
Comments by RiskA (page 19)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Great, but one thing lacking
    You have to be assertive at Synn, especially for the non-GPS lookers like AJ. It’s more like a deli counter where you push your way to the front, score your pastrami & get the hell out ASAP. If you’re looking for GFE/conversation, other clubs are more accommodating IMO.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Good day service extras
    Yeah if you don’t name names, you should feel free to describe your fictional experience in more helpful detail. Thx
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Thursdays Only
    SRCOI revised its “specials” pricing downwards a couple weeks ago, adding $110 15-minute VIPS on Sunday’s & Mondays, and some others. Thursday’s still the best deal: 30 min $140. Must have been more smart PLs walking out than stupid PLs too bedazzled by pussy to think right....
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    new york
    Ukranian sensation lol
    Whatever. Y’all probably love Kobe too.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Grave yard
    Thanks for taking the hit; I was thinking of trying it day shift but you saved me the $!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    It was a swing and a miss for me. (First Visit)
    If you like “thick” try Paradise or Bliss, north on Valley Blvd from Synn. I like the spinners, but I find Synn always has some bad experience BS like what you experienced (or waitresses miscounting change, VIP time cut short, taking your napkined drink then demanding you buy another, etc.).
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    No drink for the lady, thank you. I'd rather tip her directly.
    Afternoon visit was unrushed and satisfying
    I’ll look more closely; last week I noticed they “remodeled” their pricing from 5-for-$100 (6 on Tuesdays) to 5-for-$120 every day, and 3-for-$60s up to $70. Day shifts have had more girls lately, but still lots of “old hands” like Kitty, Coral & Madison who aren’t repeaters IMO. Need to find another CF at this place to step into the shoes of the retired Rachel/ AndI /Jessie /Bridgette...
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    No drink for the lady, thank you. I'd rather tip her directly.
    Afternoon visit was unrushed and satisfying
    Admission is $12 and there’s been no remodel in 4-5 years; in fact it’s starting to look a little run down. No names or non generic “facts.” Hmmm. But physical layout right so you must have been there in past. Some dancer names & descriptions could help here.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    new york
    Ukranian sensation lol
    Club ad. Hey, I saved $10! (Only to spend ~$400 for 10 minutes in a filthy closet). Brilliant.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Mmm I don’t know about this place
    Accurate summary. Clubs in The Valley require a lot of frog-kissing until you find a rare gem who does it for you (& usually OTC).
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    THURSDAY Striped
    Cristobal +1. Kudos to the reviewer for walking through the GPS valley of fire and coming out unburnt!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Fun time but it gets expensive
    If she thinks you’ll buy a dance, she will. I often say “I’d rather tip on a dance” which keeps them and doesn’t commit. If I decide not to get a dance and they get mad, oh well.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    This place changed a lot
    They were bought by the Synn clubs, and as you note they have assumed many of the “clip joint” aspects of Synn clubs. But they have a bigger pool of dancers to draw on (although many of them are MUCH bigger; the days of thin OC white girls is over). Still very LM so if you’re going to put up with the BS, go to Synn COI & get HM.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Los Angeles
    Back to the Jet
    Heard that too; Taylor. But can’t imagine 10+ years have been kind (certainly haven’t to me!) so will just stick to my fond memories (and CFs). But thx for the info!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Surprised by talent.
    This club does have several lookers, but many have GPS and the $50 dance price adds up fast. There also appears to be a "cabal" agreement on GPS pricing among many of the girls (although many fold to better pricing if you negotiate and are willing to walk away; just don't wait, discuss it on the floor and not during $50 dances).
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Los Angeles
    Back to the Jet
    Accurate review, and good intel using names with appropriate discretion! I believe the veteran Teddi is older than Danielle (or at least looks it), but I prefer Danielle's attitude and skills; man, she should teach classes to these younger dancers on how to give good convo & dances in a club that no longer allows the shenanigans that used to make it my favorite (mmm, I carry memories of Trixie to this day...). And good call on the low numbers early in the day; one trick is to check the white board behind the DJ which is visible when you step up to the window to pay: you can see which dancers are on-site. Their Twitter roll calls list "scheduled" dancers so aren't always accurate, particularly early in the day.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    finally made it!
    He’s from New York; 20 mph IS wide open traffic there. VIP pricing suggests he was at SR not Synn, I think?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Got played
    Even quick research on this site or BI would reveal Suki, Alyssa & Andrea of Synn as the most well-known practitioners of this GPS “art”. An expensive lesson for you. But at least you weren’t bedazzled & didn’t double down after becoming aware you’d been tricked.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    My First COI Review
    I think it's the "Sugar Baby" revolution, the more sophisticated providers cut out the middleman and make better money using the Internet. With the new employee/independent contractor rules in CA, that situation seems likely to spread. Too bad, since I enjoy the seedy strip club "hunting" experience.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Smaller, but refined selection for a Thursday afternoon
    Yes thanks for a review with names and good intel. Thursdays are still best day for VIP pricing, and often has some popular & hot girls like Candy, Makayla, Genie & Sugar.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Needs some rework..But still good.
    How about adding some USEFUL intel meaning names, particularly the "usuals" and "my favorite"? I frequented this place for many years, but the quality of girls dropped severely about 2 years ago and management suffered when Andi left. I'd go back if I read some names of worthwhile hotties with good customer service. It does have a convenient location and used to have a good "Cheers"-like vibe with GFE veteran dancers; I miss those days.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Learning as I go
    Just another (Sun)day in Paradise
    Another good review. IMO the gem of Paradise was day shift Jess, but apparently she retired. I find nearly all girls there now are thick+, which also is not my type. But the price can be right when you're not picky.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Great first LA area strip club experience
    A review that contains intel re the ATM but not dancers; what's the point? And depending on VIP price, you can have a "great time" here for more like $200-250 if you have any game.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Learning as I go
    First solo foray into City of Industry Strip Clubs
    Thursdays are now the only day to go: still have 1/2 hour curtain rooms for $140. Days not that crowded with PLs but still lots of top girls like Candy, Genie, Makayla, Sugar, etc.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Learning as I go
    First solo foray into City of Industry Strip Clubs
    To me VIP just means any multi-dance in a more private space than regular dances, so yeah, “retreats” count. On this site, opinions vary re: linking names directly to acts & prices; some places fear law enforcement, some members are just f’n knights for their whores. Since most COI clubs (where prob 80-90% do FS if paid their price) are really brothels and that’s common knowledge w COI LE, I lean towards giving names and prices but not naming acts; people can draw their own conclusions. But always YMMV (your mileage may vary) of course. This must be the most civil thread in the history of TUSCL; Quick, somebody yell “child molester” or throw fruit cups or something....