How did you discover the "extras-friendly" strip club scene

avatar for Electronman
Farmerart's excellent article on "Dancers I have known" makes me wonder how others have "discovered" the evolving joys of strip club culture. For Farmerart, it was a chance stop at Honey's, a notorious Seattle club that was shut down shortly after Farmerart's first visit.

I wonder how many TUSCL readers have stumbled into the extras-friendly strip club scene through a chance visit to a club? Did many receive a "scouting report" from a friend about an interesting club? Did others discover the extras-friendly club scene by first reading TUSCL or other strip club web sites.

For me, it was a chance visit to the Landing Strip near Detroit, a club that several friends had recommended. Prior to this visit, I had sampled a couple of Michigan-based Deja Vus where the dancers were at least as attractive as those at the Landing Strip and they were allowed to dance nude-- of course the lap dances at the Vus were pretty lame but, having no comparison, I did not realize that other clubs might have more lenient policies about private dances. Anyhow, I sampled a VIP session with an attractive girl-next door type at the Landing Strip and I was surprised at how much mileage I experienced-- no extras but the dancer allowed lots of contact and had me partially unzipped before I "ran out of money." This experience convinced me to do a little research on the Detroit strip club scene. I eventually discovered a couple of now-defunct strip club discussion boards and of course TUSCL. Absent these internet resources, I would have not been aware of the range of extras-friendly clubs nor the options for negotiating prices for special services.


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avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I suspected that sex was available on a limited basis in the 1990's in the Detroit area. Never had a chance to experience it though, until 2 trips to Tampa in the mid to late 1990's. Finally had a FS / BBBJ session in the early 2000's at H8S.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
For me, it wasn't an evolution. It was like learning to swim by being thrown into the deep end of the pool.

On my 17th birthday, I was moping around being depressed because my girlfriend had been fucking some other guy, and my friends all took me over to one of the strip clubs in Ft. Erie, Canada. In retrospect, it was more brothel than strip club, but there *were* strippers. They, like some now, were thinly disguised hookers, but they were also strippers.

A couple of rounds in the back room with a very talented young Vietnamese (that's what she told me, anyway) girl was basically all it took.

My next one was in a club on the US side of the lake, and it wasn't as exciting, but I've been doing it ever since.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I started SCing regularly in 2000 but did not join TUSCL `till Jan. 2012.

I am not an extras guy and had always been satisfied w/ good two-way contact.

It wasn’t ‘til I started reading TUSCL that I became aware of hardcore FS availability in certain clubs, and OTC.

Prior to TUSCL, I had always turned down CR “invitations” b/c I thought they were just empty promises and rip-offs, which can be the case in many a club, but didn't know it was not the case in certain clubs.

Knowing what I know now – I still opt for non-extras, non-CR/VIP, high 2-way contact LDs – but TUSCL has taught me a lot!!!
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I've always pretty much stumbled upon extras clubs. Being the cynic that I am, I never trusted mileage claims in reviews because mileage can be there one day & gone the next. And none of my buddies ever went to strip clubs, so they weren't of any help with in that department.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
I live in the Detroit area where extras are the norm and not the exception.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Back in 1961 it was word of mouth that made 4 of us drive down to Tijuana.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
All praise to The Shadowcat!
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
Most of my adventures until the early 90's were bikini SC, but I had experienced some ITC FS and a couple of OTC romps. When I found ASS-C in the mid 90's and TUSCL in the late 90's, all hell broke loose. I found ESL which I quickly became addicted to, and I traveled specifically to experience Tampa, SF and TJ. All fun!

I have had twice as much pussy as a result of TUSCL than my college fraternity! So kids, forget about college, just join TUSCL. Of course if you want to be able to afford FS with an 8 or 9, you might need a job that pays well and having college degree might be the ticket to better paying job...or does all that extra wage go to pay-off student loans?
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
When I lived in L.A., I had been going mostly to the east San Fernando Valley clubs which was the closest area to where I lived that had strip clubs. I commented to a dancer one night that it seemed lame in the club I was in. After not even knowing that high mileage clubs existed, the dancer said, "Oh, have you ever been to the Tropical Lei, in Upland?" I had not ventured any further east than where I was that night (Glendale, CA) for strip clubs. She then said, "It's the nastiest strip club in L.A." I was off to Upland for my next club outing. I wasn't disappointed. Then I found out about the clubs in the nearby City of Industry. That was all before strip club websites were available.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Can't remember completely. Went to a DJV club one night, and it was either full or I got bored, so I was driving down the street and saw another one... Rick's. I figured I'd see what it was like inside... And then I guess it was a farmerart like experience for me... Hooked.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
These discovery stories are really interwsting. I'll probably never answer this question since I'm pretty sure NY STATE doesn't do extras period
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
Had a very similar experience to Club_Goer. In the 80's I was in a regular strip club in Nashville. Talked to a dancer and when I inquired about more contact dances, she suggested I go to a "touch club". Her directions were bad, but I eventually found the place. It was up a long staircase in a large metal building in a remote industrial part of Nashville. The club had a large open area with strippers on a small stage. They had a small room in the back with simple wood chairs. The room was small and all of the chairs were occupied with guys getting full nude, full touch dances. That was my first exposure to extra like dances. I would soon learn to find similar clubs in other southern cities where I traveled.
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
I should have added that the first real "extras" club I discovered was in Tampa. It was a small club in a remote area near the airport. I found it through the ad in an adult entertainment magazine. They had a small stage and then offered a private dance in a back room. To my pleasant surprise, everything was on the menu.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
I was visiting a dive club in CT in '96 or '97 (I forget exactly which year now) and received quite a surprise from a traveling dancer. Almost as soon as the "dance" started, she turned upside down, straddling my shoulders with her naked pussy in my face, freed willy from my pants and went to work. I was fully expected to reciprocate, which I did.

Truth be told, it took me years to find that level of service ITC again. The club where it first happened was raided not long after and was forced to move its LD services from private back rooms into a semi-open LD area. Also, most other clubs in the northeast were run fairly clean back then, with the exception of a few brothel clubs offering the services of Latinas who, in many cases, could barely speak English. Even Providence was fairly clean back then and dicier services were not so easy to source.

But I would not have even found those aforementioned brothel clubs if it were not for TUSCL, which I discovered in 1998. Also, my travels dramatically expanded from 2000 on, so, with the help of TUSCL and other resources, I have found some wonderful clubs scattered in different parts of the country and continue to do so to this day. Also, over the last 8 to 10 years, a lot has changed even in the northeast, which has made clubbing locally much more fun as well.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyBoy: "Truth be told, it took me years to find that level of service ITC again"

Of course. Something as genius as "The System" could not have been developed overnight. (Not even by a "mind" (see how I put that in quotes) as genius as yours.)
avatar for ButterMan
12 years ago
I kind of stumbled onto it. It was at a club called "shannon's" that doesn't
exsist anymore. I was about 23 so you could imagine my shock!
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"The System" - lol. Anway...

Different times kiddo, different times. ;)

There were (and still are) less than 90 clubs spread across the six New England states and many of them were (and still are) monitored by local communities just itching for an excuse to pull their liquor licenses. Even Providence was run fairly clean back then, as hard as that may be to imagine today. And in CT, which was home to some of some of the loosest clubs, including the aforementioned brothel clubs, raids were commonplace.

In NYC, we are talking about the Guiliani years, though most girls working in NYC probably weren't that motivated to provide extras anyway as there was a shit ton of money flowing into those clubs back then. Regular folk were lucky to get the time of day from some of these girls, never mind extras.

So Dougie, how was Seattle back then? :)
avatar for HowdyPilgrims
12 years ago
When I came home from active duty I served the remainder of by enlistment commitment in the natl guard. across the street from our training base was a strip club. Military units, by the time I came along, were forbidden from entering this club. I heard wild stories from all the old salts in the unit. Once while traveling for work I was in the general area so decided to stop in and see what all the hubbbub was.
It was was awesome. Naked couch dances. The more friendly girls would stick their pussy in your face. The private rooms were essentially sex rooms. It was very different from any strip club I'd ever been to in the US. Sadly I had a similar result as the Farmerart and Rickdugan...a few months after my initial visit the place got raided, local govt dicks put onerous restrictions on them turning it into a bikini juice bar. In the heyday it was a real bar, you could get your drunk on. Eventually the place got shut down and the owner went psycho, stormed into the county courthouse with a gun, started waving it around and got himself shot dead.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Don't know. Didn't live in Seattle in the 90's. Only visited here once, in fact. Some girls who said they worked here back during that time said they were pulling down at least $200k/y back around the time the stock market was peaking. We are talking girls who are like 5s and 6s too.

avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"I'll probably never answer this question since I'm pretty sure NY STATE doesn't do extras period"

LOL Estafador, not on a $160 per visit budget anyway. ;)

If you want to stretch that money out further, you may want to point the car North on 95 and head up to Stamford (Harry Os) or Bridgeport (multiple clubs) CT.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
So, RickyBoy, do you think Estie just needs to up his budget? Would that be enough or would he have to hang with you for the night so you could teach him "The System" full on.

Imagine if you had Estie with you. You might even be able to show up on nights when both your favorites were working. Then if one came by talk it won't offend the other, because you could blame it on Estie. You won't even have to stay home like the chicken-shit that you are. Hey, there's a new idea for "The System", huh?
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
You really want to burn yet another good thread kiddo? C'est la vie I suppose. :)

What I am doing is giving the young man some sound advice as to how to get the most from his budget. He, like you, cannot afford to spend too much in clubs. I was in a similar place before I was a RICH STUD (as you insist on labeling me - lol) and could employ "The System" (lol again). When I was lighter in the wallet, I quickly learned to avoid places that served its offerings on silver platters when I was on a beer budget. ;)

Because that is what I do around here - I just keep on giving, while you just keep on crapping on this stuff. ;)
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Rick. This is intriguing. You weren't born a RICH STUD? Can't say I'm surprised. In the "why I do this thread" you make some allusions to your troubled early life. I also notice you keep making allusions to this mythical unemployed person in a wheelchair who always complained about their poverty and the general unfairness of the world. Now you say that is me (even though I've never complained about lack of money, for instance, quite the opposite.)

It's really no mystery that what is going is displacement regarding either your father or your grandfather. And the more insults you try and cast on me which are so out of touch with reality, the more you just letting me know about your early life. Question for you though. Is this person still alive, and do you think that by having become a RICH enough STUD to be able to afford to pay hooker's for sex you have "showed" that person? Are they jealous of you, assuming they are still alive? If they are dead, would they be jealous of you if they were still around. Most of the world thinks an "accomplishment" of paying a hooker for sex is nothing, but you tell. What would your father or grandfather have thought? (I hope you are will on your way to getting even with them. If you need to displace your feelings about them onto me, to get you there, I'm willing to help you out, come just the helping sort, little RickyBoy.)
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Paying hookers for sex - lol. Nice sound bite, but it only shows how little experience you have with dancer OTC. Like I always say kiddo, the stuff you post looks like you read it in a book. ;) There are guys around here who have been clubbing for years and have had limited, if any, success at scoring OTC p4p with a dancer, but from your academic perspective they are no doubt simply over complicating things. ;)

Further complicating it is that the areas in which it is easiest to score, you may not want to it. Why? Because in those areas many of the girls are also offering services ITC, which makes the OTC guy the last one at the table.

As far as my other comments about you, I am a linear guy and can only work with the inputs given. When I see a guy who:

(1) posts endless amounts of crap on here;
(2) obviously knows little about the topic matter as he can provide no specific club intel and his few dancer related posts consist of oversimplified soundbites;
(3) has endless amounts of time to post all of this crap and nonsense, with 3000 posts in the past year alone; and
(4) has displayed contempt for both dancers and real strip club customers in a number of posts...

I can only assume that he is a shut-in with a lot of anger and insecurities to work through. And you have picked this site as your venue because you have developed some weird sense of superiority over over guys who take this hobby seriously, which means that you could care less if you fill this place with utter crap, and because there are no controls in place to stop you from doing so.

How sad kiddo.
avatar for Electronman
12 years ago
A suggestion for Dougster and Rick. How about starting your own discussion thread where you can carry on your grudge match for as long as you want without hijacking a perfectly interesting thread???
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
In the 70's in Terre Haute IN some girls would give you special treatment in the back room (no lapdance rooms in those days) and OTC was definately available. It is sad the two clubs in Terre Haute are so bad now the are not worth the gas to drive to.
avatar for occurious
12 years ago
I always assumed there were extras available at clubs but never really sought them out and the clubs I went to I was never really offered them either. Sure there were the vague suggestions by dancers but I always assumed that they would never end up going very far so I never pursued it.

About 10 years ago I was a one of my favorite OC clubs and got one of their very expensive nude bed dances from a cute little dancer. I had gotten these before from other girls and they allowed good contact but again I was never offered extras and I never asked. So anyway as the new girl is giving me an amazing dance I gave into a second one at which point she spins around into a 69 position and lowers herself to the point where her pussy is touching my nose and her hand is moving into my pants. Of course I stuck my tongue out and she readily lowered herself onto my mouth. I spent the next 4 songs licking her pussy and butt while she gave me a HJ.

Now she never exactly offered extras but the price of the dances were large and I gave her a generous tip so I guess you could say I paid for extras. It still is one of the hottest dances I've had. After that I became much more interested in what dancers would offer and actually do and most recently I've really gotten into getting extras. I've had many dances that go way beyond what happened that first time but like I said it still is one of my favorite memories.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… A suggestion for Dougster and Rick. How about starting your own discussion thread where you can carry on your grudge match for as long as you want without hijacking a perfectly interesting thread …”

That has been suggested plenty of times to no avail – if there aren’t other TUSCLers there to witness the drama – then it defeats the purpose of the flaming.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
I just find it funny how Rick always says Dougster ruins all the threads when he's always the one that goes back and forth with Dougster.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Maybe rick and dougster are the same guy playing some twisted game – LOL.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
For about 20 years I enjoyed strip clubs while on golf vacationers in Myrtle Beach with groups of guys. I never really thought that extras were available and really enjoyed getting lipstick stains on my crotch but that was about it. After about 10 years a couple of my friends and I discovered escorts which was of great interest. I began using escorts whenever I was away from home on business
About five years ago in a chance encounter I stopped in a strip club late at night and met my ATF. She's been everything I wanted and we've been meeting OTC for several years and I've become her greatest source of income. Now, through TUSCL, over the last 6 months I've learned a lot about various clubs and ways to reduce the cash outflow. Honestly, I've not been too bright about ways of dealing with strippers, but am slowly learning. I'm also beginning to get the hang of this as a hobby, not a full time obsession.
I just am sorry that I didn't see the light earlier in my life. There's nothing comparable to holding a naked hot body in your arms or having the best blowjob imaginable.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
ranukman, the threads get ruined when dugly attacks users with the same repetitive bullshit when they were just peaceably responding. Perhaps if he didn't have the tacit support of others (you) people would find it easier to ignore him.
avatar for Rivertwice
12 years ago
A few years ago I went with a friend to a few clubs in the bad part of town. We got our first drinks and he stepped out for a smoke. Next thing I know a girl came up to me saying he bought me a dance. She opened my pants and started it. After the dance was over she said I should have said something before the dance and we could have worked something out to finish it.
My friend asked if I got any and when I told him we left. That was the first time I learned of extra's.
I went back there again a few years ago, she still works there but, I don't bother with her. That night the first girl that came up to me put her hand on my crotch and made the offer. So, from there I learned that's a club for Extra's.
Outside of that I've been to clubs that are strict with the rules but, the ladies have found ways around that. I find that with clubs like that you have to show the ladies you're a regular, you'll get numbers and be able to do the OTC thing.
So, really you can get a feeling for how things work by the vibe of the place.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
e-man- Like Papi, availability of extras is not a prerequisite for a satisfactory club visit for me. In pre-tuscl days, my mileage escalation consisted of either word of mouth from coworkers, or in a couple of cases, out of town dancers.("Things are a lot naughtier where I came from vs this place"- how I discovered ESL). Even in tuscl days, there were still some accidental discoveries. One such discovery occured as a result of a PM exchange with a pink site bluesider, who wasn't even on Tuscl.(Trpical Lei,Upland, CA). While I'm glad tuscl is around, in a way, accidental discoveries can be fun.
avatar for jack0505
12 years ago
Well one time I walked into a strip club, had a hot stripper sit on my lap and suggest we go up to a private room where for $300 she'd blow me for 30 minutes...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Papi: "Maybe rick and dougster are the same guy playing some twisted game –"

Now there's a conspiracy theory! Looks like RickyBoy has some competition for whackiest conspiracy theory these days. Che had a good one yesterday, and today Papi comes up with a good one! Gonna put the RickyBoy out of business.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
Was getting some nice $20 LD's at Club O in Harvey, IL, when the dancer suggested we could get a lot more comfortable in the $30 dance area. So I took her up on that, paying $20 to the bouncer on entering, and she commenced dancing, soon after exposing the little guy and providing a nice HJ while she sat on my knees facing me. After that day I called the club several times trying to find that lovely AA spinner again, but she had left, leaving me with just a memory....
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
As I recall it was at what is now my favorite club, Stir Crazy. It was 20+ years ago. A pretty young thing (Sun, as I recall) was sitting with me and asked if I wanted a dance. I mentioned that I wasn't staying long and sort of blew her off. She didn't take that answer and proceeded to introduce herself to Mr. Happy. Now I was a bit surprised but didn't mind at all. She leaned close, nibbled my ear and whispered that I should make time and take her to the VIP rooms. I asked what was different from the LD area, and she said whatever I wished. Well, I think, "Let's see what this is all about." So off we went. Right away, into some DFK and lots of touching on her part. I was reluctant to touch her, not knowing the "rules". Well, then took my hands and let me know all was OK. Once Mr Happy was out and about, she asked if I had a condom. I just told her I didn't since I never thought I would need one. She said that if I wanted she would just give a BBBJ at a lessor price and FS could be next trip when I was prepared.

So, I saved a few bucks, got an excellent GFE, BBBJ and all the "handling" I could wish. I never got to take her up on the second trip. She was not seen again at the club. :(
avatar for ewire
12 years ago
Ok I hate to admit this and yes this is sad but, I found out about the extras about 2 weeks ago. I am from the Northeast always have been and I would say infrequent SC, Bachelor parties special events ect. Went more when I was younger like 20 years ago. Heck I remember table dances being the norm. Over the years I have noticed a shift to better times but again so infrequent I always believed extras not possible was an urban myth.

So started reading TUSCL and reviews and two weeks ago went to a SC club here in CT, well reviewed here at TUSCL and low and behold first lap dance was offered some extras said thanks but no thanks, tried a few more LD with differet women and offers were received from each one. Even in the LD room they offered the extras with one I did allow her to do some extra but did not finish due to me feeling too exposed in the LD room not her issue was mine. Did some more sampling with LD (something learned from TUSCL) and found one, she had me panting after one LD and she offered CR, I accepted.

As per the forums agreed up front what would be provided, went to CR and all was delivered as promised. WOW that was awesome plan on visiting the club again this week or next. Also called my Best friend we hit the sc once or twice a year need to let him know I found the promised land.
avatar for Electronman
12 years ago
ewire: Welcome to the "new world." It can be addictive and expensive but its certainly lots of fun. Post a few reviews as of you experiences.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
EWire, glad that you can enjoy the finer things in life. I was once blind too. I was 14 at the time. Then I went to the Fontucky swap meet and got a fake ID. From that moment on, life changed for your dear old pal, SlickSpic. Remember the days, ClubGoer and Sclvr, COI. Great days. That all started down the street from Slick. Y'all might be pleasantly surprised at what I actually know.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Sometimes the resurrection of old topics catches one. I see this one and start reading, then see how many entries there are, THEN notice the date. I was going to post that it seems everyone was not answering the original question, "How did you discover the "extras-friendly" strip club scene", rather how they started clubbing. I looked to see if I had replied and I had, and did answer the question, and not how I became "Clubber". :)
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Clubber makes a great point. With TJ and Adelita's being my first "club", extras happened from the jump, in 93. From there on, it was popping in Upland and COI.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
I should change my TUSCL name to "Old and less frequent Clubber". :)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
In FULL blossom?!

In Tampa!
avatar for how
12 years ago
I credit TUSCL for really gaining understanding of the extras scene, but there was a memorable early encounter in a club where no extras were common:

I got some dances from a hot latina, and she kissed me with fervor. I said, "You're making me want you." She replied, "Oh, we can do that." She unzipped my pants, pulled me free, moved her panties aside, and rode me as if I were a rented mule.

I knew I wanted more experiences like that, and TUSCL helped find them.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
My first SC extras experience happened in Harvey, IL, when I took a cute AA spinner to the $20 LD area. After one song performed with her little hand down my pants, she was kind enough to suggest the $30 private area which I would surely enjoy better. So after paying $60 up front for two songs and $20 gratuity to the bouncer, the hot naked spinner was on my lap removing my equipment from my pants, and proceeded to give me a delightful HJ. Very sad ending: never again did I find that same beauty in that club again.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
Sorry, just noticed I posted the same story twice.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Once I was feed up with having no money and blue balls i googled " how to fuck strippers" and found TUsCL and read the fuck out of it....I even posted my first thread and you fuckers tour me apart......then I found ricks " system" exchanged some personal messages with Rick himself and I was out having sex with cucumbers and whores in no time
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
I was put on the path to extras in a non-extras club. I had been clubbing for awhile but was pretty naive about the whole thing.

I ended up in a Christie's were a hot honey named Kitty talked me into going into the $20 section. We went and the honey grabbed my hands and placed them on her beautiful tits and ass. I was like "whoa! I can touch you?!".

No extras were given but I was out of the blocks and running after that.

Dang, the memory makes me miss Kitty but she only works in non-extra clubs and I don't go to those anymore ;-).
avatar for the mighty quinn
the mighty quinn
11 years ago
I got injured at work and had nothing to do during the summer so I wandered into a stripclub. My addiction started and found a long time ATF. One day she asked her manager if she could take me to this section of the club that wasn't really open yet, the 2nd stage didn't get used until later in the afternoon when more dancers and patrons showed up. HJ and a very fast lick and suck in a dark corner... ended up having dinner with her afterward and woke up next to each other the following day.
avatar for unclewillSea
11 years ago
It was about ten years ago.
I walked into a club in Everett, WA. I had been there a few times. There was a dancer named Spice that I had hit it of with. She immediately swiped me up. Things were slow. She needed to pay her rent. We went to the VIP. She started a dance, the suddenly, unzipped me, went to her knees and gave me an amazing bbbj. I came so hard in her mouth. She swallowed it. From then on, I was hooked.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
^^^ That does have a tendency to hook people in.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago

You mention a dancer named 'Spice' at an Everett club. That club can only be Honey's, the site of my first SC visit. I remember that particular dancer from my single visit to Honey's, a dancer with one of the absolute worst boob jobs that I have ever seen.
avatar for unclewillSea
11 years ago
^^Yep that's her!
It was before the boob job. That's how long ago it was.
She knew how to suck a dick.
Man she was good.
avatar for unclewillSea
9 years ago
@ the mighty quinn
ain't is amazing what a girl will do to become a atf?

bbbj all the way!
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
My first extra ever was a HJ at a dive bar in Cleveland in the early 90's. My first really good extra was a few months later in 2001 at Tampa, at a club that was at the time well known for extras. I got a very good lap dance from a tall sexy model quality dancer, lots of mouth on crotch and I had hoped to get some extras but she seemed to just want to string me along hinting at more available but never going there so I quit after three songs.

I was about to leave when a very nice next door looking blonde with large natural breasts stopped by. I wasn't about to pass her up so agreed. We went to the regular lap dance area and she did a good dance. At the end of the second song she asked something to the effect, "what is it going to take me to get you to burst in your pants." For some reason half the dancers that trip used the phrase, "burst in your pants."

I told her something to the effect a lap dance won't do it, but your mouth on my cock would. I expected her to mouth me through my pants like the other dancers so far had, but instead she said, "not down here, but upstairs I can." I asked how much and got a decent price so upstairs we went. I paid the price and she got three condoms from the gal manning the booths upstairs.

She really tried for the upsell by first gliding on my underwear and also gliding on me again once she put the condom on. It was tempting, but her upsell price was too high. Figuring out I wouldn't go for the higher priced fun she performed admirably well and I left quite satisfied.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I was getting lap dances at the club where we just had the meetup. The dancer said "you can fuck me in the VIP." "Really," I said. I didnt believe her. She was a cute 8.5. "Absolutely," she assured me. Even though she was a stripper, she was telling the truth.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
I stumbled on the extras scene just as my addiction developed. Similar story of the club - as it is now closed. Place named Heartbreakers in Bloomfield NJ. It lost its liquor license a few years ago - and the town didn't want it to stay opened - as it apparently attracted a bad crowd?!

First few visits - it wasn't the mileage/extras that got me - but the variety of hot dancers. They were getting a good number of brazilians - and they also had a few Eastern Europeans - and some English speaking all Americans. Dances were 20 a piece - upstairs in filthy booths. Once you were in the booth - nothing was off limits.

I found an ATF on my third visit - and it started with DFK and progressed quickly to bbbj and on later visits FS. Needless to say I was addicted! The challenge has been finding a place that is similar in terms of offerings - good dancer selection - and good extras offerings too. Still searching.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
It became known back in the 90's that in San Francisco, lap dancing shifted from lap sitting in the front room, to ejaculation services in booths and back rooms, as well as some FS.

In part this was Willey Brown as Mayor and Terrance Hallinan as DA.

But I don't really go for that style of interaction, not enough time, not necessarily GFE. The girls is in service mode, dissociated. I prefer the pseudo escort style sessions one can set up in AMPs. If you approach the girls the right way, it becomes just like a civilian first date.

When in San Francisco I've usually turned it around with dancers and DATYed them. This definitely does soften them up.

I treat all women as civilians. No reason for her to make me cum until she has opened up herself to me, let down her emotional barriers. This is much more important than something so pointless as my own ejaculation.

So in the more extreme straight up brothel types of strip clubs I expect to be in in other parts of the country, I should be very happy, because the girls, approached the right way, seem to let you do whatever you want.

avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
I didn't. I'm still in the club looking for 'em.
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