
Comments by RiskA (page 12)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    First visit, kind of disappointing
    My experiences: VIP dances are either nude or with bikini pulled aside so far as to be functionally nude, and little difference between day & night shifts re: mileage (both are hit & miss depending on the girls, you need to ask). Fewer girls on day shift usually. Girl quality is like a COI club, mostly chubby Latinas. But occasionally you find a gem. But the old OC days of hot white college girls is over, I’m afraid. :(
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    How to have the best night out
    You didn’t list the #1 rule for happiness in a nude extras club: “always negotiate the availability and price of extras before you agree to a VIP dance, and pay for the extras only after they are actually provided.” Not following that rule will leave you wishing you had, at least 80% of the time. Yeah it can seem “transactional” and a mood-killer, but c’mon this isn’t a date, it’s paid sexual services. Just be polite & if she doesn’t want to discuss it, say thanks for her time & move on. Refusal to discuss usually means either she doesn’t do it or she will demand max price after your little head is in charge. For a non-extras club where you’re mainly looking to have good clean fun with a pretty girl, your approach is more spot on.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Stage Tipping Etiquette
    “You get what you pay for” is such an amateur/simp excuse, IMO. Other than at stage tip clubs for young hipsters, dancers know the real money comes from VIP room clients & regulars. I’d save my generosity for after progress in that discussion. Stage tips are just an expression of interest, a “come talk to me” invite. The OP’s question is legit, asking what level of stage tip is normal so you don’t offend or stand out. If you think pussy is worth whatever they’re asking or whatever it takes, you probably shouldn’t go to strip clubs but hey it’s your money not mine.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Stage Tipping Etiquette
    My experience in CA nude clubs is $2-3 tip per 2 song set, assuming they get nude. $1 and I back away if they don’t get nude by Song #2 (and no lap dance with them, it most likely will go nowhere). Maybe $5 for a CF regular or an untried goddess who commits to joining me right after. In this situation, it’s not “inflation” at play since the customer is in control. Until the overpayers make it the “new normal,” to the detriment of their fellow PLs. Don’t be that guy.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Pretty fun time it's a blast
    Yeah unless Bliss has radically changed in 2022, the girls are absolute fugly bottom of the strip club barrel, IMO. I saw one there I swear resembled The Hulk. That said, with the old $100 VIP and FS available at $40-80 tips, one could occasionally find a worthy fuck pig MILF type; but at $200 VIP no way too many better options elsewhere. But the reviewer acknowledged a taste for big women, so he’s entitled to his opinions too.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Not a fun place to be
    My experience at this clubs tracks Decline’s: if sitting at the rail, they leave you alone (unless you ask them to come talk to you after their set). House rules may say let railbirds tip; that’s common. I never had an issue with girls approaching if I sit elsewhere. I agree that post COVID the girls here are more business like, but with Synn becoming so crappy I think all that club’s cheap fucko time-waster customers have started coming to SR and so the SR girls react.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Fine but a bit corny
    Most clubs in the Synn chain employ these “clip joint” practices. You always need to count your change (the waitresses often “self-tip”), and if you leave your drink unattended while pissing they’ll often take it (the napkin cover ignored) then hit you up for another “mandatory.” And don’t put your drink on stage or it will get kicked over & you’ll be hit up for another. All of the above happened to me, making me stop regular visits & pick other clubs. Was the creepy dude’s name “Lance” by any chance? Sounds like I guy who used to post about Synn clubs a lot but couldn’t afford dances LOL.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Retired, traveling for fun
    More than expected
    Yeah don’t be intimidated; many on this site live in places where tying a club to described extras may get the club shut down. That’s not SoCal. But tying acts to dancer names may get that dancer fired, so discretion seems proper for that. Ecstasy is a good club but no web presence or roll calls available. Even from the doorman. Never understood that. So listing on-site dancer names during your visit (as announced by the DJ) would be helpful. We’d still need to guess who did such delightful things to you….
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What kinds of lies do you tell strippers?
    I’m “emotionally honest” with them LOL (meaning I don’t lie to manipulate them), but I change most of the “facts” of my life (name, worse residence, worse job & income, etc.). I have too much to lose, & these girls are mostly grifters (to one degree or another, so why let them in? I have a whole “alter ego” I use for consistency haha. And I’m a good liar with a good memory. And let’s face it, 95% of dancers mainly want to talk about themselves, so it’s rarely an issue. My only regret to this approach is the 3-4 dancers who I liked enough to see regularly over 5+ years (one over 10) and actually considered friends; I did feel some regret there. But the rest of the time my approach works great. I have plenty of “honest” relationships IRL, and I don’t have any “Madonna-Whore” or “White Knight” psych issues, so I don’t feel bad about changing facts to protect myself. This can be a brutal game if you worry too much about truthfulness. Remember, “she don’t love you” is Rule #1.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    So, how much money did you bring in?
    I’ve heard that question (or some variation) many times over 20+ years. I actually like when they say dumb or character-revealing stuff like that right away, as it speeds the process of deal or no deal. I never answer truthfully, I usually answer flippantly, I occasionally answer like I’m insane (to run them off). F’em if they can’t take a joke.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    My experience with Kendra...
    @Corycat: Glad you’re here; good sane contributors like you were few & far between on late-stage BI. @Masteroak: the reviews (GR only, unfortunately) were scraped by a guy planning to do a new website, but I haven’t heard from him since. But old reviews are pretty useless now, esp post-COVID changes in dancers & rates. That’s why new reviews & contributions are so critical.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    My experience with Kendra...
    Joryx3 on BI described Kendra as “like being hit by a tornado” both in her hard sales pitch and her VIP dance style, and my experience was the same. But if you don’t waste her time & keep it fun, it’s a hell of a ride. Haven’t seen her post-pandemic, though. Pull the trigger next time badboy! PS club details are available on the club’s website, including roll calls and occasional dancer photos on the website’s referenced onegc app. For a club with 534 prior reviews, I’d rather read about dancers than the build out floor plan so this review is fine by me.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Thursday afternoon
    Did Pia formerly work at Ecstasy in OC? That Pia was a tiny (5’ 90# ish) hot spinner white girl. I’d be surprised if she’s slumming at Synn since she could work better clubs, but you never know. “Worn out” is synonymous with DVCOI, isn’t it? That place was a total train wreck for the maybe 2 years before it closed. The Dollar General of strip clubs LOL.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Sunday afternoon at the TL
    Yeah something’s fishy. “They” (management) have never charged for room, you pay your server (unlike other SoCal “pay at the desk” clubs). Didn’t say what he paid. I too know Jersey as a FS no-go, tho when pressed she has never expressly promised the act to me so I can’t say she’s a ROB just not FS. Maybe this reviewer has a different definition. And Jersey in the day? Never saw that, but rarely went on a Sunday. Still, rely at your own risk.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    My thoughts on Pure Pleasure
    Your review was good. Maybe add if your visit was day shift or night, maybe names of any dancers who you thought were good. Ignore the squeaking “club ad” bird, he says that to everyone. And ignore the “too explicit” stuff, per site t&c it’s ok as long as you don’t tie names to acts (tho some members claim otherwise they can’t cite to anything supporting their position). Not that anything too explicit happens in a VA club, unless it’s available takeout….
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Immediately banned from StripperWeb
    The funniest part of Muddy’s post on SW is that he asked a geometry “angles” question. Blank stares & exploding heads all around!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Hit and Miss at SRCOI post COVID
    It sounds current, although it’s very generic & doesn’t name any old or new dancers on-site nor what he means by “current inflated rates.” One used to be able to regularly find happiness here for $150-200 (although it often took negotiations & willingness to walk, as reviewer says). My only visit recently (day shift, 5-6 girls) had initial asks of $400-600 and to me nothing I saw that day was worth the haggling it’d likely take.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Glad to be back in a Strip Club!
    Good & accurate summary of this high-priced but good small club (I’ve reviewed it several times over 10+ years). Don’t let those squawking parrots get you down. But I’d like more description of the 7 dancers; this place had some real quality pre-COVID but the only time I’ve been in the last year was a day shift with only 3 girls, some good not great talent (tho far exceeding the “thick” MILFy types at Sahara or COI nude clubs).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Brutal honesty in strip clubs
    “Honesty” is only a necessity in the business transaction aspect of strip club life, IMO; if a dancer misreps her services or price, she’s a ROB (rip-off bitch). The rest of the convo is all fantasy, so who cares about honesty? I only inflict “brutal honesty” when they EARN it, by pressing the issue (“why not?” “What IS your type?”) or otherwise being obnoxious when I say no or not now. Even then I typically refrain, unless they overstep typical decorum & piss me off. On a tangent: I completely disagree with “Regarding dancers, I don't see the point of including too much detail in reviews” (from a guy with 1200+ forum comments but just 4 reviews haha); the whole point of monger websites is to share intel to achieve better results, to get actionable intel from one another’s failures and successes. Sure, don’t explicitly tie good girls’ acts to names & get them in trouble; but otherwise name names & describe the experience - good or bad. I’d rather draw my own conclusions from a reviewer’s actual experience in the trenches than from reading abstract “wisdom” LOL.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Consolidation
    Yeah, “market forces” can’t exert much influence over “new” strip club evolution: there’s too much regulatory constraint & too little “voice of the consumer” demand permitted by today’s anti-“male urges” culture. Maybe one could still get away with opening a topless sports bar or Hooters, but there’s too much cost & too little return to trying to open a new “quality” nude juice bar jack shack. In SoCal, even the mighty Spearmint Rhino failed to get it done (Monarchs in COI, LaPerla in the Valley). For example, for new construction this f’n nanny state has demanded a wheelchair lift up to the stripper stage for ADA compliance!! Who’s going to open a new nude club (no booze here) facing that sort of BS? The value of keeping your liquor license keeps the topless clubs “clean,” so they squeak by. Like with a restaurant during COVID, “take-out” is the future now. Our days of ITC delights may be just pleasant memories.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who out there is fucking the game up
    Papi’s got it right: at least in SoCal, it’s too many fools with too much money, & too PC to negotiate. “Best ___ ever” is a tell for “I know I spent WAY too much but I’ll rationalize it this way….” Think of it like buying a used car, or any haggling; find the point of a willing seller to your buyer, & remember cash is king. That said, pent-up pandemic demand & the f’n cost of living is reality, & rates are up. For a girl meeting my standards (such as they are), these days I jump at Skittles’ price points these days & feel no shame/regret.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    At a City of Industry club, I saw a dancer wearing the basic clear heel filled with condom packages. What did that say to me? Bold marketing move. At an Orange County club, an older dancer wore nothing but flip-flops; told me heels hurt too much after an hour, and she relied on regulars & her upper body (toned & implants) not her legs. Still busy at 50 at a LM club, so guess she knew the irrelevance of “what her sandals said.” And I agree: most contact lap dancers here remove their shoes. And I’ve got thigh scars from a couple who didn’t, so I ask them too.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    What kinda club is this?
    The paranoid & oddly puritanical posting dictates of many of this site’s daily-posting know-it-alls prevent answering this question directly, which of course answers the question. As any SoCal regular can tell you, girls here can surely net $1-2K a day if they “work” hard. This club (along with BE LAX) was ground zero for the SoCal GPS movement, due to the number of sucker PLs who apparently never bargained for a used car. Of course there are girls there that won’t, but that’s their choice & right. But they typically don’t last unless they can hook regulars who’ll bet on long term sugar daddy dreams. And those custie types quit fast once they start adding up the costs per benefit. Paradise & Synn are just Dolar General and Walmart to SRCOI’s Macy’s; the merchant is nicer & costs more, but the clothes you buy go on/off the same way.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Yeah we are like so totally undeniable. Daisy Dukes Bikinis on Top
    Doormen at this place often ask for tips, it’s really irritating. For what, douche? The dancers will tip out & cover you, unless you’re a douche to them as well. But what I actually say is “it’s customary that you get tipped out by the dancers” and just start walking in. Never had an issue with that.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Great club
    If it’s an ad, it’s a bad one. Actually it describes a typical day visit here pretty well IME, tho they often have better dancers than described here and the poster is tipping pretty heavy (tho he didn’t tie in what mileage he was paying for). Unfortunately they won’t give toll calls on the phone & have no website or Instagram list of girls on-site, so it’s always a crap shoot. And this guy crapped out.