
Comments by RiskA (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    It’d be nice, but ultimately it’s irrelevant; this is at core a paid transaction not romance and I’m paying for me to get off. I like those who do as well (or act like they do) as it enhances my experience, and those who enjoy their work tend to do a better job. In real life of course I want a fuck-mate to get off, especially since women have the potential to do so endlessly & keep going. I’m especially fond of squirters since then you truly know the score (I’ve been fortunate to have enjoyed several over 25+ years).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    Realistic Pricing of Extras
    In SoCal nude extras clubs (& there are many), FS can usually be found for $100-140 plus VIP room charges. Some girls get more, based on looks, audacity, selling skills. If you can believe the internet (LOL), some guys say they pay like $500-600 plus the room for what they inevitably describe as “best ever” sex in a fuck closet; but in my opinion that’s crazy & reflects issues unique to those buyers (wealth, ego, conspicuous consumption, etc.). Some girls ask higher rates, but never heard of them getting even $1k in a club there’s just too much sex worker competition here. But hey, I’m fine with girls asking whatever they want; I can always say no, and they can’t pay rent & feed that child or habit with a stack of no. A willing buyer & seller will find the “right” price. Yay free markets.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A hidden gem
    I haven’t been here since 2020, but during my daytime visits “spinners” were few & far between: most dancers were big, very ghetto/barrio, and poor customer service skills. Not that that stopped me from a few FS experiences, as prices were cheap. Waitresses are very pushy, and like all Kim-owned clubs you need to count your change they’ll “self-tip.” But if girl quality has improved, this is a good club as it was uncrowded and low-key on the hard sell. Anyone else confirm quality of dancers nowadays? (I don’t care about bartenders, waitresses or security dudes; just dancers haha.)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hiding in the bathroom
    I’ll go in a stall to count & separate the money in my wallet (to only show the sum I’m prepared to pay), to dig out the condom (it sets off the metal detectors if in pocket & not putting it in the basket where it might get “confiscated”), and to have a moment of peaceful Zen before haggling with the vendors. Still pretty clean & no attendants on the day shifts I frequent, usually.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    What A RipOff
    You know it’s a bad day when you’re sitting in the club doing math problems….
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How long do you stick around a bad club before bailing and walking out
    I try out different nude clubs all the time (SoCal has many), so I’m a “scan & quick decision” aficionado. Step one is to check the roll call on-line or at the door, to see how many dancers are in the house. Some won’t say (& I usually bail without entry) or they lie (& I report that here - right, Synn North Hills?). If there’s at least 3-4 and I don’t recognize any prospects from on-line reviews, I’ll eat the door fee and take a look. But I try to avoid the mandatory $10-15 soda until I see a couple dancers. More than 5-10 minutes in an empty room/stage, and I’ll leave (& often ask for a pass “for when you actually have dancers working”). If I see an acceptable girl with a customer, I’ll wait a while, but if they’re still sitting after 15 and no one else has appeared, bye. I’ll wait longer in very limited circumstances (good AC on a hot day, good sound system & music, at shift change, etc.)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Judging a Strip Club by it's Cover
    I’m mostly a day timer, so I’m used to empty parking lots & it’s not a deterrent. I’ve usually made an appointment with a regular anyway, so the less witnesses the better LOL. But I routinely Google Earth when I visit a new club, to check the neighborhood. Esp if it’s a night visit (I live in CA, where carrying a gun is about the only crime worth condemning LOL).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    Yay free markets: the OP can choose her customers as she deems fit, and if she loses $, it’s on her (unless/until she asks for a bailout, then getting shit is the price tag). Maybe her business model succeeds, or maybe her regulars don’t like it & take their business elsewhere. Her choice to make. I’m older & a polygamous “regular” type, and I find plenty of willing sellers. I happen to be white, but it’s only green that really matters in this setting.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    So what age would you consider as old?
    I’m mid-60s, look younger (so I’m told), but over the day I can feel energy levels aren’t as before. Fortunately, strip clubs energize me. I’m sure young & prime-age dancers view me as old as dirt, so I use energetic and positive convo to try to overcome any prejudice. Of course it works best with older & veteran dancers, tired of the BS and less worried about the “status” (other than financial) of their ITC relations.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    new york
    Sahara is a good place to hang out if you wanna hurt your eyes
    This review mirrors about 95% of my trips to Sahara, LOL. You see a hardbody once in a long while, but it’s mostly meaty-to-chubby types and attitudes are not great. It’s not as bad as Bliss or Paradise on those issues, but lately there’s routinely better quality in OC at Ecstasy, Cal Girls SA, even TJs.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    High value, friendly atmosphere, safe enough... but pick a shift!
    I second re: Bare Elegance LAX, for Eastern Europe/Russians. Maybe Ecstasy in Orange County. A dark horse candidate is Spearmint Rhino Van Nuys, but that club is often understaffed and lifeless (it’s apt nickname is “Dead Rhino”) so if it’s not good when you walk in, don’t stay 8 hours like you did here haha. You deserve a stamina award, man; I’ve tried to wait out shift changes but rarely last long. Good review, your observations are very consistent with my past visits to this club.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Western PA
    What do you think about to prolong sex with a stripper to delay your orgasm.
    I think about what kind of sports car & estate I could have bought with my accumulated strip club spending over the years….
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    new york
    Rhino fatsorous
    A steady diet of Synn COI would make anyone an angry & hostile person - that’s what a clip joint full of the young & dumb will do. I agree SRCOI has declined from it’s peak, but c’mon: I also go there with some regularity & it’s not as bad as this review states. Maybe the lesson here is don’t strip club angry LOL.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Here’s What Happens to Men Who Cheat, according to science.
    “Science”, yeah right. No control of the independent variable (cheating motivation), an ungeneralizable test population (guys who actually sign up to Ashley Madison are extra-thirsty or more uncommitted than Joe Married), and the conclusion is that people reduce cognitive dissonance by lying to themselves (known says MM blew Jesus)? So glad my tax dollars funded this shame to academia. UMass Boston should be ashamed that this bears their name.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great experience, dj was killing it with the music.
    I have DScrub blocked because of his repetitive “club ad” nonsense, but this time I’m going to agree with him. Funny how even this shill got hit with this clip joint’s frequent waitress “miscounted change” scam LOL.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Tale of two dayshift visits
    Good info, thx. The rear parking is pretty sketch, with all the homeless dug in. I’ve watched drug deals go down while I park. But I too go during the day, so it’s safe enough I just hustle in & out with my game face on. And yeah if you take advantage of free 11-1 admission (did they stretch to 2pm?), you often have to wait a while for girls to hit the floor. Can be boring, but that’s the price of being cheap. But if you find a fave & schedule, nobody on the floor during your VIP just means more privacy & freedom to get your freak on ;).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip club etiquette for strippers
    Tipping for extras “up front” is absurd, except maybe if it’s a known regular dancer who you know delivers and is unlikely to poison your repeat patronage by ROBing you. Even then, I think paying upfront puts blame on the customer over 50%, even with a blatant ROB. You put yourself in the position to get ripped off. Of course many strippers aren’t ROBs but is it wise to play Russian Roulette since only one of six chambers has a bullet? Posting dancers always hypocritically say customers should have no expectations re: services, but should tip blindly on the expectation that services will be delivered. Uhh, we aren’t tipping to reward you for merely existing, honey. That’s why tips are delivered after the meal. Paying upfront for dances (not extras) is ok if you can complain to the house if the dancer doesn’t strip or air dances (if that’s what dance cost includes). If the house doesn’t care & do something, out them on the Internet & going there.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Good Repeat to JS in Afternoon
    Was the blonde named Danielle? If so, she’s closer to 50 but still has an outstanding body. Has worked there at least 20 years & is a fun, experienced, no BS vet. Mileage not high (tho I think it gets a little better for established customers), but delivers a hot time. She should train all strippers in customer service!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Poll: Your at the urinal and no cup holder for your beer you…
    I live in L.A., so I’d never ask someone in the mens’ room to “hold it….” I one-hand, or try to balance it if there’s room. You can’t leave your drink at your seat with a napkin on top at one COI chain’s clubs (Synn), as their waitresses dump them then force you to bury another. Clip joint BS.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I need a passport.
    Yep, one’s first trip to a Randy’s Evil Empire club is life-changing (mine was to TL’s now-closed sister club Hawaii Theater). It’s just so easy. Once your eyes de-glaze, you start seeing the girls don’t turn over much, the range of choices isn’t that deep or really that high end, it’s sort of dirty & mechanical; but hey, it’s easy & usually not that expensive. The 3-song nontimed VIPs are anachronistic, but oh well. Take notes of names on your next visit!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Seats by the stage
    If a girl’s so fugly that I feel I must withhold a tip, I’ll back off the stage seat & go to the head or something. But cmon my $2 tip (or stage tips in general) isn’t going to convince to work fast food instead. Why fuglies strip is a topic for another day, but it’s not the money they make. Although different guys like different things, so maybe they find the lids for their pots, IDK and who cares. Tipping when sitting at stage is basic etiquette.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Seats by the stage
    I like to sit at the rail, and the price is tipping every dancer even the fuglies that I would never lap. The benefit is that in most clubs, dancers can’t or won’t pester rail birds for dances. I prefer to watch the line up before conversing or negotiating; it’s more likely to put me in the mood than being forced to turn down the fuglies (“why not?” “You’re fugly.”), or play the “not right now” game, etc. A little peace & quiet is worth a few stage tips.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Bomb ass Club really crowded
    I went there pre-pandemic, & above comments are pretty accurate. Day shifts sparse (2-3 girls) and mostly average, tho I saw lookers at times. Danni is a cool manager, don’t know why she doesn’t get better girls. Little privacy in VIP & Danni runs a tight ship; anything beyond HJs was rare (& usually limited to the one separate VIP bench near the stage). Parking at night is a nightmare, and cops write tickets in area. But it does get absolutely packed, so OP’s estimates probably not far off if you consider the smoking area. The vibe at night is like a topless “make it rain” twerk club. Too much hassle for this aged HM monger LOL.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Should PLs feel like vultures?
    +1 on docsavage’s views. It’s not rocket science, if you set aside the virtue-signaling in one’s navel-gazing. Absent coercion, it’s a transaction with a willing buyer & willing seller.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Club is a mixed bag but consistent with the drink hustle
    The Synn chain is notorious for minor ripoffs like the variable admission charge, the “miscounted” change, the shaved VIP time, the drink swipe while in the bathroom, etc. Relatively minor inconveniences, but it’s annoying. The day manager at Sahara pre-pandemic was actually somewhat responsive to complaints, far better than the other clubs in the chain; DK if he’s still there. Just stay on your toes & stand your ground.