
Comments by RiskA (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    OT; Female Dr say needs a “chaperone” to examine me
    Probably an insurer requirement, to assure a witness/deterrent to abuse claims/blackmail, and just applying such a rule to women patients (or doctors) could be argued as “discriminatory”.... Trying to assure that no one will ever be offended makes for crazy and inefficient world sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Value of TUSCL Reviews?
    I look to reviews for actual useful intel; discussion boards are more for entertainment (aided by liberal use of the “ignore” button) as I love the cleverness & creativity often shown. But the reviews give the value, particularly when I travel and need a clue if clubbing is worth my time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Effects of genuine gratitude...
    Gratitude is nice, but I prefer them being considerate in the sense of not wasting my time (keep appointments) & being straight with me (don’t float OTC unless you mean it, don’t blow smoke up my ass constantly, etc.). I’m not under any delusion I’m your BF, but I need to be treated like a valued customer or no soup for you. A generally good attitude is also essential, but more about life in general (esp her job) than necessarily about how great I am - it’s more how they treat me than what they tell me (if a stripper’s lips are moving...).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Why I do this
    I’m singing that exact song, man. Just got a keep an eye on the outlays (STILL cheaper than golf, and more satisfying), and don’t lose your head to the fantasy. I do not regret or feel ashamed of what I do in the least. Viva l’PL!!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    VIP North Hollywood
    I heard the same. Place never run well on day shifts; no customers, no good dancers who’d stay, zero mileage. Nice (& big) club, good pricing but just didn’t work. Have to believe it stayed open only to launder $, maybe crime no longer paying. Or maybe up for sale; there’s a lot of action going on with strip club ownership given pending employee vs IC law issues in CA (Oddball sold, Imperial Showgirls Anaheim sold, etc.). Hopefully someone competent will buy VIP and realize it’s potential.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Love SS--not
    My favorite SS has to be the Pretty Woman line “it’s my first day” esp in a brothel club. “I need to pay for an operation on my [parent or child or rescue dog]” is another favorite. Do those EVER work?!?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Hot Topless Maids
    I have a friend who used them for a while. Was a hot bodied, bad face older woman (maybe 40-44) who he said actually cleaned decently. He watched but kept it cool & light in convo, acted respectful & gave a good tip. He’s sort of an old creepy looking dude but a good talker (known him since grade school). On visit 3, he says she asked if could “do anything else” with a knowing look, and gave him a hand job; says he got blown on a later visit but wouldn’t fuck. He tried a couple others but shitty cleaning & no action so he went back to other providers. Not sure how much is true, but funny story.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Has anyone received tusl emails: “holly6m693 has sent you a private message.”?
    I got one from SJGinVIPRoom. Knew it was fake....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Would this bother u guys?
    Tell him to get a hotel room. IME dancers who keep separation between their work & personal lives end up with fewer issues. (PS: you’re the new dancer I dream of meeting....)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    I like the Front Row Amy bobble head, available online. It’s pose is a missed opportunity, however....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Club Visits Before OTC
    @Pistola: Excellent strategic plan! You should teach classes at PL U.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Club Visits Before OTC
    Clarify your OTC objective in your own mind. Paid sex? She likely wouldn’t stall, unless trying to gauge your serial killer vibe. Free sex? If paying for it in the club, you’re probably dreaming unless she’s an actual unicorn. An actual relationship that may or may not involve free sex? If you can handle the inevitable BS of stripper life, that’s your call but you’ll be dropping cash both in & out of the club and it’ll add up (I speak from bitter past experience). IMO, sex in the club is worth 2 in the bush. I only see one stripper OTC with no guaranteed sex, as she’s more of a really fun time who’s undemanding & mostly low/shared costs (the unicorn!). Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to the scene. Any tips?
    Cashman’s tips are wise. Assuming you’re in Southern California, reading reviews will reveal the brothel clubs where more direct approaches work best. Middling clubs often require more talk & game, but can be rewarding esp if you cultivate regulars. Don’t take more cash than you are ready to spend and NEVER use ATM or credit card. Since you’re married, keep “club clothes” in car and find a bathroom to wash off “skank stench” before you get home.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    What's Your PL Pet Peeve about Strippers?
    I hate the violent stage dance shoe-clap. I think they are imagining doing that to PL private parts...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Los Angeles Area Best Option?
    If you mean $200 including VIP dance cost, your only chance for real mileage is Tropical Lei (skanks tho some hot), Paradise (chubby Latinas), or I out of 10 (and generally not a looker) at Synn or Sahara. It’s available elsewhere if you shop a lot and tolerate older veterans, but usually not readily available for a one-time customer unless you’re super lucky. If you get to $250-300 total cost your options open up. Otherwise head to TJ.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Afternoon Visits
    Your handle location says California. and in my experience Southern California day shifts are better for privacy, action and pricing. Typically older girls & MILFs, but still a large selection of prime meat. Maybe not the L A 10's that populate the high end clubs at night (4Play and even Bare Elegance LAX have some absolute stunners at night), but day shifts have plenty of talent and at better prices with less GPS and more opportunity to work the ATF/regular angle for better mileage. Need to research clubs for what vibe you like, however. And less drunk obnoxious customers (unless that's what you like).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    My LTR of 10+ years does it, often like a fire hose! No pee-like or unpleasant smell, but can be messy & a hassle (towels & bed protector required). But the "I did that! Damn I'm good." feeling is an incredible rush that hasn't gotten old (even though my actual contribution is probably negligible).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Nukams Trip to COI
    For daytime: Synn, especially on Thursdays ($75 VIPs) -- 2nd least hood after Spearmint Rhino; then probably Paradise (Wednesday and Friday $100 Fantasy Room VIPs) but it is pretty hood. Bliss is pretty hood and even heavier girls than Paradise! Satin is topless only. Monarch's is nice but not open in day and I have never had a really good experience there. Rhino IS expensive and full of fake tits, but you get what you pay (and pay and pay) for. I find Deja Vu to be trashy and full of amateur-hour strippers (and customers) on the scam; I just leave them to mess with each other and not with me. Just my opinion: I like experienced veteran strippers who know the game and play it with an eye to repeat customers. But to each their own.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Expensive but almost worth it:
    Day rates slightly lower, and in addition to 2-for-1’s girls can usually get you 4 dances for the 3-dance VIP prices if they ask. Unfortunately “the market will bear” these high prices, because of high #s of LAX-related customers who don’t know or care about local pricing or value, and because of the high end glam strippers who know this club’s a good payday. Gotta view it like a good steakhouse; great for special occasions, not for daily fare.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Management needs to rethink some things - but you be the judge
    I’ve tried this club once or twice a year since about 2017, and always reach similar conclusions to this reviewer: nice club physically, but terrible management. Good girls complain & won’t stay, since they can’t make money. Near-zero mileage & no privacy. I keep hoping for a change but it doesn’t come.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Can't Beat The Volume of Girls
    Agree with your first paragraph, but disagree that quantity = quality & a “better” club; it’s a question of taste. I prefer a specialty fish market with fewer, fresher fish, to a discount supermarket with more product but some that stink up the shopping experience....
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Got what I was there for.
    $150 including the $120 VIP charge, or on top? If former your deal was good; not so if latter. $100-150 pretty standard for a full ride scholarship at TL State.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Early afternoon visit
    Day shift Valley clubs are very weak, with a few gems that work inconsistently. You gotta get phone #s and set up your “dates.” Rhino Van Nuys has some hotties but rarely stage dance or come out of back, if there at all (check roll call with doorman). Red Tie & Oddball & Synn VN have 1-2 decent girls, but very inconsistent. Blue Zebra weak and really no VIP privacy. You better just enjoy the hunt, familiarize yourself with roll calls before paying entry, and be ready to drive to the next club fast if you bet & lose.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Came here for Thursday special
    Guys hit this “service station” on Thursday’s to pump & run, and the girls know it and act accordingly. GFE is a rarity, esp on Thursdays when it’s all about volume. So prob not your ethnicity or hygiene, just your failure to place your order promptly once your # came up.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Girls, Girls, Girls
    She often asks for an extra $100 just to DO a $75-140 VIP dance.... But all he got for something prob north of $200 was a lap dance KMSO and an unfulfilled promised HJ, and he’s ok with that but I’d feel PL’s Remorse. And I find no site rule against naming names; that’s only some posters’ opinions; in known brothel clubs like COI’s who the fuck cares? LEO with COI jurisdiction certainly doesn’t, or they’d have done something over the 20+ years COI has been infamous for UHM mileage.