It's been a good year. (Calling it quits with first OTC)
Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
So it's been a good year as far as SCing and getting some steady sex. I don't know that I will ever go back to not OTCing again. But the thrill is gone after 3 months. I gave her a few hundred as a parting gift no meet up. Just over text and Square.
Love the money transfer apps. No cash involved no way to get robbed.
Love the money transfer apps. No cash involved no way to get robbed.
My next couple of OTC dates were with a stripper who asked me for money and met me a couple of times for dinner and a BJ to work it off. Let's just say this relationship isn't officially over but is currently quiescent :)
My only other OTC dates have been several "nearly perfect boy-girl sleepovers" with my ATF, who broached the subject at the end of our first VIP in April but didn't actually follow through until August, when she escaped from a controlling boyfriend. This relationship is still ongoing, though probably not for much longer.
I have two points to make:
1. The stripper took the initiative in every case -- I haven't sought out OTC activity.
2. Though I enjoy every OTC relationship for what it is, I always swear "Never again!" at the end of each one.
I'll say it again: Whenever my current OTC girl and I "break up", I am finished with OTC!
Why are you guys thinking you'll quit otc, if you're enjoying it?
paying for sex, and has also used my furnished condo when his relatives are staying with him. There's a big difference, as when you're married with 5 kids like I am. You don't ha e time for hooker/prostitutes. You have to carefull choose the people you're around. This isn't like hanging out at the AAMPs picking up Vietnamese or Mexican girls like "Donna in the purple dress". You have to vet very carefully....
You on the other hand are trying to play it both ways. All you are doing is saying that as a Christian Comedian you believe that well off white guys are entitled to do whatever they can get away with, and still claim that there is nothing wrong.
You are a piece of shit!
I could go through the 10,000 + posts of your wasteful drivel and prove it to you with a link, but what inertia is truth and your posts are embellished fiction spun in a way your imagination believes. So you see it is you who are the one who goes back on his word, and thinks he can have his cake and eat it.
Especially when you play the circle jerk game, where the last guy who comes has to eat the bread. That's the only sporting game you're good at, which is where you got the name "Christian eating Lions" after losing a game of circle jerk, you had to eat the bread. Of course you always hope to lose so you can eat cum filled bread.
SJG is a creepy hypocrite who talks a rough game one way, and does the opposite of what he says.
Yes, I engaged in marital infidelity. But I have never claimed that it was anything other than marital infidelity.
There were intervals during which I tried my best to make the marriage work. And then I stopped ALL marital infidelity. But then after that I had to admit that the marriage was just a death trap and that it had to be terminated.
Then, mostly to try and stay sane, I did engage in marital infidelity. Mostly it was just talking and flirting with pretty girls and giving them small tips at our local zero touching club. It was marital infidelity and I have never said otherwise. But I did keep it within some bounds.
I knew that I had to fish or cut bait on the marriage, and it was really hard, and hard to do ethically. And I knew that I would have to be able to look at myself in the mirror each morning and live with what I had done.
You Gaffigain are the guy who holds himself up as a good family man icon, I think sponsored by right wing media. You are a piece of shit.
A quote by SJG proving he is the biggest hypocritical troll on TUSCL, especially when he tries to say I'm the one who is shameful. I bet if we took a vote on TUSCL everyone would say he is the biggest hypocrite who promotes equal humanitarian rights, but is actually nothing but a fucking asshole!
reverses order, J then B…
The Hidden Power, by Thomas Troward [1921],…
B then J
B then J
And women should be kept in high heels and makeup, without much else.