
Older dude problems (cont.)

Early this month I started a discussion about my recent virility issues: high PSA count, a swollen and tender testicle, occasional difficulty in climaxing even from BBBJs (which used to be a sure-fire way to get me off!), and, most disturbingly, infrequent erections.

I have mostly good news to report on these issues:
1. I visited a urologist on Tue and got some encouragement. My PSA count has dropped from 13 in late October to 3 a couple of days ago, where the normal range is 0-4. Apparently the high count in October was related to the swollen testicle and epididymitis that I was experiencing at that time. Also, my testosterone level of about 380 was in the normal range of 240-830, though a bit on the low side. The urologist was sufficiently unconcerned that he doesn't want to see me again until late April.
2. After weeks with no orgasms and very few erections, I visited four strip clubs last Thu-Fri in Washington Park (two each on Thu and Fri afternoons). Mostly I just watched stage dances or got a few lappers, but at Wise Guys on Fri I spent considerable time with a zaftig and friendly young stripper who got very handsy in the front room, awakening Little Deuce to a remarkable degree. I alluded to my recent difficulties and told her I would tip her $40 on a $180 VIP room if she could get me off. She admirably rose to what we called the Orgasm Challenge (as did I).. I'm back, baby!

So instead of worrying about prostatitis or even prostate cancer, I am going to try to improve my sexual performance with lifestyle changes. I've lost 20 pounds and plan to lose about 35 more. I've started walking long distances almost every day and plan to start working out in the new year; and I'm looking for ways to reduce the stress level in my life.

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern or had helpful advice. I am open to ideas about natural ways to increase virility.


  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I Shit my pants when I sneez...old fuck issues for sure
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Being serious doh good to see you getting healthy and back in da game
  • nj_pete
    8 years ago
    Sounds like a good plan, especially that walking and weight loss.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I imagine we can avoid a lot of ailments with healthy eating, exercise, and either reducing stress levels or learning how to handle it better - hope you stick with the changes if nothing more so you can enjoy your SCing and OTCing to its fullest
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I'm sorry Mr. Deuce I mean you no disrespect. By the way you monger with 8's and 9's, I never would have figured you were a fat fuck from TUSCL according to your reviews and input.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Juice's first comment...lol!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Awesome, especially congratulations on the beginning of lifestyle changes.

    And what a great place to go to test out the onboard systems, a strip club, and in the ESL area no less!

    Glad you are doing well. A most encouraging story!

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

    Meat72: No offense taken. I am indeed a fat fuck (6', 230 lb at the urologist on Tue -- I seem to have grown an inch!) but my wallet is fat enough and my SC game is strong enough that I punch above my weight (so to speak) in Stripperland. As we all know, one of the chief attractions of strip clubs is the availability of women way out of our league :)

    SJG: Thanks! I figured that if I couldn't get my rocks off in one of my beloved ESL dive bars, I might as well just turn in my testicles. My felicitous fellatrix was absolutely dedicated to my pleasure. She certainly knows how to get me back in the club!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I've told of this before. At the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, a dark skinned Filipino Bombshell was for some reason focusing all of her attention on me. Mostly that meant always directing her ass at me, with her about 2mm of butt floss.

    She was ignoring other people's tips, even a guy who made about $20 worth of rain on her. I have no idea why.

    But I told her, the truth, "This is just like being in jr. high school again."

    She thought that was funny.

    A lot of it, with women, depends on how they are dressed and how they conduct themselves. It is not just innate looks or youthfulness.

    There are lots of natural helper recipes out there. And then there is a guy on TJA who claims to have achieved the holy grail, how to pump out bigger loads. He has experimented on himself, testing each of his dietary supplements at higher doses, to find side effects, and then giving himself a 3 week control interval after each experiment. He has a 4 supplement recipe, and he say it works great.

    I still say that most of it, after bad diet and obesity, and the development of diabetes, is psychological, addressable by meditation and yoga, as well as just getting clear on what you are doing in your life.

    Good Luck, and please keep us informed,

    The End of Work and the Case for Universal Basic Income
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    If it makes you feel good Mr deuce I'm fantasising about weighting 230 pounds lol.... Shit one day soon....about 80 or 90 more pounds
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Duece that's not a horrible weight for 6'

    My best advice is watch what you eat. I can drop 10lbs in 5 weeks by changing my diet and no exercise.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Thanks, shailynn. I know I'm not morbidly obese, but I will feel better (and, more to the point, "rise to the occasion" more consistently in the VIP room or the ATF's bed) if I weigh about 190. At age 62 it's not as easy to lose weight as it was 20 years ago, but I think I can drop 30 pounds in six months just by walking a lot, working out a little, and avoiding the afternoon soft drinks and the late-night snacks.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Some might call me obese but do I deserve the morbidly part ?
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Mr.Deuce-good luck to you buddy!

    I hope I never get old!
  • K
    8 years ago

    Growing old sucks but it is better than the alternative
  • K
    8 years ago
    You've seen your urologist, have you seen your GP and gotten things like diabetes ruled out?
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    larryfisherman: Thanks! -- but, as K pointed out, consider the alternative.
    K: Yes, when I found out about the high PSA count I started with my GP in November -- no diabetes!
    Juice: Calm down -- no one called you morbidly obese.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Funny thing is I had similar issues to you Mr. Deuce, yet it was stemming from the opposite. This may sound weird, but as you age your body doesn't process changes as quickly as your youth.

    Basically last year I grounded myself by not going to clubs hardly at all. the only things I were doing besides studying and working, was actively working out. I stepped up my game because for the first time in my life I was reaching above 200 lbs at 6'0. So after about 3-4 months I stayed the same weight, maybe lost only 5 lbs, and got pretty toned up and chiseled. It was all natural and no steroids involved, but then my dick was unresponsive. Went to the doctor and did blood work, all good! Went to urologist and he was dumbfounded, said it was stress, because ED pulls weren't working. "Stress", I couldn't believe it I felt great, but after about a few months of tapering to 1-2 workouts weekly, getting good sleep, and getting back to normal all my dick functions naturally returned to normal.

    The reason for this comment is to make sure you never do too much of a good thing, as it can reak havoc also. The 4-5 workouts a week I thought were good for me turned out I was overextending myself thinking I was still a 20 year old stud. Now I'm a middle aged guy who has to reel it in a bit, unground myself and hit the relaxing stuff a little more like the clubs to keep me stiff!
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Sounds like your on rhe right track MrDeuce. More raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Meat72: Interesting insight! No worries in my case -- I *hate* to work out, so my exercise "regimen" will probably be 1-2 workouts a week plus a lot of walking, which I actually enjoy.
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