
Comments by mikewazowski

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Republican Convention in Tampa
    "I think Mons Venus gave out free admission if you had some sort of Republican Convention badge the last time they were in Tampa." Do you really think that happened. I doubt Mons Venus did that. In fact I KNOW they didn't. Know how I know? Because there has NEVER been a political party convention, Republican or Democrat, held in Tampa, ever.
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    13 years ago
    Why Is This So Difficult ?
    This was about twenty years ago, but I ordered an Absolut White Russian and watched the bar staff in a huddle. Finally the bartender came back and asked, "I know what a White Russian is but what do you put in it to make it an absolute one?"
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    13 years ago
    The Line-Up
    I'm not sure how I'm seeing the responses I'm seeing here. Most seem to LIKE the line-up/showtime/review or any other hokey name the club calls these things. Yet, literally, every time in every club I've seen this done, a quarter to half the guys get up and bolt for the door ASAP when these things start. Since every one, except one club twenty years ago, also couples this with a round of "dollar dances" (the single most annoying strip club concept EVER), two-fer/three-fer specials and/or dance special with some club memorabilia thrown in... It just seems that it breaks the mood for some of these guys to be reminded that it's all about the money because they RUN for those doors.
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    13 years ago
    Tipping Bouncers for VIP and Champagne Room Visits?
    If a five dollar tip sways a DJ, you're in a shitty club.
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    13 years ago
    You guys that are afraid of eating pussy crack me up. We're all paying for it for one reason or another. I'm just glad my reason isn't because I'm a sissy-douche bag when it comes to pleasing a woman.
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    13 years ago
    New York
    8 things SC customers don't want to hear
    All of these were good except for one: 4) "You need to grab the chair by the sides and keep your hands there before I begin" This is, in all likelihood, not a dancer being stupid. This is, in most cases, a dancer following the ridiculous laws laid on the establishment by the local governing body (county or city, in a few cases, state) that creates the laws for adult licensed businesses. Rude dancers need to go but don't shit on someone who is keeping herself out of jail. I know a SC manager who, many years ago, used to tell his dancers to remember it's not something THEY do that will send them to jail, it's something a customer does and is not stopped for that will put them behind bars. And that's just the way the laws for strip clubs are set up. And the purpose IS to piss YOU off. Because in the average SC customer's mind, no logical person would sit down and make a law saying a guy has to grab the arms of his chair and keep them there during a LD. Girls tire of guys bitching and getting pissed, slack off on the enforcement, undercover cops come in, observe no one making guys keep their hands on the chair arms and, viola, easy arrest of every dancer, shut the club down for a night, get lots of press and generate some revenue.
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    working in a strip club?
    Doc Holiday said, "I wouldn't work there. But I would like to own one, one day. I see tons of problems. I wouldn't drug test, I like drugs, but I would have zero tolerance for girls getting fucked up to the point of making people uncomfortable. That has to go." You were doing fine up until there. Then you showed us why you don't already own a strip club. You said, "I also like the dancing, so I would pay the girls for the stage shows, make them more desirable." Yeah, good luck with that. You ever read all the bitching on sites like this about the drink prices. Pay you dancers and triple, possiblly even quadruple, your prices across the board, from cover to drinks, to food, if you have it. Don't forget, if you make your dancers employees, not independent contractors, the cost to you is waaaaaaaaaay beyond just what you pay them. You went on to say, "I would also hire professional non-strip club DJs on Sat nights to make it more of a club feel." Wow. You want to piss off your dancers and find yourself with no dancers? Do this idea. A strip club survives by making its dancers money. Therefore, you must appeal to strip club customers. I've seen clubs that decide they are going to have a regular club feel. One of two things happen. Either you, somehow, get a bunch of kids in for the guest DJ or whatever and they ruin the night for the dancers.... Or, you get your strip club regulars who are trying to figure out, exactly, what the fuck you were thinking and they leave, pissing off your dancers. You finished off with, "Basically make the main floor feel like a non-SC club for people to hang out, then leave the VIP area to the lap dances and typical SC activities. The cost of the stage show fees and music acts can be covered by the VIP fees" Uh, dude, the VIP fees are called your profits. And there won't be much in the way of VIP fees if you're paying for shit you don't need or want if you are running a strip club. Point being, if any of your ideas worked, every strip club would be doing some variation of this already. And, yes, a few have tried. They've failed beyond their worst nightmares.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    "I am not a whore."
    As I've traveled through life, I've noticed that people are only offended when someone points out something about them that they don't like and feel they can't change. Call a person who is an idiot "stupid" and they'll get all sorts of fired up. They know they are dumbasses and they know they can't change it. Call a Mensa member "stupid" and they'll just smile and be entertained by you. Call a skinny person "fat" and they'll just laugh. Call me "fat" and I'll put you in the hospital. So if you tell a stripper who doesn't do anything extra - or one who is totally comfortable with herself and the extras she does - a "whore" and she'll just smile and make a snide comment. Call the stripper who fucks everyone she takes to the VIP, even those who were expecting just a dance - BUT hates herself for doing it - a "whore" and watch the sparks fly.
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    13 years ago
    "Well, mikewazowski. Travel around, I can name several clubs around the USA that still have $10 lap dances. There certainly wasn't a shortage of dancers working in any of those clubs that I've been to. Ask our fellow TUSCL people, they know about them." I'm well aware that the $10 dance still exists in some markets. However, if the market is charging more and a person were to open/buy a club and institute $10 dances in a market where the going rate is $20, do you really think any dancers are going to work there? I live in Tampa, where the going rate ranges from $25 at the "historic" nude clubs (Mons and 2001) to $35 at the nude clubs over near the sea port to the ridiculous $45 at the Pasco nude clubs. (Although, the $45 dances at Pasco clubs translates into "blowjob" and the $150 Champagne room translates into "fuck.") I've watched owners come into the market, convinced they'll get all the customers with $10 dances. But it's kind of hard to pull off getting all the customers when they have NONE of the dancers. The question was "What one thing would you change?" Well, if $10 dances are the norm, there's nothing to change. If there is something to change, that means the norm is higher than $10 and the one hypothetical club where someone can make their change to $10 dances will die a quick death.
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    13 years ago
    I realize these are pie in the sky pipe dreams but, for some of you, you could have had some sense of realism. "Make lap dances $10." Good luck finding any girls to dance there. "Nude AND alcohol" I always love when guys whine about situations like this... You do realize that clubs that are nude without alcohol have NO choice in that decision, right? You DO realize that they are operated that way because of LOCAL LAWS, right? It's not like the club owner said, "You know what we should do? Not take advantage of the cash cow that is selling liquor by the drink!" "Have the girls be naked all the time. Because they can be naked on stage and for table/lap dances, why not simply have them always be naked? There's no law against it." Uh, I'll take that bet against you, for any amount of money, any day of the week in any jurisdiction in the United States. "Allow unlimited touching and lower lap dance prices" This is another one that falls under, "You do understand that the amount of touching has to do with local laws and their enforcement, right?" "I would pay the dancers a standard wage, then require them to have a schedule and honor it." Hands down, the most hilarious statement on the thread. You do that with your club. When it's hemoraging red ink, I'll do you the favor of taking it off your hands for fractions of pennies on the dollar.
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    13 years ago
    No extras in Portland
    Vincemichaels, please, feel free to bash dancers who get on here and act all high and mighty with the "I don't do extras and dancers who do are whores" rhetoric... But please, PLEASE leave out the hack strip club arguement about "Constitutionally protected right of free speech" bullshit. It drives me nuts when strip clubs try to use that and no need for customers to latch onto it as their mantra for why their favorite strip club should double as a brothel. Not that there is anything wrong with a strip club doubling as a brothel, it's just that the First Amendment doesn't have a damn thing to do with it. The First Amendment means that citizens can publiclly criticize their government and its officials and not be imprisoned for it. Nothing more. Nothing less. The enemy within, who calls themselves The Democratic Party, want nothing more than to have that precious document we call The Constitution just go away and let them be so they can strip us of our rights and turn our country into a Socialist state. Please don't make it easier for them by giving them foder like, "See, we need to get rid of The First Amendment because it means strip clubs can be whore houses and we can't stop them!" And before you rant about politics and how right-wing whacko I am, just remember, one day when they've won and taken it far enough you finally ask "WTF?" a little too loud and you"re at a re-education camp, screaming for me to help you, I won't come. That will be because I already got killed trying to keep it from getting to the point where they could take you away.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Reality of It All
    I guess I'm different because if I'm at a club to see my ATF(s), the LAST thing I want is to be pestered by a girl I have no interest in and no intentions of dropping any money on. It's a mood-dampener for me to have to say, "Sorry, but I'm here for ------." I cherish the ones who get it and usually reward them with stage tips for not pestering me, hoping to take money out of my ATF's pocket.
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    13 years ago
    Shave her clean or not?
    I used to pine for the "good old days" when my women had hair down there. I had got used to the shaved look and could appreciate the look but I wanted more than anything to find a girl with some nice hair on her snatch. Then, came the fateful day. A stripper I had many OTC experiences with did porn on the side. She, being a typical stripper, made a ton of cash but had no car. So she'd usually ask me to take her to the porn shoots. She'd ask the day before and if I could do it, she'd toss me a piece of ass the day before the shoot as my "treat" for "being so nice and giving her a ride." One day, she asked and said, "But we got to wait until the day after the shoot to mess around." I asked why and she pulled down her pants to reveal a sweet looking hairy pussy. She said they paid her to grow out her pubes for the shoot but she didn't think I'd want to eat her while she was hairy. I asked her if she was kidding and told her I longed for some hair down there. And, quite frankly, with this being the first hairy snatch I'd seen, live and in person, in years, the site of her pulling down those pants to reveal the hairy pussy had my engines revving. Now this little hottie always smelled so good. Not with the hair. It trapped body and body fluid odors. And suddenly, I realized that since the shaved look came into vogue, I had not encountered any where near as many girls with a "bad day down there" as I had in my youth, when hairy was the norm. I've seen this girl many times since that day, clean shaven and always smelling very good. So I'm definitely seeing a co-realation between her one bad day being the day she was sporting bush. So while I found it so visually appealing, at first site, I was much more excited the next time she needed a ride an I got to slather my tongue all over that sweet, pretty smelling shaved twat.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Survey: Rock Strip-Club or Pop Strip-Club?
    FWIW, if your club is the only game in town, by all means, make them dance to rock. It will make the right demographics, customer-wise, happy. However if there is a lot of competition and you're the only game in town trying to rock it out, you'll die a painful death as you struggle to get strippers to work there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Survey: Rock Strip-Club or Pop Strip-Club?
    "Supposing both clubs had many beautiful ladies that could make any song look good, would you rather go to the ultimate rock strip-club or the ultimate pop strip-club?" That's a big supposition. In the late 90s, I watched quite a few clubs clinging to rock music die as dancers refused to work there if they had to dance to rock music. I'd say it's not about forcing them to dance to rock. It's about refusing to let them dance to hard core rap. You can not avoid rap/hip hop. It is today's pop music whether you like it or not. The key is discretion. Just as much as you'd avoid death metal in a SC, you'd want to avoid gangsta-rap too. One club I frequent has a rule that the song has to be at least 50% actual singing vs. rapping. Because, let's face it, even the most poppy artists will through in the rapper cameo for thirty seconds to get "street cred" and sell more CDs/downloads. See Katy Perry's California Girls and ET, featuring raps by Snoop Dogg and Kanye West, respectively, for no logical reason other than to get little hip-hopper wannabes to maybe listen.
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    13 years ago
    Survey: Rock Strip-Club or Pop Strip-Club?
    I know of one club in Tampa that regulates their music to only rock. Class Act way up on north Florida Avenue. They have very few dancers and even fewer customers. From what the manager has told me (the nothing but rock edict comes from the owner), there are very few customers who comment on liking the strictly rock approach but quite a few who bitch and moan about the lack of popular hip hop. He verifies my theory, though, in that the best customers, as a couple here have pointed out, don't even worry about the music. They are looking for hot dancers. The point being that a club is not going to get very many dancers playing music that, sadly, lost its mainstream appeal almost twenty years ago. And, sure, the guys that are whining and bitching about the music look like ghetto boys but, really, they've always been there. It's just that ten years ago, they were shiny shirt-wearing ravers. Twenty years ago, they were long-haired rocker wannabes. Thirty-five years ago, they were disco king wannabes. Forty years ago, they were hippies. They've always been there... The little boys who don't have any money but make it so the room doesn't look dead when we walk in with money to spend.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prepay or Postpay
    One other thing, Minnow... Regarding your idiotic statement about pre-paying for a meal at a strip club that pretends it offers "fine dining..." I'm pretty sure the laws regarding paying for a restaurant meal are a bit more tight than the laws regarding paying a dancer for a private dance. But as for the average strip club, that doesn't pretend it's also a restaurant... I challenge you to find a club that will run you a tab without first running a credit card so they can charge you if you skip out on paying. Obviously, there will be regulars at a club that they know are going to pay their tabs but find me a strip club you can walk into for the first time and run a tab without handing over a credit or debit card. Or see if you can get that tab just "letting them hold onto" the card and requesting that they not get it approved for a few hundred dollars to make sure you have the funds/credit limit to cover what they think you might be spending.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prepay or Postpay
    Minnow. You know what happens when one assumes. FWIW, Scores in Tampa is now Scores, as opposed to Shangri-La, because it has new owners. I have yet to go there so I have no idea if their practices are the same as Shangri-La. For all I know, Shangri-La could have ditched their practice of pre-pay long before selling the business since the last time I was even inside the place was in 2004. And when I was there I found nothing offensive about the pay ahead concept. Fact was, any girl I got dances from never made me pre-pay beyond the first couple dances, once she figured out I wasn't out to rip her off - and I would hope I wasn't the only guy that happened to. However, I've been around strip clubs long enough to have seen more than one altercation between bouncers and customer because the customer was accoused, by the dancer, of not paying her. I have no reason to believe, in most of those situations, that the allegation was anything but true. However, there have been a few shady clubs/girls where I've witnessed this and had to wonder if the innocent guy who paid his way was getting rolled for more. The one of two clubs I've seen the pre-pay policy in had an explanation that made sense. It protects both the dancer and the customer. The other is just a case of management wanting to make sure they don't get cheated out of their cut of each dance and the way that it is enforced is ridiculous. At Shangri-La in Tampa, FL - EIGHT YEARS AGO - their policy was in the dancers' control. At Foxy in New Port Richey, FL - as recently as a couple weeks ago - the policy was completely in the managements' hands and was enforced in a downright ridiculous manner. And FWIW, I'll probably never write any reviews but if that makes my comments in discussion any less valid to you, Minnow, feel free to ignore anything I post.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prepay or Postpay
    There was a time that the old Shangri-La (now Scores) in Tampa required the girls to have their dances pre-paid. Well, actually, a girl could elect to not take pre-pay AT HER OWN RISK. That way, if a dancer whined about not getting her money, it was her fault and the club intervened in no way other than asking the guy to leave - if he was foolish enough to still be there. It made total sense to me and I've always been baffled by how many guys post about being offended by the practice. I mean, it wasn't like you had to determine how many dances you were going to do and pony it all up. You could always extend your session but it just meant, "fork over another twenty for the next song." But if you have no intentions of shorting the girl, why should this practice bother you? I see a bunch of you saying how you are afraid she'll give a shitty dance. Well go to Foxy in New Port Richey, Florida. Not only is the house going to be all up your ass about paying in advance but if you don't get laid (or whatever it is you want) behind the curtain, something is horribly wrong. Another thing about the old Shangri-La practice... No man ever walked out of there with a horror story about a psycho stripper claiming he ripped her off and ending the visit with an encounter with the bouncer's fist. So I always saw their policy as protecting the customer from true rip-off girls (who have their money and want more) just as much as it protected the girl from the customer who wants to pull the "I don't have enough money" game.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Club for Couples in Florida?
    Trust me, Stiletto, it IS guaranteed at Foxy and Emperors. Emp's with most dancers and Foxy with every last one of them.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Club for Couples in Florida?
    You'll find what you are looking for, in New Port Richey. Both Foxy and Emperors will fit the bill for your desires.
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    14 years ago
    Was I setup?
    Personally, I'd have walked back into the room with her, walked up to her "dad" and cold-cocked the son-of-a-bitch, kneeled on his chest and proceded to pummel his face, explaining, "Daddy's world of hurt will stop as soon as you give me my money back and then I'll be gone." If they are stupid enough to try to call the cops, you're only response from their questioning and, eventually, on the stand in court is, "She invited me to her room and then there was a knock on the door and she let this guy in and he told me he wanted my money. I feared for my life and defended myself." A man can cheat himself out of a lot of pussy by not going into these sorts of possible set-ups. He just has to be prepared for the day they happen and deal with it. The scumbags who do this are cowards. They don't expect you to put up a fight. In a quarter-century of pay-for-play, I've had this happen to me only three times. Each was dealt with in a similar situation to what I described you needed to have done.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    At least I was tactful...I think
    For those who find themselves in such jams... Girls making a scene like snowtime described... I ALWAYS, make sure to let the manager know that I am leaving. I was not intending to leave. I had my mind on spending money with (insert dancers' name(s) that you had your eye on) and that the sole reason I am leaving is because of the fugly bad attitude girl. Make sure management knows that these girls that are bad for business are losing them business right now.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Clubs with Live On-line broadcast
    "Not a live broadcast. A tape in a repeat loop. At least that's te case with Mons Venus and 2001." No, not the case at all. 2001 has a live stream from open to close of the dressing room and two stage cams. On pointing at it and another that is in the floor of the stage. There is a repeating loop on the opening page but if you take the time to look beyond that, you'll find the live streams. It's even got full audio. They also have webcam chats with the dancers.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Etiquette, Thoughts and Observations
    While you don't have to buy alcohol, most jurisdictions' bars fall under what are known as "innkeeper laws." That means that if you are there, you must purchase and consume something and continue doing so as long as you are on the premises. So it doesn't have to be alcoholic but you'd better be buying something to drink. Paying cover does not constitute making a purchase under inkeeper laws. I know one manager who, while nice to decent patrons, takes great glee in watching those who told him all about how they paid cover and don't have to buy anything from the bar, leave the property in an ambulance. The pisser is, once the cops arrive, all he tells them is that the patron refused to make a purchase and then refused to leave the property when asked and he became a threat to him, his staff and his guests. Then the guy gets to go to jail once he heals up. Crazy but true.