So, I really felt like you folks kinda gave me a bye on my article. I was sure that I'd get a lot more "what an idiot" type posts, but instead I get a bunch of responses that make me wonder.
It almost seems as if some of you, maybe more than just some, might have been caught up in a similar situation.
For myself, for 30+ years, I managed to avoid such a thing, but since it happened, though it might still turn out bad, I can't say that I regret it at all.
George my friend i myself say a lot of fucked up shit on tuscl and if you can remember me back when i first started tuscl i shared my heart and soul to you going to share my heart and soul with you on this topic my good friend.
Number one i applaued you for your level of success with the small amount of cost involved. I also applaued you for being so open with your wife...i pray i can find a bottom bitch like this one day. I also applaued you for knowing how to fully enjoy another person in all the ways you do. Its why you got the results you got.
One question and if you need to pm me the answer that is fine. But how long did you cultivate this relationship before this happened ? And how did you go about it in her club in your early days with her ?
I have been in a simular situation myself and all though i did enjoy that one comment about me being so vet that i couldnt possible feel these emotions. Lets face the facts. If you get involved with a nother human being and you connect with.them on a emotional, spiritual and physical manner you will feel the " Love" that is ok to feel and tell another human being. Feel free to call me a faggot as i bear my own experince and soul. This thread brought back beatiful memories of my ATF and me when we started living together and dating. I told that girl a million times that i loved her and even to this day i still miss and deeply love her.
I enjoyed some of the best sex of my life as well as some of the best companionship i could had ever asked for. I enjoyed her body as well as her heart and soul. I believe this is the only way to trurly enjoy a person sexualy in the purest.way. im thankful to the gods for giving me a chance to be with her the almost 3 years i.dated her. And i pray in my next life i will cross paths with.her again to enjoy her as i once did her heart and soul
Ps. I would enjoy sharing how i got this non extras clean club.air dancer ATF of mine with you george if you will share with me how you got your little sexy.dancer baby
Probably because I'm on ignore....I had to become this guy just to shoot George a pm of all this...I didn't want him to miss out just because I was on ignore
@steve: Well, *some* of you are. :) I was expecting a fair bit more flack, though.
@juice: We've known each other for about four years, all of which has involved sex, and the last about three and a half was almost exclusively outside the club. As for how I got her, the same way as all the others: money. At least, that's how it started.
George thank you for responding back it actually means a lot to me
If you don't care to give more details in this thread or in a pm on how you used that money to start it off.....was you a regular that was just buying dances ? Did you just show up for drinks and conversation paying her under the table ?
Example from my experience in clean clubs I usually will just go for drinks and heavy tipping on the stage...usually from that I'm able to spend enough time with her and to developed a relationship that will eventually move to outside the club only like what you do...if recently started back buying dances as a part of this kind of pick up and im thanking it will help more in getting her outside due to the ability to show what kind of sensual lover I am.
Any way I'm always curious on how others make their otc work in non extras club.
And yes I know guys I've also been in many extras clubs and have had a few flings outside the club...this normally happens because i keep paying itc sex and the girls will enjoy my loving so much or they just want to cut the club out of their profits...extra girls are the easiest to pull outside.
I have a high level of interest in non extra girls because they are a challenge to get, relationships last longer than a fling and are of course cleaner
Yes, this is his ex. Not the one that he mentioned in the cute little story above. But his most recent ex. The one who he lived with, told that he loved, shared his life with, etc. Im the one who got him on the rebound from this ATF of his. Im the one who opened her heart, her home, her life to after this. Im the one who he shit all over. Im the one who stood there and waited for him, only for him to push me away. He shared his hobby with me (tuscle) and now this is the only way I have to get in touch with him since he wont contact me. Yes, I have let the relationship go and I no longer hang on to what I thought we had. BUT....Do you really live with someone and not pay a dime for rent or any bills while the other person is doing everything they can to help you get on your feet, and then just walk away? Yes I asked him to leave after it was clear that he wasn't going to respect me in the way that I deserve. But I never thought he would be the kind of man to run and hide and avoid my every attempt to contact him...I was wrong...See, I think that "the juiceman" should pay what he owes. He lived with me, he ate my food, he took showers, I drove him back and forth to work everyday, washed his clothes, helped him get a car and get it running. I never asked him for anything financially at the time bc he was still trying to get on his feet. And I loved him. I truly loved him. When the shit hit the fan about him staying out all night in my car and not having the decency to call me and let me know he was ok, is when I told him he needed to leave. I honestly thought he would at least offer me some help financially after everything. But, he has yet to do so. I even messaged him on here telling him that he needed to make it right with me financially since it was obvious that our relationship ment nothing to him, that it was just a room mate situation to him.....Still no response. But I see him and his alias's posting things on here daily. His ignoring me about this not only hurts, but it just proves what a coward he is. If any of you were living with someone for any length of time and that person was helping you in all of these ways, how many of you would just walk away and not settle anything with them? Not even a fucking thank you. Not even, an Im sorry I let you fall in love with me knowing what an asshole I am. Not even an, Im sorry I let your child get so attached to me and then broke her heart. This is the story of juicebox.....This is who he really is....He gets on this site and shoots his bullshit because that is the only thing he is capable of. He cant function in normal society with responsibilities. And that's fine. I don't care anymore. But what he did to me wasn't right. Jackie, you can ignore this if you want to. But you know the truth and you know what is the right thing to do. Wether you do it is up to you.
Well normally, I'd be somewhat upset about a thread hijack. But this is popcorn worthy.
jayzex, while I'm gonna sympathize with you, I think you fall into a category not dissimilar to the one characterized by club customers falling in love with strippers. There's little hope it will work out, even if the other person *does* return those feelings, but you can't help it.
Im not a stipper....Im a single mom who fell in love with a complete self absorbed lying asshole who took everything he could from her and then went into hiding because he has no backbone or balls.
I don't want it to work out. Its done. I want a little closure and some satistfaction knowing I could stab him in the back just as he did me. And I want some fucking compensation for all of his sponging he did off me and my family. And I want his little tuscle world to know what a true piece of garbage he is....
WTF? I got a PM asking me to comment on this topic. All I've got to say on the matter is that the juicbox69 that I know is a black man. That comes from his PMs to me when he first joined the forum.
GMD: It was well described and well played! Sometimes the BS that floats on all subject matter here, detracts from the fact that there are contributor's here that add something with their comments reviews, and adventures.
I always thought we were all "little pieces of garbage" so that barb doesn't sting. The whole quote is "-Heaven hath no fury like love to hatred turned nor Hell a fury like that of woman scorned" This sounds more like a case of the former not the latter. Not sure I like the turning of TUSCL into a soap opera but it is funny for today. Now get off the site bitch!
Holy shit, georg, look what happened to your thread.
Back to your topic. I think that this purported flirtation with the deadly 'L' word that you have admitted is exactly that.....a brief flirtation.
Your many years of stories shared here on tuscl are the stories of a confirmed horndog of many decades. A man's behaviour just does not change that radically. Your natural horndog tendencies will assert themselves. You will be back lurking in dark corners of SCs waiting to pounce on unsuspecting young dancers.
I eagerly await the return of the tales of your coming raunchy encounters.
Okay, I hate to be the skunk at the garden party here, but these new characters all seem to me to be more creations from somebody's fevered imagination. About as much substance as popcorn. A jilted lover who exacts revenge on tussle, I mean TUSCL? It is all multiple layers of horse shit interspersed with bullshit.
And bluelion and revlong are also "juice". See he's on this discussion but his balls haven't dropped enough to acknowledge my presence or my pm's to him....
gmd - loved your article. Well written and straight to the heart.
But I gotta admit when I first saw the title of this thread I was hoping that it would be filled with clips of girl/girl lovin' from the Showtime series of the same name ;)
last commentGuess we're just a bunch of softies after all.
Number one i applaued you for your level of success with the small amount of cost involved. I also applaued you for being so open with your wife...i pray i can find a bottom bitch like this one day. I also applaued you for knowing how to fully enjoy another person in all the ways you do. Its why you got the results you got.
One question and if you need to pm me the answer that is fine. But how long did you cultivate this relationship before this happened ? And how did you go about it in her club in your early days with her ?
I have been in a simular situation myself and all though i did enjoy that one comment about me being so vet that i couldnt possible feel these emotions. Lets face the facts. If you get involved with a nother human being and you connect with.them on a emotional, spiritual and physical manner you will feel the " Love" that is ok to feel and tell another human being. Feel free to call me a faggot as i bear my own experince and soul. This thread brought back beatiful memories of my ATF and me when we started living together and dating. I told that girl a million times that i loved her and even to this day i still miss and deeply love her.
I enjoyed some of the best sex of my life as well as some of the best companionship i could had ever asked for. I enjoyed her body as well as her heart and soul. I believe this is the only way to trurly enjoy a person sexualy in the purest.way. im thankful to the gods for giving me a chance to be with her the almost 3 years i.dated her. And i pray in my next life i will cross paths with.her again to enjoy her as i once did her heart and soul
Ps. I would enjoy sharing how i got this non extras clean club.air dancer ATF of mine with you george if you will share with me how you got your little sexy.dancer baby
@juice: We've known each other for about four years, all of which has involved sex, and the last about three and a half was almost exclusively outside the club. As for how I got her, the same way as all the others: money. At least, that's how it started.
If you don't care to give more details in this thread or in a pm on how you used that money to start it off.....was you a regular that was just buying dances ? Did you just show up for drinks and conversation paying her under the table ?
Example from my experience in clean clubs I usually will just go for drinks and heavy tipping on the stage...usually from that I'm able to spend enough time with her and to developed a relationship that will eventually move to outside the club only like what you do...if recently started back buying dances as a part of this kind of pick up and im thanking it will help more in getting her outside due to the ability to show what kind of sensual lover I am.
Any way I'm always curious on how others make their otc work in non extras club.
And yes I know guys I've also been in many extras clubs and have had a few flings outside the club...this normally happens because i keep paying itc sex and the girls will enjoy my loving so much or they just want to cut the club out of their profits...extra girls are the easiest to pull outside.
I have a high level of interest in non extra girls because they are a challenge to get, relationships last longer than a fling and are of course cleaner
Thanks for sharing with me
You and San Jose Guy should compare notes.
Yes, this is his ex. Not the one that he mentioned in the cute little story above. But his most recent ex. The one who he lived with, told that he loved, shared his life with, etc. Im the one who got him on the rebound from this ATF of his. Im the one who opened her heart, her home, her life to after this. Im the one who he shit all over. Im the one who stood there and waited for him, only for him to push me away. He shared his hobby with me (tuscle) and now this is the only way I have to get in touch with him since he wont contact me.
Yes, I have let the relationship go and I no longer hang on to what I thought we had. BUT....Do you really live with someone and not pay a dime for rent or any bills while the other person is doing everything they can to help you get on your feet, and then just walk away? Yes I asked him to leave after it was clear that he wasn't going to respect me in the way that I deserve. But I never thought he would be the kind of man to run and hide and avoid my every attempt to contact him...I was wrong...See, I think that "the juiceman" should pay what he owes. He lived with me, he ate my food, he took showers, I drove him back and forth to work everyday, washed his clothes, helped him get a car and get it running. I never asked him for anything financially at the time bc he was still trying to get on his feet. And I loved him. I truly loved him.
When the shit hit the fan about him staying out all night in my car and not having the decency to call me and let me know he was ok, is when I told him he needed to leave. I honestly thought he would at least offer me some help financially after everything. But, he has yet to do so. I even messaged him on here telling him that he needed to make it right with me financially since it was obvious that our relationship ment nothing to him, that it was just a room mate situation to him.....Still no response. But I see him and his alias's posting things on here daily. His ignoring me about this not only hurts, but it just proves what a coward he is.
If any of you were living with someone for any length of time and that person was helping you in all of these ways, how many of you would just walk away and not settle anything with them? Not even a fucking thank you. Not even, an Im sorry I let you fall in love with me knowing what an asshole I am. Not even an, Im sorry I let your child get so attached to me and then broke her heart.
This is the story of juicebox.....This is who he really is....He gets on this site and shoots his bullshit because that is the only thing he is capable of. He cant function in normal society with responsibilities. And that's fine. I don't care anymore. But what he did to me wasn't right.
Jackie, you can ignore this if you want to. But you know the truth and you know what is the right thing to do. Wether you do it is up to you.
Aha, the jig is up!
jayzex, while I'm gonna sympathize with you, I think you fall into a category not dissimilar to the one characterized by club customers falling in love with strippers. There's little hope it will work out, even if the other person *does* return those feelings, but you can't help it.
My sympathies.
Steve didn't c u at follies this weekend?!?!
For the sake of the gene pool, let's hope not!
Back to your topic. I think that this purported flirtation with the deadly 'L' word that you have admitted is exactly that.....a brief flirtation.
Your many years of stories shared here on tuscl are the stories of a confirmed horndog of many decades. A man's behaviour just does not change that radically. Your natural horndog tendencies will assert themselves. You will be back lurking in dark corners of SCs waiting to pounce on unsuspecting young dancers.
I eagerly await the return of the tales of your coming raunchy encounters.
@busta_nut - yes, except that the PL usually falls in love with a gorgeous, sexy young woman, while in this case...
But I gotta admit when I first saw the title of this thread I was hoping that it would be filled with clips of girl/girl lovin' from the Showtime series of the same name ;)
@mikey - if only Troop was around to get to the bottom of this