
Stock Ticker RICK Really Flying this Morning

Up +13% this morning as I write this on an earnings beat and much better than expected guidance.

But what the hell is going on here? We know what incredible financial acumen RickyBoyDugan and txtittyfuck possess, and they both said this stock was a terrible buy in the mid $8's. Now it is up nearly 50% since that point just a few months.

Who on earth could have guessed that it would have moved like it did despite what all the nay-sayers said. Well, me that's who! And this despite the two "financial experts" I named above saying it was a garbage stock all the way up and I was an idiot for buying it.

Now I know I haven't been very nice to RickyBoy and tittyfuck in the past, but, as some token niceness to them on my part, I even gave this one to them on a silver platter and told them to get in just ahead of earnings:


I wonder if RickyBoy and tittyfuck will be willing to admit they are wrong now? With egos as titanic as theirs? Doubt it! My bet is they just dig themselves deeper and propose an even more elaborate conspiracy theory to explain the rally. Occam's razor boys. Occam's razor. If a stock is this strong for this long, maybe it's because the market realized it was undervalued despite what your kindergarten thinking told you?


  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Ruff ruff baby. Nothing has changed. They are still choked with debt and running like a mouse on a wheel to stay ahead of it. We are purportedly several years out of the recession, yet they look like they are still in the middle of one. If the next one hits anytime soon, with corresponding income decreases and property devals, they are fucked.

    But feel free to put your retirement fund in it if you want. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    My favorite part was how your recent squawking about how bad it was was around $10.40 which was close to a bottom.

    I knew that when a guy with mediocre (being polite I really mean poor) ability to "analyze" these things finally felt confident enough to speak up about how bad it was again, that we were near a bottom and it was time for me to buy again. (See thread above.) And that's exactly how it worked out.

    RickyBoy: "Nothing has changed"

    Well price is about 40% hire since you first said how terrible it was about 6 months ago. Don't worry though, RickyBoy, I'm sure it's just some temporary conspiracy and the whole house of cards will come crashing down soon enough. :-)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Shoot, RickyBoy! You seeing the volume today? Still nearly a couple of hours to go too. Definitely going to be the highest volume day if the year. Won't be surprised if we get to 600,000 shares traded.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Bow wow buddy. ;)

    The debt investors aren't fooled. There are no magic pills coming for this company; no debt reorganizations; no secondary offering; no off balance sheet transactions; etc., etc. Every time that they need a few more million to keep things running they are going to take an elephant dick up their collective ass to get it.

    Oh, and oohhh, another $7mm in market cap swapped hands today. Oh yeah, that stock is a big time trader's dream. LOL.

    Time will tell, but a lot has to go right in order for them earn their way out of this debt mess. And since I firmly believe that the chain's management is far more concerned with sucking whatever they can into their own pockets and in glory seeking than they are in running a responsible company, I think that they will end up screwing it up even if all else goes their way.

    How much for that doggie in the window? Ruff ruff!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ can't take this fool seriously give the track record of his analysis on the stock. Makes it worse by appealing to conspiracy theories to explain why he was wrong rather than just 'fessing up to his mistakes in the first place.

    Too funny!

    And no problem means I can make funny of your shit "analysis" for a long time to come.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Kid, nobody takes this stock seriously. It is a novelty stock, nothing more. If anyone actually cared, it wouldn't take much to accumulate a real % stake in this company, but serious stock traders understand what the company's creditors do, which is that this dog is flea bitten.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Just like its biggest proponent here? LOL!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Bottom line it's up about 40% in six months since you splendid original analysis.

    But let's consider your point. Surely, you would agree that txtittyfan is a serious stock trader, no? Just a week or so ago txtittyfuck was bragging about he has been holding the much better stock HAL all that time. I doubt he owns any shares give that he can't muster up a trade of more than $3,000 and doesn't have the cajones when he does to hold it more than a few hours. But let's suppose his fantasy was real. How has HAL compared to RICK during the time? HAL is up 4% - not even keeping up with the S&P, while RICK is up close to 40%. Hmmmm... But I guess, in this fantasy world of his, he can go to the bank and tell them "well I may have only made 4%, but it was on a serious stock, not some novelty holding, so I feel much better than if I had made 40% on what RickyBoy calls a dog". Yeah, great reasoning.

    Amazing how it can be so bad, but rise so much, on volume, for so long.

    Just let us know, once again, the next time you think the sky is falling on this one. Seems to present good buying opportunities. :-)

    (Sometime you also ought to get somebody who knows something (hint - not txtittyfuck) to tell you were a company growing at 20% with 1.7 EPS is heading for.)


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Oh, one more thing RickyBoy, for those keeping track. I added 1000 shared today at $11.90. I take it you are comfortable with me having you on the record as saying this was a bad purchase? (And if you say so, I'll just assume alutard will agree with you.)
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Yeah, yeah, RICK is up during some cherry picked period and will be down during others. That's what happens when a purchase or sale of a few hundred thousand shares is enough to drive the price one way or the other.

    But you do your thing there Warren Buffet. ;)

    Ruff ruff baby!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Cherry picked period? Dude, you were the one who choose the period by calling it a garbage stock around $8.50.

    How about this RickyBoy. Willing to stick your neck out? How about you tell me a stock that you think will do better by this time next year? Now, I'm kind of guessing you will say "anything", so how about this? I'll put you down along with txtittyfan as saying HAL does better. You good with that? :-)

    RickyBoy: "Ruff ruff baby! "

    Man, I love your allusions to Gordon Gekko. Let me guess. A childhood hero of yours? Someone who you thought you would become. Before your disastrous first marriage, and then realization of your employment issues (inability to work in a standard environment). After that you just became Leisure RickyBoy. Guy who spent ten years figuring out how to pay hookers, and, at the end published The System considering it a work Nobel Prize worthy. Fell a bit short of becoming Gordon Gekko didn't you, poor little RickyBoy? :-)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ That's Leisure Suit RickyBoy
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Imagine listening to investment advice from other posters lol.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Oh, come, skibum, txtittyfuck, and RickyBoy certainly do have impressive records with their financial advice on this board. Their "analysis" of this particular stock is a perfect example. (Being just a bit sarcastic there. :-) )
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^ only a dipshit like you would actually tout a dogshit stock like RICK as a viable long-term investment. Clearly your ignorance isn't limited to strip clubs. ;) It was a stinker at 8.50 and smells like a sewer at 12.

    Goobers like Fraudster are out there getting hot and bothered over modest improvements while serious people, i.e. lenders, will no doubt continue to bend this company over the table, as they should.

    Ruff ruff!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Yep, a 40% rise in a stock price in 6 months is just a "modest improvement".

    A couple of question for you, RickyBoy.

    a) Given that it "smells like a sewer at 12" does that mean you will be shorting it? If so let us know (before the fact too, don't try and pull a tittyfan). I want it on the record.

    b) Are up for my challenge here? Come back a year later and compare the performance of this stock against HAL (which tittyfan likes) to see which does better. Or if you don't like HAL, put up a choice of your own to compare against?

    As for "long term" holding. I actually looked at this a just trading stock until the last blowout earnings report and reading the transcript for the conference. Now I think it's something that should be fine for at least six months, maybe even a year. (Thing that worries me most is if the entire market can keep going at the current blistering pace another year.) I won't have offered the year comparison before yesterday, but there it is. You up for it? :-)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    And yes, RickyBoy, if a "dipshit" is someone who makes 40% long a stock everyone hates (including those who consider themselves serious traders or Gordon Gekko's) I guess that is a label from you that is good have. (The money in the bank is even nicer though.) LMFAO at your complete incompetence on this one!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I don't try to time the market Fraudster - it is a fool's game. Whether it is a week, a month or a year from now, a single, solitary bump in the road is going to prove catastrophic for this co.

    They are still choked with debt and they are being forced to borrow additional money at near distressed debt rates and on onerous terms. The only option they have is to earn there way out, but this gives them little margin for error.

    As a long-term holding, this thing sucks. Lenders know it and so do the more serious equity investors, else there would be another 5% holder besides Dimensional.

    But have fun there tiger.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Scared to put his money where his (huge) mouth is. All talk. Figures. Run, RickyBoy, run!

  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    This is funny shit
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    I shudder to inject myself into this thread, but here goes.

    @Dougster: You are approaching RICK as a trading vehicle - a perfectly valid approach.

    @rickdugan: You are approaching RICK as an investment - also a perfectly valid approach.

    IMO, RICK is a useless piece of paper to be used as an investment. However, RICK is a perfect piece of paper to trade - small float, relatively low volume, big swings in price; exactly what a nimble trader can exploit profitably. Heavy emphasis on nimble.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    Mention has also been made of HAL. I know nothing about HAL as a stock. I know a great deal about HAL as a company. As a company HAL is a POS. It would be a cold day in hell before I ever use HAL's services again. My business will always go to its competitors, SLB or TCW here in Canada.

    This does not mean that HAL is ineligible as a trading or investment vehicle.

    The stock market features many companies that are lousy companies but are lovely investments. I could name three such companies whose shares have been in my retirement account for years performing most sweetly for me.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Good points, art. Around the beginning of the year I said that if I was forced to buy and hold (i.e. have to buy some stocks but not allowed to touch them again for >5 years) they would be BAC, GS, and AAPL. Right now I still definitely feel the same way about the first two, the last is a bit more iffy (ok for two years certainly, > 3 years not so sure).

    RICK definitely won't make the buy and hold, don't monitor list. I'm sure it's okay for 6 months now, probably a year, but my main concern would be the lawsuit hanging over their head. Still, my confidence in the long term prospects are much higher after the last conference call than ever before. Maybe Eric has decided now is the time to get serious about his dreams of building an empire and he is going to get it together finally? This could very well be the year market gives him that chance.

    The most interesting I noted in the earnings transcript was how he mentioned employment and business picking up amongst their customers in Texas along with the fact many people are moving into the state. This suggests some other areas of the market, currently written off, that there might be a chance to pick up before a stampede. (And finding overlooked sectors is not easy these days.)

    As for HAL, it actually had a nice uptrend until recently and I thought tittyfan might be onto to something. But then, I realized that it was tittyfan so more likely the opposite given his track record. :-)

    I feel the price of oil will fall next year, but oil services is way too specialized a space for me to have a feeling of HAL will fair in all of it. I'll stick with more straightforward stuff like currencies unless I had alot of time to learn something about the space.

    One thing, I'm sure of, however, is that if both HAL and RICK go up next year, RICK will go up more. RICK is a high beta name, so if does finish the year up, it should finish up more than any standard, safe pick. You'd have to look at something super speculative if you were in stock picking contest mode. It will move big one way or the other, and that way is certainly looking like up now. I'm comfortable having about 8-10% of my investment capital in it medium term but won't go beyond that, and I would definitely look at it every day.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    commented Just Now

    I love how RickyBoy was so quick to throw txtittyfan under the bus on this one to try and weasel away from things he said in the past. By saying market timing is for fools he calls his buddy txittyfan a fool since txtittyfan does day trade (albeit very poorly). Not too surprising since I'm the past RickyBoy said only idiots try and time the market. Then when I pointed out he was calling txtittyfan an idiot he oh, oh I only meant trying to time the currency markets, equities is fine... So funny how RickyBoy can't keep his story straight especially when you put a bit of heat on him and compare to things he said before.

    Looks like Etrade is starting to believe more in RICK. Margin requirements lowered from 50% to 40%.
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