
Comments by she_is_covfefe (page 12)

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    12 years ago
    A catch-all account
    How to Get the Most Out of Your Money
    About #2. I live by the dancer's ABCs: Always Be Closing. If by song #3 I haven't closed the deal, I'm gone and sometimes without even saying a word. Body language says more than words.
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    12 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    MILLION TIMES THIS!!!!!!!! I totally agree with the OP. I'm also tired of these mother fuckers. A few times I had managed to get them dudes kicked out of the clubs. I've known tons of guys like #2. They only do spend on dumb dancers regardless of physical aspect (whether is a dumb fat with no tits or a dumb hottie with big t&a), and like to waste the time of the smarter ones. When I was in Virginia, there was this dancer who was studying to be a pharmacist (who had very nice t&a IMHO) and tons of dudes would do that with her; wasting her time with silly conversations and blowing their money on some crack headed trailer trash dancer (she had no t&a and was pasty white).
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    12 years ago
    Top Ten Things I hate in SCs....
    About the black dudes who complain dancers don't like y'all: I couldn't care less about the race of my customers; money is money. If a dancer is stupid enough to discriminate based on race, it's her loss.
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    12 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Strippers and Domestic Violence
    I have mixed reviews about this paper. I can see why the author may say that strip club patrons exercise control over the dancers (y'all are the ones accepting us or rejecting us), but at the same time I'm pissed about the way the author is saying how consuming and how mentally explosive this job is. For me, this job is actually a relief from the tedious life the military was/is; stripping is a walk in the park compared to the military. Also, the data used is extremely small; only eighteen dancers! Most importantly, this paper is from the late 90's and most of the references used are from the early 90's, so a few things had changed. However, the part that really made me cringe in this paper was the drinking part; not all of us need to drink to do this job. I much rather do it sober. Why? To avoid dehydration and to avoid looking like an idiot on stage. In other words; this paper is BS. It just keeps perpetuating the stereotype that strippers are just damaged women who do that because they have nothing else to do.
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    12 years ago
    To go or not to go for the hottest girl?
    ^I asked myself the same thing.
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    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Club Fatigue
    You're married but spend about 1/5 of a year in strip clubs fucking extras girls ITC and OTC. Not hard seeing what's wrong in this picture.
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    12 years ago
    Best Bang for your Buck - Where to Spend Your Money in a Strip Club
    Mini lapdances for a buck? Honey, if you expect any form of contact from me while I'm on stage you'd better be making it rain otherwise, I'd spit your drink "by accident".
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    12 years ago
    What Kind of Girl Makes The Best Stripper?
    Well, according to this article, I'm a #3. Everyone in here has been warned, hahahahaha.
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    If I was dancing on a ten dollar a dance club, I'd ask for a tip otherwise it's optional. Sometimes, I had gotten them without asking for them.
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    12 years ago
    How I get Pussy in Strip Clubs
    This post made me puke.
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
    ^You also have to pay taxes as an IC, but instead of paying taxes, I got lots of money back. Hahhahahaha!!!!
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
    I prefer to be an IC as long as a club treat me as such. I know a club that is very strict about schedules, the way dancers dress, and how they should interact with their customers; if I had stayed in that club for over six months, I would had taken them to court to fight for employee rights.
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    13 years ago
    Ten Things I wish all Dancers Knew About Me (and Customers Like Me)
    I only ask a guy if he's married if he ask me the same question first. It's only fair!
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    13 years ago
    Ten Things that Annoy Me in Strip Clubs
    Also, most of the times I seat by myself for the following reason (many other dancers do it too): -If I'm in a club in where I sell dances, I sit by myself for about ten minutes (every 90 minutes) to analyze the club (e.g. which customers should I approach, who is tipping other girls, who isn't, etc.). -If I had a very energetic stage show or a long VIP. I need to recover my energy by either having a drink (usually water or coffee), or by seating on a comfortable chair (the DR has very uncomfortable chairs in most clubs). -If I want to play Angry Birds. Self explanatory. -If I'm friends with the barmaid/waitress and the club is dead. Self explanatory. -If I'm eating and the food was bought by myself. -Back to #1: if I had asked every guy in the room and they had said no (or I already drained their wallet), I'm just waiting for my turn to go on stage.
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    13 years ago
    Ten Things that Annoy Me in Strip Clubs
    Some clubs do not allow dancers to say anything to customers while we're on stage so y'all may feel we do not acknowledge your kind support. However, I ALWAYS give thanks to the customers that tip me nicely (one or two dollars is not considered a nice tip) right after I'm done. I also hate DJs that talk waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much.
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    13 years ago
    Being a Stripper without Doing "Extras"
    I once posted in here a rant about strippers who perform extras since I'm also a very clean dancer. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one keeps it classy by being a clean dancer. I'm also an IT, just like the OP, but yes, I always come back to dancing because the IT sector is not that lucrative as it seems, but at least I have a career that I can use as a back up in case I get injured or sick.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    OMG, I can totally identify with these eight things nobody wants to hear. I have another one. "Hey, why don't you ask my friend for a dance? He's just shy, so talk to him."