After a great OTC session where she used a banana as a dildo, she was really hungry. I suggested eating the banana. She took it and peeled starting from the end, not the stem. I'd never seen a banana peeled that way. I googled it and found that monkeys eat bananas that way too. I tried it and found that surprisingly it's a better way.
I learned this on a tour of Sri Lanka in the 80s. Every day the tour guide bought a different kind of bananas for the tour group and showed us the "right" way to peel them.
I've never before heard of peeling a banana from the other end. But I always have a knife handy and have made short work of peeling one from the stem end.
I've always peeled them from the end instead of from the stem, mostly to piss off my mom who could get worked up about the dumbest shit. Now I discover the the "right" way is to let a stripper warm the banana up first...
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Amazing the amount of things you can learn here on TUSCL.
Founder should put that in the tag line rotation.
"TUSCL, where you can learn to peel a banana the right way."
I still peel them the "wrong" way :)