
Comments by MrDeuce (page 36)

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    8 years ago
    Geneviever Morton, more nekkid than usual
    Oops! *Genevieve
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    8 years ago
    Strip Club Burnout
    Sometimes you just need a break from the strip club scene. After hitting strip clubs (or strippers OTC) at least twice a week through the first ten months of this year, I have taken an almost complete break during November-December (with just a two-day, four-club orgy in Washington Park a couple of weeks ago) for reasons of health and boredom. When I start up again in the new year, clubbing will seem fresh and exciting again.
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    8 years ago
    Level of Juvenility on This Board
    "Otherwise don't expect to see me around here in 2017!" -- Oh no!
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    8 years ago
    No kissing
    Tonymarriedloser123 reveals more than he intended: "I aint kissing these bitches after sucking another man's dick. nasty" Tony, after you suck another man's dick, the polite thing to do is to kiss *him*, not these bitches. LMFAO
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    8 years ago
    [OT] Trumponomics: Is Now a Good Time to Build New Roads?
    Interesting discussion topic! Whatever happens with self-driving cars, I predict that Trump will direct many hundreds of billions of infrastructure of all kinds: new roads but also improvement of roads, bridges, airports, etc. I further predict that a disproportionate amount of this infrastructure spending will take place in just a few politically important states: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Minnesota, and New Hampshire . Such spending probably makes more political than economic sense, and Trump will want to reward states that voted for him and entice a couple where he fell just short (the last two on my list).
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Indy 2AMer.
    Well, what do you know -- a 2AMer at an Indy club that I *haven't* been to! Pure Passion (East) is too ghetto even for me, though I have very often been to the nearby Harem House and Babes on Pendleton Pike. The other Pure Passion at W. 38th and Lafayette is now called the Golden Nugget; it used to be Babes West.
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    8 years ago
    Short Girls in Bed
    At about 6 feet tall, I thought I was attracted to women of average height, say around 5' 6". Those of you who have seen the pictures and videos that I occasionally (LOL) post here know that I prefer voluptuous women, at least in theory. However, all three of my favorites on day shift at a certain club are 5-foot spinners! At long last, I have determined that I do have a type: strippers who will have sex with me, or at least blow me, are my type. One of those 5-foot spinners is my ATF, who weighs 95 lb and has small B breasts. I would say that, far from heightening the sexual experience, her diminutive height shortens it :)
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    8 years ago
    Don't like a stripper I like dancing for others.
    @Subraman - Why do you think I call it "partying Subraman-style"? :)
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    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    It's been a good year. (Calling it quits with first OTC)
    Subraman: Technically only I am thinking of quitting OTC. GACA is just quitting with his current girl. Though I've enjoyed all of my OTC dates (except the "veritable shit storm of chaos", which was interesting but not so enjoyable), I've never sought out OTC and may not be wired for it. Part of the problem is that I get too emotionally attached to strippers that I "date", especially the current one. However, I'm now aware of that aspect of my personality and vow to avoid future emotional entanglements. Ask me in a year if I have really sworn off OTC.
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    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    It's been a good year. (Calling it quits with first OTC)
    GACA, tell us more about these money transfer apps. It's probably better for me not to know, since I had a tendency (which I have overcome) to advance money to strippers in expectation of future dates. Guess what? They sometimes take advantage of my trust! This probably shocks no one except me.
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    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    It's been a good year. (Calling it quits with first OTC)
    My first OTC was just one year ago, when a favorite ITC extras girl texted me asking if I would like to meet OTC because she had lost her license and couldn't get to work for a while. I saw her three times over the next few months for dinner and a BJ (or, the first time, a BJ and brunch), but it fizzled out because she was too much of a flake. My next couple of OTC dates were with a stripper who asked me for money and met me a couple of times for dinner and a BJ to work it off. Let's just say this relationship isn't officially over but is currently quiescent :) My only other OTC dates have been several "nearly perfect boy-girl sleepovers" with my ATF, who broached the subject at the end of our first VIP in April but didn't actually follow through until August, when she escaped from a controlling boyfriend. This relationship is still ongoing, though probably not for much longer. I have two points to make: 1. The stripper took the initiative in every case -- I haven't sought out OTC activity. 2. Though I enjoy every OTC relationship for what it is, I always swear "Never again!" at the end of each one. I'll say it again: Whenever my current OTC girl and I "break up", I am finished with OTC!
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    8 years ago
    Ran NinaBambina Off the Board
    Speaking as a mathematician, I agree that political science doesn't have the intellectual rigor of math or the hard sciences. However, it is a valid academic discipline that uses ideas and approaches from history, philosophy, economics, psychology, and other fields without being a subfield of any of them. I do find it cute when social scientists pretend that their fields -- poli sci, econ, sociology, psych, etc. -- are real sciences *too*. In general, the least worthwhile college majors tend to be in fields whose names end in "studies": Women's Studies, Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Afro-American Studies, Chicano Studies, etc. Students majoring in those subjects will either go to grad school in them, thus perpetuating their academic corruption, or become baristas, Uber drivers, etc. BTW, did Nina ever actually *say* she had 120 hours of political science as opposed to a bachelor's degree in poli sci that included 120 total hours? I don't care enough to look it up among her many posts, but perhaps someone knows. Possibly relevant bon mot: Those who call economics the dismal science are half right.
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    8 years ago
    Don't fall in love with a stripper
    I suppose I'm in like/lust/love with my ATF. It will not end well: (a) Sometime in the new year she'll marry her on-again/off-again boyfriend of 20 years when he finishes his current prison term. He deflowered her when they were both 12 and married her when they were 22. They divorced at age 24 when he went to prison for the first time. Somehow she's responsible for his current prison term, something about leaving her prescription at his apartment and causing a parole violation, which put him back in the pokey for another couple of years. (b) Also, I will have spent several thousand dollars on her by the time she remarries him. Nonetheless, it's been a wild and, for the most part, highly enjoyable ride -- and it's not over yet! I do *not* recommend falling in any kind of love with a stripper. It will almost certainly not be reciprocated and you run the risk of breaking both your heart and your savings. Fortunately I figured that out early enough to cause no permanent damage to either.
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    8 years ago
    Don't like a stripper I like dancing for others.
    Yes, it is ridiculous to dislike her dancing for others (though not at all uncommon -- many of us have been there), but at least you're aware of it. My suggestions are to either (1) go to her club for a quick lap dance or few with her and then leave; (2) lock her down for your entire stay; or (3) avoid her club entirely, at least when she's working. Over the past year, I have started, for the first time in my lengthy mongering career, to spend a few hours at my favorite day shift with one girl (or maybe two), buying the occasional dance but keeping her supplied with drinks and my scintillating conversation. As long as it's slow at the club and she gets some money, booze, and entertainment from you, you can sometimes keep a girl with you for hours. The payoff comes when you're the regular she leaves other customers for, instead of the PL she leaves to join other customers.
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    8 years ago
    Older dude problems (cont.)
    Meat72: Interesting insight! No worries in my case -- I *hate* to work out, so my exercise "regimen" will probably be 1-2 workouts a week plus a lot of walking, which I actually enjoy.
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    8 years ago
    Older dude problems (cont.)
    larryfisherman: Thanks! -- but, as K pointed out, consider the alternative. K: Yes, when I found out about the high PSA count I started with my GP in November -- no diabetes! Juice: Calm down -- no one called you morbidly obese.
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    8 years ago
    Older dude problems (cont.)
    Thanks, shailynn. I know I'm not morbidly obese, but I will feel better (and, more to the point, "rise to the occasion" more consistently in the VIP room or the ATF's bed) if I weigh about 190. At age 62 it's not as easy to lose weight as it was 20 years ago, but I think I can drop 30 pounds in six months just by walking a lot, working out a little, and avoiding the afternoon soft drinks and the late-night snacks.
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    8 years ago
    Older dude problems (cont.)
    Thanks for the kind words, everyone! Meat72: No offense taken. I am indeed a fat fuck (6', 230 lb at the urologist on Tue -- I seem to have grown an inch!) but my wallet is fat enough and my SC game is strong enough that I punch above my weight (so to speak) in Stripperland. As we all know, one of the chief attractions of strip clubs is the availability of women way out of our league :) SJG: Thanks! I figured that if I couldn't get my rocks off in one of my beloved ESL dive bars, I might as well just turn in my testicles. My felicitous fellatrix was absolutely dedicated to my pleasure. She certainly knows how to get me back in the club!
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    8 years ago
    Religious strippers
    ATACdawg: My real point was to reorder these examples of scum de la scum, lawyers being even lower in the pecking order than prostitutes and tax collectors.
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    8 years ago
    Religious strippers
    ATACdawg: How about "Jesus spent time with prostitutes, tax collectors, and even [shudder] lawyers!"?
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    8 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Long legs
    Mmmm . . . Indiana University colors! It appears that her legs go right up to her armpits!
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    8 years ago
    Religious strippers
    I'm expecting a rant now from SJG about the four great evils: Alcohol, Drugs, Psychiatry, and Born Again Christianity. He's just full of surprises, that one is.
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    8 years ago
    Holiday gift ideas for an ATF
    I had never bought a Christmas present for a stripper until this year, when I bought luggage for my ATF. I noticed on our first date in August, when we spent the night in a hotel room (since then we've stayed at her place), that she brought some toiletries and a few outfits (four to model for me and one for the next day) in a couple of plastic bags, from which I assumed that she owned no luggage at all. So I bought a reasonably nice four-piece luggage set in her favorite color for about $60, marked down from $180! This was intended both to satisfy a need and to provide nice luggage for a road trip that we had planned for last week. Unfortunately the road trip fell through because neither of us was feeling well, but I kept the gift and will give it to her when I see her again in a week or two. The only other time I have given a present to a stripper was in January, when I happened to take a favorite extras girl out on her birthday for dinner and a postprandial BJ in my hotel room. To make her birthday less than completely disgusting, I gave her a bath and body wash set, a birthday card, and cash beyond what we had agreed to. She seemed to be delighted and told me it was her favorite birthday in years. In principle I agree that the only present most strippers appreciate is cash.
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    8 years ago
    Ran NinaBambina Off the Board
    Even though Nina was extremely mistaken about the election (and the Warriors), I will take her arrogant overconfidence any day over Dougster's constant douchebaggery. His claims to have annihilated her represent a real disconnect from reality. And since when is political science not a valid academic discipline?
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Time to vote
    In principle I think you should stick with the DC, who is close to your own age and is not a whore. However, I have always enjoyed your DS stories and would enjoy reading another. So like 4got, I vote for a rendezvous with the DS for its entertainment value.