How to Get Away With Murder

avatar for motorhead
New show starts tonight. I probably won't watch it, but it looks interesting. It seems to be about a professor teaching a course in Criminal Law 101.

I've always thought I could get away with murder. But has thousands of others so maybe I'm not as smart as I think.

DNA evidence and the fancy CSI stuff does make it challenging - a flake of dandruff could convict me - but I contend most criminals are truly stupid. I think one could get away with a well planned crime.


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avatar for jester214
10 years ago
These days if they can even take you to trial you're pretty much screwed.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"I've always thought I could get away with murder."

Who do you think you are, The Outlaw Josey Wales?

avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
I heard that some people study criminal law just to learn how to get around the law. Makes sense
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
^^^ Along similar lines you also have people already in jail studying law to figure out how to game the system to their advantage.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Plus, getting away with murder and never being suspected, is a lot harder than getting away with murder because of your dream defense team. Look at OJ. Practically confesses his crime while running from police. But in the trial, he got away with it.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
Just don't do it.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Leopold and Loeb thought they could get away with murder.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
I once planned a murder where the gas company had been called three times about the smell of natural gas in the house over a 3 week period. Then, wearing gloves I loosened a capped gasline extension and left the house. The outside temperature was 25 degrees F. I turned the thermostat down from 70 to 65. With the gas leaking into the cellar and a premeasured fourteen minutes before the interior temperature would reach 65 and cause the furnace burner to ignite, there would be sufficient gas in the cellar to cause a large explosion, likely killing anyone sleeping in the house.
Of course I never did it, but I thought it was a good ( foolproof?) plan.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
I know how to commit a murder where the victim is found in a room where the windows and door are locked from the inside. You need the right type of lock or latch, and the use of a powerful magnet on the outside. lol....I read this in a crime novel
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Best way to not get caught is leave it to professionals
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
"You need the right type of lock or latch, and the use of a powerful magnet on the outside."

Nah.....Columbo would have it figured out before the first commercial break.

avatar for motorhead
10 years ago

A couple of years ago there was an actual explosion in a home near Indianapolis similar to how you described it. It was a plot to get insurance money but unfortunately two neighbors died in the explosion. The homeowner leaked gas and set the timer on a microwave oven to spark the gas.

They got caught - just like I said most criminals are dumb. They said they were gone at a casino but they boarded their cat and had taken away things from the home a week before. But the idiot also bragged that he was going to buy a Ferrari (before the explosion).
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I had a dream where I killed someone. That was easy. Cleaning up was murder. Put the body in plastic. Lug it around and dispose of it. Scrub the blood off the floor, etc, etc. Murder is really hard work and then if someone looks with backlight, they can still see the blood stains. Someone might figure out you bought a shovel or plastic or rope near the time of the incident. Someone might spot something. It's probably easier to get away with in areas with slack LE or one time incidents where there is no pattern and no witnesses or left behind clues. There are likely hundreds of murderers on the loose right now in just the US.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
When you die, murderers will get to experience the pain they caused others as if they are the ones getting murdered, and then they are the ones that had their spouses murdered, etc, etc, justice comes after death.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Wasn't there a movie plot where the perfect murder was done by getting the victim to kill him/her self?
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
Had a professor in college that had done his phd research in a Minnesota prison. He interviewed hundreds of prisoners and declared that the myth of the brilliant criminal was truly a myth. Most criminals are stupid. The proof of this is that they all got caught.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
@Otto22 - Maybe he should try going someplace where he can interview the criminals who didn't get caught (or at least didn't go to prison) - like Wall Street or Congress.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
If it was up to congress, murder would be legal. Oh wait, our president said it was ok to launch drone attacks against Americans if he declares you to be an ishole or terrorist first. Then he can order your death. Nothing is beyond our leaders.
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