Would this bother u guys?

avatar for strippercutie404
So I just started dancing a couple weeks ago, so far its been great, I like the girls I'm working with a lot. Anyway though, last week I had a guy come in, he seemed around mid-late 30s and I saw a ring on his finger so I asked him if he was married and he said he was and that he had two kids. We talked for a little, he said he loves his wife but that things have grown stale in the bedroom lately and that he is looking for something different. He bought a few dances afterward, said I was really good for someone so young and that he'd be coming back next week. Well he came back last night and told me he wanted to get VIP with me this time. Our VIP is about $250 for 30 minutes. I haven't managed to sell VIP yet but he told me that the VIP room most of the time means sex. So I have very open views about sex in general, I support sex positivity and women's freedom to make their own choices to do whatever they want with their bodies. So I told myself before stripping that I would be okay with sleeping with some of my customers as long as they aren't dangerous and as long as they are willing to use a condom, so I told him that I was fine with that as long as he was willing to use a condom and he told me he had one on him.

So afterward he told me he had had a lot of fun but that we could have a lot more fun outside of the club and that he was willing to pay me $350 to meet him outside the club. Which comes to the main reason why I'm posting this thread. So I told him I was okay with that and we didn't exactly discuss it but I'm guessing he probably will want to have sex since we've already slept together. The problem is I don't really know where to really bring him. He told me he was married with two kids so I can't imagine he wants to be bringing a stripper back to his wife lol. I could bring him to my house, but I still live with my parents. My parents have been pretty chill about me bringing boys back to my room with me and my mom and I talk about almost everything about my sex life. She said she was personally fine with me dancing but said not to tell my father because that would be a little too much for him. I'm 100% certain my dad wouldn't like me bringing a customer in his mid-late 30s back to my room and I'm not entirely sure my mom would be okay with it either. She's completely fine with me having sex with boys my own age but I'm not sure how she'd feel about me sleeping with an older man and I kind of don't want to find out so I'm thinking I'll just sneak him in for now. My room is on the upstairs part of the house and my parents is on the downstairs part and relatively far from my room so they can't really hear anything that goes on up there.

So I guess I was wondering would you guys be bothered by the prospect of sneaking into a stripper's home for sex or would it be kind of exciting? Btw I am 18 so none of this is breaking any laws but I don't know if that would just feel too weird for most older men?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Get your dad so drunk that he passes out and then get your mom to join you in a 3 some.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Oh my god lol! My dad actually doesn't drink tho. I used to sneak in boys when I was a lot younger and didn't know if my parents would be chill with it but I'm just wondering if it would bother older men that a young girl is sneaking them into her house while her parents are there?
avatar for bubba267
6 years ago
Have him get a nice room at a good hotel.
avatar for RiskA
6 years ago
Tell him to get a hotel room. IME dancers who keep separation between their work & personal lives end up with fewer issues. (PS: you’re the new dancer I dream of meeting....)
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
That's a good idea! Wouldn't the reception think it was super weird though that a guy in his mid-late 30s is checking into a hotel alone with an 18 year old girl though?
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Aw thanks RiskA :)
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
404 is an error message, this is our newest troll, seems like s fun one though.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Lol! I was wondering if anyone would pick up on the error message! I'm not a troll though I just thought that would be funny.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
The M.O. is for him to get & pay for a hotel room: this is what 90% of OTC (outside the club) custies do since neither custies nor dancers prefer to share their personal info - most dancers and experienced SCers wanna keep as much of their personal info on the down-lo as much as possible and this includes not sharing real names (at least not.last name), address, phone #,
etc - many dancers/experienced-custies will have fake social-media accounts and burn phone #s to communicate with those in the game (someone that has your real phone # can gather a lot of your personal info if they wanted to - in this biz it's best to maintain club life and personal life as separate as possible except with some folks).
avatar for stripfighter
6 years ago
Who cares about the receptionist, you seem to be too care free about it to worry what they'd think.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Doesn't your pimp have that covered?
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Oh my goodness. Having sex in the girls house with her parents there. I don't want to admit how many years it's been since I have done that.

If the guy wants to have you outside of the club, then it means he doesn't want to do any sneaking around. Otherwise, he would just do it in VIP again. I like outside the club dates with girls so that I don't have a time limit and I can get comfortable. Let the guy worry about where to go. I'm sure he has a hotel picked out.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
to stripfighter I would just be worried that the receptionist might call the cops.

I did give him my real phone number. Was that a mistake? You're right I should probably get a burner. I have all my social media accounts on private though so only my friends can see what I post.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
If you gave him your real number it is probably written on the men's room stall advertising a good time.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Hotlels don’t care if guests are having sex. It happens all the time.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Money is money.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
There's sex in hotels, who'd a thunk such a thing ?
I thought it was limited to the champagne room !
avatar for Mtent
6 years ago

You seem young and naive. NEVER give your real personal information to anyone like that. For all you know he will show up and kidnap or stab you. You have no idea what people are actually like who do shit like this (go to strip clubs to cheat on their families.) Don't even give people a real number. You have no idea how easy it is to look people up online then get their real Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, friends list, real day job info, etc.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Stop you're making me feel stupid!

Of course I know people fuck in hotels I was just worried that they would call the cops because they'd suspect I am a prostitute.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
You charge $250 for full service?

Damn, you’re one expensive ho.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
I mean, he seemed nice to me. But I guess you're right. I should go get a burner phone cause you don't really know what people are like.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^They don't care, so long as you don't cause a disturbance, or trash the place, the front desk folks, generally mind their own business.
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
Or you guys could arrive at different times if you're really that scared of the receptionist noticing
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
"I was just worried that they would call the cops because they'd suspect I am a prostitute."

Oh, please stop. I'm laughing so hard I'm actually crying.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
I mean, I am but I don't want them knowing that ;)

I'm just gonna stop talking.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Keep talking 404 we love it
avatar for Oliver_Clothesoff_66
6 years ago
I apologize for hijacking this thread. How do you guys on here rent a hotel room without divulging your real name at check in?
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
^^^Use your fake credit card and fake id
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ you check in/out by yourself so she doesn't know your name
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
You don't have to get a separate burner phone, you can just get a burner app or a Google Voice # - you can ask other veteran dancers at your club since there's a good-chance they use one.
avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 years ago
yo i ain't about this goddamn high school bullshit of sneaking around parents n shit! i gotta have a place to snort my fucking coke and get turnt as shit!
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I think you should think through several parts of the otc date before you set a time and place.

First - don’t go to his house. That could lead to a bizarre encounter with neighbors or his wife or kids.

Second - don’t bring him to your place or your parents place. This guy should know as little about you and your home as possible.

Third - if he’s done otc before - he should know to get a hotel room. Hotel front desks don’t care that he’s checking in with a younger girl to fuck. Hotels only care when hookers work the lobby or on the street outside.

This is a learning experience - so you will learn to give out less personal info to customers. This guy is hopefully cool - so dont sweat it. Get a burner or business only phone. Otc is hotel only - and he pays for the room. Hotels are safer for both of you.
avatar for Corvus
6 years ago
He should have a hotel room reserved for meeting up with you. And make sure he gets one somewhat close to your place. No reason for you to have to drive all the way across town. And make sure he gets a room at a decent hotel too.

Get a burner phone or app allowing you to use a different texting number on your primary phone.

And send pictures, I might like to see you sometime as well :)
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
$250-$350 is not much money to a stripper in many regions. I mean it is nothing to scoff at if you walk home with that, you still at least made something. But idk depending on your region maybe charge more if you're gonna fuck the customers is all I'm saying lol.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Yeah I figured he wouldn't want to bring me back to his place lol. I gotta go to sleep but I just came on to say thank you to everybody who gave me advice in here. It actually helped a lot even if I got made fun of a little in the process.

Well the VIP prices were actually determined by the club. I don't really know what prices for sex are considered normal for my region though. How would you suggest I find that out?
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
post a picture of yourself as your avatar. looks are everything in this business. the better you look the more you can expect to make.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Does every girl in your club fuck in VIP? If the majority of them are not fucking and sucking I'd say charge these guys at least double. Fuck that excuse the club sets the prices. Call that shit a "tip" if you have to but charge double minimum if you are going all the way.

What kind of money are you trying to hit every week? If you wanna be paid for sex find a city where you can charge a fuck of a lot higher than $350. Idk I would fucking guess and say go to Manhattan.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Charging more is not the answer. Charge less and get more volume.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Post some identifying information please; that way when we read about a mutilated body being found next week we know its you.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Idk best yet would be taking that biz entirely outside the club if it isn't an extras club. If it's an extras club disregard that then.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Show us your tits.
avatar for petzl26
6 years ago
Why dont I ever meet girls like this
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago

I'm trying to hit about $1200-1500 a week. Last Saturday I made about $550, the weekdays before that I made about $260 and $220 after cover charge. Last week was better than my first week.

I don't know if everyone is but I know some of the girls are definitely fucking in VIP cause I sometimes see used condoms in the trash can in the dressing room. My manager seems like he doesn't really give a shit about his job, he didn't tell me whether we do extras or not but some girls definitely are.
avatar for April9424
6 years ago
Lol “cover charge” ? Will the troll fest ever end
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
^ I agree there. Dead give away.

If any real dancer is reading this $1200-$1500 a week is easily doable with zero extras in many areas.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago
I will play along;
It would bother me try to sneak into a 18year old stripper home, risking being shot by someone thinking I am a burglar, or if that call the police etc.
Like other have indicated, he initiated the OTC activity, he should work on the details. If he is really married he probably will want to be discreet.
When I had OTC wit my ATF I would get the room by myself and will ask for two keys. Then I will go get her from the car and we will walk in like we own the place. She always would dress very nice, not trashy or cheap.

From the movie easy A:

Rosemary: Not to mention how you have been dressing these past few days. No judgment, but you kind of look like a stripper.

Olive Penderghast: Mom!

Dill: [to Olive] A high-end stripper, for governors or athletes.

One last thing you should do a background check on the guy. The internet is your friend and google your best friend
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Oh dear lord.

If you want to do extras, whatever, do your extras. CHARGE MORE. In my club, everyone pretty much gets along and is friendly but if you are fucking someone for the price of a champagne room?? Girl what the fuck??? As soon as the other dancers find out, and they will find out—you are going to either get beat up or harassed until you quit coming back there. Or both.

In other news my advice to you would be slow tf down. After reading your story I will let you know that the actions you’ve taken with this one person have exposed you to:

Him finding your address
Him learning your real name
Him finding your social media accounts

And all of those things equate to exposure to your friends and family. Maybe you don’t care. You are very inexperienced and you should care that not knowing what you’re doing is going to leave you vulnerable to mistakes or actions that could open the door for you to be arrested, or raped, or harmed by this person you don’t know. His entire story may be a lie, you probably have not considered. Many escorts come across dangerous people who portrayed themselves as otherwise.

Maybe you don’t care about those things either, but being arrested leads to court fees, or paying for an attorney, which I’m certain you can’t afford, not being able to get a job in the future, not being able to go to school for certain professions that closely rely or relate to ethical actions.

At the very least, you are being dumb, sorry for saying so, but you are putting yourself in harm’s way. Please, research this job online, or go get an agency if you want to escort, while you learn the ropes, if that’s what you want to do.

FYI, the laws of many counties forbid you from being allowed to work in a strip club if you have an arrest or conviction related to prostitution.

Please do some goddamn homework about how to safely do this job, for the sake of those who love you. Go on YouTube and search “Forensic Files Stripper” if you don’t believe me.

avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
stripper cutie... if your avatar is actually you... ask for a two hundred tip above a vip fee.
technically you are ‘selling it’ anyway because you get a portion of the vip fee anyway. you may as well make some good money while you can. just be aware of the risks.

i love girls like you and your innocence!
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
PSD gives some really good advice except for the pricing. She is pricing you out of the narket and you will get nada.

No money and no sex.

Lower the price until you have built up your client base. Remember, the customer has to pay for the hotel and other things as well.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^Unless one works at an established extras club, there *will* be consequences for doing extras and getting caught for the same price as the regular room.

And customers can be douchebags and thinking nothing of outing one dancer’s to another one. If one is high volume enough, the chances of her shenanigans being discovered shoots way up.

avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Anyways. This strippercutie is either a troll or she works at the same club rickdugan goes to. :p
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ And customers can be douchebags and thinking nothing of outing one dancer’s to another one

Even non intentionally just in the course of normal conversation you can get outed, and that will cause you problems
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
I showed this post to my friend, with no comment from me, and she said

“This girl is going to end up with HIV, a pimp, and then dead.”


“Only 250 to fuck her?!?!?! HAHA!!!”
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
At first I thought strippercutie was lame.

But all of us strippers are making jabs at “her.” And the PL on this board are praising her (if they haven’t figured out it’s a troll yet.) So, I’d say the troll was done just right. Ahahaha.
avatar for Bbybunny
6 years ago
She didn’t even get the full 250 because clubs take a cut of the room. Sadly I’ve heard girls in real life ask questions like this it’s sad. Even if she is a troll.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I called her within three posts on her other thread when I pointed out that 404 is an error message.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I dont know what PSD is talking about. There is a dancer on here that is consistently the top earner at her club and word is that she gives 50 cent BJs. High volume is how to make it in this biz.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
^^ totally
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Smashing that like button
avatar for 69steve69
6 years ago
strippercutie, i'd love to meet you hun. you sound amazing i'd be honored to take you around town, no hiding.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Omg guys can you just relax? I haven't even been dancing for a month yet. I just doubled my price for extras in VIP to a $250 tip on top of VIP but I haven't done any extras except with that one guy anyway. I'm sure y'all made some boneheaded mistakes when you were first starting out too. Before dancing, the $150 I made from that VIP session is about what I would've made in an entire week's work and here I was going to get it for 30 minutes so it seemed like a lot to me but I'm sorry for not knowing everything about how things are priced in two weeks with no mentoring from anybody.
avatar for Notatroll
6 years ago
@strippercutue404. What club do you work at?
avatar for mantown13
6 years ago
Strippercutie, didn't you already check out the escort sites listing ads for your area? If you wanna see how you stack up vs the competition on price and what you offer, that's an easy way to do it. Or am I missing something??
avatar for mantown13
6 years ago
Or if you prefer low-volume and be able to trust the guy more, an arrangement (SugarDaddy/SugarBaby) would be the way to go. There are plenty of sites for that and you can see what your competition charges, some sites even have blogs with tips on how to start... So, that's the homework lesson for the day...
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Ok e whores vs strippers is a joke of a comparison. If someone is gonna hoe they can charge a lot more than some cheap internet hooker or some cheap "sugar baby" hooker. Lol! I hear the internet ladies only charge like$200-$400 an hour. Which you can make at the club often times w/ the right person or people zero hoeing. But realistically how booked up are they on average per week with so many cheap guys and plenty of other hoes to compete with. Nah if she wants to trick I hate to say this, but club customers have deeper pockets. Or she can "freestyle" and go where well off people go and make some real money.

I don't give a fuck what she does, but don't give her advice on how to greatly devalue her "services" damn.

Don't listen to some of these dudes. They look to get the most for the least. As a woman you should look to do the least to get the most.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Sugar babies are cheaper than regular hourly girls. I would only do this if some small part of you actually likes the guy as you're gonna have to spend way more time around this dude. A lot of them are odd too. Act like they are better than us strippers but at least I have never fucked/sucked/other sexual shit for money *shrug* do not understand the logic with some of these ladies. Some of them aren't stupid though,and those ones are cool.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
I thought about going the escort route but the idea of meeting a bunch of men through the internet is a scary thought to me. I had a friend of mine, who, when she was fifteen she met a guy online and thought that he was sixteen himself but it turned out that he was actually a 50 year old man. Thankfully she was her in car when she saw him and was able to drive away but that story is just one reason why I'm much more cautious about meeting people on the internet and escorting would require me not just to meet one or two guys, which, I could probably do but to meet dozens of different men seems really dangerous. You could meet fifty guys and them all be fine, decent men and then the next day meet a serial killer who chops you into little bits. Stripping on the other hand, allows me to feel these guys out better and know who they are and make sure I don't get any creepy vibes from them before I offer extras.

I actually have a friend who's a sugar baby but where I live, sugar babies don't really make a lot of money. She makes about $600 per week and right now I'm making over double that. I did think that becoming a sugar baby in college could be a good option for me though. I'm really hoping to get into University of Miami and I think I have a good chance of getting in. My dad told me that for college he is willing to cover half of the tuition for wherever I go and half of the rent for wherever I live. University of Miami is crazy expensive though. I'm waiting to hear whether I'll receive an academic scholarship but if I don't, then I'm gonna need $35,000-40,000 a year at least. I thought about stripping in Miami but I imagine clubs there will want me to work weekend shifts and I want to have a normal social life. Most people I know who go to college are super busy even without work so I really want to just work weeknights and then have weekends completely off.

So I thought becoming a sugar baby could work there. I saw something online saying that sugar babies in Miami make $4,000-10,000 per month. The girl in that article didn't want to have sex though and I am comfortable with that so I think I could probably make closer to the $10,000 per month range than the lower end of that. That hopefully could let me keep weekends open while still making good money.

Honestly I'm not really trying to do the least amount possible. I have a ridiculously high sex drive, it kind of drives me crazy sometimes lol, so I thought I might as well get paid good money for it. I more want to see how much money I can make for what I have while keeping as much of my personal freedom as I can.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Ok, I can respect your point of view and it does make sense. Stay safe.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Thanks blahblah :), and hey, I did learn a lot from this thread no doubt about that.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Weird. Is the financial aid not going to keep you afloat? I had a combination of grants/scholarship/loans no problem for the longest time.

It’s only been because of transferring schools and having too much credit hours worth of classes that I ended up dealing with nonstop financial aid issues. And so now I gave up fighting and just pay the tuition directly.

That being said, if you go to Miami, there will be lots of TUSCLers who can meet up with you.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
So I actually have a problem in that my family actually makes too much money for me to qualify for any kind of financial aid on a needs basis. My dad isn't paying for my entire college though so unless I want to go the student loans route which, at UM would result in me being $140,000-160,000 in debt by the time I graduate assuming I graduate on time, I will need to come up with the money on the spot. I'm hoping to get a merit based scholarship though. Everyone who applies to UM is automatically considered for one.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Hm, from what I’ve heard of the clubs in Miami is that it’s profitable to work in but full of extras. So if you have a high sex drive and are willing to play along, then the money should be able to flow to you easily enough.

And makes sense. I forgot about private university tuition and all.
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