
Comments by Realist123 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Most consecutive dances/ or in a single visit, share yours!
    @shadowcat, 4 hours ...and 2 thousand dollars
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Boy receives text message from strip club...
    Yes but that message doesn't sound like junk! Free cover, free draft beer to celebrate osama bin ladens death with strippers? count me in
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    That review pisses me off.
    I have to also think that a seasoned veteran of a club will share a different view than someone coming in for the first time and not being experienced, If you don't like the review then, write your own, I agree being able to comment on someones review would be a good idea
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Most consecutive dances/ or in a single visit, share yours!
    80 in a row at $25 each? Sounds like BS..
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    Does Money Grow on Trees in Memphis?
    he spent $1500 in two days and all he got was a covered handjob and a quick peek at some pussy ?? good thing he's not japanese, that much shame and he'd have to commit seppuku
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I would rather have two girls on me than girl on me with girl on her, lol
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Most consecutive dances/ or in a single visit, share yours!
    Imperial Theater in Anaheim,I also mainly don't go for long strings I normally go for 5 with a few different girls but sometimes it just feels right to get 15 or more ;) I was worried before about dance quality when pre-purchasing long strings but I've yet to see anything different than getting a few and continually getting more vs. buying a string ahead of time mileage and dance wise, the dances have been just as good if not better
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip club regular...5 times a week!!!!!!!
    Te first time I ever went to a strip club in my later years I was shocked at how things had changed and it was all hands on, I can say that I visited on a saturday, and went back on tuesday, thursday, friday and the next saturday and into the next week after that, definitely went crazy, I quickly moderated myself after a few weeks but sometimes it's fun to go crazy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer Sales Pitches
    Actions speak louder than words
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer Sales Pitches
    I agree with stick shifting, lets me know she's ready to have some fun
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    13 years ago
    Your clubs vs. others
    Also to add I would not mind meeting fellow TUSCLers at their local clubs, I'm in the process of planning a business trip in Maine, which if I drove would take me through very many states, not something I would do if it weren't for SC's but I am feeling the urge to visit dozens of clubs throughout the US this summer. SC Road Trip, Imma Comin' !!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Your clubs vs. others
    All I know is I am in California and since visiting this board, now know I've been living in the wrong cities. I now know, living in Houston and Detroit are worth all the crimes that happen there. About to move, ASAP!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Staring at self in mirror during dance girls
    I never settle is the thing here, unless the girl is 100% to my liking, which means, her body is flawless to my preferences, she has a great attitude, wants to have fun or can atleast pretend she is enjoying herself, and the fact she knows it is all about me. Now the thing here is maybe I wasn't clear, but these girls ARE NOT looking out for bouncers, they are deliberately staring at THEMSELVES because they are conceited. All I wanted to know was if it was a common deal in other areas around the country, and it seems like it is.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Getting a LD on a bed or couch
    If when you say LD, you mean FS, then yes. Bed, all the way!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    Is anyone here ignore worthy? You should all post a list of everyone you have ignored, so we can all ignore them.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Can a guy cum from a lap dance?
    Looks like I'm the only one that thinks cumming in your pants is pathetic, if you get that worked up with one of these girls with your clothes on, I have no idea how you boys would handle a women once you get her in bed.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    how long and how much
    I would rather have 8 different $250 visits than one 2,000 visit. I normally take $250-300 and can make it last 2-3 hours of relaxtion. Good that you enjoyed your time there but 2k in one visit could of gotten you one of those girls for an entire weeked
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Ultimate Stripper Dilemma
    How about grow up? You met her as a stripper and now want her to stop? You don't own or control anyone in this life, son. You seem very insecure and are already "in love". After three months? I doubt you really even know anything about this girl if you want her to stop stripping, how else is she going to provide for 2 children, taking 3 part-time jobs at mcdonalds? "I know I won't find a girl as beautiful as her" Wow. Grow a spine. You've known a girl for three months and want her to quit her job? What do I think? I think you need to grow up.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Staring at self in mirror during dance girls
    @Xedin. This is not about looking for bouncers or what I am talking about, I am clearly stating she is checking herself out and making me pay her to do so, these girls don't get more than one dance, and I'm trying to figure out what their deal is, it's truly narcissism.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Staring at self in mirror during dance girls
    I'm noticing it is mostly new dancers, any veteran dancer knows this is not acceptable She's selling a fantasy, i'm not paying for dances so she can sit in my lap and stare at herself.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's her problem? Share your similar stories ( About prude dancers! )
    She is better of doing research about her specific workplace before taking a job and finding the right workplace (club) for dancers such as herself. I get what you're saying but anyone with half a brain would realize what type of environment they are working in. Guess she doesn't have half a brain..?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    Also, who the fuck uses a condom for a handjob?? Even BJ's.. I wouldn't waste my cash on a BJ w/ condom If i knew that was what I was getting, I've done it on a whim in the moment sort of deal but I don't get anything out of it and would never do it again. HJ's/BJ's with condoms are a No/No. The risks are so low and really, if you aren't willing to let a hot 20 something stripper suck your dick without a condom, why even live at all? Stop worrying about the things that are least likely to hurt you and realize that you are in more danger on your trip to the club, then your actions or after affects of when you are there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    "things you wish more strippers knew? How to lighten up! Some girls around here and just horrible and I'm suprised they make any money, all they do is get one dance from every guy in there who doesn't know any better Because there is no way anyone is getting more than 1 dance from these chicks... How the fuck do they survive in this game?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strippers you've been with - generally a better lay compared to other women?
    Strippers are better if they actually work for your money, or are enjoying it as much as you. Most of the ones who do it often or have done it before will treat you right and make it feel as if the money you give them is just extra and all they really wanted was you. The ones who can relax and have fun are the ones who know how to earn their cash!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Girls that say '......in the vip'
    I usually ask them to prove their naughtiness in a single dance and then I will take them to VIP. In my experience if she's serious she'll give you a little taste of what is to come. Or prove that she was lying.