
Comments by jerikson40 (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Any luck with OTC action in commonwealth of mass clubs?
    Dude, what is this fucking "ENTER THE CHAINDOG" bullshit in all your reviews? Get over yourself.....fucking lame.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Most Iconic Pop Culture Vehicle?
    My first thought was Starship Enterprise....gotta be one of the best known vehicles around...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Butters, That's Me
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    Okay, so let me get this straight....according to Mikey, "We know how to rock out. Other countries, not so much." And according to ime, "You ever seen an asian dance they make us white guys look like james brown" And motor is "answering a question" with a sports analogy that does nothing more than ask a similar question about womens' sports. And art sez: "For 95% of the world's population it is American music, including rock, that is foreign." And the rest of the crew attempts to dig thru the wikipedia listings to find the most unknown musicians of all time from Canada and Sweden and claim them to be great rockers. Fine, if you find some big name rockers who are from Canada or Sweden, does that answer the point I've been making? No, not at all. Because the world has hundreds of countries, and many of them are big fans of American music, and have been for decades. And you guys accuse me of dissing other countries? Asians can't dance? That's your fucking argument?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Future of marriage as an institution?
    "I thought for a while the dude made sense, but then..." Ummm...is there a point there? Because it sure as hell makes a lot of sense to me. Or are you just doing the standard TUSCL response where you just imply that someone you disagree with is wrong without providing any real information or argument? yeah, that's it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Butters, That's Me
    I love South Park. The best cartoon comedy, by far. Loved the episode where Butters starts a business with one of the little girls where guys pay to kiss her under the bleachers. That business grows, and soon Butters becomes a full fledged pimp. Absolutely fucking hilarious.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    Mikey, have you ever BEEN to any other countries? Are you serious with all of that? Let me give just one fairly extreme example of why I find this all so puzzling. Not long ago I visited SE Asia. And one thing I found that surprised the heck out of me was a phenomenon called Karaoke. Now we all know that that is, but even in some of the very poorest areas in SE Asia, where people live in grass huts, the #1 main source of entertainment is karaoke. People may not even have a TV, but their parties consist of a bunch of friends getting together in their hut, renting a karaoke machine, and everyone takes their turn at singing to an incredible list of hundreds of pre-recorded songs. And what are those songs? A majority are western pop and rock and ballad songs that we'd all recognize. It is HUGELY popular. Music in these countries is incredibly popular. Now, for someone to propose that people across the world haven't had access to western music for decades, or that rock is solely a US phenomenon, is looney tunes. And this is people who can barely afford food. Imagine the opportunities for people with more money, who can afford internet and satellite and radio. Anyway, I'm dissing nobody. I'm merely very very surprised at a phenomenon that I really don't understand. If anyone here does understand I'd be very glad to learn. There are hundreds of countries around the world. Why are so few producing the great music that so many of those countries love so much?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    Motor, was your sports analogy an attempt to answer the question? Because it didn't. ... And Mikey....HUH?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    famerart sez: "Human auditory organs change only at the slow pace of evolution. Middle C sounded the same to caveman farmerart as Middle C sounds to 21st Century farmerart." Art, just when I think you've reached the pinnacle of self-serving, pompous pretentiousness, you manage to climb just a little bit higher.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    Motor, you're free to go as slow as you'd like, condescension and all....but that doesn't make it any more legitimate or rational. It's 2014 today. Correct? Countries other than the US and England have had access to all kinds of music for many decades, correct? You jumped from the 70's to today. That's over 40 years. People have had access to all kinds of music via internet and satellite and a zillion other media for decades. Especially developed countries in Europe, the Americas (including Canada, Mexico, all of Central and South America) and on and on.... You can't be claiming that people haven't had access to blues and jazz music that they can copy for all those decades, therefore they haven't produced any great rock musicians. That's just looney tunes. Hell, in all those decades, even if they've been stuck in a fucking cave, they can't come up with basic blues progressions that have been used in rock and blues? Geez, dude, get real. I don't know the reason why great rock musicians have come from only a few countries, but I really doubt that your explanation covers it. I suspect it's far more cultural, and based upon what people hear and learn when they're growing up, and western music or blues/rock isn't something that's natural for them or something they enjoy. But I can assure you there are a lot of countries where western music is HUGELY popular, but those countries have never produced great rock or blues musicians. That is something I just don't understand. Now, your point about there will be no more supergroups is something you may be right about, but I haven't figured out why that would be, based on your explanation of the freedom of choice brought about by the internet. That will take some thought, because off the top it doesn't make much sense....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Real or fake? You be the judge.
    Not sure what she does to the guy since I got bored after the first couple of minutes.... But I assume she fucked him, or at least gave him a BJ. Real or fake? Well, both I'm guessing. I'll bet it was in Germany at a sex convention. I believe they do that kind of stuff there. On the other hand, I assume the guy was a plant. Probably not some shmuck from the audience, since even sluts who would fuck on stage in front of hundreds of guys have some limits, and won't fuck just anyone without an STD test or whatever. Maybe her boyfriend or whatever.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    shadow sez: "....you sound just like my ex wife "bitch, bitch, bitch". Bitch about what??? Because I pointed out that some countries seem to produce more great rock musicians than others?? Huh? How is that bitching?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    "I know that Clubber and the rest of you Asians lovers will like AKB48." Hold on, cowboy. All Asians aren't created equal. There's Asians and then there's ASIANS !!! Personally, I find Japanese chicks to be, in general, less than attractive. On the other hand, Southeast Asians can be incredibly hot, as well as Pacific Islanders. But Japanese, and even Chinese and Korean and Taiwanese, are, IMO, completely different on the hotness scale. Some exceptions of course.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    Yeah, Sweden did have ABBA, and no doubt they were huge. Chalk one up for Sweden. Neil Young? Yeah, I suppose he was popular. Personally I thought he had zero talent and a terrible singing voice, but the world disagrees. So chalk one up for Canada. And thanks for helping prove the "some countries only produce crap music" by mentioning Psy from Korea. But the point still remains...isn't it almost creepy to look at England and the US compared to other countries, and the absolutely insane imbalance in great rock production? I mean, aren't there a bunch of kids in those countries who hear a Stevie Ray concert on Youtube and say "holy crap, I gotta spend my life playing the blues" ??? Just seems so weird. By the way, Stevie Ray was an EXAMPLE. You can fill in your own name of a great musician or rock group and the point is the same.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Whats your opinions on this stripper scenario
    Dude, learn how to use punctuation. Too fucking difficult to understand what the fuck you're saying
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    Motor, it's been 60 years since the 50's....Germans and Japanese and many other countries dont have radios and satellite and cd's and dvd's for all that time? Or they cant come up with their own shit?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Future of marriage as an institution?
    Skibum, with all due respect, listening to a guy whose income for the last 32 years is dependent upon failed marriages isn't really a good way to judge whether it is a viable and valuable option for the average guy. You want guys to get married, and you want them to fail, or else you have no income. It's great you have a good marriage. But to say "I have a good marriage, therefore I recommend the world gets married" is fucking insane. And for some reason you think FAULT is pertinent to the discussion. It's irrelevant. Apparently you're convinced that men always cause divorce. Fine. What the fuck difference does that make? If you're gonna change men to be perfect husbands, then great. It ain't gonna happen. Men will be men, and women will be women, and no matter who causes it, it's highly likely any marriage will fail. The odds suck. And to imply that men, who are historically the wage earners, don't get fucked, thru no fault of their own, in a divorce is beyond lunacy. Where do you come up with this shit? I gave clear examples of how men get fucked. We can come up with many more. The fact is that it is rare for both husband and wife to be willing and able and skilled in making a marriage successful, and as a result it's highly likely it will fail. And if a guy like you has been the wage earner for 32 years, and you get a divorce tomorrow, how many years do you have to pay alimony and child support, who gets the house and the car, and on and on. You worked for it, but you lose it. Is that your fault? Geez dude you can't be serious.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    Geez, dude, no need to get all pissy.... I brought up what I thought was interesting point, no bitching or complaining, and you starting banging on me just because I countered your point with the fact that, outside Germany, they are virtually unknown. Fine, if you think that qualifies them as some of the world's great rock musicians, then we'll all agree with you just to keep you from getting your panties in a bunch. Geez.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Foreign Rock
    Theres no way 99% of the world population has heard of them....pretty good indication that they sucked
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Any One Else Sick of This?
    Not sure I really give a fuck. Rarely go to live sporting events, and as far as I'm concerned it's all part of the atmosphere. Drunk white guys with no rhythm moaning on and on with some stupid techno/whatever song.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fellow TUSCLers...I need help!!!
    I wouldn't risk stubbing my toe to see fucking Chelsea Charms....fucking gross
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Future of marriage as an institution?
    I think most guys do it because the women want it, and the guy is so enamored with her that he is afraid to lose her so he gives in....and add to that a dash of white knight syndrome and i think you've got it
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Future of marriage as an institution?
    No idea what the future of marriage will be, but as Papi says, statistics seems to point to it being much less popular right now. Which is good news. My question for any male considering it is simple: WHY? What possible fucking benefit will you get from entering into a legal obligation like that? If you have a job and are making decent money, it is highly likely that your wife will be the one who benefits from the marriage, not you. If you get divorced, you're fucked, plain and simple. She gets a whole boatload of shit she never earned, you did. She will inherit part of your estate if you die, even though you worked for it. She will benefit from any government benefits you might receive. Why? Who the fuck knows, that's how it is. The non-working person, usually the wife, benefits from the husband's earnings. YOU get fucking nothing from her. Again, the question is WHY?? What possible benefit will you receive, to counter the incredible fucking you get if you divorce. And the likelihood of that could be much greater than 50%. If you're doing it because you think you've got an assurance of great sex and someone who will care for you, you're fucking dreaming. And most married guys can attest to that. YES, there are some exceptions, but the chances that any one guy will be an exception are exceedingly small. Maybe a few percent at best. But the chances of divorce are greater than 50%. Why play insane odds like that? Women want security, and marriage is their chance at security. They benefit from a binding legal contract. You don't. Marriage is designed for women, not men. Date them, spend years with the one you love, but don't get married. It's fucking insane.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I'm done
    I love the guys who claim to be happily married, but spend their lives frequenting strip clubs......
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I'm done
    I agree follow your heart. You dont need to be married to follow your heart though