, I wouldn't think that guys like you have to pay for the old in-and-out."

Oh I'm not seriously planning on this. However right now I'm stationed in boring Eastern CT. If I want to go out and pickup random bar sluts, the best bet is to head over to New York City or Boston, in which case hotels and food and drink add up to $200 to $300 already.

It also doesn't help that back when I was in Charleston I was seeing this little 19 year old country girl who had the sexual appetite of a man. Going from sex 2 to 4 times a week to nothing makes for terrible withdrawal.

Thankfully though, I'm headed back to Charleston soon.

"I love Sex as much as any male, but I'm NOT that kind of guy to go around Fucking any willing woman if I'm engaged to be married. DON'T include me in that generalization!"

I agree. Don't start your married life until you're done with your random hook up days.

You guys might like to hear an interesting story that occurred here to one of my friends.

Here at the base hotel there's a big mix of people who are assigned to the base for various short term assignments. An officer buddy of mine is in a room next to a chief petty officer. One morning over breakfast he looks dead tired and tells us he didn't go to sleep until 8am.

Apparently, the night before, three chiefs come back to the room next to his with a woman, perhaps even from the local strip club, and proceed to tag team her until the morning. So all night my poor friend was hearing these three chiefs take turns plowing this hooker, while he was just trying to get some sleep.

Avatar for Ghosty

Come on over to Providence baby! (And you probably shouldn't use the dancer's name in your post, assuming it was real.)

Avatar for Ghosty

Heh. I know it's not her "real" name, but in some cases girls can get in trouble for OTC activities and you wouldn't want to cause her any problems. That's a pretty unusual dancer name.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

"If he has a such a big NEED to FUCK random chicks that MUCH, why is he getting married?"

Maybe, just maybe, he's not one of those poor souls who insists on treating love and sex as the same thing, or "marriage" as synonymous with "monogamy." As a participant in a mostly sexless, but definitely not loveless, marriage, as well as a highly sexed, but just "friend" (if that strong) relationship, I can assure you that marriage and "FUCK[ing] random chicks" are not incompatible, and does not have to equate to infidelity.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

George..........very good points !

Avatar for SnakePlissken

"I can assure you that marriage and "FUCK[ing] random chicks" are not incompatible, and does not have to equate to infidelity. "

Try that during a divorce hearing.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Snake: Sex wasn't the reason we got married, and it hasn't been a reason to break up. Sure, her attitude could change, but it hasn't in 25 years, so I don't expect it to in the future.

Avatar for SnakePlissken

I know George, I'm just playing around.

You're lucky your wife is so understanding, I'd kill to find one like that.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Um, remind me not to ever tell you where I live. :))

Avatar for SnakePlissken

Haha, not what I meant.

I also don't have time to head over to Louisville, KY anyway.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Well, Snake, if you ever do make it, let me know. This jarhead will be happy to buy even a squid a drink.

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