So if I was going to travel anywhere to go clubbing.... where?

avatar for vegaslad
So, lets say here I am in a position to travel from Portland where I live (the land of low to no mileage clubs) to go wherever needed to have a good time, where would you lot suggest?
Obviously Tijuana is a viable and probably the most cost effective option but is that really my best choice when one factors in (air/hotel/car rental) etc. Detroit would be drastically more $$ in travel costs let alone costs in clubs.

So, suggestions?


last comment
avatar for FTS
9 years ago
Based on my limited experience, I would say San Francisco. Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theaters. Might be pricey for the actual high mileage, but there is definitely high mileage to be had there.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
What is a "good time" to you?
For most here it means hot women, UHM, on the cheap.
Often you have to settle for 1 or 2 out of 3.
avatar for vegaslad
9 years ago
@lopaw would prefer UHM/Extras on a somewhat affordable budget. The ladies don't even have to be 8's-10's I would be quite pleased with 6's and 7's I'm not that picky
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
Detroit. Lots of clubs. Lots of mileage. I've heard the rumor the extras are available.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
IMO might as well scratch TJ off d bucketlist as all good mongers should - all those HK & AB reviews cant be wrong.

Read a few HK & AB reviews and see if u should not go.
avatar for rick33
9 years ago
Fly to TJ and Drive to Mitchell are a coin flip when you throw all the expenses in the same bucket from Portland.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
In the middle of winter travel to Miami, stay at south beach, and spend the evening at Tootsies. Don't worry about the cost, it's worth it.

And if you want the ultimate Miami experience, bring your DS with you. I did twice. It doesn't get any better.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
@vegaslad - you've just described the COI to a tee :)
avatar for vegaslad
9 years ago
@lopaw never really even gave COI a thought to be honest. only ever been in the LA metro area once. Good to know though
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
In the west cost one would think SoCal would b d best option - and if in LA from what I've read Tropical Lei may suit yo needs.
avatar for rick33
9 years ago
The Arctic? Oh, not that kind of clubbing?
avatar for PHound
9 years ago
In the US, Detroit has many high mileage clubs. It depends on what you are looking for and your budget. Sounds like Tijuana has awesome clubs in you want to go out of the country.
Then sometimes it's just dumb luck, maybe the planets have aligned, or you just click with a certain dancer.
If club rules are strick and or the local law enforcement has a mission, you might as well hang it up.
avatar for Electronman
9 years ago
With the exception of Miami, I've been to all of the options being discussed (Detroit, COI, Mitchell Brothers in San Francisco, and Tijuana). Tijuana should be on the bucket list for serious strip club fans. Detroit would be a close second.

I recommend that you get a passport or a Sentri Card for crossing the border. I also recommend that you stay in San Diego and make the short trip to the border via rental car or trolley (if you want to save a few dollars). Tijuana has some experiences that you just do not find state side, including two girl shaving cream shows, an area of the city where prostitution is legal, lots of hot latina chicks in the strip clubs (Hong Kong and Adelitas are my favorites) who are willing to negotiate a session at an adjacent hotel for a very reasonable rate. Do a little research on TJ Amigos or track down some of the articles about Tijuana that are posted on TUSCL. Have fun.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Why has nobody mentioned follies?
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I'd say TJ for sure. Detroit definitely, Miami and COI have some options. Phoenix also has options for uhm/extras as well If you are trying to stay on the west coast.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
I'll second the COI. And yeah, Tropical Lei (which a bti further east), is also a great option.
avatar for holden_caulfield
9 years ago
Detroit for sure. yeah most if not all of the clubs are high mileage (VERY high) but there are so many of them, it would be ideal for a trip so you can hit a bunch of them in one trip. Yeah, it's far from where you live, but Delta has a direct flight and hotels are cheap.
avatar for Bend7
9 years ago
Few mentioned Miami than why not anybody mentioned East St. Louis? ( I myself never been there but I thought it's in top 5).

Is East St. Louis a thing of the past?
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
My first choice would be Pasco County Florida. Swim at warm water beaches during the day and get your dick wet in a lot of cozy fun clubs at night. The best part is how cheap it is to stay and have fun there. It may not be TJ pricing, but the prices for fun with attractive girls are hard to beat almost anywhere else in this country. The shopping part can also be fun as the Pasco clubs are full nude with alcohol, which you may be sued to in Portland but is not the case in many other parts of the country.

My second choice would be Atlanta. I don't like Follies, but I do like other clubs there. Full nude with alcohol, well lit bar tops that naked girls walk on right in front of you, and a cheaper pricing structure are just the beginning. You will never see a sight like you will see in Cheetah anywhere else in the U.S., with 40 to 50 beautiful girls walking around and dancing, at least 10 or more of them nude at any one time. It was a sight to behold. Now in my experience ITC action is not as prevalent in those clubs as in Pasco, but I found it and some OTC action too during my last trip. Shopping is easy when you can see absolutely everything in good light.
avatar for wld4tatas
9 years ago
If you're willing to travel, why limit yourself to the US? Sure airfares will be lower around $250-$500. If you're willing to move up to $500-$750 on airfare there are many excellent options in South/Central America. Some of them will have a somewhat similar US-style strip club environment if that is important. Other options will include casinos and bars where dozens of 8s and some 9s will be available for take out. Pricing in the range of $80-$120 per hour, $300 all night. A few high end places will be a little more.
avatar for vegaslad
9 years ago
Well I had been halfway considering parts of South America/Central America mainly Costa Rica and Peru
avatar for knightwish
9 years ago
If we are talking out of country Austria and Germany for FKK clubs.
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