
Comments by jerikson40 (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Houston undercover operation at strip club lands 14 in jail.
    The eyebrows chick is kinda scary huh? And her name is "Karmaninisha". Funny how black folks love the "-isha" at the end of their names. And are you serious about April Garner? Looks like some 12-year-old who was caught smoking on the playground. Yeah, chick with the bangs is the only one who is possibly do-able, but her face is a bit too manly...and weird eyes. I'd have to see her body first before I took it out.
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    10 years ago
    Offtopic rant against Apple
    I have to give Apple a lot of credit. They are absolute masters at convincing the world that it needs something that it never knew it needed, and that it can no longer live without. And they are also masters at generating revenue in ways that most companies can only look upon in awe. They invent new markets from nothing, and suddenly those minor conveniences become a way of life. Just look at tablets. The iPad. Fucking brilliant. How many people need an iPad? But how many can no longer live without one? When they first came out I was scratching my head about why the average guy, who has a smart phone and a laptop, need a tablet. Yeah, a few guys have specialized needs for some easily portable device that's larger than a phone, like construction guys and people who do a lot of work in the field. But somehow Apple convinced the world it can't live without them. Absolutely brilliant. The downside is, when the economy really turns south, the first thing to go is those conveniences that people don't really need, but think they really need.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How do I find out?
    So I suppose in the bizzaro world of TUSCL, if you balk at putting your dick in someone's butt hole you're all strange and stuff, but if you balk at tits that you can't even tell whether they're fake or not or wouldn't be asking how to determine if they're fake or not, then you're normal. Again, Seinfeld does cover everything. Even the bizarro world, like TUSCL.
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    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    Jabberwock, I think most of the songs you listed are kinda fast, don't you think? Not really conducive to slow, sexy, sultry stripper dancing....I mean, Hush by Deep Purple? And Layla ? Nice songs, but I'm not sure if they are really stripper music. I may be wrong though....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are clean dancers really at a disadvantage or is it SS ?
    I think it's probably a combination of stripper shit and truth. People love to blame others for their misfortunes, so I'm sure there's some self-fulfilling prophecies going on. But as in any job, some workers take advantage of their situation and do what they can to earn more. Work harder, extra hours, learn new skills, whatever. And of course those who don't do that feel slighted cuz the other guy is doing better. In the strange world of strip clubs, the extra effort might include extras, or it just might include working harder or learning how to please customers or whatever it takes to get more tips. So for those girls who want to sit on their asses, they look for any excuse to blame someone else. But certainly there are situations where guys are looking for the nasty girls, and the good girls get less business. Hell, I'm a perfect example. If you're not hot, and don't give good mileage, you ain't gettin' shit from me.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Rick sez: "Now it is your prerogative to believe that you are smarter than every customer who visits a high end club," No, Rick. I'm merely suggesting that guys go into a club with a bit of knowledge in their back pockets, and consider they are entering one of the few business on the planet that really has no set wage scale or rules of compensation, so anything that provides a realistic perspective is a good thing. Someone stops you on the street to sell you a Gucci watch (or whatever the high priced watches are), and quotes you an outrageous price, but since you want a Gucci watch you pay it. You feel good about it, and satisfied. Then a couple blocks away some guy stops you and says "Hey, that guy was selling fake watches, dude. You have paid $12.50 for the same thing". Do you get pissed at that guy? No, you thank him for providing a realistic perspective one what it's really worth. Unless you're on TUSCL.....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Rick, here's how clubs decide how much to charge for lap dances: They first decide their business model. Will they attract the high end dork who is willing to pay thru the nose for some "perceived value", or will they attract a more average guy. Will they be the "Gucci" type strip club who charges exhorbitant prices because some guys are stupid enough to pay it for whatever reason, or will they go more for the average guy. Then, they figure out what portion of their revenues will come from what services. Cover charges, lapdance percentages, drinks, etc. It's all part of a business model, a plan that they hope will maximize revenues. Maybe they figure they'll charge low prices for the lapdances, but make up for it with drink prices and volume of customers. Or they'll charge high prices, and rely on a smaller group of dimwits who get an ego boost from dropping big bucks in a strip club. There's a club not far from my favorite $10 club that actually charges $50 for a standard lap dance. Yes, the girls are generally hotter, but 5 times hotter? No way. But just like "designer" stuff that women pay thru the nose for, some guys PERCEIVE that since it's more expensive it's worth it. And that's what the high end clubs hope will happen. It's not about supply and demand, or competitive advantage, it's about making an overall business model and figuring out how to maximize profits. And how you'll get guys to pay more and more and more, even though what you're actually providing might not be very different from what they can get down the street for less. They rely on the fact that there is no uniform criteria for pricing lap dances, no union wages, no minimum wage, just what they can get away with and get guys to pay. My only point is that we customers should be intelligent, and not like some woman who is willing to pay exhorbitant prices for designer shit solely because of an emotional excitement, when in fact what you're paying for is no different from what you can get down the street for much less.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    "Jerikson, if two clubs in close proximity are charging dramatically different LD prices, then the club that is charging more must have some other competitive advantage that allows it to do so." Rick, okay, now I understand. So the reason why guys will pay $40 for a lapdance is not necessarily supply and demand anymore, now it's competitive advantage. Good point. So what you're saying is if he's paying $40 for a lap dance, then it's because it's a nicer club in a nicer area or something like that. Oh okay. I understand. I think you're right. Clubs decide how much to charge for lap dances based on a thorough analysis of their competitive advantage. For example, the club I go to has some decent to hot dancers that give crazy mileage, and it's in a nice area, but the club itself is only average. That's why they only charge $10 for lap dances. Average club. No fireplace or fancy decorations, and none of those guys in the restroom who hand you a towel. That shit is and important consideration to guys getting lapdances. Thanks for clearing it up Rick. It's not about supply and demand, it's competitive advantage. Cool.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    Rockstar, you did NOT say Joe Cocker "Leave Your Hat On" !!!!! No fucking way !!! When I'm writing my list one of the first songs that pops into my head is "Leave your hat on". Why? Because years ago I was at a small dive where some of the girls actually did a strip tease, and had props and outfits and stuff. And one of the hottest dancers I've ever seen, before and since, came out and danced to that song. Wearing a super tight, long gown, insane tits and body, hair down to her butt, absolutely gorgeous. I almost came in my pants. Or maybe I actually did, don't recall. Damn, she had that song nailed. Slow, sexy, incredible. But that was one of those dancers who will never again exist, she was that good. And that song has become something special for me, and nobody will do it justice like she did. Amen.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    "I use to breakdance a lot." Okay, that's cool and shit, but unless you could dance like the Lockers you ain't all that. They were the bomb.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Big Ass girls
    Mr. Spic, good point...don't be a pussy, smack it, don't spank it. Now, on a different subject, did you actually say "cats"? Isn't that like a really old, Sammy Davis Jr. kind of thing that is from the old black jazz hipsters in the 1940's or something? Or do they still say that nowadays? I know "cool" is still cool, even after all these years. But "cats"? I don't know, dude, you might be dating yourself. Just sayin'..
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    By the way, did he really say the theme from Doctor Who is good stripper music? Or was that a typo?
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    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    Oh yeah, I forgot my real #1 choice: 1. Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas....look it up on youtube...that song rocks
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    My favorite choices for stripper music, which unfortunately I've never heard at a strip club: 1. Kashmir - Led Zeppelin 2. Back in Black - AC/DC 3. Drop Dead Legs - Van Fucking Halen 4. A bunch of others that escape me right now...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Have you experienced this ?
    Seems strange though....basically the scam will convert a lot of customers into "no freakin' way I'll ever go there again", which is kind of shooting themselves in the foot. I can't imagine management or the owners would want to run a business that way. But hey, we're talking strip clubs, and that's not the place I'd expect to find top tier management types....
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    10 years ago
    Happy Birthday Tommy
    The guy's been married to his wife for over 60 years. Wow.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Big Ass girls
    For some reason black guys seem to really enjoy the huge asses. Never understood that, but to each his own. And chicks that I call fat, they seem to enjoy because they're curvy or something. Anyway, at some clubs in the hood the chicks have asses that should have "Wide Load" signs on them or something. Freakin' HUGE. I just can't get into asses like that. And when they lower those things down on your crotch for a lap dance it can be freakin' painful. Yeah, a nice curvy ass is awesome, especially with a tiny waist. But within reason...it has to be spankable. If you feel like you wanna spank that ass, then it's the right size. That's the determining factor. Spankability.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Ah, I get it...supply and demand. That's why some guys pay $40 for a lap dance. Because the supply of dancers is low, and demand is high, so guys pay more. And that's why a particular club charges a fixed $40 to all customers for lap dances. Because supply of dancers is low, and demand is high. And that's why a club down the street only charges $20 for lap dances. Because supply there is higher, and demand is lower. That's why. Yeah, that makes sense. And that's why the club I frequent charges only $10 for a lap dance. Because they have a lot of dancers, a really big supply, and demand at that club is really low. So they're cheaper. That's why prices in the clubs in the LA area vary so much, even for clubs nearby. Now I understand. Supply and demand. Thanks guys. Makes perfect sense !!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hottest women
    "Monaco, St. Tropez, Cannes, Cap d'Antibes, Saint-Rafael are all prime spots for hotties on the Cote d'Azur" You can always count on Art.....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hottest women
    Yeah, I can see it now... "What??? Why should we dress nice and sexy for some creepy guys staring at us?? All men are just rapists !! Who needs that ??? We dress to be comfortable, what's wrong with that? You creepy creep...."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The True Identity of Jerikson40
    Jester sez: "Are you at the top of the list or just top half?" I'm on the top. Feel better?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hottest women
    My biggest problem with LA and the surrounding areas is that the women here tend to have the attitude that when they go out in public they dress for comfort, not to look good. And as a result most women don't comb their hair, or put on makup, or dress nice....they hop in the car with their scraggly hair in a pony tail with sweats and no makeup and sunglasses so nobody notices them. Just look in all the paparazzi fotos of "hot" stars and how they go out in public when they're not working. Of course there are exceptions...in the right setting, women will dress nice and try to look hot. Clubbing at night at certain clubs, or going to some ritzy place in Beverly Hills, etc. But otherwise the LA women can't hold a candle to the girls in the south who seem to have some self respect and dress nice and look good when they go out.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The True Identity of Jerikson40
    Motor sez: "I thought it was an astute analysis" Well, I suppose, if it's possible to be astute yet completely incorrect.... With one exception, all of his conclusions, reached by thorough analysis and deductive reasoning, are totally wrong. And in some cases they are "are you fucking serious???" wrong. Yes, I have a low opinion of many people on this board, for presumably obvious reasons. It seems to attract guys with severe mental problems, who hide behind childish aliases, have severe drug problems, are socially challenged, especially when it comes to the opposite sex, are irrational, and childish, and on and on. We can provide a long list of people on this board, both past and present, who clearly have major issues. And based on this creepy stalker manifesto, it's clear we can add one more to the list. Oh wait, there's another exception...... The thing about space alien robot does have some merit, I must admit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hottest women
    Rio de Janiero. Absolutely no contest whatsoever. In the US, chicks in the south, like Atlanta and Houston, tend to take better care of themselves and look better when in public. But chicks in Rio are not only super hot, but they dress to give men boners. Insane.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    And your worried when you can't get it up a second time?
    Something doesnt make sense....clearly you equipment doesnt provide enough fluid for many ejaculations, so I doubt hes shooting a load very often. And continuous erection, which we've all had to some degree, is no big deal. So why would 150 shoppers be staring at him? Maybe the spasms cause him to act goofy? And why does he say its painful? Strange....