avatar for JScrib325


joined Jan 2013last seen May 2019

Comments made by JScrib325

discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for AmeliaSmith
As someone who purchases OTC (and lives in Texas funnily enough) most people in the community that I've seen want OTC either want to straight up buy sex, or they want you to not feel like he's buying sex. You have 2 ways you can go. 1. You can tell him straight up what you are and aren't willing to do, and what the prices of those needs to be. 2. As long as that money is being spent, you can allow him to think whatever he wants. I had an ATF that I got OTC from, and she put it on me so good, I wanted ITC too every time I saw her.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for theDirkDiggler
What is your success rate for OTC?
I've been going to SC since I was about 18 (I'm 28 now), I didn't get my first OTC until about 4 years ago, and that was after she and I did ITC. Of probably the (being conservative) 20-30 strippers I've ever come in contact with, I've only ever successfully gotten 2 OTC. Now mind you, I don't try it with every single girl, but I would probably say of those girls I've tried for it with around 10, and gotten 2. So about 20%. And there was no magic formula for it really.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for nickifree
Mexican Dancers - Why do all these white men with money won't white girls and n
Hot knows no color. If a Martian chick that was green came down here to work for tips, if she was hot, she'd get my money.
article comment
12 years ago
avatar for JScrib325
Top Ten Things I hate in SCs....
None of it ever ruins my night. Just stuff that upsets me. As long as there are naked boobies around, your night can't be too bad.
article comment
12 years ago
avatar for JScrib325
Top Ten Things I hate in SCs....
7 doesn't affect me at all really, but it is annoying to me. Just something that bothers me.