
Changing clubs

Older than dirt
My ATF quit or was fired from the club where she's danced for five or six years. After several months which included drug rehab, working bachelor parties, and unemployment, she seems to have settled into a new club and states that while the money is no where what she's used to, shes much more comfortable and really enjoying dancing again.
You see, at her previous club almost half the strippers offer some type of extra service in VIP and she has shared many of her experiences. She claims that she would turn down many offers but accepted many others. At her new club there are lap dances available but they're out in the open and there is no VIP. It is strictly a non-extras club with many reviews comparing it to a neighborhood bar. She says that she didn't realize the amount of stress and tension that went along with offering extras.
Realistically, being sober and being involved in an out-patient rehab program probably contribute to her new "mindset", and she continues to see me OTC, but I'm just wondering if any of you PL's have heard similar stories of reformed extras dancers?
I've asked her if there's any OTC action at her new club and she doesn't think so, but she's still getting to know her co-workers.


  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    A number of dancers have told me they have to be a little drunk or stoned before giving extras. Some dancers are more comfortable working in non-extras clubs and using the club to set up p4p OTC.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^^ I never knew anyone long enough to tell if they were reformed. Years of drug use means years of being sober before one can be trusted. Your friend also surrounds herself with drug users, not recommended for recovering addicts.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I had one favorite that switched to a different more expensive club. Before I got the opportunity to take her to VIP, she became a waitress at that club and still is.

    The rest just dropped out of sight.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I know one dancer who got busted for prostitution and with three other "standards of conduct" violations (legal termed used here in Seattle), in 2008. She was a high mileage dancer at a known high mileage club at the time. In referring her to other local TUSCL members in recent years, she's been considered low mileage since then. That was her third bust for "dirty dances." It seems that for her, the third time was the charm. Six years later she's still dancing, but has lowered her mileage considerably. No further busts.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "The rest just dropped out of sight."

    They're probably in nursing school...
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I don't know of any reformed-extras dancers, but I do have to agree with the fact working in an extras club is stressful for some dancers. I know a number of dancers who couldn't work at my favorite club simply because of the extra factor and they seem to be doing all right where they're at.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    An old fave from my Columbus days (perhaps it was more of a "daze") appeared stressed even at a club that was non-extras (Private Dancer, back in the day when it was nude). I think strip clubs are just bizarro world. We talk about SS, but a girl that has grounding in reality also has to put up with said shit too.

    Extras clubs just ramp that craziness up to 11.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Uh-huh, dancers moving from extras clubs to expensive non-extras clubs...

    I hate to be all "I told you so," but...
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Dancers have shown me their drugs, sitting at a table in the club. I ask them why, and they say, "Because I can't do this job unless I have a buzz."

    Strippers are under pressure. It does hurt their feelings greatly when people don't pay attention and tip. And this is why when you do appreciate them, it does gain you favor with them.

    I don't think doing "extras" is the problem though. Usually, if they can tell that a guy actually likes them, a girl is happy to give him all the extra anything she can. But what does cause stress is situations where a dance or other interaction is set up where they don't know that they guy likes them. Then they have a hard time. I can see that some TUSCL members really don't even like the girls they do this stuff with. So this is why fraternizing and courting the girl first makes such a big difference. This is also why they like it when they see regulars are in the house.

    But also, these girls, and in my opinion it is more of the white strippers, are damaged goods before they get anywhere near a strip club. It has to do with the environment they grew up in, and with ways that they have been used, and with ways that our society covers this up.

    Now yes, people do endure all sorts of hardship and come out okay. But this is different because the people are in denial of their own pain. Anytime you see someone dependent on drugs or alcohol, this will be the issue, denial of their own pain.

    1. drugs
    2. alcohol
    3. born again Christianity
    4. psychiatric medication
    5. motivationalism

    These five are the main things used to keep those who have been the most victimized and those who have suffered the most, down. They destroy self awareness and political consciousness. So the victims cannot stand up for themselves and they cannot organize to make political change and to stop the exploitation.

    When you see strippers dependent on any of these five things, you are seeing people who have been used. This is primarily a factor in the middle class in industrialized nations. So here it is mostly whites, followed by blacks. But much less among Latino Immigrants, and even still less among Asian immigrants.

    I have a lady friend in Atlanta, long distance. She has said about me and Asian women, "There must be some mutual attraction." Yes, this is true. I am not like them and they are not like me. But there is still some affinity. I was getting along very well yesterday with a very pretty San Jose Viet Coffee Girl I'd never met before. And no, these venues are just coffee and tea, and maybe some verbal flirting, nothing else. Yes, there is something there. My friend in Georgia knows about Viet Coffee, but she does not know anything about me and AMPs. She would not be able to deal with that.

    The typical white stripper is a shit head. They are stridently anti-intellectual and unwilling to feel their own feelings. Much less so among Latinos and even less so among Asian immigrants. Asian immigrants do not divide themselves into a middle-class and an underclass, as the whites do. Part of the issue here is that there is no more working class in the US, if there ever even was one. So it is just the upwardly mobile, and then the shit heads.

    It is not like this when immigrants come here from the third world. They send their kids to school and the kids do well. The kids of white shit heads go to school and they do not do well, as they are just like their parents. These shit head kids are terrorists within the student body. And if a teacher ever tries to deal with the problem by approaching the parents, watch out. The parents will be far worse than the kid.

    So it often works out that Asian women and I, civilians and otherwise, get along instantly and are attracted like magnets. You could say that it is not something about these Asians, it is simply that they are not like the white shit heads.

    Of this ATF and her new club and OTC, every club has OTC. If somehow she found one which didn't, then now since she is there, it does have it. But if a girl is basically in touch with her own feelings and her own life experience, then offering all manner of extras and OTC to a guy she likes and who she can see likes her, will not create stress. Rather, it will be a time of tremendous fun and spiritual growth for the both of them.

    Strip clubs are competitive environments and us guys take advantage of that and in general of women's insecurities, to get what we want from them. But the issue with these chemically dependent strippers and their shit head attitudes come from long before they every got anywhere near anything like a strip club. And it is perpetuated because our entire society is in denial about the ways middle class families exploit children.

    My comment on gawker's article:

    Lots of situations where girls are most happy doing FS, ecstatic about it!
    Taiwanese Angela, just like the money went flying off into the corner, with one small gesture from me, her mini-dress went flying off in the same direction, and again just barely breaking eye contact with me.


    VIP Room on Wheels?
    change to Cummings Turbo Diesel and Allison 6 speed?

    Jefferson Airplane, Monterey, 1967
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    It was interesting for me to come out of the Kayden Kross discussion into this one. Talk about a contrast.

    That's the thing: Sex? Drugs? Alcohol? All very powerful things. When used well, and wisely, they can create fun times. But they also can lead to problems.

    I do think it's possible to have your head screwed on straightly enough when you come into this, like Kayden, to deal with all the weird trappings of those things and still be a somewhat well-adjusted, sex-positive person. But I think it's a rare breed.

    A lot of it, I think, breaks down to the motivation for the girl to dance. If she's dancing because she wants to — because she wants to profit off of her looks, because she believes she's hot, because she feels like she can get enough money from men she likes and not have to deal with ones she doesn't, etc. — I think she'll be fine in the end.

    But if she's dancing because she needs to — because she's trying to solve other problems by doing something that can be very profitable, very quickly, but also tests your faith in humanity if you have to deal with some of the problem-child customers — I think she's going to go a little crazy and is apt to create more problems for herself (drugs, alcohol, whatever) coping than she's going to solve. Oh, and the customers and club owners? They don't really care at the end of the day, as long as they don't get in trouble with the law and keep making money. Got problems? Don't care. Go out and make me money. Want a friend? Don't care. Dance for me or go away.

    It's hard for me to imagine a girl who's had problems can come back and get it right the second time around. I have a feeling it's going to go wrong again at some point.
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