
parents finding out you dance

I had a friend call me in a frantic yesterday telling me that her small home town club where shes been dancing for a bit had a fight. When the officals arrived on scene it was her brother a local cop. She was outed and parents found out. Shes 20 but close family and all that comes with a small town. To make matters there religious people. I had to laugh because I remember my parents and family finding out. They always will. I explained to her that it is what it is. If you do this kinda of work your gonna run into someone eventually. My parents didn't talk to me for months then came around. I to received the your gonna miss out on the god mvp speech. I remembered thinking well if that's what does it then im a lucky girl lol. I can imagine that it would be bad mental image but at 20 its your life now. Anyone ever ran into a dancer and found out you know her. Any other good/funny stories like this.


  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    No good stories here. I tend to keep my personal evening life unknown to relatives as do they unless they post pics on Facebook.

    Many years ago I once had my mother come over to my place and she was helping me cleanup my house. She is very religious. Anyway you know all those tshirts some clubs sometimes give away with lap dances or whatever? I had a ton stuffed in a bag. Fortunately for me, I found out she found them and just told her I would wash them. She didn't unfold and find the tshirt one dancer body painted her tits and ass on. I could only imagine explaining that one. If she had known a stripper was calling the house when I was just out of college, she might have had a fit. No cell phones back then so everyone calls land lines. We only had one line into the house.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    Oh yeah that could've been bad lol.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    You're right. Your family always finds out if you dance for any length of time. They are shocked at first, but they eventually accept it even if they never approve.

    My ATF started dancing at 18, and when her parents found out they kicked her out of the house. But where else could she make the kind of money she made as a stripper? After she had a baby (with a strip club DJ) her mother and father wanted to be grandparents and had to accept what she did for a living.

    My ATF has recently had to come out again. She revealed to her 13-year-old son that she is a dancer, not a waitress. She did not want to tell him, but as she said he's not stupid.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I remember someone once told me you need to sin a little if you have to go to confession or you won't have anything to talk about. I just can't remember who told me that.

    Hopefully your dancing friend was living independent and not in the parents or relatives house. It could get thorny if not completely independent. The sad thing is most of the religious people look down on sex work and even visiting such a place and then place themselves as superior to anyone participating by even visiting a strip club. They have their high and mighty attitude as if they are better than anyone who works there or visits the place. I really think these religious people never gave much thought about what makes them feel so superior that they think it's ok to put everyone else down. They judge others in violation of their own religion in my opinion every time they look down on such a place and everyone working there or visiting. If Jesus walked the Earth today and visited a strip club etc, he did visit people in all walks of life, these same religious people would be judging Jesus as inferior to themselves. They never think about this stuff. They judge others and think they are always right. Just my opinion.
  • knightwish
    8 years ago
    Years ago I had a situation like that where I was friendly with a dancer's dad where I was a semi-regular. We were both cool with it, I generally politely tipped her on stage and didn't LD with her or anything. we generally laughed together I bought her drinks when she didn't have customers and never got frisky. Pretty much kept it as normal as we could given the situation.

    Dancers I think can get away with it if they don't dance near their old home town. So not agreeing with all the comments above that everyone has to find out.

  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    @sharkhunter:. He did, and they did. The "religious" (vs people of faith) never got that he had come for all sinners (ie. - all people). The New Testament is rife with examples of his compassion for all people, and serious lessons for those who didn't.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Two quick stories:
    (1) Last year I got a few high-mileage lappers at a dive club in Indy. At one point the dancer pointed to the DJ (who was visible about 20 feet away) and said "That's my dad!" This revelation kind of put a damper on things.
    (2) Recently I enjoyed my first overnight date *ever* with a 32-year-old stripper with whom I've spent a lot of time and money ITC in recent months. She's an only child who is quite close to her parents, so at their insistence she texted them from our hotel room at bedtime and again in the morning to assure them that everything was OK! I teased her that she should text "One hour in, Mommy, and it's getting a little rapey" :) Fortunately she has a robust sense of humor.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I find this stripper meme funny and brilliant


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    One girl, at Sporty's Bar in Sunnyvale ( zero mileage ), had been completely demoralized by a telephone conversation with her parents. This is why she told us all about it. She said that she finally said to them, "None of the customers have ever made me feel as worthless as you do."

    In my observation it is usually when the parents have remained married, that it gets like this. You could say, that their marriage continues at the expense of denigrating their child.

    Now another girl who's parents had long been divorced was fine. Her mom had wanted to be a dancer, but never was. But she made all her daughter's outfits.

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    A couple of weeks ago I was working in my basement and Tone Loc came on the radio. I started dancing and got caught by my wife. She hasn't let me live that one down yet.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Life sucks at times. You do what you do to survive. No one can tell me, better than me my mistakes in this life. It they don't like it, that's fine by me. In time I hope her parents accept it, even though they don't like it
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Funny meme, Mikey. Actually my first two visits back to the SC scene last Sept and Nov last year was largely stripper-as-a-therapist type of visits. But know I just enjoy the show and enjoy the (light-hearted) convo.

    poledancer, here's my story. https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=3…

    my takeaway to your inquiry ... yes, eventually you may be outed. deny, deny, deny. But at the end, unless the judgemental party is willing to FULLY and I mean FULLY support the dancer and provide for ALL of lost income from dancing then the judgemental people can stop with the finger pointing and can stop with the holier than those crap. Apparently comments do not pay electric bills, opinions do not pay the rent, etc. STFU. :)
  • Daddillac
    8 years ago
    Right after I graduated from college I was at a club and ran into a girl I had a crush on in high school. She begged me not to tell anybody, I'm in atlanta so there are enough clubs to hide in. After about an hour of catching up I admitted my crush from high school. We had a good laugh about it but then she asked if I wanted a vip. We went and she fulfilled all my fantasies of her. I went back a few times to see her but she eventually moved on. I never told anyone she knew. She did tell me about another of our friends who was dancing at cheetah. That girl was my first crush in the 7th grade. I went to see her and got a dance, had the same great discussion promising not to tell. Did not live out any fantasies though.

    I don't hide my clubbing but I don't advertise it either. If a dancer wants to hide it then that's up to her.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    My favorite story involves my ATF. She lived 65 miles from the club. During her last 2+ years she worked OTC as an EMT and basically only came to work when I was in town.

    So early one evening we were in the club. I had just returned from the men's room when she told me that the group of guys next to us was a bachelor party and that she had spoken to the groom. He was also an EMT in the same town where she worked. He told her " I didn't see you here and you didn't see me here and I'm not going to ask you for a dance". I asked her if she trusted him to keep his mouth shut and she said "Yes because I know his fiancee".

    Small world sometimes.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^ :)


    Tone-Loc - Wild Thing

    2 Live Crew - Me So Horny
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    my youngest daughter 30 had access to my online bank statements. she noticed a sudden new kind of expense with my debit and credit cards. i quickly changed my password. the family still don't know the full size of my stripper and sex addiction. so much that i'm selling literally most everything i have to continue in this support of young mothers and students. (and also strip club owners.) i am even considering going back to work full time since my attempts to create wealth hasn't been successful yet. butt i am having the absolute best time of my life. these experiences with these lovelies is wonderful.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^^You had better get some help quickly justme62 if what you just posted is true, I hope you slow your roll before you end up like some others that have been here over the years.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    my learning curve was extremely slow. i made some bad investments, managed my savings poorly and spent a LOT in vegas. it was lots of fun... and i thought that i would finally be lucky to get a nice income stream flowing. now i spend a fraction and have a time in some los angeles and tijuana clubs. my five and six (and sometimes seven) nights of intense clubbing for many hours has slowed down to a trickle.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    justme62 - My 40 yo daughter is listed as a co owner on my bank accounts. If I am disabled like when I had my cancer surgery, she can pay my bills for me. So she sees the big weekly cash withdrawals. Both she & my son are well aware of my strip clubbing. They just accept it.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    People are surprising accepting of horny dudes, provided you pay your way; IME.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    8 years ago
    Two stories:

    1. I once knew a 19-year old dancer once who was stripping while still living at home with her parents. She told them that she had a job in a medical office. That was a convenient coverup because she purposely worked the day shift at her club and at hours similar to those of a white collar worker in an office job. One day while doing her own laundry at home, a dainty red thong happened to fall out of the laundry basket, Fortunately, she saw it right away and picked it up. But she said that if she hadn't seen it, and her mother found it, her mother knew that wasn't her normal underwear. She didn't even want to think about the questions that may have followed!

    2. Another dancer I knew, had told me that her mother knew she was a dancer, but her father didn't! How the wife kept that from the husband is amazing to me.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    A few months after we started playing with each other, the parents of the DS found out that she was a stripper. They had thought she was a waitress. It took a year for her to have any semblance of a normal relationship after that revelation but they eventually realized that it wasn't the end of the world. The end would only happen if they ever found out about me.
  • gothamyte
    8 years ago
    i remember i was at the SC once and this chick that gives me lapdances was giving me one in the main floor but she was nude. at that point in time at that particular club, nobody cared. but in walked in her male cousin that night with his buddies, while she was stark naked. she was like to me, "oh my god. it's my cousin."

    i didn't believe what she did next. both of their mouths dropped open and then she proceeded to embrace him--in front of his buddies while she was still stark naked and he embraced her back. next thing i know, they go off to a corner and she's sitting on his lap, still stark naked and the two of them were in a deep, long discussion that i imagine had little to do with the strip club and probably more to do with family related stuff.

    he left with his boys after their long discussion was over and she came back to me. she said they had a lot to discuss privately about other stuff and he wasn't upset to see her there.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    My mom found out I stripped after my first or second night. I was in between apartments and briefly stayed at her house, and saw my stripper outfits while I was doing laundry. She was worried at first because she stripped back in the day and knew the industry had only gotten worse, but she trusted me not to get into the "bad" side of stripping. She was never judgmental. She is actually proud of the success I've had (before stripping I was living in Detroit and owed my university thousands... I started stripping and paid it all off and went back to school plus moved out of Detroit to an affluent, safe suburb).

    My mom and dad are seperated, and he has a few more kids. Two of them are younger. I think he began to put two and two together when I could always attend my brothers' school events (without having to try to get days off or simply not being able to go), plus I had excess money and started buying my brother who was 8ish at the time fancy gifts. I didn't actually admit it to my dad until like a year ago, but he knew. Although he is very conservative, he really can't complain, as he is very middle class and I have certainly helped him, especially being there for my little brother and sister. I have been very involved in their lives. My dad couldn't afford to help me pay for school so imo he should be happy I paid for it.

    A lot of my extended family members from my mom's side don't care, a few of them either strip or are former strippers lol. They want to see me do well. My dad has many siblings, they're from a very conservative country town. I haven't told any of them and I'm not sure when I will.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Is it true that generally women that dance in strip clubs will be at best barely on speaking terms with their parents?

    If so, awesome! I mean think about it, typical young women reading Brides Magazine and making lists of all the things they want to buy. Whereas the one who works in the strip club, being really far out there.

    If the parents are married, I suspect the girl probably will be on extremely strained terms with them.

    If the parents are divorced, maybe not so difficult.


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