Detroit Metro Airport Night Talent

I am going to have an upcoming overnight layover in Detroit. Most of my visits to D involve airport area clubs on day shift and mostly Hamilton clubs out of convenience to airport taxi/uber and value. My last all frickin all day Monday layover, day and night talent at three cant miss clubs was a bust. However, the weather was total crap too which is what caused my layover and probably the slim pickings on talent. So on this trip, I will arrive late, 11-12 midnight and not much time to rotate clubs. Not expecting weather to be an issue. So my question for the Detroit locals, knowing the pocket friendly type clubs I hit in Inkster, Dearborn, Southgate area, any suggestions on night talent? I am sure the Hamilton clubs are what they are, but I haven't been to anything really too much other than those and cricket in the area. Looking for something new to add to rotation. I was trying to find Subi's on a recent trip where I drove to Detroit for business but missed it somehow looking for Asian talent some one else described. Any recommendations for where to visit would be appreciated. Any locations that have Asian day or night talent for my future visits would also be welcome. Thanks.
last commentThe day of the week makes a difference. And Monday's are hit and miss, unless the rent's due. You've gone to right places but maybe not the right day or the right time. If you arrive at midnight you should go to FC. It's close and the reviews are getting better since they closed PC for remodeling (or whatever). By the way, Subi's is a great one, especially if you've never been there. I don't see Asian talent in Detroit clubs. If you have time, go downtown and check out Legend's. You might find Asian ladies there, but I doubt it. There's nothing reliable about this business.
Thanks George. My last experience at flight club, while the lady selection was higher talent wise, the ladies who quoted me were quoting Playboy or Hustler cover model prices for quality time. One who quoted a rate slightly higher than Bogies across the street failed to deliver. So FC has been off my rotation since the started all the extra charges for valet, upstairs, etc. way back when. I haven't been for a long long long while and was considering trying again. I was also considering LS sine it appears their pricing vs talent may have come back more in line sine my last trip there 4 years or so ago. Is Subi's near Nothline and Dix? Not sure how I drove by and missed it. I thought I had drove by it going to H8S and remember neon I think. Either way, I missed it. Just growing tired of Hamilton and Bogies is off my list for a bit. H8 is what it is, I know that. I heard rumors H8S isn't bad a night, but I only have the one Monday to compare.
This trip will be a Friday overnight, so I expect full talent to be on display at most clubs. The problem with weekends is, mileage sometimes goes way down because there are more patrons to choose from and ladies offer less or ask for insane pricing.
Thanks for the suggestion, I may give that a shot and can still bail across or down street if FC doesn't work out.
Any experience with Windsor clubs worth visiting? I think they are open past 2am are they not?
If you don't get in till midnight you won't have much time. The clubs close at 2AM.
I would not go to Windsor. They do have nudity and alcohol together, but the quality of dancers has fallen far from what it was 30 years ago. You won't get extras there.
Flight Club is my favorite. If that doesn't work out, Bogart's is across the street and Henry VIII north is 1/2 mile away on Middlebelt Rd. I also like the Landing Strip, which is very close to the airport.
I have always liked Subi's, although I don't go there often. It's a little further from the airport than the other clubs I mentioned. It should take around 20 minutes. The easiest way is to take Middlebelt south to Northline Rd; then Northline east about 7 miles. After you pass Dix Hwy, Subi's will be on the left just before you reach Fort St.
You don't have a Chinaman's chance of finding an Asian dancer.
Subis has always been a fun club. My ATF worked there for many years. I miss you, Danni.
There was one Asian dancer I saw right before shift change at Flight Club who was pretty hot. Pretty face and nice curves. That was back last year, though, and on day shift.
Maybe jackslash has seen her around and knows about her.
Thanks everyone. I know how I missed Subi's now if it is past Dix Jackslash. I turned around at Dix thinking I missed it. I agree on the Asian, I know of only two in all my clubbing in Michigan. One was at H8N many moons ago and I tried with her, but she could slur her name much less stand up. She was drunk and on something. So she ended up being a no go. There is one older Asian that works in Jackson, but she wears so much perfume, you smell like her just being within 5 ft most times. So I get the Chinamens chance comment which is why when I saw Asian listed at Subi's, I was going to give it a shot.
Vince, thanks for the comment. Your ATF retire?
Thanks wallanon. An Asian day shift dancer if true might be enough for me to try FC again which has been off my rotation for a while. I am open to any recommendations, I am in no way exclusive chocolate. A good personality and straight shooter on service delivery expectations will go a long way with me. I hate the stripper BS. It's just when I saw Asian listed on the site I thought I would grab my Chinaman and try to chase the unicorn.
Anyone have experience with Bree who posts on here? She seems to move clubs a lot and I never come across her yet. Just more curious than anything sine I have never met or seen her, just the come visit me posts.
Jackslash-how is the $ value a FC now? It was way hi for a while vs what was being offered. While I wouldn't expect Bogies or H8 pricing given the upgrade in quality, is the print at least realistic? That plus some of the other BS club charges they instituted a while ago is why it has been off my rotation. Just curious on how far your $ has gone if you frequent the club vs others in area. Thanks.
Dang auto correct - price, not print. Arrrgggghhhhh.
That's what she told me when she said she was moving South several years back, hoosierguy2011
The Flight Club will be the most expensive of the clubs I mentioned.
In my years clubbing in the Detroit area, I think I've seen one asian dancer. So I wouldn't hold my breath looking for any.
As for the question on value at FC, granted yesterday was my first time going there in a few years, but while the drinks are smidge pricier, my FS VIP visit was less expensive than what I've generally paid at other places.
Then again, there were a lot of bolt-on ladies and other PH transplants who had a look about them that their shit don't stank. I imagine they probably believe their intimate time is worth a great deal more than it really should be.
Jack is correct. Timing will be your issue, subi’s While fun is like the landing strip. If you go there and it ducks you’re off the radar for efficiency use of time. My advice? Go directly to the flight club. It’s been great lately. If it’s not up to par or any other problem you have three back up clubs less than a five minute radius. H8N, Bogarts and Criket. Less than two hours to club, that’s the only way to fly for you
Sal is right — time is of the essence here. No time for Subi’s. Stick to FC, Bogies or Criket. Maybe some takeout would be available if you have the desire???
Flight Club used to have an Asian dancer named Honey. Very attractive. But I haven't seen her in a year or more.
When I was at Penthouse two years ago, there were two Asians in the house that night: Jada and Zoe. Both were attractive. Jada had the better curves and offered more. Zoe had a good personality, but didn't offer Detroit-level service. Granted, this was on a Saturday night.
If Jada is still floating around, she's worth finding again.
I recently spotted an Asian at Players, but given the location of the club and the time constraints you have, you would be cutting it close and IMO not worth the hassle of driving all the way up there.
As others have stated, I recommend starting at Flight Club and then going to Bogarts, Henrys, etc. if you have no luck at FC.
Ironman - was the unicorn siting day or night shift? Just curious because if it don't work this trip, maybe I can catch on a future pass through or layover.
Thanks everyone. Enough of you have suggested FC that I will probably go that route. I haven't been there for at least 5 years or more, basically stopped going when they started charging for everything. They nail was when they wanted to charge me valet and coat when I took taxi and had no coat, then before I paid, wanted to charge for booth. That day was my first trip to bogies as I left and walked down the street. Bogies had just two stringed off area left of stairs and most of the upstairs was a waiting area more or less. So it has probably been way more than 5 years now I think about it. Worse case, I'll fall back on Cricket time permitting since I am getting tired of H8 and Bogies (but to be honest, I am tired because of the lineup has become stale and honestly, I miss the crap chairs at H8 over the bench booth that they have now). Heck, some days, depending on the girl, I miss the couches and open room for those that remember. Oh well, at least if I end up at H8 or Bogies I should see some fresh faces since I really only know day shift and a few who occasionally double.
Thanks again everyone for the thoughts. I should be close enough next week to IR in FL I can hopefully get my Asian fix satisfied somewhat there if I don't come across a unicorn in Detroit which sounds like I won't. . Just wished DTW Metro had more of an international flavor. Chicago has great flavors, but lousy clubs and value. I find most women to be ROB's and I don't even bother to go out there anymore. I got better mileage and value at a Tilted Kilt or Hooters vs anywhere in Chicago strip club, although HB wasn't too bad. I just don't get the cool international travel or border travel like I used to. Oh well, I got off topic. Thanks again for feedback and suggestions.
Hoosierguy, I saw this Asian dancer during nightshift on a Friday.
Thanks Ironman.
I've seen Filipinas at Flight Club. They usually have an attitude.
Thanks Ermita_Nights.
Irrelevant to the majority of the thread, sorry, but
@jackslash, honey has been working at Legends for the past few weeks. She's SO hot, too, omg.
Thanks Legend. If I can make it, I will give it a shot this weekend. Time may not permit me on this trip, but appreciate the update.