So what age would you consider as old?

avatar for nicespice
Gonna quote a couple of comments I read this morning:

—>“ too many old dudes who are taking it far too personally.”

—>“As a middle-aged white guy (who believes fairness, consideration, and moderation is key in all aspects of life), I am so sick of entitled old people. “

Not the first time I’ve seen the term “old” thrown around as a slur from middle aged guys at older ones. I’m just going to point out that the average 22 year old probably doesn’t distinguish between a 45 and 65 year old very much. Or at least I didn’t when I was that age. 😁


last comment
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
“Old” is always 20 years older than my present age.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I saw those too, and I laugh at those guys, they think they wont get old but here's something I know and it took me a long time to really understand, everyone ages or dies, and between those two choices there's a lotta living to do, and my own preference is aging rather than dying.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
I some times get aggravated at old people for being so slow and ignorant. Then I remind myself I are one(80 years).
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
To me a person isn't old until they hit the general retirement age in their mid 60s. Anyone from around 40-65 I would consider middle aged and now that I am 40 that is how I see myself.

However, in terms of strip clubs I assume most dancers would consider anyone more than about 10-12 years older than them as old. An 18 year old stripper at the beginning of her stripping career might consider someone in their early 30s old but by the time she is 30 herself she probably doesn't consider anyone under 40 to be old.

As far as how customers view strippers ages it is a completely different scale. I consider any stripper under about 22-23 to be young, any stripper from 23-32 as prime aged career wise and any dancer 33 or older as old for a dancer. I enjoy each of those age groups at different times depending on what I am looking for at the time. If I am just looking for eye candy on stage and just a couple of regular lapdances I go for a young dancer. If I am looking for a wild energetic vip I go for the prime aged dancers. If I am looking for a good conversation and a sensual vip I look for an older dancer.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Even when I was young (currently 52), I considered being over 50 as old - when I was young I would consider someone in their 30s and 40s as "older" but not necessarily as an old person.
avatar for HannibalSmith
3 years ago
If I had to put a hard number down I’d say 70 would be the cutoff between middle age and old.

Honestly I’ve run into folks in their mid 60 and early 70 who were in better condition than some folks in their 30s and 40s. If I didn’t know how old they were I wouldn’t have guessed 60 something.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Per Google:

"... middle age, period of human adulthood that immediately precedes the onset of old age. Though the age period that defines middle age is somewhat arbitrary, differing greatly from person to person, it is generally defined as being between the ages of 40 and 60 ..."
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
I guess to me it's the difference between looking old enough to be someone's Dad vs. old enough to be someone's Grandpa. Or the difference between still looking vigorous enough to pound a good fuck into a girl vs. looking like you might get injured if a girl bounces on your lap too hard.

But hey, if you asked my young kids, the already think I'm ancient. So what do I know? 😉
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
always keep in mind there's almost always, a fence around the cemetery, that's cause folks are dying to get in, not out.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Old is generally based on the person who is making the judgement.

For a 21 year old dancer - a 35 year old guy could be considered old.

When it’s a 35 year old guy - it’s likely 50 that is considered old.

I’m 58, and I know I’m old - as 58 sounds much closer to 60 (and that seems old).

If a person passes away, and folks can still say “He went too soon.” that person is not truly old. But, if a person passes, and from LDK say “He lived a good long life.” that would indicate he was old.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 years ago

I say this at 41, and having spent the weekend with a bunch of same-age buddies for a fantasy football draft, and realizing one of them has a kid who's a high school senior.

Also...Judgement Day (per T2) was 25 years ago today. If you saw that in the theater (I did), you're old.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Sorry - my last sentence got messed up.

But, if a person passes, and folks say “He lived a good long life.” that would indicate he was old.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
Old is when people stop improving themselves. Countries, too.
avatar for RiskA
3 years ago
I’m mid-60s, look younger (so I’m told), but over the day I can feel energy levels aren’t as before. Fortunately, strip clubs energize me. I’m sure young & prime-age dancers view me as old as dirt, so I use energetic and positive convo to try to overcome any prejudice. Of course it works best with older & veteran dancers, tired of the BS and less worried about the “status” (other than financial) of their ITC relations.
avatar for uniquename
3 years ago
“Old” is when you realize that something that happened “yesterday” was 20 years ago.
avatar for gobstopper007
3 years ago
I was talking crap to my daughter about how I was going to buy new house with pool, full basement playroom and all the other things she and her brother wanted growing up. She looked at me and said “Dad there is no way a bank gives you a 30-year mortgage anymore”. I’m mid 50’s but that stung.
avatar for Goodclubrep
3 years ago
I've never had the same perspective of old as most people in my age group.When very young I was always around old and older people. Because of this I conversed more on their level than not. Later on I gravitated towards older people for advice etc. I was never only with my age group but most of them had a different perspective and attitude towards old than I had. Now that I'm older I don't feel or act old and I get along well with younger people. Younger females are not any problem either, we get along well also.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
I'm 65 and that to me is chronologically old. I ski, walk, and carry my golf clubs and cut down 2 trees this weekend using a ladder, rope and a chainsaw. Still old, just active. Really don't give a fuck anyway.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I started feeling old when I was pushing 40. Basically because almost all the women I found attractive were at least 5 years younger than me.

Seems common for women to be very scared of turning 30. But they'll say they are fine with, or even prefer, dating guys in their 30s.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
In the words of the immortal Hugh Hefner. " You are only as old as the women that you feel. " I was feeling about 26 last night. And I wore her out.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
"... “Old” is when you realize that something that happened “yesterday” was 20 years ago ..."

A couple of days ago I was watching a video that mentioned Tupac's death - I couldn't remember the date of when that happened so I looked it up and it was in 1996 - say what - it's been over 25-years! Amazing - poor-guy was only 25; he would currently be turning 52 - seems he did a lot of living in just 25 years - I thought he was older at the time of his murder.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
It depends. In general, old is my age + 50%. At 20, 30 was old. At 40, 60 is old.

Even at 20 though, I see strippers seemingly distinguish between multiple levels of old. I've known quite a few who don't like to dance for the 65+ age bracket, they think its gross or they're worried about the guy getting hurt. But I've never seen a girl reject a 45yr old on that basis. I'm sure they don't distinguish in casual conversation, most people don't. Old is old, but there's a difference. Around 19, I hooked up a a woman in her late 30's for a while. She was what my friends & I considered old, but we sure as shit distinguished the difference between 40 and 60. I was a hero for nabbing the MILF, a newly popular term at the time. I'd have been the nasty dude who'd fuck anything if I was hooking up with a 60+ yr old chick.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
It all depends on context and who I'm hanging around.

In one group this weekend, I was the youngest by 5 years (and after him, by 20). In another, I was the oldest by 5.

I was also on dates with two hotties 12 and 16 years younger than me. Cultural references, old, but sexual energy, not.
avatar for PhredJohnson
3 years ago
This convo reminds me of the first time I went to my oldest kid's Parent-Teacher conference. Remember how "old" your grade school teachers seemed when you were in school? I show up at the P-T conference and walk into the gym where all the teachers were arranged around at individual tables. I was SHOCKED at all the hot babes in the room. It was then i realized that my "old" grade school teachers were probably in their 20s and 30s!!!
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
One time, I did a shift over at Hiliter and there was some older gentleman sitting at the bar who looked my way. As soon as I walk up, he automatically shoots me down and says
“you’re nice to look at, but you’re too young for me”
Me: “That’s cool, I’m older than I look. What do you consider too young?”
Him: “I like the forty year olds best. I feel like a creep for talking to anyone too young. But I can admire from a distance!”
Me: Yeah, I’m definitely not 40. Have fun! -walks away-

I must have unknowingly met Scrubby that day after all 😁
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
This morning, I feel old.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
3 years ago
I don’t give a rat’s ass what others regard as old. It only matters what I regard as old (and that’s rather complicated).

First of all, any woman who is less than 25 years YOUNGER than I am is old (or at least too old for me).

Second, any guy who is my age or older is definitely old and should know better than to behave like that.

Third, as long as my hydraulics still work and I have opportunities to “behave like that,” I’m not old yet even though Truman was still president when I was born.

If my attitude seems unfair and egocentric, feel free to complain (but speak up because my hearing isn’t what it used to be).
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
"It was then i realized that my "old" grade school teachers were probably in their 20s and 30s!!!"

Then you were lucky. Most of my grade school teachers were bitter old women. Decades later they'd still be older than I am now.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
avatar for crosscheck
3 years ago
I dunno. I'm 45 and I've come to accept the realization that to most women in their early 20s, there's basically no difference between 45 and 65. I never would have though mid-forties would be enough to become creepy old man to anyone, but there ya go.

I don't feel "old" but my knees sure do from many years of hockey and skiing. And I sure can't handle a hangover anymore either...
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
Old is anyone who eats liver and onions.
avatar for Ian1968
3 years ago
I think old is when you stop giving a damn how old you are…
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
If your asking me this question in LA…

avatar for gSteph
3 years ago
If I ever give up wanting a dance(s) with you Nice, then I'll be old. 🙂
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
for dancers? 27 is like 59 in stripper years.

(borrowed from 'house bunny')
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Age is just a number. Moisturize your skin and work out. Lift weights and you'll be fine. And with cheap treatments like botox and bbls for women. Aging isn't bad. Plus people look younger than in the past.

But the old guys on here are like sad pathetic dinosaurs with their bigotry
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
I like a variety of ages in dancers. It’s easy to like the tight skin, cute face, and perky tits of a 19 year old dancer. I also find that dancers in their 30s have more developed frames, curvier hips, bigger tits, and a more professional approach to dancing that is equally exciting. They just know more about how to be sexy. Dancers in their 40s are easier to relate to and have a better talk game, and if well maintained can be very hot if you are realistic with you expectations. Time is the enemy of dancer looks though, and it’s easier for them to fall off as time passes… saggy boobs, wrinkles, cellulite, stretch marks, bad upgrade decisions, etc all pile up over time. I haven’t knowingly gotten dances from a 50+ year old, but I bet it’s happened.

If I keep myself from placing age inappropriate standards on a dancer, there is something sexy to be found at all ages. Not to say that all dancers look great, bc plenty don’t and time exacerbates this.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Old is when you paid the dancer then pay-her again 5-minutes-later bc you didn't remember you had paid-her
avatar for rockie
3 years ago
Old is defined by confusing Foxy Lady Providence with Boardroom Cabaret Brockton on more than one occasion!

I’m old, but I have not tripped on the above stated Mendoza line! I’m sure it’s going to occur anyway now!
avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
Old is when you’re no longer interested in fucking the civilian women your own age and you have to start paying for pussy.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Some people do manage to keep their looks into their 40s and even 50s. The 40+ women who choose to monetize this by stripping are the best, as long as they don't overdue it with the you could maybe civvie date me hustle. Very simple with them, as long as you got the money, honey, they got the time.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Any time someone ascribes a characteristic to a group of people, they reveal their ignorance. All old people are……..

avatar for pistola
3 years ago
Simple Test:

Sit on the toilet.
Do your nuts touch the water?
If yes, you're old.
If no, you're not.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Old is when a 40 y/o dancer is considered barely-legal
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Any age is old I person is not fit.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I think a person is 'old' when they are out of it.

Decline of health may be a contributing factor, but it is not the key issue.

avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Icey is an old "get off my lawn guy already....
avatar for Musterd21
3 years ago
Only the GOOD die YOUNG?

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
People need to keep on learning, and then they will be respected, and that is the key.

FWIW, in the Organization I am working to build, I will not be for long the person responsible for recruiting, screening, approving and initiating. I don't need to be fucking young newbie girls. Other people will have those responsibilities.

To make it only me would seriously hamstring the growth of the org. And I need to be setting up structures will be continue beyond my own life.

I will be looking for the women I can put into administrative positions, and spending my time with them.

avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Ever since I hit my mid 30s I started to realize past events on my life - some significant and some meaningless. Anyway they always involve my parents and I think of how old they were when that event occurred. Now I realize that I am older now than they were during that event and it makes me want to cry because it makes me feel so old!

Example - when I graduated high school - I am now the same age that my parents were when that happened. Ugh!!

It’s not really fair how fast time catches up on you. When I was a kid a week in junior high seemed like it took a month. Now when I go to work on Monday and finish up the week on Friday, it seems like that week took about 1.5 days.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

Definition of delusional above!
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
Ninja'd, that was regarding the sjcreep.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Anyone older than me, which would have been me today if I thought about it yesterday.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
iknowbetter nailed it.
Old is when you’re no longer interested in fucking the civilian women your own age and you have to start paying for pussy.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
old is when you look in the mirror and you see this old guy looking back at you.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
So what about if it's voluntary? "Have to" sounds so negative lol.
avatar for conan_mac_morna
3 years ago
I'm 53. I figure I have at the very outside 17 years left, considering my genetics and hobbies. To me, that's old.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I considered myself to be old when the majority of people I knew as a child were no longer here. When my grandparents, parents, friends of my parents and aunts and uncles were all gone then I felt old. Just my same age childhood friends are left. One of my childhood friends just passed away and it made me unhappy because I know the rest will now follow, one after another.
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