
Sleaziest Club you have ever been in

Monday, March 6, 2017 8:16 AM
What is the sleaziest club you have ever been in. Name places that claim to be actual clubs. I know that HS8 in Inkster is a dive but not even close to the level of the two I named. Toss up between Wise Guys Pleasure Place in Washington Park IL (E. St. Louis) of Honey's in Gary IN. and 6th Ave Dancers, Terre Haute, IN CT is right up there but it is not actually a club. Wise Guys: not a good neighborhood, the less than average girls on stage will slide off stage at the tip rail into your lap stick a nipple in your mouth grab your hand and put your finger inside themselves and give a Wash Park handshake. The girls at the tables will give you through the fly handshake, I glanced into the "VIP" room on a club tour and there was a trash can full of used wipes and condom wrappers. The bathroom only had one working urinal, the other one was shattered on the floor and a piece of the sit down was broken out. 6th Ave is just nasty, usually filled with ROB crack girls and the booths smell like month worn old used panties made from unpainted OSB board and dumpster salvaged couches. Which is kind of surprising considering that it is blocks for a major college (ISU) and Terre Haute is town of 100,000 without the three colleges present. Honeys, Gary, in an old bank branch in an abandoned shopping center enough said, lap dance area behind DJ booth on folding chairs but VIP in the the old vault. The girls are scary aggressive, little heat and no AC. It is a private club where you pay a membership fee LOL. What is your worst.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Sportsman's Inn in Providence, RI. Went there twice when it was open. Once was a bachelor party, the other time was just bad decision making. It was a pit, and the only SC where I sort of wanted to tip the dancers if they put on more clothes.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    It's been closed for many years but Pleasers on Bluff Rd. in Columbia SC. I didn't know the area and stopped in for a look see. Black club. Maybe 6 dancers and 6 customers. I was the only white person there. All drinks served in plastic cups. The DJ came carrying a box full music tapes. I got a rum & coke and took a seat a short distance from the stage. 250 pounder on stage covered with tats. The teeth that weren't missing had gold crowns. There were 2 guys sitting next to the stage stuffing dollar bills into her pussy. As I got up to leave the manager pleaded with me to stay. "C'mon, I know you're here for the girls".
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    As a veteran of both 6th Avenue Dancers *and* Wise Guys (as well as numerous other Washington Park "pleasure palaces"), I think that there are far sleazier clubs than either of them. The former is admittedly not much to look at, either inside or out, but often has some beauties working. Just in the past couple of years I can cite Fantasy, Germany, and Mackenzie as absolutely *lovely* dancers at 6th Avenue (who have, of course, moved on to better places.) The point is that there is always a sprinkling of hotties at this club. The couches in the lap dance room aren't that bad and the $20 lappers, which are *very* hands-on, offer good value, as does the "Champagne Room" (actually just a curtained off couch) at $100 for half an hour. Terre Haute, by the way, has barely 60,000 inhabitants and actually counts *five* colleges: Indiana State University, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, St Mary of the Woods College, Ivy Tech (a two-year community college), and Harrison College (a two-year business college). You are correct that surprisingly few of the ISU girls just a mile down 7th Street show any interest in stripping at 6th Avenue. As for Wise Guys: hell, it's not even the sleaziest strip club in town! IMO Dollie's, Blondie's, Cheeks, and C-Mowe's are all sleazier and have a lower class of dancers working than Wise Guys does. At Wise Guys, as at 6th Avenue Dancers, you can often find a dancer or two who hasn't yet discovered that she can do better elsewhere. A current case in point is Talia, a gorgeous white girl in her mid 20s who is also a rapper and an honest-to-goodness college student and is fun to hang out with, both in the "front room" and in the VIP room. I think the sleaziest clubs I've been to, besides the ones I named in Washington Park, are Palace in the Pines near Youngstown, OH, Bogart's and Henry VIII in Inkster, Henry VIII in Southgate, and Fluffers in Sparland, IL (near Peoria).
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    Rhonda's Place in St. Louis Gold Diggers in Fresno Red Room in Baltimore
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Oh come on, MrDeuce, you haven't been to Henry VIII South lately, it looks almost decent these days, although some of the dancers are anything but beautious. :)
  • bvino
    7 years ago
    Studio 4 in Windsor about four years ago. Interior was bare except for some hi-top tables randomly placed on a concrete floor. Girls were few and fugly. All were drunk or high at 2 in the afternoon. One drink and out. The placed stunk of stale beer and cigarette smoke. Stains all over the floor and walls(?). Maybe it is better now but at the time it was groaty.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Sugar D,s in WPB is pretty rough so is Flashdance. In pompano the club Flavors was pretty bad, but its closed at this point, don't know if it'll reopen.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I went to some real shit holes in my early years when I didn't know what I was doing. The worst was in Vegas. Homeless women begging on street corners look a lot better than the meth heads in that place. I left after only 60 seconds, didn't even sit down.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I think the name was Hi-Way Lounge or something like that, right off of I70 about 30 minutes south east of Pittsburgh PA. Gravel parking lot with a few abandon cars in the lot. Was always curious so decided to walk in one weeknight. You walk through an adult bookstore first which looks like it was looted. Walk into strip club room and there's a large star and crappy folding chairs against a wall. 2 guys are siting along the wall and the dancers come out, 4 in rotation, 3 disgusting and 1 that was actually attractive. Take her for a lapdance and it's in a room with infishinshed drywall and studs on a couch with a sheet over it. Songs are played on a book box and and CD keeps skipping. I nenebr felt unsafe like many other clubs but it's like someone was in the process of turning a building that used to be a convenience store on one side and a bingo hall on the other side into a strip club. They got about 30% done with the conversion and said "fuck it, it looks good enough let's open," and that was said 10 years before the day I walked in.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Bogarts comes to mind right away. But there was one club I went to years ago. Long time ago. Forgot the name (actually, I was probably too fucked up to even remember the name) but the only reason this club was memorable was due to the fact that it was an after hours club in Hollywood, Florida. Place had a fire recently, and the men's bathroom was just a door that opened to what was once the bathroom but was no longer there due to the fire. So everyone just stood by the door and pissed out side. And not only that, around 6am, the place was raided by the police, but luckily I had left the club and was sleeping in my rental car and woke up to cops in riot gear swarming the place.
  • RTP
    7 years ago
    Jakes in Jacksonville, Harry O's in Stamford, Club Rio in Indianapolis, they are all foul. I think someone mentioned that CT's in Gary is not really a strip club, but it is so bad that it has to be included. I was afraid to touch anything and could not even think anything sexual since CT's was so bad, even though the dancer trying to seduce me was actually cute.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    The Mermaid in WPB was rougher than Sugar D's and Flashdance put together, and made Flavors look like the Waldorf. There's some rougher, shittier clubs in Miami, but I think none sleezier than Mermaid. That place was straight nasty. I went once and wrote a review, it was bad. I went back a year later for some reason and it was worse. Avg age of strippers was probably 50, avg weight was probably 250. Within 10 minutes of arrival I had 3 offers for anything, including anal, for under $100. I saw a dancer coming out of the back with cum literally dripping from her hair, Something About Mary style. I saw the dance booth, which looked to be a 3'x3' room with a bar stool that had been chopped short in it. There was a trail in/out of that room where the floor was darker, I have to assume it was a mixture of dirt and cum. I was there for maybe 10 minutes total and never actually sat down because I didn't want to touch anything. I ordered a beer but didn't touch it. I remember paying and not wanting the change. I left my shoes in the parking lot, I didn't want them touching my floormats in my truck.
  • Hittinalltheclubs
    7 years ago
    Bottoms up in miami. Bella's probably now at days. I would say heads or tails and bare necessities and the club all the way. Y homestead on us 1. But they're all so dead they can't even be sleazy.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I agree with you @ Dolfan especially about Mermaid but I was talking about clubs here now I don't get that far down in Miami I go to Tootsies or Body club infrequently haven't been to those others you mentioned but sugar Ds and flash dance have had major problems just recently shootings and the like I stay out of there because I have nothing to gain from those 2 and my one experience in Flavors was far from excellent
  • STL2
    7 years ago
    I'm going to have to agree with Mr Deuce. Although I have not been to Indiana clubs, Wise Guys in Washington Park is the third nicest club in town. There are at least 5 more clubs that are worse. Dollies in Washington Park is the biggest dive I've ever been in. The girls are often grandmas, they don't have private rooms, and pretty much any activity you want can be found behind a thin strand of beads in the lap dance area for $40+
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I'd say Stonewall Lounge in Hialeah.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    There are some pretty sleazy hood ones in LA, take your pick.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I've been in plenty of shitholes and dives (Uncle Paulies, KLs Lounge), but never any place that I could really call sleazy. I feel like I'm missing out.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Ishmael -- did you partake of the upstairs in the sleazebag hotel option? Dolfan -- Loved the Spermmaid. Some other classics? Hawks lounge and Cherry's in Providence. Teddies of not so long ago in Bridgeport nd Pleasant moments in Bridgeport right now. FS - $70.00
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Oops forgot V-Ja's near Turning Stone casino. First 2 minutes there a dancer, pretty fine actually, approached and said: "let's cut to the chase. No one comes here for dances, just extras". She was right. From the time I left the casino to when i returned was 95 minutes and 60 was spent in the car.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Shit, how'd I forget Lookers, right here in Fort Myers? I took it out of my rotation, it got so bad. The last time I was there, all the girls looked the same (and were all Cubans). Imagine a 6-mos old baby, all fat and pudgy and out of proportion. Now blow it up into 90-lb woman and stick a bikini on it. These pot-bellies begin every conversation with a BML handshake, and won't take no for an answer. Calling the other guys PLs would actually be a step up in life for them, mostly appearing homeless or strung out. The last three times I was there, I left after one beer without getting any dances; essentially feeling run off by ugly dancers I wanted nothing to do with and afraid of catching fleas and body lice from the guy next to me Another USA strip club forum has one dude that goes there regularly. If he is to be believed, that place is the new Little Havana, and actually has some smoking hot women and nothing but happy endings. I may need to check it out again.
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    I am deeply disturbed at how many of these I have visited. CTs in Gary IN wins the award, for me. Ugh! Honey's a close second to worst. Last visit, the bathroom AND heat were out of order. Electricity was working though!
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    VM, you are correct that I haven't been to H8S for a couple of years. Have they remodeled since June 2015? Did they also remodel the dancers? And the waitress? Not only was Henry's South an unattractive dive when I was there, but the strippers were not worth looking at and the waitress was exceptionally rude. The only reason I even went to H8S was to experience its notoriety for myself. From where I stay in Romulus near the airport, several other clubs are closer, better choices: Flight Club, Bogart's, Henry's North, Landing Strip, and (a personal favorite) the Silver Criket [sic]. Yes, STL2, I would rank Wise Guys third among the 9 (?) strip clubs in Washington Park, well behind Hollywood Show Club and Larry Flynt's Hustler Club but way ahead of the others.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Lol Dolfan drove home barefoot. I think he wins!
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    It sounds like I gotta put Mermaids and Lookers on my bucket list.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I visit mostly small dives whose decor is acceptable at best - I rarely travel and the SCs I've hit outside my homebase have usually being in major cities none in the midwest so off the top of my head I don't recall any SCs so horrendous that it was on my mind. But a couple sorta come to mind: + Legends in Houston - not sure if it's even open anymore - this was 2012 prior to the city cracking down an extras were Detroit style - the "VIP" rooms @ Legends were basically a small square room w/ a loveseat; but when I visited on a busy Sat eve there were used condoms all over the floor of the VIP rooms - nasty as fuck + the aforementioned Flashdancers in West Palm Beach - place is old, dark, and dingy, looks like it has not been remodeled since 1987 - half the barstools rocked back and forth where I thought I was gonna fall off - and 1/2 or more of the dancers on dayshift were old and seemed like meth heads - it was a pretty-depressing sight and I never got comfortable w/ the club in my visit + Pardizios in Irvington, NJ - basically a long narrow rectangle w/ a bar in the middle and a stage inside the bar - that's pretty-much the whole club and it was dark but not in a low-lighting pleasant sorta way more like dark in a dingy kinda way almost like stepping into a damn cave - it was more of a bar w/ some naked chicks rather than a strip-club - it is a black club and it looks like a seedy-bar in a scene from one of those 1970s black exploitation films
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    There may be some updates, MrDeuce since 2015, but when I originally started going to Henry VIII South, it was a dingy, dingy club, with the VIP room from Hell where the carpeting stank. There is a fairly large contingent of long time dancers there, only one still is unattractive to me, one of my favorites there is a gorgeous late 30's mom with a fine pair.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @flagooner Mermaids is gone that place closed 2 years ago.
  • TxVegas
    7 years ago
    I laughed out loud reading the Dolfan comment. I like not wanting to get change back and leaving shoes in the parking lot. I hope he was joking but the imagery was outstanding.
  • osogrande
    7 years ago
    Many years ago, the Newport/Covington KY clubs were exemplars of nastiness. The Brass A$$ in Newport had the scariest Men's room, compounded by the fact that the stall frequently used by "dancers" for HJ/BJ action. Glad I made it out without an infection.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I can't believe the condition some dives are in, particularly their restrooms - one thing is for a club to not be plush or upscale but that does not mean it should not be reasonably clean - it's like they have zero respect for paying customers. And some VIP rooms seem to have a months worth of used condoms behind the couches - jeez - one dive I go to the area/carpet under the chair where one sits out in the open/main-room is sticky as hell and has been like that forever as if it's never been cleaned - it's even hard to move the chair b/c the chair itself gets stuck on the sticky carpet.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Sounds like Henry VIII South in the old days, Papi. GROSS !!
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    Osogrande... The Brass Ass in Newport isn't even the worst place in Northern Kentucky. Don't get me wrong it is a shit hole but it's way better than Liberty's Show Lounge in Covington is way worse. You can find even worse at Katie's Place and Plush up in Daytom Ohio. But my all-time worst would be Rivergirls in Louisville by a long shot. Only club I've been to that actually made me nauseous while I was there.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    @skibum609 -- Hell no.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I'm starting to think that Bogart's is not the worst club in the country.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Lol, shailynn, you actually went into the Hi-Way Playground? I hope it was just out of curiosity and not for the nude "girls"! I hope you ended up going to the Filly Corral one exit west! ;-D
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    I completely forgot about the Highway Lounge. It was the worst, The place had an electrical fire the one and only time I stopped.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    I have not been in 6th avenue in 5 or 6 years but "HS8 was much better than 6th Ave. HS8 is better that virtually every club I visited in New Jersey.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    Well, I'm late to comment, and it appears I have never been in a club as bad as some of you have described. But before the Blue Moon Lounge remodeled a few years ago, I swore I would never step foot in the place again. Very dirty, especially the men's room. Among the worst restrooms I've ever seen, just nasty. After their remodel it is very much improved but still a dive for sure. A place in Santa Fe, Cheeks, was pretty damn poor, and another in rural New Mexico was also pretty poor. But based on what I've read above, I've just never seen a sleazy club. If the Cabaret Club in El Paso wasn't so damn much fun it would rate pretty low. And the Lamplighter in El Paso was/is pretty rough too.
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