
College destress at clubs and otc

Thursday, March 22, 2018 6:05 AM
Does anybody in college like to visit strip club as a way to destress from school? If so talk about it. Has it helped you to destress and get better grades? Or do you use it as a reward system? Just wondering because its been great for me and tuscl has helped me with navigating strip club life. But I noticed its hard for me to do otc because of my age (22). I graduated from lap dances. They are getting boring to me. I need more than that bro but my cf is older than me and lives far away too. How can I do otc as a young guy? I don't have my own place yet so how does hotel booking work? Or should I ask for a 30min lap dance session at my cf place? Any suggestions or ideas will be great.


  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Wow, this deviated from the question posed in the subject. I wish I could provide advice here, but I've not gone the OTC route.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "Any suggestions or ideas will be great." _____________ You shouldn't be paying for sex at age 22.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Many strippers are college students. So just find one that attends your college and then you can get together to study.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    Work on your confidence and fuck college girls for free. The average 22 year old doesn't have the money to be buying lap dances and OTC, so alot of dancers will think you do not have the bankroll to actually follow through.
  • Kingp10
    6 years ago
    Not my intentions to have sex. I want to hang out or make my money stretch with a private dance at their place.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Agree also ... you're lucky enough to be at an age where it's relatively more easy to get 20-something-year-old women for free. This is a pretty important age to be socializing with your peers, rather than doubling down on paying for sex. Are you doing this SCing by yourself -- that is, not going with your buddies, but doing it alone?
  • Kingp10
    6 years ago
    Thanks Sinclair makes sense.
  • Kingp10
    6 years ago
    Yea alone
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Most of us on this site are older so [view link] your situation. Stress is something that needs to be dealt with, if strip clubs help with that then cool but it can get possibly get addictive so one needs to be careful not to rely on strip clubs as the cure-all.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    This universal thought that every young guy can and will get all the pussy he wants just b/c he's young, is a fallacy - for various reasons a lot of young guys are not in that boat of constantly getting free pussy no more than all guys in their 20s 30s or 40s get all the free pussy they want
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Honestly seeing strippers at your age as a customer is and a good diversion but as sinclair said you should be dating/mating girls as your prime goal. No its not going to help your grades, if anything it will be a big distraction when you are studying and the stripper shit texts start popping up on your phone. Also at your age it is doubtful your wisdom iz developed enough to filter out the bs from the truth from these girls. You dont need that crap in your life and unless you have access to lots of discretionary money dont make it a habit. Date em dont pay em.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    Occasional visits to the SC can be good for stress. However, sometimes you get caught up with ROB's or overspend at the SC and end up getting more stressed out than before you walked in.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Most guys do OTC for sex and for some of them part of the OTC is hanging out (dinner, etc). Many dancers are not interested in OTC and rather keep their biz in the club - i.e. getting a dancer to OTC is not as simple as asking and willing to pay b/c many dancers ate not into it - and the ones that may consider it need to see it as worth their time (i.e. making decent $$$ fir their time). Strippers get with customers b/c of $$$, i.e. pay-to-play - on avg if a custy wants a stripper's time he usually has to spend. When a custy wants more than dances , that usually means they want sex - sems in your case you may just want more time with her - ifcthis us the case then you need tovask a different question such as "Hiw can I get the most amount of time with a dancer/CF"
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    As others have said, many of these girls are trouble and often you don't get to see that it's the club
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    In the club one usually can't tell how dysfunctional many of these girls are and getting involved with them can often be detrimental. Strip clubbing can be a bit of a two-edged sword in terms of the $$$ one can spend and even worse getting involved with some of these crazy and often unstable in life, women - as others have mentioned, probably not a good idea to get too deep into strip clubs at this point in your life.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I remember going to strip clubs while in college. It created stress. I couldn't afford to do anything with the girls and it became very frustrating.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I went a few times in college....a couple times resulted in free OTC, but too much drama...I'm glad I didn't get sucked in at that age. In my 20's I found that going to college bars or bars where 20 somethings hung out, I got get laid at least occasionally...You have to play the numbers and don't get down on rejections...The best place I had success was when I lived in a 5 bedroom house off campus with other guys and we threw parties. People would come over and we'd pay for a keg...they brought whatever else they wanted usually wine and liquor...I got laid at least twice by simply telling a girl that I lived there and asking her if she'd like to see my bedroom...simple as that.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I didn’t club in college. I had very little money in college. I was more interested in fucking 21 year old girls in college (without paying). If going to clubs helps you to deal with stress - that’s good. Otc can create stress - as you generally need to plan - get a whore/dancer - find a hotel room - the plans must come together too. Lots of otc girls can be flaky - which can be stressful and annoying. Not having your own place might be a good thing - as hopefully you won’t think about bringing girls back there.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    If you’re in college there should be some sort of rec league for just about any interest you have, places where you can meet guy friends and coeds that will eventually let you in their pants. You’re young dude, take advantage of it. You’ll have plenty of time to spend in a strip club when you’re older!!!
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    It’s too much of a distraction, wait till you get out of school.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    For the most part, you're asking guys who are not even close to your age demographic. If you have enough loose cash to maintain a consistent strip club habit, then I'm not sure why you're in college (unless you have rich parents and a generous allowance...). Regardless, if you're not very good at getting civilian sex with girls your own age, then you should work on that. Because that's really a skill that you should have before going to p4p. Strip clubs will be fine, I think, as an occasional stress reliever, but potentially a rat's nest beyond that. But if you're bound and determined... You're going to have a harder time convincing a dancer to OTC with a guy your age. First, they will not believe that you don't want sex. Second, they won't believe you have the cash. Because most students don't. But, if you can go into a club and wave enough cash around, then someone will take the bait. Beyond showing that you can spend, take a shower and don't be creepy. This isn't three-dimensional chess. Hotel booking... go into a hotel, ask for a room, and pay cash. Don't worry about the people behind the counter. They universally don't give a shit. Search the articles and discussions for threads on OTC strategies. There's *many* of them. For every 10 guys here, there's 12 different approaches to OTC. It really depends on what you need to do to feel safe / protected when you meet.
  • Kingp10
    6 years ago
    WOW Thanks for being real with me guys. I will just focus on school and dating women around me instead of going to strip clubs (I go bimonthly) . Chicago has a bad rep for strip clubs anyway so I will just watch from the sidelines with whats going on in chicago strip clubs through tuscl. And I will find better ways of relieving stress. Thanks again for being real!
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    You're in college. This is prime time when it comes to getting attention from other women that are similar in age. If you can't land a civilian girl and therefore go the stripper route, then I would tell you to work on your civilian game. I would think a lot of the strip clubs near colleges are filled with college girls. Save your money, work on your game, and study hard. Strip clubs can come later for you. I do not think going to the strip club once a month should be an issue for you as long as you are careful in how much you spend
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I hated strip clubs in college. I had no money; fat, ugly old men were a bigger prize than me in my prime; and watching was just as inane to me then as it is now, so I found it frustrating. While I meet a lot of young men in my job, the one thing they don't seem to do is go to bars to chase women. No one has ever been able to explain it to me either. In college, before we'd go out we'd pound some beers at the frat and when it was time to go I'd look my buddy in the eye and say: "Just think, in less than 4 hours we're gonna be fucking someone we haven't even met yet". Off we'd go. The chase was as good or better than the sex.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Strip clubs are very expensive. Usually someone in college has to accept living on the cheap. If they cannot accept that, then they probably won't be able to stay in school. School has lots of collateral lifestyle costs. SJG
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Y'all make it sound like any dweeb in his early 20s has no problem getting laid. I, for one, had no game. I know.... Surprise, surprise.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ I think its actually even worse. College environments are a conformist culture, the longer you stay in it, the more hamstrung you are getting. Just ask Elliot Roger of UC Santa Barbara. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Dating and getting laid by civvies your own age is def the way to go - but for those where that is not as easy as many of the studs here, then perhaps SCing is better than being hard-up all the fucking time - and for some dudes, being exposed to women via strip-clubs may actually make it easier to approach women IRL as long as they see SCs for what they are (instant gratification for $$$)
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I like women dressed slutty. Not as much of that outside of strip clubs. Also, college has many negative aspects. Like for one the women are generally being supported by their parents. as also are many of the men. Not saying anyone is doing anything wrong, but it does make for a much more conformist and Joe Cool type environment. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I feel that using strip clubs to destress from college would not work. Strip clubs are inherently corrupting. Not likely someone would stay in school if they started visiting strip clubs. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Of course the organization I am building is the solution to all of this. I recognized long ago that there are some serious conflicts in our society. Everyone gets a life long continuing education and assisted career building, along with getting drained dry by stripper grade dolled up hotties 365 days per year. But this is not for everyone, only for the very few, and always invitation only. SJG
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    I clubbed occasionally in my college days. Probably went out once every three months or so. If you were like me and didn't do well with women in general, it was a good way to gain experience and not be intimidated by attractive women. Without getting too deep, I had a kind of troubled childhood in terms of a smothering, narcissistic mom in a codependent relationship, so clubbing helped me come of age and offered a release for my raging libido. Also, yeah, it was a nice occasional destresser or reward. I didn't have the money to go out more often. Once I got out of school and got a job that paid real money, I think it went to something more like once a month, which is probably what it's balanced out to since. Interestingly enough, I liked older women when I was younger, as they'd often kinda want to show me the ropes. Now that I'm a little older, I like younger girls more. Go figure.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    That said, yeah, don't expect OTC as a college kid. Even dancers will think you're too young, inexperienced and irresponsible to either pay them enough or make it enjoyable. OTC is an older man's game. Not necessarily an exclusively elderly man's game, but definitely not a college kid's game. Go to a college bar with some similarly horny buddies and find ladies who are making enough iffy choices around midnight that they might also make iffy choices near closing time. Or, if you have the cash to club regularly, go to spring break someplace that's a destination and smash whatever you can find. Just use protection; don't become a dad at 22 (my recommendation would be not ever, but that's just me).
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    I went in college, but never when I was dating someone and I never gave any thought to extras or OTC. It was mostly just another social activity on weekends.
  • Sammycalila
    6 years ago
    All good advice up here. Dont try to be a PLoser so soon if u can find a meaningful relationship at school. Try to approach a girl u have interest at school like you would in a strip club. Might trick your brain and make it easy. Just focus on school and get a good job. Make lots of money and u can afford all the strippers you want in the future.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    There is an issue though that the college environment is just culturally narrow and conformist. Just read the statements made by Elliot Roger. It is just like an extension of high school, it can be constant denigration day after day, and beyond a point he for one just could not take it any longer. The younger the average age of the students, the more of them that are full time, and the more of them that are being supported by their parents, the more it is that way. Not that there is anything wrong with being full time, young, or supported by one's parents. But it still makes for a conformist culture, and at the epicenter of it are the sorority girls. SJG Bay Area Stocks Plunge! [view link] Bring it on! These tech sector bubbles are about the worst thing for innovation and creativity which one could possibly imagine! California Chief Justice ( thank you Jerry Brown ) [view link] What are strippers really thinking ( big tits ) [view link] Pink Floyd playlist [view link]
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    DC9428. i agree dont waste your time learing "game," or going to regular bars/clubs just to meet women. Getting laid is hard, and then if you do meet a girl you will be worried about her cheating on you ect...It also cost money to party at regular bars/clubs. Drinks on average are 8 dollars a pop plus 10 dollar cover charges. Focus on you, get in shape and learn to make money. if you dont like working out, making money will do. Money cuts the distance between attraction and desire. Women are hoes, all they want is money. your personality, game, penis size doesnt not matter. Money matters. also learning game is going to consume time, money buys time.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    If you read the comments majority of them stated you dont make enough money to "waste" at a strip club. so learn to make some. All money you spend on women you date is a waste.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    what DC9428 said made a lot of sense. another thing is......safety in general is important to women, especially on a college campus..........so i'd imagine getting laid isn't easy peasy
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    In the 60s, 70s, and early-80s, pre-HIV onslaught; perhaps there was a lot more "free love" going around - HIV def changed the game. And nowadays, many hot young women know they can much more easily monetize their pussy via simple webcamming, sugar-babying; or just being IM models; thus a bit less likely for them to wanna give it up for free when others will pay them. Not saying that there probably isn't a good amount of sex going on campuses; but perhaps there's a difference b/w generations/decades - not to mention how ultra-liberal many campuses are today where having sex with a girl can easily be turned into some type of sexual-assault.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    According to the CIA World Fact Book income per capita is $60K and 32% of the population is obese. That is really not that much money, if you made about $125K you would be top percent based on income. Take a look at the gallery of Co-Eds from Girls Do Porn. Episodes 430, 462, 404, 319. These girls are 1 and done, but what got them to do porn $$$. Thats my theory, sure some crave fame but thats the iceing on the cake. Im sure the guys railing this hot ass hoes had "game" or maybe money. Girls are like ticks once they know you have money, they will latch on to you. it dont matter if they are gold diggers
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    Some of you sound jaded. You can literally have zero game/be a broke college student and get laid. You don't even have to be good-looking. Wear decent clothes, hit the gym, and be able to communicate at a passable level with the opposite sex. Post-college is where you'll run into some trouble if you don't have a good job, aren't particularly good looking, or have zero game. I think I read somewhere that millenials aren't into hookup culture as much as the previous generation
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    You can get laid in college pretty easily by average looking girls, or girls you’re not interested in. For the good looking girls or girls you’re interested in, you don’t need money, but you do need some game.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I agree with DC9428, and I am gladdened to see that others are also looking at the Elliot Rodger case and seeing that there is something to be learned from that, that it does say something to us. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "College girls are very loose, but only for a specific kind of guy." I agree. A lot of it is that most on the students come from well off families, are supported by their parents, and they are all committed to keeping up appearances, conspicuous leisure. And of course this runs at odds with getting an education, as that takes real work. The insanity of this is what finally pushed Elliot Roger over the edge. In the organization I am building everyone will be getting a much better education via life long supervised independent study. SJG Steely Dan live at Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA 1993 [view link]
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    ^^^exactly DC, its even hard to fuck strippers, whats rick average 30%. Girls share the top guys
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ "Good luck going for the average girls,..." Then go for the below average girls.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ :) :) :) Better just to be in a broader cultural environment, like where you will be dealing with young women who are struggling to be self supporting. They look at guys and situations differently. Who knows, in such an environment Elliot Rodger might have done well. SJG
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    "I will just focus on school and dating women around me instead of going to strip clubs (I go bimonthly) ." If you've got anxiety with talking with girls, just find a couple if reliable wingmen and hit the bars (or under 21 clubs if you're not legal). It helps if you or one of your wingmen can consistently keep a girl flirting. "And I will find better ways of relieving stress. Thanks again for being real!" That's a good idea. Strip clubs are convient, but there isn't anything there that'll last. Chances are every once in a long while the stripper or hooker with the heart of gold will come along and you'll live out a hollywood screenplay, but don't go looking for that.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Standard colleges are an all encompasing environment. I had had a GF about two years older, now graduated from the college and employed as staff. Beyond a point I did not want to see her. She wanted more than once a week, I did not even want that. College draws you in, if you want to pass demanding classes, if you want some chance of being able to use what you were supposedly learning. The organization I am building is the solution, a fully integrated lifestyle where you don't need to worry about money, and where pussy is always already right there waiting for you. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    College can be a really shitty environment: [view link] [view link] SJG Libertarian BitCoin Fantasies, Puerto Rico [view link] [view link] Yes or No? Puerto Rico I think [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    College gets worse and worse, as in grad school one is more marginalized and delegitimated. And then the education gets to be much more narrow, usually the exact opposite of what is needed. SJG NOLO, Chartres - Iberville, doesn't the black girl in purple look good? I think this picture originally came from Google Street View [view link] Chelsea Manning, running for the US Senate from Maryland, quite interesting [view link] Steely Dan - Katy Lied (1975, Studio Album) 09 Any World (That I'm Welcome To) [view link] Bring It On! An Inflated Stock Market Is Evidence of Spiritual Sickness, And It Is The Death Of Creativity And Innovation [view link]
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