
am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?

Thursday, September 15, 2022 12:29 AM
to answer my own question i know for a fact i'm not because a lady in my club was 'exposed' for admitting to it but...generally during every dance i give i intentionally position myself so the guys dick is lined up in a way that stimulates my clit. i rarely actually get off whether it be because the guys wearing jeans, can't get hard, or makes me move positions too much but when i do it's fucking amazing. even better if they're rubbing my nipples at the same time. i love guys that come in with basketball shorts or something similar especially w no boxers on. being able to feel them through their pants just excites me so much (my pussy literally starts pulsing LMAO) especially when they realize i'm trying to stimulate their dicks because i know a lot of girls i work w are grossed out by actually feeling it through their pants. random thought i dunno, my main motivation to go to work is the fact i get to do that all night really


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Buying Dances is a Chump's Game. Generosity, Charm, get her completely off script and get a Front Room Makeout Session going. Then after that is well underway, invite her to the back room, and then get her outside ASAP. SJG Wonderful Front Room FS outfit, Orgy Uniform [view link] We need to set up Private Party / Membership Club venues to make the most of this.
  • conan_mac_morna
    2 years ago
    My ATF positions herself in the same manner on me, and if she's not actually getting off, she's the best faker I've ever met. I don't think it's common as such, but I also don't think most dancers will admit to it.
  • kallara
    2 years ago
    i never use it as a selling point or even tell the guys i'm doing it so i feel like even if more dancers do it, who would know anyways right?
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    One of the problems with the very idea of dances is that the girl has not opened herself up psychologically. Dances is not what lap dancing originally meant. Originally it meant lap sitting, and all front room. Now what also happened varied widely, but it was more open and interactive. This was at Mitchell Bros San Francisco in the late 70's. Dianne Feinstein tried to lock them up, and they were being called "the corporate pimps". But because it was all front room the argument was made that none of this was really for sexual gratification. It rather was a form of sex education, it was to shock people who came from more conservative places, it was an audience participation cabaret show. So Jim and Artie won and Feinstein was humiliated. It was after this, after the legal risk was removed that the big brave soldiers of the Mafia came in, followed by Deja Vu. They installed the booths and VIP rooms. And then Deja Vu invented the modern clip joint, enforcing front room restrictions which are not necessary in that metro, to force all the contact into the back room. Problem with all this is that you need to interact freely and without commitment with the girl to get her loosened up. Then and only then do you want to take her into any back room. And then and only then will it likely be great. For myself, Deja Vu is a tough set up. But one things works, DATYing dancers in the dance booth. That does loosen them up and it goes over very well. And those who had refused to kiss in the front room, if you play them out some, they may well eventually be demonstrably reversing themselves. "Dances" is a gimmick. Mostly it just lets the girl maintain total control instead of letting go. Welcome to TUSCL Kallara. Hope we can see some pictures of you. SJG
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D You are not the only one.
  • Manuellabore
    2 years ago
    That's pretty common. Of course, it's often not possible to tell whether the dancer is actually getting off or is merely performing, although it would seem to be hard to fake a throbbing pussy.
  • conan_mac_morna
    2 years ago
    @Manuel, yeah, my fave gets the post-cum shivers and upper chest blush, which is pretty damn hard to fake.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    A lot of them get close, but they’re playing to see if they can get you off. It’s sort of like just putting the tip in. Those kind od dancers enjoy certain customers because they can relax without the hang ups that cum with the LDK. Some, but not all, will be open for p4p at a discount, just to let them know your showing her some respect like SJG says.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    K I think that’s really good though keep doing what your doin. I had a fav that used to really get sensual with me during dances and it was definitely a turn on for me when she was so into it and enjoying herself too.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Op should join sjgs org
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    I believe that most don't want to orgasm because it interferes with their ability to make money. I've had many that I have known for a long time and trust tell me that they don't want to have sex before coming to work because it lowers their sex drive and if the have the big "O" while working they just want to go home and take a nap. They have openly asked me to not try to make them cum.
  • Bharlem
    2 years ago
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    This is believable lol.
  • booty_lover92
    2 years ago
    Ime the AA dancers tend to be the ones that are not trying to get off unless you’re their “type”. Usually a dope boy or Tyrone type.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Bootylover why do you need to be their type? Shadowcat I thought the getting off is a natural consequence of doing all the grinding and other stuff in the lapdance? Shadow, there was a post on stripper web where a dancer said she doesnt orgasm in dances because she thinks it crosses a line between work and personal life. Do you think the dancers who told you that had a similar boundary but were making excuses? I’d imagine many would not want to admit to the real reason of not wanting to orgasm in a dance if it’s related to a SO. I have seen some dancers who actively avoid getting off, but in order to do that, they wouldn’t be able to actually perform a lapdance. The ones who are avoiding getting off, will do things like stand up near you and do an air dance. Or grind on your thighs. Or stand up, lean over and breathe into your ears. Basically do all kinds of positions which reduce their grinding time. They may limit the amount of touching on their nipples as well. Basically all things that aren’t supposed to be part of a The bare minimum of a lapdance is supposed to be grinding in your lap, with groping allowed anywhere besides the pussy.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    I’ve had a few dancers get off while giving me a lapdance. It’s not common. I always thought they were genuine and if they weren’t they were really really good actresses. Some have made a mess before, I’m okay with that!
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Deep strokes used sparingly but deliberately, and to let some air get out, and short massaging strokes using various angles, and she'll be going over the top in easy gentle waves, saving the final one for when I let my load go into her. <img src="[view link]"> Buying dances is a chump's game, and paying money for LDKing (dry humping) only increases your sexual frustration. SJG School of Rock KC House Band do "Heartbreaker" by Led Zeppelin . Robbie Matthews/vocals 12yrs old. w/ Livin' Lovin' Maid [view link] Roundabout [view link] Heard It Through The Grapevine [view link] King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man - School of Rock All Stars Team 4 - Metro [view link] King Crimson - Starless (School of Rock Bedford) [view link] In My Dreams [view link]
  • JQbayou
    2 years ago
    The certain way for a dancer to turn into a favorite of mine is when she works to cum herself too. It does create a sw/client bond that both people manage, usually as a shared secret.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    In AMPs the girls will often just jump onto you and try to get you off while they get themselves off riding you. Dry humping no, but real sex of course. SJG
  • kallara
    2 years ago
    ngl i have no idea how to use this site but i'll just reply one by one lol @desertscrub i don't let anyone touch me between the legs loool. i get more than enough pleasure from the friction from grinding @2icee explain please ?? @shadowcat the only thing it effects is the fact that i can't grind on them in that position anymore and i usually just face away from them instead of straddling after i o because it's just too sensitive. i literally masturbate before work because it gives me energy to get up so no it doesn't apply to everyone. idk @bharlem @skibum i bet you wouldn't believe i'm the youngest + hottest girl in my club either ... i just have a high sex drive and again i'm for a fact not the only girl in my club that does it. @bootylover i'm an aa and i don't even like black dudes so idk what to tell you
  • DenimChicken
    2 years ago
    Bharlem's simple response is killing me! hah!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I'm sure every single customer wants to believe that this happens. And perhaps it happens on rare occasion, but I'm sure that it's more of a black swan event.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    @kallara No disrespect intended but you come across as if you're catfishing.
  • kallara
    2 years ago
    @twentyfive not sure what proof i can give other than the fact im verified and my biggest fear is someone from my club connecting me to this so i'm most likely never posting pictures so not sure what to tell you lmao. i hesitated even posting this multiple times because it's like embarrassing buttt yeah. i get why it's hard to believe but at the same time it's like here i am, op, a girl, laughing behind my phone at all the ppl that refuse to believe giving lapdances can be enjoyable
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    I get my current atf by sucking her clit in the vip.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    @OP I never said that giving lap dances can't be enjoyable, I don't even think that it's embarrassing after all we enjoy pleasing the ladies, so why shouldn't they take pleasure the same way, keep posting, maybe I'll change my mind, but honestly post a pic, doesn't need to be identifiable, just proof that you are who you say you are, that would remove a lot of the doubters.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    I try to avoid things I'll need antibiotics for later.
  • kallara
    2 years ago
    @wallanon no one's forcing anyone to whip their dick out dances can be just as enjoyable fully clothed
  • kallara
    2 years ago
    @twentyfive ya i'm not posting pics lol i just got home from my very real job as a dancer at the club i work at if you doubt i'm real then stop entertaining my fake ass catfishing attention seeking post ! like i said you thinking my post is fake doesn't change the fact i danced on a fat old guy with a huge dick tonight (which felt amazing by the way). ur annoying just shut up lmao. i considered deleting my post/acc so many times because i am so worried about someone from my club finding it and you're worried about your own *need* for proof. f off it's not about YOU
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    If getting off during dances works for you - it’s all good. I know dancing is a job, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying it, and trying to get yourself off too. If you feel that you give better dances when you are trying to get off - then that’s great! I’m guessing the dancers mostly grind without any arousal. That’s fine too. Whether they have physical or emotional reasons for not getting off - that’s their choice too.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^^I don't need anything I wrote that politely as an informative response to your polite response, one thing there's no shortage of here on TUSCL, is belligerent trolls, and we know how to deal with them,. Have a beautiful day.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    What do I believe? To me its like poker and at poker I believe nothing that is said, nothing I don't see and maybe half of what I do see.
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    @kallara good on you. It's not unbelievable that clit stimulation and thus arousal is possible in a lapdance. No different than if my eyes were closed and an ugly chick was rubbing my dick through my pants - there's a chance it would give me a boner just because it feels good.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
  • RiskA
    2 years ago
    It’d be nice, but ultimately it’s irrelevant; this is at core a paid transaction not romance and I’m paying for me to get off. I like those who do as well (or act like they do) as it enhances my experience, and those who enjoy their work tend to do a better job. In real life of course I want a fuck-mate to get off, especially since women have the potential to do so endlessly & keep going. I’m especially fond of squirters since then you truly know the score (I’ve been fortunate to have enjoyed several over 25+ years).
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    100% cap. You're either attention starved or one of the male posters here posing as a dancer. Or your a new stripper who doesn't quite realize how to play the game. 😂
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "@wallanon no one's forcing anyone to whip their dick out" Ain't nobody gonna force wallanon to whip his dick. Doesn't matter if you're the youngest + hottest stripper around. "dances can be just as enjoyable fully clothed" Nah. It's too crowded when the chicks go inside the trou.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    Kallara - I’ve had a lot of dances where it seem like the dancers who seem like they’re trying to get off grinding on me. First time I got a ance from one of my ATFs (beautiful but not an extras type) she got really wet grinding on me - she had to change her panties after we got done. I get real hard and go bare back with nylon shorts or long running pants. Unfortunately, I like grinding for a bit but grinders don’t really get me off. I prefer the dancer kneeling or squatting between my legs and using her hands working me between her boobs.
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    "i bet you wouldn't believe i'm the youngest + hottest girl in my club either ..." Alright, which one of you fine gentleman paid a female to hold a post it note to her chest with OP's username to get verified to get access to the dancer's section of this site and cosplay as a dancer? Wtf 😂😂😂
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
  • Erragal
    2 years ago
    grinding on a guy's belt buckle is a good way to do this, I had get girls get off by doing that.
  • Bharlem
    2 years ago
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ I did say that glad you see it too
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    I don't know TF these emoji's mean and I'm not going to waste my time looking them up.
  • Lapdancetime
    2 years ago
    Having a girl enjoy herself while giving a lapdance makes the experience that much better. Her getting off is hot AF and has happened a few times to me (or they are really good actresses).
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    I too would think about getting off a lot during dances. Especially in Phoenix/Tucson clubs, which were pretty lenient about letting dancers come and go as they please. I’d be thinking about how I was about to get off and go to the excellent hookah lounges nearby. And then I could I could put objects in my mouth and then white stuff would be leaving my mouth 🙂
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    @nicespice I got a big phattie just waiting for your lips.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    When FRMOS is not possible, then dance booth DATYing is the next best option. That way, if there is to be any blue balls, the girl gets it. But they are very responsive and this DATY does really disarm them. And then if that is all you can do ITC, at least she sees that you are saving your load for her. Her body will feel this. SJG more edgy, School of Rock [view link]
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Give me an idea, I wonder if a plastic surgeon could install a long hose between my penis and the rest of my body.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Are there dancers who are constantly grinding but not getting off at some point during dances? How? Some dancers aren’t grinding, they only bounce in dances, and then do airdances like standing up and facing you, breathing into your ears etc
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^ BTE, what do you mean grinding all day and not getting off? How can they stimulate themselves all day and not get off? There has to be a reason why they grind, and not just for the money. That would be an emotional mind fuck for her, to not enjoy it and just pretend. Dancers who are genuine are happier.
  • kallara
    2 years ago
    oops i worked doubles all weekend so i haven't been in here in days, still getting accused of being fake oh well🤣🤣 @riska i've read on here a lot of guys don't care about anything the dancers doing unless it benefits them which i get, but it's like at the same time... it actually does benefit you if a girl is grinding on you a certain way lol @bubbleyum i am a new stripper but idk what this has to do w 'game'. it's not effecting my hustle at all so i don't get your point...and two of my managers have already said i'm the hottest girl in the club so i don't know what to tell you LMAO. again, you not believing me doesn't change the fact it's true @erregal idk if you're being sarcastic or not because that j sounds painful
  • kallara
    2 years ago
    and to add if i was trying to catfish why the fuck would i make a bold statement saying i'm the youngest & hottest girl in the club unless it's true ...if i really was trying to convince anyone i wouldn't be that stupid. im stuck up bc i can be 🤣boohoo hot girls can be sluts too why's it so hard to believe
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^ I’m a big fan of all this sex positivity being promoted. I love it when the dancer I am with is genuinely enjoying being with me in a sexual manner, knowing she isn’t my girlfriend or relationship guy. I’m just a guy who wants to play with an attractive girl who likes to play. What’s so hard to figure out in this? Seems like a good deal to me.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Selling dances is basically a gimmick. Contact strip clubs started with lap sitting, and all front room. What else happened varied widely, but it was right where you were sitting. Then after the legal risk was removed, the Mafia came in and set up booths and back rooms, and FS became possible and common in San Francisco. But then Deja Vu came in and destroyed front room intimacy with all kinds of rules not needed in that metro. They could do this as they bought up competition and were protected from any new clubs by zoning rules. So came the dance selling clubs, the modern version of the clip joint. Because front room intimacy was destroyed, what was going to happen in the back room was pretty much worthless. It was just a way of sucking wallets dry. And the women who have worked in looser clubs insist that they get much more money when they can be open and free with guys in the front room, and they love how things go in the back room then. SJG Tower of Power - What is Hip? - School of Rock AllStars Team 2 - Record Bar [view link]
  • kallara
    9 months ago
    aw i haven't been on here in so long. i've been dancing for over a year and a half now and still feel the same way :,)
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