
Another newb gets raped

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of Splendor Houston

"... After a long day at a work conference downtown, I was extremely tired heading home. As I was nearing my house I saw splendor. I’ve noticed it a few times driving past but these clubs weren’t really my thing until recently. I made a quick decision and decided to end my evening on a happier note. I went in and the cover charge was I think around $10-$11. Not too shabby. I walked in and went right to the bar. The waitress was extremely friendly & cute and got me a few shots to get the night going. I noticed there were a lot of ethnic dancers in there.

They had all different nationalities and body types. It was very nice. As I was sitting there chatting with her about the Houston Rockets (I was surprised at how much she knew, it was nice having good conversation especially when she was dressed as she was ;) ) after some time sitting there just observing, like I said I wasn’t used to coming to strip clubs. I was just taking it all in. A dancer came up to me and sat right up on my lap. She asked if I wanted to go to the champagne room with her. I said no because $700 was just too much for me to justify spending. Then the waitress came back over and gave me another shot. The dancer (I can’t remember her name) asked if I would do it for $600, $500 etc.. finally I caved and said - if you will do it for $300 I’m in.

So she got off my lap and grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to a private area. It was so dark and mind you I was heavily intoxicated, I could hardly see a thing. I remember noticing that it wasn’t a private room, but a dark area where you could vaguely see other dancers with their customers. She popped a champagne bottle and poured us both glasses. She was stroking my ego and saying all kinds of nice things to me about me. She was talking sports with me, talking about work, where I was from etc. She was a good listener and made me feel very comfortable and welcome. Finally it was time for the dance. She told me for a few $100 extra that she would give me a blow job.

I was surprised because I didn’t really know those places offered the full deal. I had already maxed out what I wanted to spend so I declined. She pressed the issue a little further but I just couldn’t do it. She then started dancing, she was on the thicker side which was nice. She was groping my legs and rubbing my chest as she danced all over me. Halfway through she took her top off and got all in my face. She was an incredible dancer. I’m not sure how often I’ll be able to make it back.

I wish I hadn’t spent so much money, but you definitely get what you pay for. Be aware that they might overcharge you though. I was walking out and the waitress said I had a leftover tab. I was still not fully coherent so I gave her my card again and was charged another $400 that I hadn’t actually spent. I can’t blame them because I wasn’t in my right mind but just be careful of what you spend. ..."



  • flagooner
    7 years ago

    This guy really is intimidated.

    "I can’t blame them..."

    Sounds like it was straight theft or fraud.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    His bar tab got padded by an extra-$400 and he paid $300 for "VIP" but just got some conversation and a standard dance - f'ing ay - as long as there are newbs there will be ROBs
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Sad part is, you know this same situation is replaying all over the country, multiple times per day. This is why ROBs will always exist.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    I never rely on info from drunk newbies how much everything costs. As far as I know the champagne and room were 400 and he paid the dancer 300. Too expensive for me.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Did he get raped or just rolled? Did he agree to the charges and just not remember? I agree with the general comments about newbies, but once upon a time we were all newbies and I'm guessing that most of us spent money we wish we hadn't.
  • Pyroxl
    7 years ago
    Why not dispute the charge with the bank? A few instances and the merchant gets penalized.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    He got raped. But it could have been worse. He could have stopped at a male strip club.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    lol, holy shit. I go there on days.

    I see why some dancers tell me "all I need is to find that one guy" to have a good shift. Just dances and the dude probably dropped 800 all in, crazy.

    It costs 65 on nights for VIP. On days sometimes you can get a dancer to slip the manager a lower amount to go to VIP.

    Whatever you pay/do after that is between you and the dancer.

  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    Guess that old saying is true: To a ROB, a newb is a many splendored thing
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Not the first time a newb has been fleeced by a ROB and waitress working together. It all went wrong at the very beginning when he did a "few shots" and then a few more. I got ripped off in Houston once, when I was a newb, too. It involved an oil conference, a big-titted Asian, and shots as well.
  • AnonymousJim
    7 years ago
    Isn't one of the unwritten rules "don't use your credit card at a strip club"? Isn't this why?

    Yes, yes it is. This is called learning the hard way.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    My God he was fleeced
  • K
    7 years ago
    I see several mistakes.

    1. Never use a credut card. I dont bring them with me to a club i dont know.
    2. Never buy a bottle.
    3. Never run a tab.
    4. Always confirm the price before you say yes
    5. Ask questions and observe if in unfamiliar territory
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    A lot of newbs don't realize strip clubs are not like other service industries
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Sadly this newb got fleeced. He broke many rules on his trip - and it could have been worse. He was drunk before he got to vip - and that’s a setup for getting ripped off. He wasted a lot of money for little service. Hopefully he will learn from this - and become a better Clubber.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    "I can’t blame them because I wasn’t in my right mind..."

    Well, I would. He's far more compliant than I.

    That said, I never go into strip clubs with credit cards. Actually, I don't go in with anything that has my name and contact info on it.

    And never get shitfaced at a strip club. You're pretty much a bleeding carp in the shark tank at that point.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ well said.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    hopefully the original poster learned a lesson.
    the learning curve has a price.
    i’ve paid a lot.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    butt regardless of what i spend on the ladies and clubin it is far short of what i spent on my ex wife. and what i still spend on my ex for spousal support.
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