
Comments by farmerart (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    How did you discover the "extras-friendly" strip club scene
    @unclewillSea, You mention a dancer named 'Spice' at an Everett club. That club can only be Honey's, the site of my first SC visit. I remember that particular dancer from my single visit to Honey's, a dancer with one of the absolute worst boob jobs that I have ever seen.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Portmanteau?........motorhead? Seems we have not yet reached your depths.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Bad ass times
    Any of you guys ever mess around with the real thing? I had a dynamite licence when I was 18 (for seismic purposes). Out of curiosity (and idiocy) I made one big 'boom' just to see what would happen........ Shit my pants but I didn't do any serious damage. Ever since, I have had a very healthy respect for explosives.
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    11 years ago
    What other entertainment do you guys enjoy?
    @SlickSpic, Exotic garden, indeed. Where is the castor bean among all those benign beauties?
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    11 years ago
    Regretting Money Spent
    One amendment to my statement of no regrets. Valet parking fees drive me crazy. Those fees represent a few nickels that I wish I hadn't spent.
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    11 years ago
    Regretting Money Spent
    If you entertain such thoughts you must quit this hobby immediately and find somewhere else to spend your discretionary dollars with no regrets. For me, I have regretted nary a nickel that I have spent on this hobby.
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    11 years ago
    What other entertainment do you guys enjoy?
    @DandyDan, Old highway alignments? Like motorhead, I have never heard of that particular fascination. I have a passing interest in something similar. It's not really a hobby, just an interest that I indulge whenever the opportunity may arise. Over my career in the obscure areas of the western Canadian sedimentary basin I have occasionally seen old settler trails or even older first nations trails and encampment sites. I can easily get lost in my imagination whenever this happens. The guys who made these trails?.....where did they come from?......where were they going?....why stop here to make an encampment hundreds of years ago? Perhaps I might be an archeologist manque?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dudes lying on TUSCL
    My credibility has been questioned in a few PMs and occasionally on the discussion board. First couple of times it really bothered me. Now?......I could give a rat's crap if tusclers think that I am peddling bullshit. I am here for information and entertainment. Many tusclers provide good info and advice as well as some laughs for my benefit. I reciprocate whenever I have an experience worth relating in a review or in a discussion topic. Consider it shenanigans if you wish.
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    11 years ago
    Christmas In The Bush
    @georgmicrodong, Yeah, it is cold as fuck right now. I just came back to the office shack from one of the rigs. Temperature at that particular rig was -43C. Here at the office shack - much balmier, a mere -41C. Gratefully there is no wind so the ridiculous temperatures are easily bearable. I have Environment Canada's satellite photos on an adjacent computer - showing an immense Arctic high right on top of the Liard/Mackenzie area. Looks like these juicy temperatures will be with us for a week or so.
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    11 years ago
    Christmas In The Bush
    @Experimental, You asked if I have ever been confronted by militant environmentalists. The answer is no. The truth is.....my operation has a relatively light impact on the environment compared to the off shore deep water drillers or the tar sands operators or even the fracers ripping up the Bakken in Saskatchewan and North Dakota. I am drilling on federal government land and I must abide with rather rigourous regulations set by the feds. The worst environmental damage that I create is the mess of cuts through the bush for roads, air strips campsites, and drilling pads. Trees take decades to grow in the muskeg areas of northern Canada. Overflying this area you can see cut lines remaining unregenerated from the seismic guys who did work up here in the 1930s.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How old were you ?
    a) 61 b) 61
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Christmas In The Bush
    Double entendre was intentional, jack :)
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    11 years ago
    Christmas In The Bush
    @ilbbaicni, This is an exploration play for nat gas and the nat gas condensates via conventional drilling with no fracing. No indications of oil found yet and none expected to be found. Winter is the prime drilling season because of the muskeg. Muskeg is frozen solid and materiel can be trucked to the site. In summer this area is a swamp floating on the perma frost. Supplies must be flown into camp at horrendous cost. That is why the rigs go hell-bent-for-leather 24/7 from freeze-up to break-up. Darkness is no problem. There are generators for each individual rig and several for the services needed in camp. Yes, internet service is via satellite. My company is responsible for all infrastructure to support the camp - road, air strip, water, power, sewage. There is no problem with environmental wackos up here. Most all of the indigenous peoples in NWT live along the rivers or along the coasts. The nearest population centre is approx. 100km away - on an island where the Liard runs into the Mackenzie. The area around the exploration camp is not prime wild life country for traditional trappers. Muskeg does not support large populations of fur bearing animals. Bird life and water fowl exist in the millions, perhaps billions. This is gourmet central for insectivores - summer finds the muskeg abuzz with trillions of mosquitos, horse flies, black flies, gnats, and the dreaded noseeums. Not so many 100s of kilometres from here is the summer breeding site for the world's largest (and only) wild breeding population of whooping cranes.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    off topic. Nova show on glacial ice melting
    It is -34C where I am at the moment and my crew and I are busy punching holes in the northern Canadian muskeg searching for nat gas and its condensates.
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    11 years ago
    off topic. Nova show on glacial ice melting
    Unlike most guys here, I have worked in the Arctic. I have seen the evidence. The Columbia Icefields glacier in Alberta's Rocky Mountains has retreated probably 4km just in my lifetime. To deny global warming is just idiocy as is denying evolution pure idiocy. We are all guilty and have been guilty since we evolved from apes to hominids. You want to stop global warming? Stop driving your car and put guys like me out of business. Stop using electricity generated from coal-fired plants. Stop eating meat so we don't have all these hundreds of millions of domesticated animals farting deadly methane into the atmosphere. Stop buying cheap goods shipped around the world on ships using Bunker C, the single most polluting hydrocarbon fuel used world wide. Grow your own food. Don't fly in airplanes. Read books- don't watch TV or use computers and other electronic devices. It goes on and on. How many people will live that lifestyle? Suck it up. Global warming is here. It will not go away. It will get worse.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Could, or Should, Strip Clubs Do More to Cater to Older Customers?
    How many old guys really go to clubs? On my club visits I am usually the oldest guy in the club. I have been told that I look younger than my chronological age so my perceptions about the age of other patrons may be skewed. It doesn't really matter. The overwhelming majority of club patrons that I see are younger than I am. And, the claim that old guys all have big cash when they go to clubs? My Toronto sweetie tells me that from her experience (about 20 years) the sweet spot for cash-beefed customers is the 35-45 age range. Sweetie does admit that I am the richest PL that she has encountered in her career.
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    11 years ago
    Supreme Court declares Canada's anti-prostitution laws unconstitutional
    Hah, Alucard, I was posting a discussion topic about this at the same time as you were.
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Wholesome family fun
    My oath, zipman68, she looks like she is 14 years old.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stupid Ways of Indicating Dollar Amounts
    ^^^^^^ There is much truth in what Alucard just posted.
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    11 years ago
    Moderation on Stripperweb
    @Yoda, I've never posted on Stripperweb, just lurked a few times reading various threads. The Stripperweb ladies generally seem disgusted by the tuscl bad boys like me though I do see a few tuscl nicknames that I recognize. I would like to join Stripperweb. I don't take part in the flame wars here. I don't indulge in nasty name calling. I write well but I am dead honest about my search for hard core extras in clubs. Any advice for me about joining and posting on Stripperweb?
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    11 years ago
    Nobel Peace Prize
    The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by Norwegian politicians and, as a result, is sadly influenced by political correctness. Norwegian politicians suffer from that disease just as badly as do our North American politicians. Personally, I was most disgusted when that horrid old Albanian crone was given the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Stock Ticker RICK Really Flying this Morning
    Mention has also been made of HAL. I know nothing about HAL as a stock. I know a great deal about HAL as a company. As a company HAL is a POS. It would be a cold day in hell before I ever use HAL's services again. My business will always go to its competitors, SLB or TCW here in Canada. This does not mean that HAL is ineligible as a trading or investment vehicle. The stock market features many companies that are lousy companies but are lovely investments. I could name three such companies whose shares have been in my retirement account for years performing most sweetly for me.
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    11 years ago
    Stock Ticker RICK Really Flying this Morning
    I shudder to inject myself into this thread, but here goes. @Dougster: You are approaching RICK as a trading vehicle - a perfectly valid approach. @rickdugan: You are approaching RICK as an investment - also a perfectly valid approach. IMO, RICK is a useless piece of paper to be used as an investment. However, RICK is a perfect piece of paper to trade - small float, relatively low volume, big swings in price; exactly what a nimble trader can exploit profitably. Heavy emphasis on nimble.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip clubs that are outright scams?
    In a sense, aren't all SCs scams, selling fantasy for our cold cash?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    O.T. - The Car Chase From 'Bullitt'
    The rig pigs and I talked about cars at the dinner table tonight. Carroll Shelby's name came up and one of the guys championed the cars produced by Shelby. This rig pig maintains that Shelby's Cobras were the absolute best American cars of the 1960s. My knowledge of Shelby is meagre. My impression is that the Shelbys were more like 'kit' cars with Carroll Shelby's real genius being in design rather than in manufacturing; picking chassis, transmissions, power plants off the rack from many different manufacturers. Am I wrong? I have always thought the Chrysler muscle cars to be the ultimate in American speed machines of the 1960s.