Why club hop?

avatar for theDirkDiggler
I could understand if you were passing through a town, say Detroit or something. You might want to try more than one club. But let's say it's your local clubs that you are already well acquainted with. There's definitely a pecking order and you probably have a favorite club/dancer. So what's the process? Do you go to your "favorite" club first and if you have a good enough time, call it a day/night? Or do you get "greedy" and decide to try another one. Or maybe the first club was meh or didn't quite hit the spot. The thing is if you go to your favorite first, aren't you setting yourself up for a letdown at the next club? Kind of like going to a fast food joint after having appetizers at a fine dining establishment. I ask this even though i still hop clubs every now and then. One club experience is always better (and different) than the other one and then i usually wonder why i didn't just save my time and money by skipping one of them (or even two or more). But as they say about hindsight...


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avatar for AnonymousJim
7 years ago
The same reason you don't eat at your favorite restaurant every day: Sometimes, you want something different.

I have six reliable clubs I will choose from when I decide to go out near home.

Two are within 15 min. of where I live. One has better looking women on average and cheaper prices, but less mileage. The other has OK looking women and is more expensive, but better mileage and slightly better extras odds.

Another two are an hour away. Both have far better extras odds and are full nude, but are very hit-or-miss talent-wise and are trending downward.

Anther two are 75-90 min. in the other direction. One's more like 75, the other 90. I like the 90 better, and it's full-nude, but don't always want to drive that far. Both have very hot ladies, some of the hottest I've seen. Good mileage, definitely better than the one 15-min. club and usually both. But far more expensive and zero extras.

So there are a lot of variables. How far do I want to drive? What's my budget look like? Am I trying for extras or no? What was my experience like the last time?

Plus, these clubs get new talent all the damn time. You don't know unless you go. You occasionally even find an old favorite you'd lost track of. I'll even range outside the six to less- reliable options sometimes, just to see if they've gotten better.

Also, favorites don't always remain favorites. I like to say that a lot of my favorites usually lose the title when I ask, and they decline, OTC. So, onto the next club and avoid that one for a while until she's forgotten about me.

So yeah. Honestly, unless you live in a city where one club is head-and-shoulders better than the others, I almost see it the other way: Why wouldn't you club hop?
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
Because: There’s a dayshift girl I like at one club who works dayshift so I go see her for a few hours before shift ends, then on comes another girl I like st same club and I stay into beginning of night shift same club so I see her, and then I go out drinking and then hit a club across town where there’s a girl I like the most and after her club shuts down, I either go to other clubs sampling or return to the first club from 2:30 AM til closing at 4and do some more sampling. That’s 7-8 fun filled club hopping hours with drinking and dinner in between. Now that ain’t very frequent to roll that many hours start to finish but it’s fun as hell when I’ve got the time. And I often do half that, still hitting 2 clubs. Club hopping is fun
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago

That was a well thought out response. And one that resonates with me with my own experiences. The various club experiences (and dancers) are all different, not necessarily better or worse. I still like to go to a variety of clubs near or not so near me. But when you actually club hop, like on the same day, you get to see the comparison and contrast right away. These types of experiences tend to bring me more clarity of what i really like and what i consider to be good value.

There are times when i'm fine with mostly eye candy and don't want to spend too much. Not that i ever really want to spend a lot, but sometimes i need to restrain my spending every now and then. Or sometimes i'll feel "safer" in a dive club (fast food analogy) or at an extras club where the average quality girl isn't that high, knowing that i'll probably only dance with a single girl or two if that, and not blow the bank on her. And yet i'll still get an acceptable experience. As opposed to knowing that i could easily spend several times as much just on one girl let alone several girls at one of my favorite clubs.

Or location often plays a part. Sometimes i'll try to visit a club i haven't been to in a while (often further away), and it'll be close to another club i haven't been to in awhile. Even though i usually like one club a lot more, i still try to kill two birds with one stone (trip) unless i'm having too much fun (spending too much) at the one.

So i usually plan visits to my favorite clubs on separate dates as i usually have a good idea of who's there and what i'll potentially spend on them. I don't tend to put one favorite club as a backup to the other favorite club. I might use a second tier or lower club (in terms of personal preference, not quality of the club) as "an opening act" or warm up and who knows, maybe i'll surprise myself and end up liking them as much if not even better than the "main event" or "headliner" later on. It's quite rare, but it has happened.

Or i'll go straight to the favorite first, and the favorites or regulars aren't there or busy or whatever, or they are available but just didn't bring it somehow. Then i might leave and give one of the lesser clubs a try just for giggles. I won't go to the other favorite club (where i usually spend more). Or put another way, i almost never wing a visit to a favorite club. I'm almost always well prepared before i go, in terms of how much i'm planning to potentially spend and on whom.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i have choices. a half hour for a maybe. 3/4 hour for a sure thing. and 2.25 hour for potentially awesome. the further i go beyond the first option the cheaper per encounter.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago

Actually, that is one of the very reasons i might club hop on an "SC" day. There is one club that has a very nice day shift compared to the other clubs. Not that the night shift at that club is bad; it isn't. But my favorite girls at that club work early or at least most of them do. But there are some girls that i like and also lot of the newer girls work nights there. But i don't like to stay at that club for parts of two shifts including the boring shift change which can often be two hours or more with the very real potential of wasting money just for the sake of spending it, often on the less successful/attractive day girls that are still hanging around to make money and the less successful/attractive night girls that come in early for cheaper rents and to maximize their chances.

So often, i might not be quite ready to end my SC adventures and try another club or two after i've left the first club. The other club(s) usually doesn't live up to the first one though...
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
Sometimes I like to see the talent at other clubs. You never know when you can cultivate a new fave.

I have had days where my plan was to hit 1-2 other clubs to survey the talent or seek out dancers from prior trips before hitting my favorite clubs. Sometimes it's good to go to another club to give you perspective on your favorite club as well.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
^Quality of dayshift and whether it's dead during dayshift to nightshift switchover is I'm guessing a regional thing. I'm fortunate to have one club with hot dayshift girls and another with an OK dayshift, and at the hot dayshift club even though the early nightshift talent is semi-low dancer population the talent that shows up early nightshift makes the crossover time worthy and during that early part of nightshift it's low monger population so it's easy to get a good girl despite lower population. I have been to clubs though with dead dayshift and dead early nighshift and that sucks.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
^^above was in response to the Diggler
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
and agreed as to rh48hr's comment, nice to switch it up and get that perspective on your favorite club and experiment with some previously untested talent
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
In Atlanta it doesn't get any better than Follies but some times I need a change of scenery.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Being a variety guy I don't have any allegiance to a particular club or dancer although I do have a rotation of about 5 clubs (out of the dozens in my area) and one that I hit more often since it's been performing the best for a while now.

Used to club-hop a bit more often in the past but these days I'm a bit burned out with SCing, and rarely enjoy the nightshift scene so kinda limiting my club hopping.

I rarely go out with the intention to club-hop, when I do it's either b/c I didn't get my fill at the firs club and don't wanna go home "empty handed", or once in a while I'll go on a binge and may hit 3 or 4 clubs in a day/night.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"I rarely go out with the intention to club-hop, when I do it's either b/c I didn't get my fill at the firs club and don't wanna go home "empty handed""

That's pretty much me, too -- with the rare exception when I specifically want to hit the end of dayshift at one club and the beginning of nightshift at another -- the only time I ever club hop is if the first club is a no-joy

I used to have a buddy who used to like doing epic club hopping trips with me -- we'd get to the city at noon, hit a club, go get lunch, hit another club, hit another club, dinner, hit another club, head home at midnight or 1. Alas, that guy doesn't SC anymore, and none of my other buddies have the interest or endurance to do a trip like that.
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I'll agree with most of the comments made. Sometimes I just want some variety. Sometimes I don't get enough at one club and want to check things out at another. Sometimes I get really lucky and feel like I should keep the streak alive, so I try another club. The shift change/timing thing often comes up for me too. I'm generally a daytime clubber, but even within the daytime range some clubs are better early afternoon and some better late. There's some where the shift change time is slow since & some here that same window is prime with options, so I may switch from the one that sucks to the one that doesn't.

Another reason is because sometimes girls switch clubs. I am a guy who tends to prefer repeating with the same girl. I wouldn't say I've got any sort of allegiance to any stripper, but I have certainly made it a point to go to a club I wouldn't normally go to because a stripper I know is there. That often leads to a hop back to the club I normally visit. It sometimes goes the other way, when she leaves I realize it wasn't the club I liked but her so I end up hopping to the new place.

I also tend to prefer slower times, and mid tier or below clubs. Those clubs often don't have reliable lineups, so going in to find a B or C team working isn't that uncommon. But, a lot of times there 2-5 such clubs within a few miles and if I hit more than one I find something.
avatar for whodey
7 years ago
I club hop a lot because I almost never club near home because its unproductive at best. There are 3 simi-close cities that I travel to on a regular basis for a night or two at a time and I have a favorite club in each as well as several backup clubs.

In one of the cities their is a club with really hot dancers but no mileage that I'll hit up as a type of visual appetizer before moving on to a club with better mileage. In the other two cities most of the clubs I go to are smaller and are hit or miss depending on whose working that shift. In those cases I might have to hit 2-4 clubs to find a girl I like. I also have a fallback club in one of those cities where extras are practically guaranteed but the ladies are mostly 5s or 6s so I try to find better and only go towards the end of my day if I am still desperate.
avatar for AnonymousJim
7 years ago
I definitely don't club-hop much within a single night. A lot of the time, I'm going out too late to do that, anyhow. If I'm getting to a club at 10:30 p.m., the clubs are closing at 2 a.m. and it takes me 30 minutes to go from club to club, it's pointless.

The only time I'll leave one club for another within a single night is if I'm really not finding what I want. That doesn't happen much.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"The only time I'll leave one club for another within a single night is if I'm really not finding what I want. That doesn't happen much."

These days, that's the only reason I'll club hop in a single trip. And I have to admit, I often don't even do that ... if I'm at a club, I've spent an hour waiting to see the entire rotation and am already drinking, I have to make a decision whether it's worth calling and waiting for an uber (or worse yet, if I drove, getting my car, driving across the city, and looking for parking elsewhere), all with the risk that I won't find anything I like at that other club, either. Half the time, what I do instead is just find a "good enough" girl who is a fun drinking buddy at the first club, hang out a while, and then call it a day
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