To each their own, but most spending males prefer less distractions to their beauties. Less tatoos is better, and we could accept a small yet discreet and tastefully places tattoo.
Piercings don't do anything for me. I deal with them when seeing them but I prefer soft things on a woman, but something piercing back at me.
first, i hate your avatar, every-time i see it i wanna puke, i wish you'd change it, but i realize i have no control over that
me personally, i don't like tats. small ones don't bother me, i just hate tats when they're excessive. like when a large part of her body is covered with tats, I HATE that
piercings don't bother me nearly as much as tats. i'm pretty indifferent when it comes to that
but if your nipples are pierced, it makes it more of a difficulty to suck on your tits. :-)
I don't like tattoos or piercings. But a few small ones are OK. You might want to check with your customers about your piercings. If they hate them, you could remove them.
Never been a fan of tats but can appreciate them if there is a personal symbolic thought behind them. The was a pretty lady at PP-GVL that had tattooed on her side (paraphrased) "I can conquer the world with your hand in mine". Made me want to grab her hand, go to the VIP and try.
To each his own, but for me, navel and ear piercings only. The rest are a turn off.
One of life's ironies is that the women who are attracted to sex work also tend to be attracted to tattoos and piercings. And the kind of men who can afford the company of those women, on the whole usually hold in disesteem both tattoos and piercings, eschewing them as declasse and un-aesthetic. But the same organ that compels us to seek out your company, and leads to us making poor fiduciary & financial decisions, also gives us some immunity to the visual affronts so many of you commit on your body. But not total immunity ... for me, your current lineup would be fine, though I'd prefer you lost the nipple piercings.
Yeah I think I'll definitely take out my nipples piercings but maybe keep a simple belly button piercing in. I think the sparkle on my tummy is nice against my naturally tanned skin. I have a more defined core (not a six pack or anything) so I also like it to maybe make it appear more softer.
I'm too indecisive for tattoos, those things are for the most part permanent, I can't even settle on a permanent laundry detergent ;-) haha.
Vikings - I like my avi, has a little meaning to me..yours on the other hand - needless to say I'll be routing for the Seahawks tomorrow after that comment :-p
Yeah I agree with both you and phoenix! When I see tattoos of like anchors or your typical leopard print BS I cringe a bit. But some girls are definitely very sexy all tatted up (I don't think I'd be one)
Viking -lol, I'm Hispanic but not from anywhere exotic (I live in Canada, moving to FL this summer) hopefully you'll still let me pass ;p
Nipple piercings are the worst, face piercings are just as bad. I don't care for the belly button piercing, but I can live with it. The hood and/or clit piercing is pretty hot. Small tats are fine, but when the girl starts getting her arm tatted up, that's when she loses me.
For me: piercings in the ears or navel are OK, but I would prefer no navel piercing. All other locations make a girl off limits for me if they are big enough that I notice them. Of course, in a topless club, clit piercings aren't visible, so no harm, no foul.
Tattoos: I prefer none but reasonable tattooing is acceptable - small, preferably significant and artistic. Tramp stamps generally OK. Tats on or near breasts are a deal killer.
I used to hate tats but I'm ok with them now as long as there are not a lot. If you don't have any, stay that way, you will probably find more older patrons who prefer that. but everyone is different.
No lip, tongue piercings and would prefer no nipple piercings as well. But belly button or small stud nose piercing is fine for me. As always all patrons are different.
as rh48hr said, all patrons are different..........but i think you can see from the majority of these responses, like meat72 said earlier, most customers aren't a fan of tats and piercings
I find it a bit strange that you would make a decision about getting/removing tattoos or piercings based on a bunch of comments by pathetic losers that you don't even know.
I don't have tattoos lol, I wouldn't go to process of removing them off my body for that.
However taking our little silver balls from my body for a couple of hours while working with the choice of putting them back in to make a few extra bucks? No biggie.
Pathetic losers are usually the ones who try and put down people over the Internet..the irony
Well, PLs we may be, but we are the customer base!
On the subject of moneymaking potential, anongirl98, I think that you would find very few customers who would reject a girl for minimal to no tattoos, and a lot who would be likely to reject a girl for heavy tattooing.
Tattoos don't bother me unless they're poorly done. I've been studying the ink on a Chinese stripper for many years. Hers are colorful, symbolic, and tell a story. She is exotic and the tats make her more so. I dislike most piercings, but some of the little diamond implants can be attractive.
Clackport, a body pic I can do (although not fully nude :)) I don't have any type of website though and only 2 social media accounts, neither would I share the band of.
I'm not a big fan of either tattoos or piercing, but they're not deal breakers for me. Tramp stamps and angel wings are OK, and sometimes I can appreciate a big colorful tat on a butt or thigh that tells a story, but I *hate* tattoos on the face or breasts -- sacrilege! -- as well as the random yin/yang, puppy paws, kids' and boyfriends' names, and mistaken Chinese or Arabic sayings that so many stupid young strippers mar their bodies with. As for piercings, I rather like pierced navels and (on some girls) nipples but hate piercings in the face or genitals. Even so, I can honestly say that I've never turned down a dancer because of her body art.
IN this era, it depends on who you want to impress. Old or young? Middle of the road might as well be apart of the young group. Youngings, we love and/or don't mind tattooes. More than likely we won't push you to get a tat but love it if you get a good one. Old people flat up hate tats and piercings. They want boring. you have a rare few who like to swap sides but if there were no exceptions in life, life would be hella boring. So that should summarize pretty well. Does anyone object to my observation? And yes I'm apart of the young group since I'm 24
If you want to make serious cash I would recommend facial tattoos, like Mike Tyson. Or better yet, my personal favorite, a belly tattoo that makes your naval look like a monkey's butt.
Also, based on what I said, even though a lot of people HERE said no to tats and belly buttons, they are the exact type of old people I'm talking about. And about 2 of them are the young "exceptions" I was talking about.
I personally find belly button and nipped piercings hot. Could take or leave most tattoos. Belly and chest in particular ruin the view. Legs and arms are fine.
It may depend on your market and target clientele. Older guys may like the girl next door look more, while younger guys may like a party girl look more.
Piercings don't really bother me. I find tattoos extremely off putting. I might get a dance from a tattooed dancer, but only when there is no better (e.g., less tattooed) option.
Also, I think polls inside the club are unreliable. Men will generally tell a woman what they think she wants to hear.
Depends on the girl and how she carries them. In one club, the porn-star Draven was a regular dancer at, she looked really other-worldly under the lights as they played on her Goth tatted look. She is real comfortable in her body, which is really sexy. That, and she has a cool personality to boot. Other girls don't carry their tats as well, or maybe they just don't carry themselves as well on stage, and their discomfort shows up in the body language as they move on stage. For me, I look at the shape of the woman's body and the attitude she portrays more than what is painted on her skin. In the case of Draven, she put it all together...tats and ass. At least that's been my point of view.
In general I like piercings except on the face and titties. I don't like women with a shitload of tattoos because to me it is not very feminine-looking. I won't turn down dancers with undesirable tattoos or piercings but ultimately less is better.
I tend to like both tattoos and piercings on women. Especially then nipples and clit hood or labia ones.
From what I've seen here, that puts me in the distinct minority here. Far from "ruining" a woman's appearance, I've seen far more such that *enhance* the appearance. Even the sleeves and back tattoos.
I'll freely admit that much of my preference is Pavlovian in nature. Most girls who have nipple and pussy piercings like to have them played with, and some of them *really* like it, and I in turn like the girls who like that.
Keep the nipple piercings in, and come to Louisville. :)
I recently ended a multi-month SB fling with a gorgeous, 21-yr-old, petite, brunette. She was covered with the most awful, tasteless tattoos, but everything else about her was sexy and sensuous. She got the artwork as a teenager. We once had a conversation about how she would like to do classical ballet, but she feared that society would not accept all the artwork. And she's she's right; there's a sizable fraction of society and the hiring workforce that will not accept her for decisions she made as a 14-yr-old. So she might be stuck in this dancing underworld.
To me tattoos are almost never attractive -- something like slapping a bumper sticker on a $400K Ferrari.
Random & idid: absolutely agree with that analogy. As a general rule, for me (and most guys I know, and from what I can tell, most guys on forums) tattoos can never make a girl more attractive, they're neutral at best and then it's downhill from there. Gorgeous face, amazing body and sexy charming personality can make up for a lot, but for me, almost nothing can make up for face or neck tattoos, and it takes a near-perfect face/figure+personality to make up for things like full sleeves, full back tattoos, etc.
Curiously, if I"m drunk, there are a few kinds of tattoos that can make me hot, but in a primal "I want to fuck that dirty skank" kind of way... vertical hamstring tattoos can do that to me, sometimes.
Is changing tires like putting a different pair of stripper heels on her feet then. Listen, I'll help you out by using my good wrench on her so she's nicely tuned up. Now that's using your dipstick Jimmy! 8O)
I simply think that tattoos on strippers are a sign of low self esteem, meaning they aren't happy with themselves so they look to adapt their appearance.
I like a lot of tattoos on a dancer as long as they're good tattoos (yes, I know that's very subjective). The right tattoos on the right girl with the right attitude is a big winner in my book. Unfortunately, a lot of dancers make bad decisions when it comes to larger tattoos. Piercings are fine by me as well.
I don't mind piercings of the navel and a few discreetly placed tattoos are fine. I do not like nose lip or nipple puercings. Nose is just weird. Lip gets in the way of DFK and can cause problems during blowjobs, Nipple piercing gets in the way of me sucking your tits. I don't like the metal in the mouth when sucking your nipples.
Like some posters have posted in the past w.r.t. tats - “why would one put bumper-stickers on a Ferrari”.
Most heavy spending custies are older conservative guys and thus most are not into tats – for many older custies; in their time tats were a thing associated with the underworld and gangsters/criminal element. Up to recently; many upscale clubs would not hire dancers with tats or large-tats; although this seems to be changing since tats are so much more mainstream w/ the young-crowd these days.
As others have mentioned; younger guys probably don't mind as much or may even like them; but for the most-part it is the older conservative guys that do the heavy spending.
I don't like tats in general but do find some of them sexy – for w/e reason a small-one like a rose on one boob kinda turns me-on in a bad-girl kinda way. But in general the bigger the tat the less I like it – and absolutely hate them in some areas like in the back of the calves. I would not get dances from a dancer b/c of her tats but still get dances from a dancer even if she has tats I don't like if I like her bod.
w.r.t. piercings – they don't do much for me thus like tats I would not get dances b/c she has them – they usually don't bother me except for nipple piercings which I HATE b/c they get in the way.
I have never gotten dances with a girl because of her ink or piercings. However, I have decided to not get dances when I have seen her ink and/or piercings. Not always, but often enough to make it obvious I don't care for either.
I don't mind ink at all, and often find it ups the attractive factor. I love piercings, especially nipple, labia, clit piercings, and will gravitate to/spend money with women that have 'em.
I hated it at first, but over time, I've come to have many favorites who have tattoos and/or piercings. Generally anymore, if they have tattoos, the ones I like either have few tattoos, or they are well done and not ridiculous.
@tempest666 heavily tattooed? I shall gladly pay for a dance from you. As I've stated in my previous post, I'm part of the younger generation that loves tattooes on women. No body art discrimination here.
I used to have 15 piercings. I still managed to look girly and not "alternative" because mostly they were in various places on my ears. I also had my nose pierced (always wore a stud, not a hoop), both nipples, tongue, and belly.
I now just have one piercing in each ear and my belly ring. Everything else has closed up except my tongue but I haven't worn a tongue barbell in like a year. I'd like to repierce my nose, and get a few of my old cool ear piercings back. I will NOT miss my nipple rings.
I have two tattoos. One is the old English "D" on my wrist, and one is a quote from a song across my shoulder blades, so it's pretty inconspicuous.
I want a couple more tats. I'm going to copy a tattoo one of the actors from the TV show Breaking Bad has, just a different font. I would have chosen the same placement and probably the exact quote from show even if I hadn't seen his. But I won't mind looking like a copycat.
I guess I'd fall into the "older" category, 55 this year, and I definitely don't mind tats and piercings. I suppose I get why some don't, just as some folks here prefer the freakishly giant, fake boobs that I think are damned ugly. I don't understand it, though. :)
We prefer our strippers as normal looking as possible. A couple small tattoos are fine. We do not like a woman to be covered in tattoos. It's actually a turn off. Piercings are even worse. Ears, belly button and nipples are fine. We actually like pierced nipples. They are interesting. Anything else pierced like nose, back, cheeks, etc....and it's a HUGE turnoff for both of us. She could be a 10 and if she's pierced everywhere we don't want anything to do with her.
Ya, when talking about piercings, I should, ears are fine for me, and belly button could even be a minor turn-on.
One of my pet peeves is when girls get piercings in their back dimples, whatever those things are called. I think those are some of the sexiest areas on a woman, and find my fingers like wandering over there, almost of their own volition. Having piercings there makes it a no-fly zone, and that's a huge bummer.
I still laugh at the "you wouldn't put bumper stickers on a Bentley!" line. First of all, 99%+ of the people who say that will never even own a Bentley anyway. But really, why must bumper stickers be the only equivalent to a tattoo on a person when comparing people to cars? Sure, you wouldn't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley, but you might add some beautiful rims. Why can't the rims be our metaphorical tattoo?
^^ because the original rims can be put back on the car if you happen to change your mind, several decades later.
As of 2016, in a purely practical sense, the hiring workforce looks down on excessive tattoos. May be fine for a dancer, but not for a smart young dancer who aspires to be a corporate lawyer.
They can be ... for people who view tattoos as a possible aesthetic embellishment. But the OP asked for opinions, and for many of us, who view tattoos as trashy and declasse and almost-always unaesthetic, bumper stickers are the right metaphor.
You look at all the hot women in entertainment (movies, music, TV, modeling etc). They're not covered with tattoos and piercings. A few small tattoos are ok, and ear piercings are fine, after that though it's a little bit of overkill.
RandomMember, if you're trying to reference me as the aspiring attorney who shouldn't have "excessive" tattoos, put a leash on that puppy because I have a whopping TWO tattoos. Two.
And in corporate America you can have your entire back, stomach, thighs, and both your frickin' arms tatted as long as your blazer/suit covers it.
Anon: I'm enjoying your newly found presence on TUSCL. I hope you enjoyed rooting for the Seahawks this past Sunday. Will you root for them again this Sunday?
@Clackport Who said all these women in Entertainment is hot? Just because you think so don't mean they are. majority of women in entertainment are stick figures and willowy and pale as fuck. They need some color in their lives so might as well get a tattoo. All the hot chicks are doing it.
Esta- I was referring to the hot women in entertainment, not all the women in entertainment. For example society seemed to be with the Kardasians, Kate Upton, Jennifer Learence, Nicki Minaj just to name a few. These women aren't covered in tattoos and piercings.
If they need some color in their lives, they need to try some black dick.
last commentPiercings don't do anything for me. I deal with them when seeing them but I prefer soft things on a woman, but something piercing back at me.
me personally, i don't like tats. small ones don't bother me, i just hate tats when they're excessive. like when a large part of her body is covered with tats, I HATE that
piercings don't bother me nearly as much as tats. i'm pretty indifferent when it comes to that
but if your nipples are pierced, it makes it more of a difficulty to suck on your tits. :-)
To each his own, but for me, navel and ear piercings only. The rest are a turn off.
I'm too indecisive for tattoos, those things are for the most part permanent, I can't even settle on a permanent laundry detergent ;-) haha.
All opinions greatly appreciated, thank you! Xo
you mentioned your hispanic.......that really makes up for your avatar
Viking -lol, I'm Hispanic but not from anywhere exotic (I live in Canada, moving to FL this summer) hopefully you'll still let me pass ;p
Viking - Hm I'm debating whether I should on here..I will PM you if I decide to :)
Tattoos: I prefer none but reasonable tattooing is acceptable - small, preferably significant and artistic. Tramp stamps generally OK. Tats on or near breasts are a deal killer.
No lip, tongue piercings and would prefer no nipple piercings as well. But belly button or small stud nose piercing is fine for me. As always all patrons are different.
as rh48hr said, all patrons are different..........but i think you can see from the majority of these responses, like meat72 said earlier, most customers aren't a fan of tats and piercings
However taking our little silver balls from my body for a couple of hours while working with the choice of putting them back in to make a few extra bucks? No biggie.
Pathetic losers are usually the ones who try and put down people over the Internet..the irony
On the subject of moneymaking potential, anongirl98, I think that you would find very few customers who would reject a girl for minimal to no tattoos, and a lot who would be likely to reject a girl for heavy tattooing.
I dislike most piercings, but some of the little diamond implants can be attractive.
It may depend on your market and target clientele. Older guys may like the girl next door look more, while younger guys may like a party girl look more.
Also, I think polls inside the club are unreliable. Men will generally tell a woman what they think she wants to hear.
From what I've seen here, that puts me in the distinct minority here. Far from "ruining" a woman's appearance, I've seen far more such that *enhance* the appearance. Even the sleeves and back tattoos.
I'll freely admit that much of my preference is Pavlovian in nature. Most girls who have nipple and pussy piercings like to have them played with, and some of them *really* like it, and I in turn like the girls who like that.
Keep the nipple piercings in, and come to Louisville. :)
To me tattoos are almost never attractive -- something like slapping a bumper sticker on a $400K Ferrari.
Creative analogy. ^5
Curiously, if I"m drunk, there are a few kinds of tattoos that can make me hot, but in a primal "I want to fuck that dirty skank" kind of way... vertical hamstring tattoos can do that to me, sometimes.
So if I want to engage with young women, less conservative thinking and more urban young women, then I expect to see that.
Most heavy spending custies are older conservative guys and thus most are not into tats – for many older custies; in their time tats were a thing associated with the underworld and gangsters/criminal element. Up to recently; many upscale clubs would not hire dancers with tats or large-tats; although this seems to be changing since tats are so much more mainstream w/ the young-crowd these days.
As others have mentioned; younger guys probably don't mind as much or may even like them; but for the most-part it is the older conservative guys that do the heavy spending.
I don't like tats in general but do find some of them sexy – for w/e reason a small-one like a rose on one boob kinda turns me-on in a bad-girl kinda way. But in general the bigger the tat the less I like it – and absolutely hate them in some areas like in the back of the calves. I would not get dances from a dancer b/c of her tats but still get dances from a dancer even if she has tats I don't like if I like her bod.
w.r.t. piercings – they don't do much for me thus like tats I would not get dances b/c she has them – they usually don't bother me except for nipple piercings which I HATE b/c they get in the way.
Anyway, I wouldn't want the Bentley.
I now just have one piercing in each ear and my belly ring. Everything else has closed up except my tongue but I haven't worn a tongue barbell in like a year. I'd like to repierce my nose, and get a few of my old cool ear piercings back. I will NOT miss my nipple rings.
I have two tattoos. One is the old English "D" on my wrist, and one is a quote from a song across my shoulder blades, so it's pretty inconspicuous.
I want a couple more tats. I'm going to copy a tattoo one of the actors from the TV show Breaking Bad has, just a different font. I would have chosen the same placement and probably the exact quote from show even if I hadn't seen his. But I won't mind looking like a copycat.
One of my pet peeves is when girls get piercings in their back dimples, whatever those things are called. I think those are some of the sexiest areas on a woman, and find my fingers like wandering over there, almost of their own volition. Having piercings there makes it a no-fly zone, and that's a huge bummer.
Because that's not how many folks here view tattoos. To them, tattoos are an ugly defacement, and not an attractive enhancement.
Personally, I think saying "all/most tattoos are ugly" is exactly equivalent to saying "all men are pigs" or "all women are crazy."
Some are certainly ugly, but turning away from an otherwise attractive woman because she has a tattoo just leaves more for me, so keep right on. :)
As of 2016, in a purely practical sense, the hiring workforce looks down on excessive tattoos. May be fine for a dancer, but not for a smart young dancer who aspires to be a corporate lawyer.
They can be ... for people who view tattoos as a possible aesthetic embellishment. But the OP asked for opinions, and for many of us, who view tattoos as trashy and declasse and almost-always unaesthetic, bumper stickers are the right metaphor.
And in corporate America you can have your entire back, stomach, thighs, and both your frickin' arms tatted as long as your blazer/suit covers it.
If they need some color in their lives, they need to try some black dick.