
Comments by jerikson40 (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I'm done
    Ranukam, i predict you'll be back here in a couple years....
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    10 years ago
    I'm done
    Its not about whether you are ready dude. Theres a reason a lot of people tell you no. She will change. Guaranteed. If youre having great sex and shes hot, it will not last. Guaranteed. Think really hard and objectively about WHY you're getting married. Theres much greater than 50% chance you'll get divorced, and you will get fucked up the ass. Guaranteed.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I'm done
    Ranukam, one word of advice: Dont do it. I know you will anyway, but I'm obligated to warn anyone who is about to drive off a bridge. You dont need marriage dude. Think about really really hard.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    OT: Friend: Andy Kaufman is still alive
    "As a performance artist, Kauffman was excellent. As a comedic actor, very good. As a stand-up, he was all right". I'm trying to remember one time that Kauffman made me laugh.... Nope...I got nothing. He was, IMO, a whole lot of goofy and very little funny. I mean, lip syncing to the Might Mouse theme? And that feud with the wrestler? I don't get it. And his bogus (or was it?) neck injury from the wrestler? Seemed like some childish publicity stunt, nothing more. Latka Gravas was kinda cute I suppose, but Jim Ignatowski, the drunk guy on Taxi, was a whole lot funnier.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Songs That "Actually" Kill The Mood
    "Could you imagine if they played “Amazing Grace”" Well, I dunno....maybe if the dancer was like really SUPER hot....and her name was Grace....and she was wearing a halo or something....and maybe some Spock ears.... Nah, never mind....no fucking way.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    dancer's health issue
    "There’s no way to know – but either way – it’s best not to get too involved with a dancer’s personal life or issues – most of the time the PL is biting off more than he can chew" Exactly.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Marital Status
    A great philosopher once said "Love is caring more for somebody else's happiness than your own" Unfortunately, most people are not wired that way. Most people are, unfortunately, totally self-centered. And too self-centered to realize it. So to me, that 78% statistic is excellent news. I honestly feel that the vast majority of people have absolutely no business getting married. For men it's pretty much insane to even consider it. And for women, they've got at least a 50% chance or future heartbreak when they end up getting divorced. And I think the situation is getting worse. The culture nowadays is promoting self-centered narcissism and self promotion, money grubbing, instant gratification, and cash at all costs. So the average person is becoming less and less proficient at the skills needed for marriage. Thankfully, there are still people like Slick's parents on this earth, and that's wonderful to hear. And guys like Tommy Lasorda I just found out have been married over 60 years. You don't that without being a very special person. The reason why most guys go to strip clubs is because they can't get what they need from real women. Plain and simple. So they have to pay. Women, once they've gotten their hooks into their security, let themselves go and don't care for their husbands. Men are often too clueless about how to care for a woman. There's a 50/50 chance any marriage will end in divorce. Why the fuck would anyone gamble something so important on such shitty odds? Especially men, who take it up the ass in divorce. Doesn't make sense. You guys who aren't married: Don't even think about it. Unless you really find someone like Slick's Mom. And just make DAMN sure you're as good as Slick's Dad. And don't say I didn't warn you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Songs That "Actually" Kill The Mood
    I never understood why disco got such a bad rep....there was a lot of good, funky disco stuff....although I can understand if the country boys didnt like it....
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    10 years ago
    Songs That "Actually" Kill The Mood
    Clubber had a good point....can you imagine if the DJ plays "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" by Tony Orlando?
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    10 years ago
    Songs That "Actually" Kill The Mood
    By the way, I'm serious. If they start playing country music its very likely I'll get the fuck up and walk out. There is no excuse for country music in a strip club
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    10 years ago
    Songs That "Actually" Kill The Mood
    Oh, and you asked what do you do when they play country music? Immediately blow my referee's whistle, grab the penalty flag from my rear pocket, illegal use of country music, 20 yard penalty, lights come on, music off, and DJ gets banished to the restroom for the remainder of the shift. Of course he skulks off to the men's room amid jeers and mocking by the customers.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Songs That "Actually" Kill The Mood
    Anything country music. Guaranteed mood killer. Boot scootin' bullshit. If its country, it ain't music. Yee fuckin haw.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    I know, right? I'm amazed at how sarcasm and analogies just fly over many people's heads. I always thought that kind of stuff was pretty obvious in most cases, but I guess not...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    How to Get Away With Murder
    "You need the right type of lock or latch, and the use of a powerful magnet on the outside." Nah.....Columbo would have it figured out before the first commercial break.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: "I'm working out most every day and watching what I eat"
    Yeah, gotta give them credit...they had a ton of great hits. Huey is a great singer and great front man. You can't not like Huey Lewis and the News. Only Bolsheviks don't like them some Huey.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are clean dancers really at a disadvantage or is it SS ?
    Mr Spic sez: "Am I the only one who thought that clean dancers and ss was with regards to Spic n Spam? It's Spic 'n Span, not spam. Although I was wondering if it actually was spam and I was just forgetting so I went to wiki-whatever and found this: "a span was a wood chip, and such chips were used to make spoons. Something that was span-new was a freshly cut chip or, metaphorically, anything as new as a freshly cut chip. This term dates from at least 1300 in the metaphorical sense. Spick was added in the 16th century, though why is not exactly known - perhaps for the alliterative sense. A spick was a spike or nail, and something that was spick and span was neat and trim. The "clean" sense appears to have arisen only recently" Interesting. You always think of spic 'n span as clean, but never knew why. Now you know. No extra charge guys...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    "Jerikson, hmm, I wonder you would've thought of the Klingon burlesque dancer last month" Let me risk using another analogy to give an idea what I think of stuff like that, for what little it's worth.... You go into a nice restaurant and order a steak dinner. The waitress delivers a wonderfully prepared prime rib. Juicy, perfectly cooked. You can't wait to take a bit. But then you notice they sprinkled gumdrops all over it, and poured chocolate sauce on it. So the question becomes, WHY? You have a perfectly good steak, it doesn't really need that junk on it. Now if it had some mushroom gravy or something then fine. But gumdrops and chocolate sauce. Why? Now, this is an ANALOGY. The juicy steak symbolizes the hot stripper. The gumdrops and chocolate sauce symbolize the Klingon/Star Trek clothes and makeup. The point is that, in the same way that the juicy steak is perfect without all the gumdrops and chocolate, the stripper is fine without all the Klingon/StarTrek enhancements.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    Ummm....Spock ears.... Hey, anyone have some lotion? And I'll need a lot of tissues. I'll be right back.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are clean dancers really at a disadvantage or is it SS ?
    Geez, it's simple math.... 100 customers in a club. 20 looking for extras. That leaves only 80 customers as potential for the "clean" girls. Versus.... 100 customers in a club. None looking for extras. That leaves all 100 customers as potential for the "clean" girls. Geez, you'd think that alabengonz could have written that logic. It's 3rd grade shit. Now that's not to say that the bottom line of the clean girls is really affected that much due to the extras (for a bunch of reasons), but at least it has the potential. We'll never know the actual effect, because it will vary by customer, dancer, etc. If she's ugly, customers aren't going to want her, and extras have nothing to do with it. But again, strippers complaining and blaming others is otherwise meaningless for the reasons I already mentioned. Same shit, different stripper
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Rick sez: "Jerikson, the fallacy in your arguments is your belief that you know, better than we do, the true value of what we are purchasing." Jerikson40 repeats for the umpteenth time: "No, Rick. I'm merely suggesting that guys go into a club with a bit of knowledge in their back pockets, and consider they are entering one of the few business on the planet that really has no set wage scale or rules of compensation, so anything that provides a realistic perspective is a good thing." Rick, I realize you are a seasoned veteran of strip clubs, and are someone who shouldn't be questioned due to your vast knowledge and experience regarding all things strip club, but if you're argument has now boiled down to "we know better", after you've tried and failed with all the other pompous BS about supply and demand and competitive edge, then it's hard to really take you seriously.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    "Jerikson is clueless because he doesn't see how an ordinary stripper make money." So, alabegonz, I'm trying to understand the point you're trying to make. So you're saying I'm clueless because I don't understand that strippers have a tough life, so we shouldn't question what we pay and just empty our pockets because you feel bad for your CF and wish she'd stop stripping? Ummmm.....okay..... Is that, like, supply and demand or something?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Houston undercover operation at strip club lands 14 in jail.
    I'm convinced that the vast majority of police actions like this are a response to citizen complaints. The cops MUST do something, no matter how wasteful and inefficient. Politics and perceptions rule
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    "Little Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs was pretty unexpected." I'm trying hard to imagine a scenario where a chick dancing to Sam the Sham would be sexy. I'm drawing a blank. Even if she's really hot, and dressed like Red Riding Hood, that doesn't help. The song is just too goofy. But I suppose you had to be there.... :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    I made the mistake of checking out the Rammstein video of "Du Hast". Never heard it before. Fucking creepy. Head banger shit. German head banger shit. You're not serious about using it for stripper music are you?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Houston undercover operation at strip club lands 14 in jail.
    "Plus, I kind of like the expression on her face." I dunno....she looks far too "underage trailer park meth addict" for me. And the weirdness on her forehead....maybe too many beatings from her pimp or something.