
Strip club regular...5 times a week!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 7:00 PM
I work @ club extacy in camp springs md, we have a guy who sits outside the club in his car and visits the club 5 times a week, is he considered a wierdo...i was thinking about leaving cause he waits until I get there and wants me to dance all night.....he told me he has kids and a woman but love the strip club......


  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Yikes, even *I'm* not that bad. :)
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    That's pretty strange indeed. Even if I was a multi-millionaire, I don't think I would go to the clubs that often.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    If I ever get like that I would hope that someone would take me out back and shoot me.
  • TommyMoney
    13 years ago
    WTF do ya want me to do, wetpussy80? Go to a fuckin Nationals game? Keep whining and I'll up it to 6 times a week...
  • gillydon
    13 years ago
    Isn't that good for you though? If someone wants to buy dances all night every night, you should be making amazing money from him.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    wetpussy eh? i'll be the judge of that! ;)
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    At a club I go to, there's this one guy who's are always there whenever I am. I think he gets there before 7pm to escape the $10 door charge and then nurses one bottled water all night long. He doesn't buy LDs or tip that I've ever seen. So I guess for the price of a bottled water ($3.50), he gets quite the value in voyeurism. But he does creep me out, and I think most of the dancers, as well.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    yeah, if you're going to strip club that often, you have a problem. oh, and i just want to comment on rod8432's post.--- i don't get how people can go to strip clubs and just sit there and watch all night. i mean, sure, you can see the goodies and only have to spend a total of $10-$20 bucks..for the entrace fee plus whatever your drink costs. but, when i go, i almost always want to get AT LEAST once lap dance. just watching the dancers doesn't do anything for me. it just allows me to check out which one i might want to get a dance with. honestly, the only time i'll go to a strip club and not get a dance is if i don't see one single dancer that i feel is dance worthy.....and the only time that's happended is when i've went during the day where there aren't that many dancers working.
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    @wetpussy OP: This guy sits in his car outside the club and waits for you to arrive and then "wants me to dance all night"? You and you alone?? If so I'd be worried, very worried. This guy could be a stalker. For instance, remember John Hinkely, Jr, the dude who shot President Reagan in the head, because "Hinckley's motivation behind the attack was from his [sexual] obsession with actress Jodie Foster" Yeah, probably before your time but thought of him as example because recently he was allowed to visit home after being restricted to criminal psychiatric center. Think of how police react to "suspicious package found" Most of the time there is no real danger but the few times when it is a bomb justify the caution because the consequences of ignoring or minimizing the danger are disasterous.
  • harrydave
    13 years ago
    There are guys who go to regular bars every night. Consider it to be the same thing. Escapism, avoidance, boredom, loneliness, despair. These are probably all in the mix. You may be the thing that brightens his day. Or you may be an unhealthy obsession. Go work somewhere else for 3 weeks if you can, and then come back if you prefer this club. Maybe that will break the cycle.
  • PHound
    13 years ago
    So, is his obsession with you, certain girls at the club, or the club atmosphere? Does he live in his car? So what do you perceive is his motivation? Does he tell you he's in love with you? Does he want to be your sugar daddy? Does he want to meet you for sex outside the club? Does he ask you for a real date? I think you should be concerned that he hasn't followed you home. Once you are centain that he doesn't know where you live. I'd tell your co-workers that you are going on vacation, but don't tell him anything. Like harrydave said go to work somewhere else for about a month. How long does it take to break an addiction? Is that enought time? Good luck, be very cautious.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I agree with harrydave. I know there are those that are in a bar every single day or night. What is really the difference whether it be a bar or a SC?
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    I smell a stalker. Be very careful.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    If you are dancing all night for him then you must be making really good money from him. As long as he is spending money he is called a "regular" not a "stalker"
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    That's just your basic creepy "I'm here 5 nights a week" guy. Every club is required to have at least one. It's in the strip club by-laws somewhere.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I agree with Harry and Clubber. I even know one female customer that always stops in after work. Just like "Cheers".
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    I think that this is a problem. Now if he was just visiting the club a lot then I would say no issues, but the "he wants me to dance all night" part rings as a guy who is getting obsessive. Watch yourself - I've seen this type of behavior before. When his money runs out and his credit cards are tapped, he might become a real problem.
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    Te first time I ever went to a strip club in my later years I was shocked at how things had changed and it was all hands on, I can say that I visited on a saturday, and went back on tuesday, thursday, friday and the next saturday and into the next week after that, definitely went crazy, I quickly moderated myself after a few weeks but sometimes it's fun to go crazy.
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    @rickdugan: you nailed the key part of the original post; that's what distinguishes this guy from a newbie or enthralled regular.
  • kappa_girl
    13 years ago
    I had the same thing happen to me and it got worse, much worse. Started the same, he was there all the time but would only want to see me so i wasn't there he would leave. Eventually he learned my car, so he would drive by the club and look for my car. I was worried so i started riding with other girls i worked with but he soon figured that out too. He would always come up to me when i was on stage n say things like how in love with me he was or how he could take me away from all that, blahblah. Lol but i started to really worry and for good reason. One night i finally told him outright that nothing would ever happen between us and he was scaring me. He appologized and left. I thought everything was fine. Worked the rest of my shift less worried. Bouncers walked me out after and everything was fine. As i pulled out of the parking lot a car screached out behind me and was right on me. I looked back and sure enough its him. Terrified i had to call police for help and get a RO against him. Please be careful hun. There are good guys out there but there are also some less than good ones.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    WOW, I feel sorry for you kappa girl, dang that's messed up.
  • chimark
    13 years ago
    that is way too often! I start to think I've got an issue when I'm going more then once a week... I actually prefer going about once a month or twice a month.. I don't worry if i drop a few hundred if I only go a couple of times, but if i'm going more then that the bank account starts to feel it as I can rarely go to a club without dropping the cash...
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