What Kind of Girl Makes The Best Stripper?

avatar for rogertex
I've been visiting strip clubs for the past couple years. Joined TUSCL this year.

I have said before - if one is lookin for major league entertainment for 2-3 hours - of all the entertainment options - NFL, NBA, NHL, Wrestling, Nascar, extreme sports, opera, broadway, circus - visiting a gentleman's club is the most cost effective - and if you like beautiful women - the most satisfying of the options.
In america that is.

Having said that, these are my views of basic types of dancers.

1. FLY BY NIGHT: These girls are curious about the money part of strip club business. They think money will just rain in. Also consider stripping a bit below their dignity, generally are in a relationship and view strip club visitors as perverts and losers - only good as walking ATMs. Their dances are poor quality.

Good news is - they don't last long. Sorry if you ever get stuck with one of em.

2. NEED THE MONEY: Well everybody needs the money - but some girls really need it - to support family, habits, college or even a deadbeat boyfriend/father of her kids. These girls also recognize customers are an important part of their income plan. Accordingly - they adjust to like different sort of customers, take the time to improve their seduction skills. One can get good bang for the buck.

A large number of dancers belong in this category.

3. HOTTIE IN A RELATIONSHIP: These girls are usually hot (7-10). They have 1 sex partner (boys and/or girl) and are content. Making money is good - but dancing is some sort of a stress relief outlet. They are also checking for themselves if they've still got the "mojo" to hypnotize guys. A bit of sexy vanity here (just like guys are bothered about dick size).

Some of these girls have regular day jobs or even model part time. A customer can usually have a surreal experience if he/she can get the dancer's mojo on. But even otherwise - it can be memorable.

4. HOTTIE AND A SWINGER: This final category is a rare breed. Also sadly does not last long. These girls are sexy to hot (5-10) - physically - but near 9-10 in overall experience. They may have multiple sex partners (invariably boys and girls) - and love - no, make that LOVE - sex. They view every customer as a potential lover - and with 1000 ways of consummating a love session - the breadth of their likes is impressive.
A customer's poor looks don't turn them off - but hygene and cleanliness may.
A customers dirty talk or hands flying around her beautiful body is tolerated - but exerting force against her wishes can turn her off immediately.
Once such a girl is turned on by a customer - they can get into a sexual trance - that can sweep a customer off his/her feet. All rules are broken - even if for a few moments.

Why do such angels not last long in the strip club business?
For one - they are loose with their money. Sex is their thing. They wished they had a money manager.
Second - there are lots of freeloaders and parasites out there. These super girls are helping everybody.
Lastly - the "down times" for such super-gals can be quite lonely and depressing. They are way ahead of the conservatives in their outlook and thinking. It's lonely out there in the front. These downtimes can be unhealthy.

Of course - when I visit strip clubs - I long for the Category 4 chicas (!!!) - but have honed my skills to quickly spot Category 3 hotties. And only seldom have to settle for Cat 2 - and now always know how to avoid the Cat 1's.

Please share your experience.
Of course - I am a sensitive guy and view a dancer as a human first.
From some of posters (not all) - I get the impression that it is manly to always view strip club as a "meat for money" mart. Well - your 1-line comments and snide remarks are welcome too !!! Bring em on.


last comment
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
IMO there are 2 categories:

1. Dancers with an exit strategy and other job skills. They take dancing as a job, are paying off their school loans, car loans, or home loars. HOT STUFF.

2. No other job skills and therefor no exit stragety. A sad sad situation. Usually also piss they easy money away since they aren't worried about the future. F-ing depressing.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
An engaging and enthusiastic woman makes a great Dancer.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
A hot, naked one.
avatar for rogertex
13 years ago
Just saw that this article got published. (I had written it about a month ago - and didn't know where it went).

mjx - i like the two categories - keeps its simple.
and alucard does one better - until GMD delivers the punchline !

agreed - it's not just a hot body -
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
If the dancer is showing complete indifference, then it does not matter how HOT & UNDRESSED she is. I want engagement and enthusiasm. Perhaps the visual stimulation is ALL gmd wants.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
The title was "What Kind of Girl Makes The Best Stripper?"

Not dancer, not companion for the evening, not cock tease, not fellatrix, not fuck partner. Stripper. Plain and simple.

I love how you lambast everybody for posting their dislike of your opinions, and advise them to read elsewhere, and then take every opportunity to lambast others' opinions you don't like.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
The kind of girl that makes the best stripper is:

1. The girl who makes customers she never intends to fuck think that they are (for a price) and

2. makes the ones she does intend to fuck fall in love with her and keep coming back for more and more (at a price)

I have met a few of them and only the PL who has the great intelligence to spot them and the will-power to resist can escape their magic.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
The girl that makes the best stripper is the one that gives me food!
avatar for rogertex
13 years ago
GMD - it's all cool - I liked your 3-part experience at a massage parlour. Lucky you. My MP experiences have been ok - nothin to write about.

pablo - that kind of stripper would be something - maybe Category 5.

mike - you r makin me hungry. one dancer has invited me to her cousin's party next month where she'll take home made lasgna.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
Well, according to this article, I'm a #3. Everyone in here has been warned, hahahahaha.
avatar for rogertex
12 years ago
yes mam - we're takin the warning seriously !
... just give a holler here when you are ready to hit the stage
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
it amazes me how everyone wants a stripper make them want to think that the girl wants them. What the hell was the point of marrying your wife then?

What makes a good stripper.....a nice phat ass, slim waist, cute face (optional) big breasts, and knows how to clap that ass.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
I think I had an encounter with a #4 awhile back. Mind blowing. She put far more effort into pleasing versus the cash given. Could have done half as much and I would have been very pleased. I often wonder how this babydoll can consistenly give so much of herself so often.
avatar for rogertex
12 years ago
Estafador - now that made me laugh - the "optional" part below !

What makes a good stripper.....a nice phat ass, slim waist, cute face (optional) big breasts, and knows how to clap that ass.
avatar for rogertex
12 years ago

Tell us more !!!
Stage name, club she worked at.

I can travel to say hello to these rare gems
avatar for brimmy
12 years ago
Very few words + lots of sexuality + some confidence - seeing herself as a victim = GREAT F*CKING STRIPPER
avatar for rogertex
12 years ago
brimmy - nicely put !

Like the minus part (my car broke down, my rent is due, need to pay club a $120 fine .... )
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
"Exit strategy", I love it. Yeah, most strippers do seem like they're really in need of an evac helecopter. Then again, that applies to lots of non-strippers too.
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