What does everyone think about including dancer names in reviews?
I never thought about it until I started getting extras regularly. Is using dancer names that give extras in reviews going to get them in trouble? Do we care?
Extras *are* illegal – many club owners/mangers and LE are willing to look the other way but not when it’s blatant b/c then they are forced to enforce the law/local-ordinances – and one could also get a dancer in trouble with either management or other dancers (lots of politics and drama b/w dancers).
Three have been various clubs that have been shut down or fined b/c extras were too blatantly obvious – anything that is technically illegal is best to keep on the down-low.
May be ok to share info via PMs with other TUSCLers one feels they can trust or seem to have a solid TUSCL history; but best to not advertise too much.
And may be ok to use pseudonyms like “she was really fun†or “she showed me a good time†and let those that should know infer from the overall review.
Truth be told, a dancer has to be exceptional for me to even remember her stage name. I'm in 40+ clubs per year and talk to easily several hundred dancers. I forget their stage names almost the second they utter them. Most of the girls who give me something special also share their real names, which I am much more likely to commit to memory, so even then I often forget their stage names.
^^^ or you don't visit strip clubs in reality, just in your imagination. Would also explain all your dumb theories like The System and why there is absolutely zero original content in your reviews.
If you don't care about giving the club a hard time with law enforcement or a particular dancer, go ahead and give the deputies who read this site some leads for their investigation. If you do care or plan to visit again, just tell everyone to ensure everyone else gets to tie her up and have their turn. That way you won't have to worry about her pestering you with questions like do u want a bj because she'll be busy or fired by the time you return.
Of course any lead by juice has about a 1 in 100 chance of being truthful. Well unless it involves KFC or mcdonald's.
Oh, and those dipshits who go into public forums and say thing like "Trixie really sang great Frank Sinatra" or "Tiffany was a great fan of Billy Joel", etc., should be kicked in the nuts. Hard. Seriously now, do they really think that they are being clever or talking in a super special code that only they understand?
It makes no difference whatsoever if you give out stripper names.
You guys realize that strippers never give out their real names, right? She tells you she's Crystal that night. BFD. So you post that Crystal gave you a BBBJ for $60. What does LE do? Go into the club and put cuffs on Crystal? No. Because "Crystal" says "Um...that's not my name. Here's my ID. My real name is Beatrice Fitzenkelder". Case closed.
She can say she changes her name with every customer. She can say the customer misunderstood. The customer can say he lied in his posting. It's totally irrelevant.
The most that can happen is that some undercover guy, who already knows what goes on in the club if LE is even slightly competent, might be able to limit his activities to a smaller group of dancers if he has a hunch who the players are. But if LE is going after a club, the dancers who are players have the same risk of dealing with an undercover cop whether or not someone posted something on the internet.
The a-holes who post shit like "I went to the VIP with G*na and she didn't disappoint if you know what I mean" should be stoned and beaten in a public square.
In fact, I think Mr. Dugan's post looks surprisingly like something I posted here a while back, criticizing the "super secret code" that some morons use here, thinking they're fooling anyone. They're not.
I always find reviews that list experience by dancer named to be totally worthless. Just tell me about the club experience and dancers overall. I can find the girls that appeal to me by myself. I can't remember the dancer names you list, and even if I did those girls might not be my type.
I never post names that will get a dancer in trouble. When I get an air dance, or feel ripped off, I'll post a name however. And sometimes I post the name of my ATF to help her out, but never in the context of extras.
I post names related to good dancing entertainment publicly, but not related to any extras provided on such an occasion. If I'm describing extra's - the entertainer's name does not appear.
My vote: name the ROBs by name. Note the clubs in detail where extras are studiously NOT permittted. Punish the clubs deserving of bad reviews with your numeric rankings most harshly so that those that follow don't waste their funds/time chasing down dead-ends. I hate reading a largely negative review and then seeing an overall ranking of 3-stars. Really??
Otherwise, keep what you catch and eat what you kill.
Protecting the anonymity of clubs and their employees that meet or exceed our expectations should be our first order of business. We need to couch what we say to protect our favorite clubs and providers from unwanted external criticism/investigation.
Oh yeah, and silly acronmys and abbreviations fool no one and can be used as evidence.
“… Nonsense. It makes no difference whatsoever if you give out stripper names. You guys realize that strippers never give out their real names …â€
Not necessarily IMHO – your statement w.r.t LE is correct; but if she is known in the club by that name she may get into trouble w/ management or other dancers that don’t like dancers giving extras in the club (not too mention that the dancer would probably not like being outed like that) – the internet makes the world much much much smaller where info spreads around very quickly and easily.
Management and the other strippers already know who the "bad girls" are. WTF do you think they gossip about for hours in the dressing room?? Geez guys, get real.
They hear the noises from the VIP, they pass by the open booth while she's sucking dick, they see her wiping the cum off her leg when she returns to the dressing room, they see the leftover condom wrappers, they see the blobs of cum on the floor that they almost slip on, they see her hair all messed up with cum dripping off, they see the customer immediately head to the men's room afterwards....and on and on. They know. They don't need an internet posting to tell them.
There is no such thing as "protecting her anonymity". They already know.
i am quite afraid of extras for a number of reasons. however i have dropped names before in order to get my faves extra money. i have little attachment to them so i dont get jealous or anything
You mean other guys don't identify girls by their tits? It's possible then that not everyone identified a ROB I pointed out by her tits. They were full size and pierced. Not as big as one of my old favorites who has gained a lot of weight in the last few months. They are both blond. I'm really bad at remembering names if I never heard it.
Respectfully, Jerikson, your opinion seems to be in the minority on this. That doesn't make everyone else correct. But, just saying . . . LE absolutely monitors this shit.
Why not be smart and remember what we're trying to accomplish here. Let's work together and put the crappy clubs and crappy dancers out of business. Then, we can all enjoy what survives.
To me, the real problem arises when the community watchdogs (ie, bored people with nothing to do but complain about stupid shit) become aware of naughtiness that goes on in those nasty clubs, and decide to raise a stink. Once people register complaints, that's when the real trouble starts. Because that's when LE is forced to come up with a response.
Now, does the average community watchdog monitor these sites? Probably not, maybe a few do. But they can just as easily find out about the clubs by spending a $10 cover and finding out for themselves. Because really, that's the real problem. Internet postings are too easy to discredit and refute. But first hand knowledge, in the hands of a real pain in the ass, is much more deadly.
But hey, you guys can believe what you want. Keep posting stuff like "I got a Big Bad Billy Joel from G*na and paid her a Benjamin and she didn't disappoint, if you know what I mean (wink, wink)", if that makes you feel good.
Maybe just ask. At some clubs the management is aware extras are happening. Most dancers are the best judge of the risks they want to take, not something you can control anyways. Exception of course for dancers who seem very naive.
last comment(If you are RickDugan and only visit strip clubs in your imagination then you won't even know any real names, so it's all academic to begin with.)
Extras *are* illegal – many club owners/mangers and LE are willing to look the other way but not when it’s blatant b/c then they are forced to enforce the law/local-ordinances – and one could also get a dancer in trouble with either management or other dancers (lots of politics and drama b/w dancers).
Three have been various clubs that have been shut down or fined b/c extras were too blatantly obvious – anything that is technically illegal is best to keep on the down-low.
May be ok to share info via PMs with other TUSCLers one feels they can trust or seem to have a solid TUSCL history; but best to not advertise too much.
And may be ok to use pseudonyms like “she was really fun†or “she showed me a good time†and let those that should know infer from the overall review.
Shirley, Shirley bo Birley Bonana fanna fo Firley
Fee fy mo Mirley, Shirley!
Lincoln, Lincoln bo Bincoln Bonana fanna fo Fincoln
Fee fy mo Mincoln, Lincoln!
protect your faves.
Aravas is quite wrong
In a PM, yes.....but on the open board, no.
Of course any lead by juice has about a 1 in 100 chance of being truthful. Well unless it involves KFC or mcdonald's.
Aravas is just another Juice alias.
It makes no difference whatsoever if you give out stripper names.
You guys realize that strippers never give out their real names, right? She tells you she's Crystal that night. BFD. So you post that Crystal gave you a BBBJ for $60. What does LE do? Go into the club and put cuffs on Crystal? No. Because "Crystal" says "Um...that's not my name. Here's my ID. My real name is Beatrice Fitzenkelder". Case closed.
She can say she changes her name with every customer. She can say the customer misunderstood. The customer can say he lied in his posting. It's totally irrelevant.
The most that can happen is that some undercover guy, who already knows what goes on in the club if LE is even slightly competent, might be able to limit his activities to a smaller group of dancers if he has a hunch who the players are. But if LE is going after a club, the dancers who are players have the same risk of dealing with an undercover cop whether or not someone posted something on the internet.
The a-holes who post shit like "I went to the VIP with G*na and she didn't disappoint if you know what I mean" should be stoned and beaten in a public square.
In fact, I think Mr. Dugan's post looks surprisingly like something I posted here a while back, criticizing the "super secret code" that some morons use here, thinking they're fooling anyone. They're not.
Otherwise, keep what you catch and eat what you kill.
Protecting the anonymity of clubs and their employees that meet or exceed our expectations should be our first order of business. We need to couch what we say to protect our favorite clubs and providers from unwanted external criticism/investigation.
Oh yeah, and silly acronmys and abbreviations fool no one and can be used as evidence.
That can’t be – I think Juice has matured beyond these silly games
Not necessarily IMHO – your statement w.r.t LE is correct; but if she is known in the club by that name she may get into trouble w/ management or other dancers that don’t like dancers giving extras in the club (not too mention that the dancer would probably not like being outed like that) – the internet makes the world much much much smaller where info spreads around very quickly and easily.
Safety for exceptional dancers and accurate reviews will be the priority from now on.
They hear the noises from the VIP, they pass by the open booth while she's sucking dick, they see her wiping the cum off her leg when she returns to the dressing room, they see the leftover condom wrappers, they see the blobs of cum on the floor that they almost slip on, they see her hair all messed up with cum dripping off, they see the customer immediately head to the men's room afterwards....and on and on. They know. They don't need an internet posting to tell them.
There is no such thing as "protecting her anonymity". They already know.
Why not be smart and remember what we're trying to accomplish here. Let's work together and put the crappy clubs and crappy dancers out of business. Then, we can all enjoy what survives.
To me, the real problem arises when the community watchdogs (ie, bored people with nothing to do but complain about stupid shit) become aware of naughtiness that goes on in those nasty clubs, and decide to raise a stink. Once people register complaints, that's when the real trouble starts. Because that's when LE is forced to come up with a response.
Now, does the average community watchdog monitor these sites? Probably not, maybe a few do. But they can just as easily find out about the clubs by spending a $10 cover and finding out for themselves. Because really, that's the real problem. Internet postings are too easy to discredit and refute. But first hand knowledge, in the hands of a real pain in the ass, is much more deadly.
But hey, you guys can believe what you want. Keep posting stuff like "I got a Big Bad Billy Joel from G*na and paid her a Benjamin and she didn't disappoint, if you know what I mean (wink, wink)", if that makes you feel good.