Comments by knightwish
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8 years ago
Well if we definite strip club as stuff listed here I'm going for the FKK clubs. Plenty of places with hot girls and sex. But no place else have I ever felt like Caligula.
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8 years ago
North Carolina
Another vote for the professional women. Deal with the divorce baggage, in a year's time she's divorced 2 years...
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8 years ago
Just to add to my comment. I've also known lots of partners for the girls I was a customer too where there was zero drama. Most are perfectly aware of their girlfriend or wives' line of work and fine with it. I'm the wife's customer not her lover. She's a young pretty girl I'm not going to be her lover. No one is under any delusions.
If your wife owned a restaurant would you be upset with the patrons because she's not cooking exclusively for you?
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8 years ago
I've had another customer show up who was under the delusion he was exclusive for OTC activities (he was a nice guy who did her favors, I just gave her cash in exchange for sex). The stripper was furious (or acted it, hard to tell) he was acting possessive at all they had a fight and he left. She was majorly apologetic to me and made it up both that and the next time.
No biggie More drama with civilian women all the time.
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8 years ago
B/G sex shows are pretty rare in the USA. I'm sure there are private strip clubs that would be thrilled if you were up for B/G public sex. If you just want to do it in public a swing club.
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8 years ago
You aren't going to get details about VIP from the club. Generally when you talk about couples friendly good things to look for are most of: higher end, low milage, good stage show, nude, dance club themed, no alcohol. The other thing that tends to work is clubs with pool tables. I don't know RI clubs but near RI on the 84 is Electric Blue which meets almost none of those criteria but I see couples in there all the time. VIP is pretty terrific.
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8 years ago
This may be cheating but there are strippers I know from their dom persona. So I'd say being tied up, whipped, anal electrocution, sounded (toys for urethral fucking) and she peed in my mouth In the club I've been tied up hit and scratched pretty heavy while kissing and fondled.
Weidest ever told about is strippers who do incest fantasy play (pretending to be the guy's daughter) while doing degradation play including scat.
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8 years ago
If you mainly want full on sex (you doing him watching) as a couple and you both are new to the game, I think a couple friendly escort is likely a better option. If you want the strip club experience read reviews here for high or ultra high milage clubs that have VIPs, ask the dancer if she'll do you in front of your husband and expect to spend. I can think of clubs where you could do that for about $300 1/2 hr, many where it would be more but I doubt much cheaper except in very low end clubs.
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8 years ago
You've convinced me. I always felt that it was 70% useful and 30% garbage but this one is truly terrible advice. Easy getting multiple 15 min rooms in NYC per night is fantastic money. The piece of advice I always give beginning strippers who is maintain contact. What the heck is she complaining about if she is clean!?
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8 years ago
Atlanta suburb
She's sharing a fantasy. Statistically for both men and women trying to achieve a baby increases sexual desire. Treat it like any other dirty talk. Nothing more.
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8 years ago
Cities differ in what is good. NYC is comparable to London in domination. It has tons of great massage parlors. It has a vibrant escort scene with lots of specialities. But strip clubs are generally quite awful for level of contact (outside of VIP, and VIP is expensive there). That being said I do plenty of touching in NYC clubs. Most are low to mid milage but I've never seen what you are describing rules wise. Most of the clubs people are recommending here regarding Jersey are too far away, There are plenty of better northern NJ clubs right across the tunnels. There are some pretty good private strip clubs that are reasonably priced. But mainly I'd say if you in Manhattan I'd shift your activity set.
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8 years ago
Years ago I had a situation like that where I was friendly with a dancer's dad where I was a semi-regular. We were both cool with it, I generally politely tipped her on stage and didn't LD with her or anything. we generally laughed together I bought her drinks when she didn't have customers and never got frisky. Pretty much kept it as normal as we could given the situation.
Dancers I think can get away with it if they don't dance near their old home town. So not agreeing with all the comments above that everyone has to find out.
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8 years ago
The whale is a no brainer. Exceptions would be an extras club, an incredibly packed club or .. . It is pretty hard to earn $200 / hr just selling lap dances and stage tips. Moreover in some clubs the house charges $5-10 per ld, the VIP room there are charges. There are no extra charges getting tipped for time. In a heavily extras club women can make way more money than $160 / hr.
As far as recruiting regulars, recruiting regulars is something women do when they aren't busy.
discussion comment
9 years ago
If she's really a friend yes. If she's more of a friendly acquittance decide if you are looking to get into a SD type role with her. Remember that <I> loan oft loses both itself and friend </i>. The most likely outcome is she feels guilty about the debt, you feel resentful and you don't get the money back.
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
Yeah I"m into this shit. I can do maledom but I'd rather femdom. Femdom is like you listed (plus more) are many of my favorite things to do during LDs and VIPs. Makes everything way more intense, intimate and unpredictable for both parties.
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9 years ago
It depends on the milage. I think it is becoming a norm and so I try "do you kiss" during the early pitch for the lap dance. There isn't much reason to beat around the bush. I'd say I mainly go to the clubs to make out. I want the kissing more than the cumming.
One technique I've found works is doing a tequila shot and taking the lime from their mouth. They often agree to that. It breaks the ice as far as kissing.
A few years ago I found spitting worked as a way to get strippers to do it. I'd say success is about 65%. But of course that has to be in the context of a dommy style lapdance where they are slapping you, digging their nails in, putting pressure (or more) on your cock with their knee... Then you ask them to spit. There usually isn't much reason for a girl to object hygiene wise to spitting in your mouth. But it as soon as they start doing it feels more intimate than kissing, even for them. When you then ask to kiss they usually agree.
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9 years ago
If we are talking out of country Austria and Germany for FKK clubs.
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9 years ago
Street prostitution has dropped off drastically with backpage... There is just no reason for girls to take on the hassle and danger (physical and legal) when they can be booking up dates in the safety of a hotel at far less risk. As far as picking up a girl without a car, I think you would have to be in an environment where it was pretty open and essentially legal with stripper hotels everywhere. I've never seen that in the USA since the early 1980s. OTOH I've done the no car pickup in in Rue Saint-Denis in Paris. This is the fashion district and when the fashion stores close down another industry moves in for the evening and night.
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9 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
@san Jose
An FKK club beats the hell out of a low end to high milage HJ place. No comparison. Take Vic's and:
A) add showers, pools, porn lounges, domination rooms ... Like a high end spa +
B) the guys are in bath robes
C) CFS and CBJ are the standards not extras
D) price is $100 at the door, $100 per 1/2 hr
E) girls are much prettier
And that's an FKK.
discussion comment
9 years ago
I can make or break your day 😏
Everyone hates their customers especially the ones who have hands on contact. The guys at your insurance company make fun of the annoying questions you ask. Your auto-mechanic bitches about the way you take care of your care and how 2 minutes of your time per week could save him hours per year.... The customer hatred is healthy, especially for customer service.
I didn't read the thread there about charging $5 for questions about the tattoo. I assume that sort of stuff was mainly venting. FWIW Interesting I read the thread here and had the opposite opinion of most of you guys. The strippers who are focused on getting the nickels I love. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten CR level treatment in exchange for $30 in extra stage tips and 2x $18 drinks with premium liquors. Please bring on the strippers counting the nickels and getting all happy about charging me $5 for BS questions succesfully and thus not noticing the $100 they aren't charging me! In general the more place I can make cheap concession to a vendor to avoid making big concessions to a vendor the better. I don't like paying $25 per bag for luggage on an airplane and $79 for the ticket upgrade but $25 + $79 is a heck of a lot less than the extra $250-400 for the ticket the non nickels version would be costing me.
So bad advice but I thought the Tuscl advice equally bad. I think most customers would respond very negatively to the $5 and even the me type customer that would be amused doesn't have the girl's best financial interest at heart. But I my guess is that the thread is mainly just venting... "I wish I could charge them $5 every time I had to answer that damn question" rather than "I really intend to go in and try and charge them $5 every time I have to answer that damn question". Given what strippers put up with I find the vitriol on SW not too bad. I would expect much worse.
The girls there are bad from separating their fantasy from their reality. And that is very unhealthy and impractical. OTOH I wonder if that's part of what makes successful strippers able to do what they do. They mentally escape and build a fantasy where they aren't doing what they are doing. For example the frequent OTC stripper who doesn't think she's hooking.
Now the sense of entitlement is weird. And I would normally think quite damaging. Its hard for me to even think of an upside for that what since it runs counter to good economic sense. Not getting that:
a LD is $4-6 / min
a CR $5-12 / min
and that is a boatload of money if you can earn even a substantial fraction of that with any consistency. The goal is to bring up the consistency not the per hour.
discussion comment
9 years ago
I can make or break your day 😏
@Chess and @Subraman
Sorry 2nd part of the response was off Subraman's post not Chess's. As far the rest. Glad you liked "perfect economic actor" because that is their view of themselves and one that is far far from true.
Anyway... Chess I guess we are disagreeing. I think Strippers get really unhappy when "the club is dead" and tend not to notice how much they are earning per hour on CRs. I've given a girl piecemeal $400 of the course of 2-4 hours and they are thrilled. The same money in a 1/2 hour CR (with tip) doesn't leave nearly the same impact. There are clubs where the girls is pulling in $8-12/min in the CR base excluding tips. They are earning at the same rate as a top surgeon when they are in there.
If they understood that, they would be cultivating regulars who do CRs much much better.
discussion comment
9 years ago
I can make or break your day 😏
"<i> Not only is this a generalization(the fact that younger guys don't have money) but this is not the case usually. Lots of strippers don't acknowledge me unless I'm at the stage(and some even still ignore me at the stage) or I make first contact. meanwhile I see strippers approach old white guys all the time. </i>"
Well of course that's the economically rational behavior. Under the SW theory though this should be the <b>only</b> behavior. Let's kill the "generalization" first. Yes it is a generalization that younger guys have less money it is also true. The #1 determiner of personal wealth is parental wealth (.37 correlation). The #2 is age. On average wealth increase rapidly up to age 74 in the United States. And if you are interested in income and not wealth then much below 35 is off the charts worse. If you want to explore this further:
Atkinson, A. (1971): ”The Distribution of Wealth and the Individual Life Cycle is out of data but excellent.
Lambert, P. and J. Aronson (1993):”Inequality Decomposition Analysis and the Gini Coefficient Revisited” also out of date.
For more modern data something like Kapteyn, A., R. Alessie, and A. Lusardi (2005): ”Explaining the wealth holdings of different cohorts: Productivity growth and Social Security”,
Now assuming the above establishes my point was simpler. In the real world strippers, especially young strippers often prefer hang out with cool guys their own age (ones that aren't in general spending) to middle aged men. Totally understandable, I'm sure it is way more fun grinding on guys you are attracted to then guys who remind you of your dad or worse grandfather. But of course if they were purely motivated by economics they should be searching out the less attractive ones.
As far as where would I send a young stripper to get good advice... I think SW women are full of shit on certain issues (like separating positive thinking from reality, and the correlation between hourly earn and contact). The "wishing makes it so" attitude on SW is frankly insane magical thinking and a terrible habit for anyone to pick up. But
a) Probably most of their advice is good especially on practical issues
b) They are at least semi supportive and can relate.
A dancer with 5 years of working has more strip club experience than the most senior Tuscl's member who is just a customer (so I'm excluding Djs managers...) Moreover we don't get a random sampling of the men and are too biased by our own preferences. I wish there was a better site than SW to send girls to. I'm of the "if you aren't measuring it, then its just your opinion" school of thought in my industry. If I were on on stripper web I'd be using that rich source of strippers to collect good data. Compute don't emote! That would be a far more useful resource.
Tuscl's is mostly about getting value for customers defined different ways. I don't see how that sort of information is even relevant for a dancer at all. What cable companies provide the best experience / value for their customers and which cable companies are the best to work in their data centers are almost totally unrelated questions.
discussion comment
9 years ago
I can make or break your day 😏
I've had girls leave juice on my pants and funny enough apologize for it. I figure that's harder to fake. Most of the strippers aren't great actresses and bodies respond. I've cum from masseuses that are pretty ugly a little lotion and friction... Bodies respond to sex. I think most strippers pretend most of the time, after all who even wants 30-50 hours of sex a week. But all the time, no.
As for SW remember that SW is a fantasy site. According to SW theology strippers are perfect economic actors who at all times are doing an excellent job maximizing their earn per hour relative to the contact level they are comfortable with. Anyone who has ever been in a club knows that's simply not true.
a) Strippers spend time with customers whom they like over higher earning potential customers. Lots of attention to younger customers for example
b) Strippers often fail to cultivate spenders whom they don't like.
c) Strippers often overestimate frequent tips rather than big spends. A $400 champagne room is the same as 20 dances (excluding fees). Yet most strippers would feel much better selling 4 dances on average to 10 customers over the course of a nigh vs. a single hour in champagne and then nothing.
d) Strippers often spend lots of time in the dressing room or smoking when they could be on the floor.
Last week I offered a few dances to a girl at a club last week who doesn't like to give dances until she's had a few drinks so she turned me down. In the SW theology that is impossible event. Yet it happened. If SW was preaching an accurate picture of reality and not fantasy you would expect them to be more open to counter evidence to refine their theory of the world.
The SW fantasy is based on what the world looks like in under served markets where clubs are crowded with patrons. Probably what the better weekend nights or crowded nights feel like to them. And those probably are the best nights. Per hour earn is high and contact is low. But the reality is often a regular situation where the dancer::customer ratio isn't so good and its a buyer's not a seller's market. In the SW fantasy strip club money is easy to come by based on hustle and selling skills. In the fantasy girls don't need to invest time cultivating regulars nor do they need to either physically or emotionally connect deeply to make bongo dollars. Customers are total idiots who will gladly give them thousands of dollars nightly for their dancing and conversation skills.
In short I'd come down on usually but not always faking. But more importantly I don't think SW is a particularly good source of information even for dancers.
discussion comment
9 years ago
I think you are being over dramatic. Why would your work fire you for dating a stripper? What kind of job would even care unless you are a minster or something.
Strippers can be drama queens. She might really like you or she might be looking for a new sugar daddy or this is a pretty sophisticated hustle. You like the girl physically and conversationally, you are attracted and turned on, you are young and unattached. Seems like a great time to take the risk. It will probably be a wild ride. But certain rides are only available at certain ages. From experience I suspect that 20 years from now you'll have more regrets about the risks like this you didn't take than the ones you did that didn't work out.
I'd play and see what happens. You aren't going in blind.
discussion comment
9 years ago
Piercings are a plus and tattoos are a plus. But I think I'm the exception. Generally I believe less tats less metal means more money.