
No disrespect to those taking on skibum609, but I hope skibum609 doesn't become

Avatar for 4got2wipe
4got2wipeIn a brilliant place!

By that I mean a target, not that skibum609 is particularly similar to either.

There are no doubts that rickdugan is full of himself and does come across kind of d-baggy. He also says a lot of stuff that translates naturally into jokes at his expense. I don't know how much, if any, of what he says is true (you could say the same thing about everybody). I feel guilty admitting that I find a lot of the jokes at his expense are kind of funny. But they are also a bit much at times.

san_jose_guy is different and clearly rubs some people the wrong way. But he's always been nice to me and to many on the board. He is a bit long winded and I don't read everything he posts, but he's enjoying himself by sharing what he thinks. Nobody is holding a gun to anybody's head forcing them to read san_jose_guy posts. Just as with rickdugan, I'm not going to defend things he says. That's his job if he want it. But sometimes parsing every word someone says and ripping on them for it seems a bit excessive for a goofy discussion board.

Now don't get me wrong. I think a lot of the conspiracy theory nonsense that skibum609 appears to believe is nuts. He can come across as unhinged and he does tend to throw insults around, including some that he claims he doesn't use (more accurately, he throws around insults that he claims only liberal use, but he vehemently denies being a liberal so I simply went to the logical conclusion).

But he is far from the most hostile poster on here and part of TUSCL appears to be ripping on each other. Somebody says I'm a wiener dog obsessed Down syndrome sufferer. We laugh at the joke and move on. That's the brilliant way!

But, no disrespect to the more obsessive posters, the repetition gets to be a bit much. twentyfive, you seem like a nice guy. Don't get into a repetitive rut battling skibum609. skibum609 does have a point that he gets called skifag a lot, although I don't think you've ever do that. skibum609 is wrong that he's called skibum exclusively by liberals. Dougster is the primary source of the insult and, in his serious posts, Dougster seems to be a political moderate.

That said, I don't think Dougster is a homophobe or a closeted gay man. He just likes to get a rise out of people. I'm not going to delve into that any more than I just did. He posts what he wants to post. I read the posts of his that I find potentially interesting and skip those I'm not interested in. Just like I do with everybody. Again, that's the brilliant way! ;)

Just my 2 cents. TUSCL already has enough targets. Too many really. I've now said my piece so peace to all! ;)


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Avatar for ATACdawg

Amen, 4got. At least, let's have less repetition and more creative, impersonal and amusing insults!

Avatar for Dougster

Fuck that faggot right wing nutjob skihomo609!

Avatar for Dougster

Gotta love tittyfag(dot). He comes in with the big goes of running txtittyfag(no dot) off the board and making his life "a living hell". Turns out it all backfires on him, and tittyfag(no dot) just has fun toying round with him. So then tittyfag(no dot) sticks his head in the sand. His mission a complete failure, and tries to salvage some "loss with dignity" out of the fact that he now has tittyfag(no dot) on ignore. Something he could have done right from the start. Yeah, geez, tittyfag(dot). You really accomplished your goals there didn't you, LOSER?


Avatar for Dougster

I'm going to write a piece this week on the typical life cycle of a TUSCL anti-troll troll. In the meantime, all I have to say is that


Avatar for rockstar666

TF Dot: I only have one person on ignore at the moment and I HOPE to keep it that way as I'm more thick skinned than that, but from a practical standpoint I'm SO tired of weeding through the endless threads that remind me of adolescent boys comparing penis size. Putting the entire homophobic cartel on "ignore" would sure be a great time saver for me.

Avatar for twentyfive

Listen up 4got here's how I answered Hugh read it and get it I didn't pick this fight I never call skidum anything other than skidum or sunshine. I don't make racist or homophobic remarks ever I don't pick on SJG but this prick constantly looks to fight, just read my answer to Hugh maybe you'll get it I don't care if any one is with me or against me if you are civil to me I'll reciprocate.

Here's my reply to Hugh

March 3, 2017 • Listen Hugh I've never been the one to pick the fight but when someone starts with me and tries to make it personal I believe in going nuclear, truth be told I have never been the one to start with the personal stuff but this idiot is as humorless as a dead turtle and if he wouldn't insist on making it political and personal(like all liberals (which I am not) all progressives which I am) I wouldn't bother. I get along fine with flagooner disagree sometimes agree others, I won't pick a fight, but you need to look at the facts about where and how shit starts don't try to lecture me about civility, if you don't like me, IDGAF but I'll not kiss anybody's ass, disagree with me all you want, if you keep it civil I'll do the same

Avatar for MrDeuce

4got, despite your goofy handle and quirky persona, you are a voice of reason and respect on TUSCL. This board would be a more pleasant place to hang out if everyone showed the civility and respect for others that you consistently do. Without naming names, I have found that judicious use of the Ignore feature has greatly reduced the noise level of the discussion board and made it less irritating to visit in recent months. As for SJG, though I find him to be wrong on almost every issue, I have never considered ignoring him and just read his interminable posts very selectively. Skibum doesn't bother me in the least and I don't really understand the degree of hostility directed at him.

Avatar for twentyfive

@ mrDeuce you and I have exchanged correspondence several time and disagree but never in a hostile way between us the jackass that you mentioned above has attacked me regularly I have no reason to be civil towards that dipshit.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I disagree with skibum on just about everything but politics and law. And yes the guy can come across as an arrogant asshole much of the time. But as usual I don't understand the vile hatred that is expressed by some.

Avatar for twentyfive

@JS69 you have your opinion I have disagreed with you always respectfully but you or I have never attacked each other personally, for months I kept to just responding, but I got fed up when he called me a liar and stated that I couldn't find any place where he exhibited the bigotry that he expresses regularly so I put it out there. Like I said several times I don't care if you or anyone else agrees with me but standing, by while he lies and obfuscates then responding in a way that appears to lecture me, just ain't correct I know very well what I am doing, if you don't like it fine, but do not make allowance for his bigoted homophobic behavior.

Avatar for RandomMember

my $0.02:

Kinda odd for a lawyer to believe all these conspiracy theories -- but then we've got this geezer in the White House who is considerably worse. In his defense, @SkiBirther is not a pussy who publishes his ignore list all the time and I like the way he talks about his wife.

Avatar for gammanu95

There is a lot of self-righteousness entering the tone of public debate. As a byproduct of my political beliefs, I of course find the majority of the hostility to be coming from the left: Misbegotten millennials, crusty old hippies, progressives, and liberals (really the same thing calling itself by different names). That said, I agree with the previous posters miscomprehension of the level of hatred directed towards skibum. It is completely disproportionate and largely unwarranted.

As for the ignore function, I use it for two reasons: first, to skip past all the ignorant trolling posts and long-winded non-sensical posters that clog up pages of this board; and to minimize my propensity, similar to POTUS, for responding to every provocation. Those provocations, and their originators, are beneath me. I wish Pres. Trump would learn that lesson.

Avatar for Dominic77

With President Trump, when it comes to be media circus he's right-brain dominant but then it comes to business, he's a left-brain expert from the word go.

I'm not going to analyze skibum609. I do like a lot of what he writes and he does me the courtesy of attacking my ideas instead of attacking me, which is mature and respectful.

Avatar for STL2

Skibum is a scuzzy lawyer. That is reason enough to hate him. He's a hypocrite and thinks he is above everyone and smarter than everyone.

Yeah, John Smith is a lawyer too, but he actually seems like a cool guy.

Avatar for twentyfive

@gammanu at the risk of getting into another flame war do you see anything in what you wrote as attackin another poster rather than disagreeing with their opinions. This is not me attacking you this is just a legitimate question, can you respond without attacking ?

Avatar for twentyfive

@STL2 I have clubbed with JS69 and he is actually a good guy we had a good night at Tootsies about a year and a half ago.

Avatar for gammanu95

I just thought of a name for the affliction I share with our commander-in-chief: Trump + umbrage = Trumbrage!

Avatar for skibum609

As an older person I grew up in the sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me era. I could not possibly care less what anonymous people on this board say about me, good or bad. I respond only and never instigate unless there is a history with the other poster. There isn't one person on this board that I wouldn't buy a round for and it matters not when some come here to say they would not accept or reciprocate. STL2 - no idea who you are. 25 - oil and water. Random - a Hippa compliant release solves the birthplace issue. I found my 1957 birth records 54 years after the hospital closed. Doug - whatever lol. I have no one on ignore, even though there is one who doesn't get a response. Think Avery - 5'3" - 105 lbs. - blonde - c -cup -19. lap dances friday night with 3 diff dancers - combined age 59, same as me.

Avatar for larryfisherman

Skibum is one of the most insightful posters on here.

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