Traveling with a dancer

avatar for JohnSmith69
So I'm talking to my CF (who is quickly becoming my ATF) about maybe going on a business trip with me. Business is the excuse for me to get out of the house, but the trip would be mostly pleasure. It would be a 2-3 day domestic trip. We would be traveling from different cities so we would fly separately and met up. What is everyone's experience with this? So far we've only been together for a few hours at a time, but we always get along great. She has less SS than most, doesn't take drugs. Is this a good idea? If I do it, how much should I pay her? I would pay for all expenses but I think I clearly need to pay her some extra since we would be having sex every night. At the very least I think I need to pay her what I usually pay her for sex, but should I pay something more than that? I've never done this so any advice is appreciated.


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avatar for bang69
11 years ago
1. draw up a legal contract. setting up the terms & conditions of the deal.

2. put a claw's that stated the contract can be broken emidately if any terms are violated
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
I don't think you pay her anything. If she didn't discuss rates, I say you just pick up expenses and take her shopping. A pro would want $$$ up front and be quite clear what was expected.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I doubt that I'll ever do that because I don't think I could stand to be with a stripper that long. But if I did, it would strictly be on an expenses paid only trip. After all you are essentially giving her a vacation. Not a quick P4P.
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
I'd wait until the trip was about over and, if you had a good time, offer her $500.
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
If you had a good time without giving her anything, don't offer anything at the end - you might ruin it! She could be seeing it as something different than you are.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Only went on a trip once over a couple of nights. I paid only for food and hotel. We drove, so no flights involved. Worked just fine. She went to my favorite SC the first night with me. Was going to dance that night and the second evening, but she didn't care for the type of customers in the place, so opted out. The manager was quite upset. Asians really pulled in customers.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
"draw up a legal contract"

Er, you can't make a legal contract for an illegal act (e.g., sex for money)

Other than that, brilliant idea.
avatar for jayzex
11 years ago
Yes he really is the piece of shit boyfriend that everybody ones you about...I can vouch for that, Im the ex...Juice, bigtuna, duke, revlong, whatever you want to call him, is the same guy and he is a piece of garbage! He cannot function in a normal relationship with a normal human being. He would rather stay layed up on his girlfriends couch on his girlfriends computer in forums such as this shit. Sponge everything he can and give nothing in return. He underestimates other people's intelligence and my ability to find shit out! He has NOTHING in life and doesn't want anything from life except a disability check. Dear Juice (Jackie), FUCK YOU!
avatar for scatterbrain
11 years ago
I've traveled (flights) to Vegas with two dancers only once. No money exchanged hands. I paid for the room, food, flights. We did a little shopping too on me. We had a blast including some time at he local SCs. It's all a matter of trust. I've since lost touch with these babes but it was fun.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I’ll be the dissenting voice on the TUSCL court.

A stripper’s time is $$$ - even she is not making $$$ on her free time; she still has other obligations that she often has to put on the back burner to be w/ a PL, I mean a hot TUSCLer.

If it’s *your* idea and *you* want her company and sex when *you* want it – then you should pay her as an OTC and probably something extra if she is going to be giving you all her time.

Now – if you tell her that you are going on a trip and she asks or wants to come along; then that is different – it came from her and she would be taking a trip *she* wanted and you are paying for.
avatar for newmark
11 years ago
I think I'd expect to pay the going rate for the pussy, but paying for the trip should cover anything else.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
I've never traveled with a dancer, but if I ever do I would probably ask her how I could gift her for time. Or you could flat out offer an amount you think is reasonable and see how she reacts. It would be a shame if the trip was ruined because of unmet expectations.

For your scenario I would be mostly concerned about traveling separately and having her flake out at the last minute.
avatar for samsung1
11 years ago
How do you know she doesn't do drugs? She is likely going to flake out on you. Strippers don't like to travel too far away from their dealers.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
I think that you need to give her something over and above the cost of travel, but you should also factor the cost of food and entertainment into the equation. I thought that $500 was a nice round number. After all, you're going to have her for at least 2 overnights and I'm sure that you intend to squeeze everything you can out of them.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
If this trip is pure vacation I would say go for it. I had several pleasurable vacations with my old Toronto sweetie. You must give the girl some stipend for her services during the trip be it cash or a shopping spree. Over and above the amenities of our vacations I always gave Toronto sweetie $5K in cash or shopping for a week's vacation with me.

If you are doing any business during this trip do not bring the dancer with you.
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
Thanks for the thoughts and strategies. I talked with her about taking a trip last night and she was interested. We touched briefly on finances but no details. I think where it is headed is that I pay trip expenses plus some amount for pussy (either cash or shopping) that would be less than what I'd usually pay. For example, for three nights of sex on the trip, I might give her what I usually pay for one or two sessions.
avatar for joker44
11 years ago

I defer to the experienced, but have a question:

Shouldn't trip expenses be enough IF:
It's a place SHE wants to visit [& is unlikely to get to without your offer] &
It includes such expenses as special dining spot, Disneyland-like [$$$] park, concert or any other attractions SHE wants to see?

And though we know it's highly probable I think I explicitly clarify whether shopping on your dime is expected as well.

Few of us have the resources to be as generous as Art.

avatar for steve229
11 years ago
I consider any time my SB spends with me to be "on the clock", even if we're going somewhere she wants to go (which it often is), because well, she's still has to go with me.
avatar for hotwheels
11 years ago
Please Steve if she doesn't like your company find another OTC gf. I think I am trending toward not paying anything directly to her. Most strippers I have met just don't have the resources to travel much at all and they never have so they should be thrilled to Ho somewhere new with you. But it does depend on the kind of trip you are taking. If it is a biz trip and you are going to park her at a hotel while you work then you should probably pay her directly.
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