How long do you stick around a bad club before bailing and walking out

avatar for Muddy
Walk in. This is definitely not what I’m looking for. If I’m not writing a review for the club (in that case I gotta bear down and take some notes for a little bit) but if not I’m walking right the fuck out. I don’t want to buy a drink for this shit. I try to scout hard to see if I want to be here if not I’m already thinking about the next club I’m going to. Now doing this it might look a little crazy and you might get a reaction from staff, a couple recent door bouncers were like “Hey, what happened!?!?”

How long are you hanging in there?…


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avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Depending on the size of the club… if it’s dead then I go buy my obligatory one drink and sit and watch the stage rotation in case there’s a hot dancer hiding in the dressing room that I didn’t see when I came in.

I like to bounce around to clubs especially if I’m in a city where there are several decent clubs close by. In that case if I go into a club and it’s crowded and this may be my 3rd club of the night I can just go hang out somewhere and watch the rotation hoping to find someone that catches my interest. Watching a rotation in a larger club can take 30-45 min - minimum.

Now walking into a dump and I didn’t realize it was that bad, or a normal club that’s just dead??? I’ve turned around and walked right back out, I’ve been stopped several times by a bartender, dancer, bouncer with the “where are you going you just got here?” Not in a threatening way but the “hey give us a chance” guilt trip. I usually say “oh I left my phone in my car” (which is usually true) and just leave.

Maybe I’m traveling for work and only have a few nights the entire month to club, I gotta make those nights count and can’t just sit around and waste a night away in a dive. I’d actually rather sit in my hotel room alone than sit at a dead strip club and get pestered by ugly dancers all night.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
I guess it depends. If it's a club I do not know very well, I'm often inclined to stick it out for a while to see if things improve. I can't tell you how many times over the years a little patience paid dividends, especially in unknown situations. The worst that can happen is that I have a couple of drinks while waiting to see if things to get better, especially if I came in near a shift change.

If I know the club well and can adequately assess the situation, it's a different ballgame. I have a few local clubs where I can figure out pretty quickly if things are going well or not. I am familiar with the crews and how the staff manages things when they don't have enough girls. In those situations I'm likely to relocate quicker.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Long enough to see the entire line-up. All it takes is one girl to turn a bad visit into a great one. But if I have seen every girl in 15 minutes, then I'm outta there.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I'll sit through one stage rotation. There might be a cute girl hiding out back in the dressing room who will come out when it is her turn to go on stage.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
I'm not going to criticize anyone who decides to bag out of a seemingly dead club fast, even if it's not my MO. But I really hate reading shit reviews based upon club pop-ins. First because they're usually useless and, second, because they are often unfair. There are very few clubs that don't experience lulls either near opening or during shift changes.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
If I do a 15-minute I"m outta here move. I won't write a Review.
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
If a club seems dead I try to be a little proactive and ask a staff member how many girls are working and then make an evaluation based on their response. Sometimes a little patience has turned out to be valuable. A good dancer or two might pop out of the dressing room or walk in the door to start a shift if I give it a little bit.

It also makes a difference what the customer to dancer ratio seems to be. If it’s skewed heavy on the customer end with few dancers, I’m more likely to bail out quickly.

If my disappointed first reaction is for reasons other than the club being dead, such as I just don’t like the club or it’s vibe, that probably means it’s my first time there. So I’ll probably hang out long enough to have a beverage but the leave if nothing quickly changes my mind.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
I'll usually stick around for at least one drink, but now and then I'll pretended to get a phone call before I even sit down. Then I walk back out acting extremely annoyed and having an intense conversation with nobody.

But sometimes I'll sit down and then decide a course correction is necessary. Just the other day I had to turn down several offers for company before I got halfway through a beer. I faked a men's room visit, and went right out the door. Another time I bought a girl a drink and after talking to her I knew there was no way I'd be doing anything else. I got lucky when she went to use the ladies room. I put my jacket on her chair to "save" it for her and said I'll order her another drink. Before she returned I was out the door, in my car, and half a mile away.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I will stay long enough to see a full dancer rotation - before deciding if it’s worth staying. I am not looking for a top level hottie, so I usually find a dancer who works looks-wise. The challenge can be finding a dancer who offers what I want as far as a private dance. I think my preferences would be more at a club level, as some clubs don’t offer extras.

In northern NJ there are several dancers who make the rounds of a few well known clubs. There is one club that is very extras friendly and another club is no extras. So, the same dancer might be giving full service on Monday night - and only a grind on Tuesday.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
Depends on the time of day. If I go early I expect fewer dancers and I'll stick around for 1-2 hours. After 3PM I'll leave after 1 drink if I don't see anything I like.
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
Count me among those who stays for at least a rotation. If it's one of the clubs I go to often, I might stay longer than that. Keeping in mind I drive over an hour each way (or if I take the train, it takes me more like 90 minutes each way), so I'm not going to just go home. The other alternative is to hit another club, but that's an uber or drive through city traffic, find another parking spot, etc. In general, since girls are always drifting in, just chilling and waiting an hour will often pay more dividends than going to another club (which might not be any better).

If it's a club I've never been to before, and I'm just checking it out, a rotation is typically enough.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ That’s probably unique to your location here in S Florida if it ain’t happening for you in the first 10-15 minutes it’s really a quick hop over to another club.
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
Yeah it's a location thing, and a dayshift thing -- I'd have other options if it were nightshift. Of course, post-pandemic there's no dayshifts anymore , but I still think in terms of dayshifts lol
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
It really depends on the time I'm there and my mood.

I leave right away when.....
It's peak time and dead
I see mostly old. White alternative looking. Or drugged up dancers.

I leave if the dj keeps playing rock

Otherwise I wait a little if it gets better. If nothing I have a few drinks and go

avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
Twice. The first time was at Biggins in South Daytona Beach. I walked in at about 1:00 pm and there were only a male manager and male bartender in evidence. Neither even acknowledged my presence. I turned around and walked out. Total time inside - 30 seconds.

Second time: Paper Moon Springfield VA, during the early pandemic, 12:30 pm. Was informed by the doorman that I would either have to buy a $150 bottle of champagne or prepay $100 for a lapdance. I turned around and left. I hate champagne and I sure wasn't going to commit $100 before I even saw the first dancer. Time spent inside? 0
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The most depressing clubs are when you walk in and there are no girls working. Just guys sitting around anxiously staring at an empty stage.

But the worst club I'll name is play it again sams in Vegas. Old raggedy coked and method out strippers. Old guys nursing bud lights sitting around waiting for their turn in vip with a nasty hoe. One after yhe other then they leave. While the dj plays the most annoying obnoxious rock music

avatar for LostinFLA
3 years ago
I’ve got a 3 song rule. I’ll set my phone timer for 15 minutes, that way if I’m getting chatted up by someone I am not interested in I give them the old “I gotta take this call” routine and pull a Houdini.
avatar for crosscheck
3 years ago
Since it's about a 45-50 minute drive for me to Providence, I'm not going to do a 15 minute hit and run. I'll wait awhile as opposed to investing over and hour and half of combined driving for 15 minutes. Maybe the trip will ultimately live up to a bad first impression and end up being a waste, but I'm going to give it sometime to breathe first before conceding failure.
avatar for dogchain
3 years ago
Unless I walk in and it is so bad I leave right there I have a rule that I stick around. No more club hopping for me. I end up spending more than I want, spend half the time driving around and still don't have a great night if I do. Sometimes if you just try to make the best of it you get the best results.
avatar for Electronman
3 years ago
It depends, of course. Is the club smoky? I'll be out pretty quickly? Is the music damaging to my ear drums? Out pretty quickly. Is the talent subpar? That takes a bit more patience to assess who is visible and who might be lurking in the private dance or dressing room areas. Finally, are there other clubs nearby?
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
I'm going to find out in about an hour lol.
avatar for shanny72
3 years ago
I give it one beer to asses the situation, maybe a beer and a shot if it's early in the day. Sometimes the vibe just ain't right and there's no way to change it. I'm lucky that there are so many so close to each other when I go out
avatar for RiskA
3 years ago
I try out different nude clubs all the time (SoCal has many), so I’m a “scan & quick decision” aficionado.
Step one is to check the roll call on-line or at the door, to see how many dancers are in the house. Some won’t say (& I usually bail without entry) or they lie (& I report that here - right, Synn North Hills?). If there’s at least 3-4 and I don’t recognize any prospects from on-line reviews, I’ll eat the door fee and take a look. But I try to avoid the mandatory $10-15 soda until I see a couple dancers.
More than 5-10 minutes in an empty room/stage, and I’ll leave (& often ask for a pass “for when you actually have dancers working”). If I see an acceptable girl with a customer, I’ll wait a while, but if they’re still sitting after 15 and no one else has appeared, bye. I’ll wait longer in very limited circumstances (good AC on a hot day, good sound system & music, at shift change, etc.)
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
I've often walked into a club, saw, very unappealing dancers, no dancers, or was told there weren't any dancers, and just turned around and walked right back out of the door.
I'm not there to socialize with staff or customers, or buy overpriced drinks if there aren't any girls that appeal to me so I don't see a valid reason stay.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
'to' stay
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Two beers. Last night at Desires I'd have been gone based on that rule, but I also had seen a lot of dancers coming in late, so I stayed. Turned out to be a great lineup and from 9-11:45 dancers outnumbered customers.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
Depends on the location. If there are other options nearby that I am either familiar with or seem decent based on reviews on here I will only give it 15-30 minutes to see if I can find anyone worthwhile to spend time with. If I am in an area with no other decent options nereby I will give it at least an hour. I'll also give it longer if I had already been drinking beforehand and had to Uber to the club so I don't keep wasting money on Ubers from club to club.
avatar for BGSD3100
3 years ago
I generally wait at least one time through the rotation of danders.
avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
Try Head & Shoulders shampoo for that, BGSD3100!

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
There is no such thing as a bad club. It is the girls. All I have to do is find one I like.

If there are none, that is unusual, but probably an anomaly. So I have to get a good look at each of them. Usually there is no reason to walk out. The women grow on you with time and as you get to interact with them a little bit, like at stage side.


Free All Right Now…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Depends on:
How bad are we talking--no girls and place smells like horse piss, or just a slightly disappointing lineup?
Are there other, likely better clubs nearby?
Is there a stage rotation or dancer parade such that I can gauge the talent?
How determined am I to strip club this day?--do I just want one passable girl and quick, cheap extras? Or do I want to spend a full afternoon/evening?
Does this place make good drinks, such that I'll stay for 1-2?
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
A number of factors influence how long I may hang around. I don't have any rules. I won't write a review unless I feel like I gave the place a fair chance though. I'm not gonna show up 2 minutes after opening, on a off day, or in the dead of shift change and make snap judgements about a place. But if I've got good reason to think another nearby club is going to be a lot better, I'm not gonna waste my time.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
It depends on a lot but I usually have a decent sense going in and a backup plan.

There was a time a couple months ago where wallanon and I were meeting up. When I got there and paid my cover, he came over to say he’d just used me as an excuse to bail on a dancer so we 180’ed and walked out the door. We then drove 20 mins to a place in an area I’d just left. 😂 The action was better so it validated the move, and wall bought my beers to make up for the quick retreat. 👍🏼
avatar for felipe609
3 years ago
Define "bad." I've walked in a club, and then immediately walked out if there are no dancers. (I've also sat at a strip club and nursed a beer when I was the only one there and there were no dancers and it is not something I usually suggest.)

I've parked and not gone into a club if I get a weird vibe (like it seems unsafe, or there's lots of cops nearby).

If it is somewhere in between--there are people, it's not unsafe, but I just don't "feel" it, I will usually have a beer and leave.

I usually go to clubs that are not that far from other clubs, so it is not too hard to go to one then another.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee Whats wrong with mostly white dancers and rock music
avatar for sideshow_bob
3 years ago
I really only have one good choice in driving range. There's a second option but it's an inferior club and it's generally not worth the effort or expense of trying it, although it does work out sometimes.

They put the girls names on a sign by the cashier so I know the quality of the line up before I pay. If it's weak I've turned around and left without paying. If there's no one a particularly want to see and I see new names on the board I'll give myself an hour. That's opened me to new options which has been good.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I'm usually in for at least one drink, more often a full rotation. I like to try and see all of the girls working. If the girls are stitting with regulars, otherwise not mingling, or I see nothing attractive after a second beer I may bail earlier than I would otherwise.

I was recently at a club which nearly always has more 4s-6s than 7-ups. It leans hispanic, so they favor these heavier girls, but they do have a few knockouts. There is a girl on the night shift, Annie, who is a CF. I had gone that night to see her. They had a couple of hotties on the day shift, one of who gave me a few dances while I was killing time. I tried a new girl, who was too new to really be much good at lappers. I had to fight off some fuglies, including one really aggressive one. But I stayed for over an hour longer than I wanted to just to empty my wallet with Annie.

Having a knockout, a CF or one I've never seen before, is the best way to keep me in the club. If I see NOTHING attractive after one beer, I'm likely to head out.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
"There was a time a couple months ago where wallanon and I were meeting up. When I got there and paid my cover, he came over to say he’d just used me as an excuse to bail on a dancer so we 180’ed and walked out the door."

This is 1000% true. McNulty picked up the save in crunch time on that one lol.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
depends how much driving time I’ve invested to get to the place. I don’t live close to any clubs.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
"I'm going to find out in about an hour lol."

This was on a Wednesday afternoon and the answer was 10 minutes. One dancer on the floor, who wasn't helped by the former dancer turned bartender who almost got offered some bennies to go upstairs. The dancer put herself on stage and I got all my questions answered while tipping her a decent amount of dollar bills. Friendly stripper and game for anything, but no.

Went back that night and the talent was much better, but still in 6 territory. There was one dancer who was an 8 so long as she didn't smile. But she was one of those chicks with thin lips so those rotting chompers were all I could see whenever she spoke. Another dancer had potential and a hot body, but her face reminded me of an old roommate (who was a dude) and her wig was like a Halloween costume ate a mop. That was 30 excruciating minutes before I cut bait and went to another club.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
I don’t like your posting but I like the fact that you did post.
avatar for WhoopWhoop
2 years ago
I'll usually stick around to finish my first drink and see if any better girls arrive, especially in places where I've seen better times. I might stick around longer if there's a team I like playing on tv. But I have left before I finished a drink or even bought a drink. If it looks like a dive or has a bad vibe, I'll just walk out.
avatar for MackTruck
2 years ago
Rooty toot toot farty fart fart. I been farting all day long
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