Value of TUSCL Reviews?

avatar for wallanon
Founder has already said most of the traffic for the site is not in the discussion forums, but off and on the topic comes up on the boards about the value of TUSCL reviews. For you as a forum contributor, any regular reviewers, or in general, what do you think?


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avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
It’s definitly nice to look at. And man is there a ton of content on this site now because of it. I kinda of use them as a scouting report on what to expect and other than crazy price ultimately NOT stop me from going just sort of delay the visit. I’m very curious about that stuff and want to check it out for myself. I always remind myself that it only takes one dancer to make a SC a home run. So for me they nice but not ultimate deal breakers or deal makers. Very useful on the road so I can sort of make priority list of visits.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
I don't doubt what Founder has said at all. The activity on the Discussion boards is all done by fewer than 100 people. Most of it is done by less than 50 people. The Reviews are seen by thousands. And most of that traffic that is on the Reviews are not people leaving reviews but reading them.

I love the Discussion Boards. But I spent years on this site before I even realized the Discussion Boards existed. I think we add to the flavor and value of the entire website. But we are not the revenue generators. Not at all.

Founders only value in us is that we are the ones that Publish those Reviews.
avatar for RiskA
6 years ago
I look to reviews for actual useful intel; discussion boards are more for entertainment (aided by liberal use of the “ignore” button) as I love the cleverness & creativity often shown. But the reviews give the value, particularly when I travel and need a clue if clubbing is worth my time.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I don't travel much because I am retired but I do read the reviews of all the clubs in my area or that I am interested in. Since I am already familiar with them and have my own opinion, I read them mostly to see if anything has changed or that might have missed.

I did take a road trip a couple of years ago from Atlanta to Ohio and back down through WV and the Carolinas. I did use the reviews to see where I wanted to stop and found a lot of missing or outdated information as to club hours of operation. Members do a pretty good job doing the review but fail terribly when it comes to updating club information. I guess because they don't get VIP credit for it. I've see reviews that say a club is closed but unless the member submits a club update the club page will not reflect it.
avatar for s275ironman
6 years ago
I check TUSCL multiple times throughout the day. I always go to the reviews section first, and then go to the discussions section next.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I’d say that the reviews can put a club on the radar, but I think that there’s plenty of valuable information that can only be found in the discussion boards.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i like the conversation of/with other pl’s.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Even though I don't go to many different clubs, I get value from the reviews. This is especially true in a market (like mine) that is currently in flux. It's also a good way to connect with other regulars who post review comments.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
There are too many reviews listed for clubs that are closed, even newer ones for those clubs which makes me wonder about the truthfulness of reviews in general.

Really popular clubs in major cities go a few months in between new reviews.

Most just seem to be determined by whether the guy found a girl who did extras or high mileage, that gets a good review, not getting that gives a bad review. It doesn't reflect on what the club or anything is really like.

Google and Yelp have better reviews, even Tripadvisor
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
I always knew the reviews were the main value of the site revenue wise. With the sheer number of clubs in just the United States there's a lot of info to be shared. And like Warrior said, there are not that many people participating in the discussion section. Whenever I read a good review I usually check out the reviewer's profile to see if they participate in the discussion section. A lot of times the answer is no. As a matter of fact, one of my favorite reviewers (reverendhornibastard) JUST started posting in the discussion area. When I asked, he said he didn't even know this area existed. I wonder if that's the case for a lot of the reviewers here?

Anyhow, I discovered the discussion area first via Google search. I didn't find out about the review section until a couple days later when someone posted a thread with a link to a review. When I tried to view it I was told I'd have to become a VIP member by either paying or submitting a review. After gaining access to the review section I was amazed at the number of clubs, the number of reviews, and the info shared. Since becoming a VIP member, between the discussion area and the reviews section, it's enough content to be the first site I check, ahead of Facebook and Instagram, my former #1s.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
Reviews is the best feature of TUSCL. By a mile.
Visit a new city and I skim through the reviews and clubs to pick a place or two.
Even decided to skip strip clubs at one city because of reviews.

TUSCL reviews are written by more sophisticated strip club patrons compared to the Yahoos on Yelp or other places.
A good review need not be 1000 words essay (although I'm guilty of writing them) - 50-60 words of review - and read a dozen recent crisp sound bites - and I can get an idea how relaxed or uptight clubs gonna be, and have an idea on dancer profile and costs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I don't travel much thus reading reviews are mostly for entertainment.

When I first joined TUSCL the reviews were a way for me to become familiarized with various good clubs of interest around the country I might like to visit on a SC trip (and I've taken a couple of SC trips in the past).

Black clubs are not reviewed as much nor are there many TUSCLers with good black SC knowledge, thus the reviews were very helpful in this regard and also helped me get in touch with certain TUSCLers that didn't participate on the discussion-board.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I absolutely love the review section. I travel 3 State area on a monthly basis and like checking out the SC Scene. Very valuable for me in that i waste much less time because of the reviews. As I look at the reviews, i may even stop in a place that has not been reviewed for months or years just to update. (Racer Girls pop bluff, MO and Pink Pony East Cape, IL and Candyland Memphis,TN for example).
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I update the data when I do. ^^^^
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