avatar for knightwish


joined Jun 2010last seen Apr 2024
BDSM masochist who goes to strip clubs for some light impromptu play. Am looking for girls who are fun, allow lots of touching and willing to do sensual domination.

Comments made by knightwish

discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for brad123xyzzz
Best strip club/brothel
Well if we definite strip club as stuff listed here I'm going for the FKK clubs. Plenty of places with hot girls and sex. But no place else have I ever felt like Caligula.
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for jester214
North Carolina
OT: My dilemma, what would you do?
Another vote for the professional women. Deal with the divorce baggage, in a year's time she's divorced 2 years...
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Bavarian
For those of you who OTC
Just to add to my comment. I've also known lots of partners for the girls I was a customer too where there was zero drama. Most are perfectly aware of their girlfriend or wives' line of work and fine with it. I'm the wife's customer not her lover. She's a young pretty girl I'm not going to be her lover. No one is under any delusions. If your wife owned a restaurant would you be upset with the patrons because she's not cooking exclusively for you?
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Bavarian
For those of you who OTC
I've had another customer show up who was under the delusion he was exclusive for OTC activities (he was a nice guy who did her favors, I just gave her cash in exchange for sex). The stripper was furious (or acted it, hard to tell) he was acting possessive at all they had a fight and he left. She was majorly apologetic to me and made it up both that and the next time. No biggie More drama with civilian women all the time.
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8 years ago
avatar for maryann660ac
sex on stage
B/G sex shows are pretty rare in the USA. I'm sure there are private strip clubs that would be thrilled if you were up for B/G public sex. If you just want to do it in public a swing club.