
Here's a link for the me generation

Friday, November 11, 2016 11:40 PM
The five stages of grief or loss

You can feel free to rant on this site. I do it from time to I time.
Just remember I and other members here aren't going to change anything. We are not huge political figures. We are just people just going about our lives trying to have a little bit of fun at the end of the day or week.

One reason I still post here. When it comes to my investments, it helps to not always talk to people who feel the same way as you. If you only talk to those who feel the same way, you get surprised when things happen contrary to what you expected. You don't understand why people did what they did. You may not like go opposing option but it may be important to understand. Hopefully our president elect understands this as well.

In my opinion, the democrats did not when they forced obamacare on everyone without compromise. Hopefully the republicans understand the poor and unhealthy tend to be desperate and need health care. The current law already has mandates to pay. Instead of ripping it all up and starting over, maybe force competition into the market prices. Maybe allow competition between states, competition for medical care allowing people with foreign degrees in health care to practice medicine here at reduced rates. I don know all the answers but I do believe Obama had his heart in the right place trying to address the issue of people going bankrupt when someone has a serious illness. Just my thoughts I wanted to say.


  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Protesting against the election in my opinion is stupid because that won't change anything. So what's the point except to throw a temper tantrum?
    I guess if it makes you feel better.

    Demonstrate for causes. If you want to keep health care, make a list and how you would improve it, lower costs, write congressmen, etc.

    If you want a path to citizenship for illegals, come up with a plan and promote it. Our president elect is open to suggestions in my opinion. He is not set in stone if it makes sense to him. Deporting millions of illegals would cost billions of dollars I believe. I doubt Trump did an economic study on it. He ran the campaign as lean as possible in my opinion. He's a businessman and such people understand economics. I think his focus will be improving economics ,social issues on the back burner.

    If I were president, I would want done one to do an economic study on costs associated with illegal immigration to help determine what to do. Does it increase costs to have young legal system start paying social security and later on get benefits or decrease costs? What is the legal cost to immigrate here versus illegal? We need to make illegal cost more in fines or fees in my opinion unless they do years of service for our country. Don't get rid of a good thing by deporting workers we will need in a booming economy. If Trump succeeds in creating lots of jobs, we will need lots of training and people willing to work. If the issue with legalization is political views, change them so that republicans are the solution to a better life. I wouldn't be surprised if millions of young illegals might actually help strengthen social security by paying into it if they have a pathway to citizenship. Th democrats to my knowledge never did an economic study on it. There are a lot of smart people in this country and I believe our president elect will have access to the best minds and ideas. It's not the end of the world despite all the non politically correct playboy mental attitude of the election winner.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago

    practicing my spanish for my eventual move to tijuana.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    There are some good looking girls down south. I'm just wondering how a few random girls from South America, Mexico and the Philippines are finding me on Facebook. It might be my last name is more common than I think or Facebook makes my pic show up near the top of the list now when searching my name instead of remaining hidden.

    I studied French in high school but the Spanish class had all the parties.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If Hillary won, I was wondering where I could move to. I feel stuck at the moment. Canada and maybe Costa Rica came to mind but I know nothing about Costa Rica except some literature someone mailed me out of the blue. I was thinking Hilkary would get us in a nuclear war with Russia or cause civil war here in the US when she attempted massive gun confiscation. I have seen how good she has been with creating civil wars overseas.
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